天津宝坻区育英中学 2022-2023学年高二英语模拟试题含解析_第1页
天津宝坻区育英中学 2022-2023学年高二英语模拟试题含解析_第2页




1、天津宝坻区育英中学 2022-2023学年高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ in the book he was reading on the way, the boy was almost knocked down by a car. A. Having absorbed B. Being absorbed C. Absorbed D. To be absorbed 参考答案:C略2. We cannot _ religion by administrative order or force people not to believe in it.AdelayBpolishCdel

2、ete Dabolish参考答案:Dabolish“废除,废止”;delay“耽搁,延迟”;polish“擦亮,磨光”;delete“删除”;此处意为“废除宗教”。3. - You shouldnt have talked back to our teacher like that. It was awfully impolite.- You are right. I _ crazy at that moment.A. could have been B. must have beenC. can be D. should have been参考答案:B4. I a book when she

3、 came in, so I didnt notice her until she patted me on the back.A. readB. would readC. am readingD. was reading参考答案:D5. Great Changes _in Shanghai since 2000.A. have been taken place B. took place C. had taken place D. have taken place参考答案:D略6. After seeing the movie Three Idiots, I felt shocked and

4、 annoyed, not knowing _.A. who to be blamed B. who to blame C. who blamed D. who should blame参考答案:B略7. The population of this city,forty percent of which_,_20% in the last three years.A. are Germans; has risen by B. are Germans; has fallen toC. is Germans; have increased to D. is Germans; have been

5、reduced by 参考答案:A8. “Ive told you a million times - _ my belongings alone!” shouted Paul angrily. A. keep B. leave C. set D. lay参考答案:B9. is no doubt the amber room was lost in the world War.A. It; that B.It; whether C.There; that D.There ; whether.参考答案:A10. Doctor! Help me, please! Nothing hurts mor

6、e than a bad tooth. _. Sit here, now. I will give you an examination at once.A. Take your timeB. TakeiteasyC. No hurryD.Itdoesnt matter参考答案:B11. After many years attempts, China _ managed to send the first man to have a space walk with Shenzhou-7 spacecraft in September 2008. A. awfully B. eventuall

7、y C. lately D. actually参考答案:B12. I would rather she_ here tomorrow because Im too busy.A. will comeB. would comeC. had comeD. came参考答案:D13. Ive got all her records, but Ive never seen her .A. in the flesh B. in secret C. in fashion D. in the way参考答案:A14. - You must obey every word of mine?- _ I dont

8、. A. What if B. How if C. Such as D. Only if参考答案:A15. -Would you mind if I take the seat?- .AYes, sit down, please BSurely, never mindCNo, not at all DNo, you cant take it参考答案:C二、 填空16. 语法填空(每小题1.5分, 共15分 )Although English is not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every

9、day. English speakers are always s making new words and we should be able to know21 most words come from.Sometimes, however, no one may really know where 22 word comes form. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, 23 (especial) when they are not made 24 ham? About a hundred ye

10、ars ago, some men went to America from Europe. They came from a big city in Germany called Hamburg.They did not speak good English, 25 they ate good food. Some Americans saw the eating round pieces of beef. Never 26 they seen such ad strange way. They couldnt help 27 (ask) the Germans what it was. T

11、he Germans did not understand the question and answered, “we came from Hamburg.” One of these Americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea. He 28 his mind to do something new. He cooked some round pieces of the beef like what the men from Hamburg ate and sold it quite a few 29 (country) around the

12、world.Whether this story is true or not, it certainly is 30 (interest).参考答案:三、 阅读理解17. True happiness is such a rare commodity(有价值之物)that the whole of the world is continuously seeking it and failing to find it. Why ishappinesssuch an elusive(难捉摸的) thing? Is it that it cannot simply be achieved? Or

13、is it that it is not where all of us have been looking for it?What is it that we consider happiness? This is how I see it: Happinessis what you feel when what you want to happen happens. And the then we can conclude that unhappiness is what we feel when what we want to happen does not happen.The mai

14、n keyword in definition is want. The whole trouble starts when we want something. Every moment of our lives we keep on wanting something or the other. Only a small percentage of all our wishes is fulfilled in spite of all our endeavors(努力). The frustration of failing to fulfill most of our wishes se

15、ts in. We start feeling weighed down. Desire is a seed which grows fruits of unhappiness. Actually the trouble is that we demand too much. The only solution to this problem is to break out of this cycle of desires and struggles.Actually, happiness and unhappiness are two sides of the same coin. The

16、desire for happiness is like asking only for the light and not for darkness. But there is not much difference between light and darkness. It is matter of degree only.If we think deeper, we will realize that it is this pain of failure, pain of frustrated desires which is of greater significance to us

17、. It is actually like good health. One can only define health as an absence of diseases. In order to have good health we strive to avoid diseases. You cannot purchase or achieve good health directly. You have to take steps which keep your body free of diseases. Then only the organs of body keep func

18、tioning properly and you experience good health. Similarly, when one destroys the root cause of unhappiness, the problems are over. And the root cause of all our unhappiness is DESIRE.12. According to the author, happiness means that_A. you have much money B. you can experience everythingC. youre li

19、ving healthily D. your wishes come true13. Which of the following can best replace the underlined words “weighed down” in Paragraph 3?A. Crazy B. WorriedC. Interested D. Serious14. By discussing how people keep healthy, the author tries to_.A. remind people to find the direct cause of their unhappin

20、essB. show what people really desireC. stress physical health and mental health are both importantD. offer ways to find the root cause of unhappiness15. What can be concluded from the passage?A. In fact, it takes people much to feel happyB. No people are willing to limit their desiresC. While seekin

21、g happiness, you have to accept unhappinessD. To have good health, people should try to feel happy参考答案:12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C作者认为幸福和不幸的区别是愿望是否得以实现,其实幸福和不幸是共存的,要想解决此问题必须找到问题的根源。12. D细节推理题。根据第二段Happiness is what you feel when what you want to happen happens. And the then we can conclude that unhappiness is what we feel when what we want to happen does not happen.可知作者认为愿望实现了就幸福,愿望


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