1、Unit 1Global ListeningPiratesUnit 1Global ListeningPiratesoftheInternetTaskI1. ATaskIIC6. A Listen for DetailsB7.D4. DDEpisode 1T2.FEpisode 23.T4.F5.T1. Episode 32. 3. technology alwayswins(3) advertising supported(5) Ten million people(7) video games(9) typo(11) fig leaf(13) steal Episode 4software
2、(4) radio(6) music(8) not liable for(10) control(12) facilitatingcomfortableFollowing the music industry and begin to sue individuals whodownloadmovies;Airing ads about people whose jobs are at risk because of thepiracy;Keepingcopiesofmoviesfromleakinginthefirstplace;Hiringpeopletohackthehackers/ser
3、veupthousandsoffakecopiesof newmovies.Episode 5Downloading off theInternet.60million.Embrace it and get paidtoo.A bunch ofcrooks.3 5 dollars.Stoppingpiracy.Unit 2Global ListeningThe New SpaceUnit 2Global ListeningThe New SpaceRaceTaskI1. ATaskIIC6. AListen for DetailsB7.D4. DDEpisodeF Episode2.T3.T4
4、.F5.F6.Toperablespaceplane(3) monopoly on(5) business(7) contests(9) stunning looksEpisode 3Nearly a decadeago.at acost(4) incentive(6) dream(8) a trophy(10) technological sophisticationTurning his designs into models and testingthem.He sought investment from PaulAllen.The vote ofconfidence.Gluing c
5、arbon fabric together withepoxy.Flying badmintonshuttlecocks.1 (J)Episode 52 (A)3 (C,F)4 (B,H)5 (D)Ithasprovedthatthesmallguyscanbuildaspaceshipandgotospace.Thedealistoinvest$120milliontobuildfivespaceshipsforpayingcustomers. Flights are expected to begin in2008.Yes. According to Virgin Galactic, 38
6、,000 people have put down a deposit for aseat,and90peoplehavepaidthefullpriceof$200,000.Hisnextgoalisaffordabletravelabovelow-Earthorbit,.,affordabletravel to themoon.Unit 3Global ListeningNew Orleans isUnit 3Global ListeningNew Orleans isSinkingTaskI1. BTaskIIC6.DListen for DetailsA7.DCEpisodeFEpis
7、ode1. Episode2.F3.T4.F5.F6.F5. 6. 81 years; Twotimes.Threegenerations.It sflat.Land is all that the Fultons have, yet it is prone todisaster.Several feet off the ground. (6) 80,000;$26,200.Episode 4baddesign(3) fixed(5) withstand(7) doubled Episode 5workmanship(4) next summer(6) Category 5billionsTh
8、ey made the assessment on the site and then Wi-Fied the reports to a city halldatabase,whichislinkedtoaerialimagesofeverysingleaddress,bothbeforeand after.The total cost of reconstruction will be given to the cityauthorities.Because his own home was flooded andruined.Itmeansthattherearetoofewpeoplet
9、opaytaxesorkeepbusinessgoing.Heisaskingthenationtocommitbillionsofdollarsandmanyyearsto protect thecity.TaskIUnit 4 Global ListeningAfghanistanAddicted to Heroin1. CTaskIID6. C Listen for DetailsB7.C4. BDEpisodeF Episode2.T3.F4.F5.Fmilitaryalliances(3) drug lords(5) allegations(7) small-time Episode
10、 31 (A, G)2 (E, privatearmies(4) in high placesfor drugoffenses3 (F)4(K)5 (D)Todosomethingaboutseniorofficialsandgovernorsinvolvedinthedrug business.To remove them from office / from thecountry.The need to fight terrorism /insurgency.Destroyit.For fear of disrupting the flow ofintelligence.Thenumber
11、ofacresofpoppyundercultivationdropped20percentthisyear.They were promised health clinics, schools androads.Theyelicittolls,protectionmoneyanddrugsfromtraffickersinareasthey control.Fightingnarcoticsisasimportantasfightingterrorism;Itneedstobeelevated to a rank that is commensurate with the threat it
12、 poses.Unit 5Global ListeningThe GlobalUnit 5Global ListeningThe GlobalWarningTaskI1. DTaskIIA6. C Listen for DetailsA7.BBEpisode 1F Episode2.T3.T4.T5.T6.Fman s doingexpeditions(5) fingerprint(7) carbon (9) warm Episode 32. Episode 4(4) ice cores(6) burning fossil fuels(8) thousand3. 4. Land of the
