八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matterSection B导学案_第1页
八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matterSection B导学案_第2页
八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matterSection B导学案_第3页
八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matterSection B导学案_第4页




1、Section B(Period 3 1a-1d)【学习目标】1、重点单词:bandage, sick, knee, nosebleed, hurt, hit2、重点短语:feel sick, get hit on the head, put a bandage on , put ones head back, put on a clean shirt, have a nosebleed【重点,难点】 使用should和shouldnt给出合理建议。【自学检测】1. 告诉他休息 2. 穿上一件干净的体恤衫 _3. 流鼻血 4. 照X光片 5. 量体温 _ 6. 割破了膝盖 7. 在上面敷些药

2、_ 8. 贴创可贴 _ 9. 休息几天 _10. run it under water _11. put your head back _12. get hit by a ball_【完成任务】Task one (1a): When these accidents happen, what should you do? Put the actions in order in 1a.Task two (1b): Listen and check the problems you hearTask three (1c):Listen and write the letter of each tre

3、atment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.Task four (1d):Role-play a conversation【拓展练习】一、用should/shouldnt完成下列句子1. Shes tired. She_ go to the party.2. Im hungry. You _eat some bread.3. Sally is stressed out. He_ study.4. I have a sore throat. You_ drink some hot tea with honey.5. The

4、yre thirsty. They_ eat more pizza.6. Alice has a headache. She_ go to bed.二、补全对话Jim: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning. Whats the _ with you?Jim: I dont _ well, Im feeling cold.Doctor: Open your mouth and _ “Ah.” Jim: Ah.Doctor: And Im going to_ your temperature. Jim: Am I really ill?Doctor

5、: Yes. You have a bad _ and a high _. Jim: Must I stay at home? Doctor: Yes, you must. And you _ take the medicine three _ a day.Jim : OK, I know. Thank you. Doctor: I _ you feel _ soon.三、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. A man has two _ (foot); a dog has four _ (foot).2. He had to lie down for a while _ (rest) his le

6、gs. 3. This bus can carry 40 _ (passenger).4. I have a _ (tooth) because there is a cavity (洞) in one of my _ (tooth).5. Mary hurt _ ( her ) when she fell over .四.单项选择1.My mother is ill. .A. I think so. B. Thats OK.C. Really? Thank you D. I am sorry to hear that.2. You shouldnt eat for breakfast.A.

7、some B. any C. something D. anything3. If you have a toothache, you should see a .A. policeman B. teacher C. nurse D. dentist4. Im very tired .I should . A. work B. rest C. have lunch D .see a film5. Nancy is not feeling now. A. badly B. well C. nice D .right6. - Whats the matter _ you? I have pains in the eyes. A. for B. with C. on D. to 7. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, a


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