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人教PEP英语四年级下册 第六单元The third period(第三课) 教案反思_第5页
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1、 Part A Lets spell 教学内容与标课时古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。欧阳修课时教学内容Lets spell 教学重点东宫白庶子 南寺远禅师。白居易远师新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。出自郑燮的新竹教学目标能够感知并归纳 er, ar, ir, or, ur, al, -le 在单词中的发音规则 能够读出符合以上发音规则的单词能够在图片的提示下根据单词的读音拼写出符合上述发音规则的单词补全 句子,并在四线三格中工整规范地写出来能够感知并归纳 er, ar, ir, or, ur, al, 教学难点le 在单词中的发音规则。通过发现式的学习方法,能够观察、感知、体验并归纳 ar,

2、 ir, or, ur, al, 在单 词中的发音规则。 教学准备预习大课练习作业本中本课时的关内容2. PPT 课件、课文录音、视频等。 教学过程Step Warm-up Revision Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Sing a song Phonics song (出示课件) 3.Enjoy a Finger family. (出示课件) 4. Lead-in.T: What do you see in the song Finger family? S: Daddy, mommy, brotherTeaching 通过跟唱歌曲 造语音教学氛围, 复习 个字母发音 学

3、生 欣 赏 歌 曲 Finger family入课。T: Yes. They are “finger ”. Today we are going to know a new family. Lets see.Write down the topic “Shopping” on the blackboard. Step Presentation1. Conclude the pronunciation of the letter combination “er in T: Welcome “r-family Lets see who they are. Theyre “er, ar, i, or

4、 and ur(课件出示:歌曲Finer family的歌词)T: Now ets see the first family member“er”. Can read these words? What can you find?Ss: Yes! It sounds “/ /” in the words.2. Conclude pronunciation of the letter combinations ir, u ” in T: The other our family members ar “ar, ir, or, ur”. Now lets read. 创设“ r-family” 这

5、 情 景 , 出 示 歌 曲 Finger family 歌词,引导学生 感知并归纳“ er”发音规 则。 通过诵读一段 chant 导学生感知并归 or, ”的发音规则。3.Conclude pronunciation of the letter combinations -le” in words.T: “r-family want visit their little unces farm. The farm i far away. Thy must climb stairs, pck the apples and coss the river. Can you help them?(1

6、)Task 1: Climb stairs. 创设情景,通过几个游 戏活动引导学生感知并归纳 “al, -le”的发音规则。Students read the words and cnclude thepronunciatin rule of he lettr combinaton “al”.(2)Task 2: Pick the apples.Students read the words and conclude the pronunciation rule of the letter combination “-le”.(3)Task 3: Cros the river. Stdents

7、 read the words aloud.Step Practice1. this!Teaching 学生通过读 上示 的符合发音规则的单词,进 一步巩固发音规则,为第二 个活动中的补全短语或句子 做好准备。Students by one read them out together.2. Look, listen write.(1) Look at the pictures.(2) Listen and write down the words. (出示课件)(3) Check the answers. (课件出示:答案及听力材料)(4) Read the sentences loudly

8、 by themselves.Step Consolidation & ExtensionListen and chant.1. Talk about the picture.Show the picture to students and ask a question. (课 件出示:Listen and chant 图片)T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: A girl, a ball, two birds and the 2. Watch the and understand the Play the cartoon. (出示课件)Lead st

9、udents to understand the chant.3.Read the chant.Play the cartoon again. Students read after it and pay attention to the important words.4.Show Students read the chant in groups.板书设Teaching 先看图再听再。 在学生进行听力练习之前, 预留时间请学生对所听内容 进行预测和推断,对学生进 行有效的听力技巧指导,并 且通过活动帮助学生进一步 巩固发音规则。学生通过练 习教材中的 一巩 固发音规则。 作业设计1. Tr

10、y to find more that have ar, or, ur, al, ”. and share them. 2. Do the exercises. (见“练习本系列丛练习册作业对课时作 ) 教学反思1.通过跟唱Phonics song营造英语语音教学氛围,帮助学生复习 个字母的发音,为本课 后面的学习做铺垫。2.通过欣赏Finger family导入新课,创设r-family”这个情景,并通过诵读 ,引导 学生感知并归纳“er, ar, ir, or, ur”的发音规则。3.创设情景,通过“climb stairs, pick the apples, cross the rive

11、r”这几个游戏活动引导 学生感知并归纳“al, -le”的发音规则。4.在学生进行听力练习之前,预留时间请学生对所听内容进行预测和推断,对学生进行有效的听 力技巧指导,并且通过活动帮助学生进一步巩固发音规则。5.理解并竞读教材中的 chant成功地激发了学生的学习积极性,引导学生积极参与学生活动, 享受成功。 Teaching Contents Teaching Lets spellPerceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “er, ar, ir, or, ur, al, -le” in w

12、ords.Read the words that have the letter combinations “er, ar, ir, or, ur, al, ” according to the pronunciation rules above.Write the words that have the letter combinations“er, ir, or, ur, al, according to the pronunciation rules. Teaching PrioritiesPerceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of

13、the letter combinations “er, ar, ir, or, ur, al, -le” in words. Teaching DifficultiesObserve, perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules by discovery learning. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching Warm-up&Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings. 1. Greetings. Arou

14、se students2. Play a songPhonics 2. learning interest. song. song and sing it. Help students review 3. Play a songFinger 3. Listen and enjoy the pronunciation of family. the second song and the 26 letters. Lead4. Lead-in. try to sing it. in the new lesson.Lead students toperceive and concludePresent

15、ationConclude the 1. Read the chants. pronunciation rules Find and the of the letter pronunciation rules. combinations “er, 2. Finish the tasks ar, ir, or, ur, and conclude the al,-le” in words. pronunciation rules.the pronunciationrules of the lettercombinations inwords. Developstudents autonomousl

16、earning ability.Strengthen the memoryof the pronunciationrules.PracticeTeachingStages1. Try this!Ask students to readthe words on thePPT.2. Look, listen andwrite.Teacher sActivitiesRead the words bythemselves.Then read together.(1) Look at thepictures.(2) Listen and writedown the words.(3) Check ans

17、wers.(4) Read thesentences.Students ActivitiesStrengthen the memoryof the pronunciationrules of the lettercombinations further.Master thepronunciation rulesof the words whichhave these lettercombinations.Finish the tasks oflistening andwriting.Teaching Consolidation1. Talk about thepicture.Show the

18、picture in“Listen and chant”and ask a question.2. Watch the cartoonand understand thechant.Play the cartoon.Look at the pictureand answer thequestion. Watch thecartoon andLead students topractice the chant.Consolidate the&Lead students tounderstand the chant. pronunciation rulesExtension understand

19、the chant. Then read the chant3. Read the chant. and act it out in Play the cartoon again. class.Ask students to readafter it and payattention to theimportant words.4. Show time.of these lettercombinations.1. Try to find more words that have “er, ar, ir, or, ur, al,-le”.Homework Read and share them.

20、2. Do the exercises.TeachingStagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching Consolidation&Extension1. Talk about thepicture.Show the picture in “Listen and chant” and ask a question.2. Watch understand the chant.Play the cartoon.Lead students tounderstand the chant.3. Read the chant.Play the c

21、artoon again.Ask students to readLook at the pictureand answer the Lead students to question. Watch the practice the chant. cartoon and Consolidate the understand the chant. pronunciation rules Then read the chant of these letter and act it out in combinations. class.after it and payattention to theimportant words.4. Show tim


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