



1、天津大港区实验中学2022年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Im afraid he is more of a talker than a doer,which is_he never finishes anythingAwhy Bwhen Cthat Dwhere参考答案:A2. Its a long time _ I last saw youYes, and it will be another month _ we can meet again.A. before; since B. when; before C. since; when D. since; before参考答案

2、:D略3. Have you read the book _ I lent to you?A. that B. whom C. when D. whose参考答案:A4. _, I believe, and you will find Tom is very outgoing.A. Having a talk with the student B. Given a talk with the student C. One talk with the student D. If you have a talk with the student参考答案:c略5. All the students

3、at school are required to _ lectures by the experts on how to save themselves when accidents occur, such as fires, a gas leak and so on. A. join in B. take part in C. attend D. participate in 参考答案:C6. He appears to be strong and healthy, but, _ he suffers from a very weak heart.A. in other words B.

4、on the other hand C. as a matter of fact D. for one thing参考答案:C7. In the last few years thousands of films all over the word.A .have produced B. have been producedC. are producing D. are being produced参考答案:b略8. Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together.A. compareB. fitC. suit D. matched.参考

5、答案:D9. Can you give me some advice on how to _ the time I have lost?A. look up to B. make up for C. put up with D. break away from 参考答案:B10. The girl was left alone in the room and couldnt help crying _. A. perfectly B. narrowly C. bitterly D. simply参考答案:C略11. I think its better to give it a second

6、thought so many of us consider it a riskAas Bbefore Calthough Donce参考答案:A12. My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours , but it is twice _ expensive .A. as B. so C. too D. very参考答案:A解析:考查倍数的表示方法。该题采用了“倍数+as+adj./adv+as ”这一结构,所以答案为A。13. Its thought that ones anxiety often occurs

7、as a result of his unsuccessful _ to the new surroundings()AexpectationBadaptationCdescriptionDreference参考答案:Bexpectation期望;adaptation适应;description描述;reference参考,涉及;结合句意一个人焦虑情绪的经常出现是由于不能成功的适应新环境导致的可知,是指不能适应新环境带来的负面影响;故选B14. Tom didnt attend the meeting, _ we expected.A. which B. that C. as D. what参

8、考答案:C略15. Its not what you have in your life but you have in your life that matters.A.who B.that C.which D.what参考答案:A考查主语从句。句意:重要的不是你生活中拥有什么,而是你拥有谁。使用强调句,强调的是notbut连接的并列的主语从句。第二个主语从句中have后面缺少宾语,排除that,根据句意应该是who。故选A。16. The warmth of _ coat will mostly be determined by _ soft of cloth used. A. the;

9、a B. a; the C. /; the D. a; a 参考答案:B略17. -You _ have set aside more time to play with our kids.-I wish I _, but you know how busy I was.A. should, would B. could, did C. might, should D. should, had参考答案:D18. He has never seen such a good film, _.A. neither did Lily B. nor has Lily C. so Lily has D.

10、so has Lily参考答案:B19. I wouldnt think it to ask him to the club hell only refuse.A. worthwhile; join B. worthwhile; join in C. worth; join D. worth; join in参考答案:A二、 书面表达20. 假设你正在参加一场英语演讲比赛,你抽到的演讲题目是“Time is a bird forever on the wing”,请你就该话题展开演讲。你的演讲必须包含以下三方面的内容:1、 你对此话的理解;2、 用自己的一个事例支持你的理解;3、 总结发言。注

11、意:1、词数:120150; 2、开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Good afternoon everyone! Thats all.Thank you for listening.参考答案:Good afternoon everyone!Im so glad today to be standing here to make this speech. My topic is “Time is a bird forever on the wing”.As I put it,time is valuable and it never stops.Time and

12、tide wait for no man and therefore we should make wise use of it rather than waste it.One year ago,I made acquaintances with some problem students and fell into bad habits.I didnt want to go on with school any longer and started to play truant.I wasted a lot of time which I should have spent studyin

13、g.I fell far behind other students in my class.Later,my English teacher found my problem and helped me out of the big trouble.How I regret the time I wasted,but thanks to my teacher,I realized it before I went too far.Lost time is gone forever and can never be back.I sincerely hope that every one of

14、 us should have a strong sense of time and make good use of it.Thats all.Thank you for listening.21. 请用英语为China Daily 写一篇关于保护野生动物的短文。内容应包含:1. 许多野生动物濒临灭绝,保护野生动物势在必行。2. 分析造成野生动物濒临灭绝的原因。 3. 至少提出两条保护野生动物的措施。注意:不要逐条翻译,词数100字左右。参考答案:One possible version:Many wild animals have already died out and hundreds

15、 of others are becoming endangered. So it is necessary to protect wild animas. If nothing is done, we may find ourselves alone on the earth. Wild animals are endangered for many reasons. Firstly, the forests where wild animals live are being destroyed. As a result, the animals are losing their habit

16、ats. Secondly, many animals are dying out because of pollution. Besides, too much hunting also causes the disappearance of certain species of wild animals. As far as Im concerned, the government should keep people from destroying三、 阅读理解22. High childcare costs are putting British mothers off going o

17、ut to work. It really is that simple. Eurostat figures show that 66 per cent of mothers in the UK work, less than France (72 per cent), Denmark (86 per cent), the Netherlands (78 per cent) or Germany (69 per cent). This not only damages Britains economic prosperityit limits womens careers and squeez

18、es family incomes. It would be fine if this is the choice parents want to make, but it isnt. Half of those surveyed want to go to work and the expense of childcare is one of the key reasons they couldnt. Despite claims made by Labour (工党) about childcare, a forthcoming (即将到来的) report by the Institut

19、e for Public Policy Research (IPPR) confirms the true legacy of their time in government. They left behind a childcare system with high costs to parents, variable quality and patchy (不均匀的) coverage, despite soaring government spending. British parents now face the highest childcare bills in the worl

20、d after Switzerland. In the Eighties and Nineties under Mrs Thatcher and John Major, the picture was very different. Mothers in England were more likely to go out to work than their Dutch or German counterparts. But the position has reversed, despite a huge rise in public spending. So why does the B

21、ritish Government spend more on childcare than France or Germany, even though the costs given to parents are sky-high? As always, under the previous government, money was frittered away (浪费) without adequate focus on improving quality. Instead of clear and transparent funding, four separate funding

22、streams were created, skewing (偏离) the market and confusing parents and providers alike. The majority of the money was given away in cash benefits; so much of it did not get through to the front line. The IPPR report points out that continental systems, in countries such as Germany, France, Denmark

23、and the Netherlands, manage to deliver better value for money. What all of these systems have in common is a focus on quality, with greater flexibility and autonomy given to local providers. They also see a much higher proportion of government money getting to the front line. 64. Which of the following doesnt belong to the disadvantages caused by the mothers prevented from going to


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