13、greatbear.Polarbears health.A tranquillizerdart.Bear population there is thehealthiest.Changes inthe bears fat, dimensions andteeth.They can only hunt on theice.Theysaytheyre no more reliable than the localweatherman.They made science as precise as it istoday.TheUScant flip its energy use overnight
14、and its economy might gethurt.His job is to tell the government exactly what he knowsscientifically.Unit 6The Coal CowboyTaskUnit 6The Coal CowboyTaskIGlobal Listening1.B5.BTaskII2.C6.DListenforDetails3.D7.A4.A8.CEpisode 11.FEpisode21. Episode2.T4. 6.4.F5.FNaziera(3)apartheid(5) pollutants7) engine
15、performance(10) twice as much Episode 41. 920,000; One year.coal-basedfuels(4) gasifying coal(6) conventional diesel(8) less than one(11) conventionalHe has his eye on the nationalstage.Farmersandranchersfightingthecoal-to-dieselplan.Toxiceyesores.Mining companies have gotten around the law in thepa
16、st.Montanahasgotallthelandtherethatcanbeusedtoproducebiofuels.will be competitive.Biodiesel can only meet 15 percent of the US diesel demands even if all farmland is devoted to thiscause.Notyet,becausetherewillbealotofengineeringontheflyandcostoverruns for the first plant of this kind.The price of o
17、il will not drop back to $25 or $30 abarrel.Unit7CanaVideoGameLeadtoMurder?Task I1. AGlobal Listening2. D3. C4. A5. BTask II6. BListen for Details7. C8. BEpisode 1F Episode3.F4.T5.FE EpisodeCA4.GB7.FAggression(3) developed(5)underconstruction(7) urges(9) risk factors(11) turn to violence32 Episode 4
18、Institute ofHealth(4) impulse control center(6) consider consequences(8) heightenedupbringingSelling Moore two versions of thegame.Millions of law-abidingcitizens.It makes the device that runs thegame.Itsbecomingmoredangerous. Episode5Whenanewmediumcomesalong,itwillbethesubjectofalmosta hystericalat
19、tack.Hecan understandwhygamestargetingpoliceofficersweremadebythe manufacturers.Theycardteenagersinanefforttokeepviolentgamesfromunderagekids.Theyareconsideringlawsthatwouldbanthesaleofviolentgamestothose under17.Unit 8Global ListeningThe Star ofUnit 8Global ListeningThe Star ofStarbucksTaskI1.D5.DT
20、ask II2.B6.DListenforDetails3.B7.A4.B8.AEpisode 11.TEpisode 22.T3.F4.T5.FCoffeemasters(3) filling souls(5) human connection(7) communities Episode 3coined aphrase(4) filling bellies(6) humanity(8) home and work134Episode 41. 1971.He felt he washome.Adding an espressobar.Coffee consumption wasdown.pa
21、per cups; 3 bucks each cup; Italian name Episode5It s located in Brooklyn.ereTh are bullet holes in the door leading to apartment7GHewasfromapoorneighborhoodandhisfatherwasinjuredonthejob.He was a delivery driver who picked up and delivered clothdiapers.Therewasnohospitalization,nohealthinsurance,no
22、workmanscompensationfor his father.He offers his employees heath care and stock options. He also pays farmers higher than market rate forbeans.Unit 9Global ListeningRescuing RoyUnit 9Global ListeningRescuing RoyHallumsTaskI1. CTaskIIC6. A Listen for DetailsD7.B4. BDEpisode 1F Episode3.T4.T5.F6.Flike
23、 adreamNovember(5)relatively(7)skimasks(9) beheading(11) dragged Episode 32. Episode 43. contractor(6) working at(8) abducting(10) videotape(12) constantly6. 8. That Susan tried to call thekidnappers.Two yearsago.Because they remain bestfriends.Forfearthatitwouldendangersomebodyelse. 6. $40,000; $12
24、 million.He was happy for them. But on the other hand, he felt sorry for himself because nothing was happening forhim.He pulled the mask off and hugged thesoldier.They thought the USmilitarywasn t doing anything to findRoy.TheunitisstilllookingforthreemorekidnappedAmericans.Heisbackhomecatchingupwit
25、hhistwodaughters,hisgranddaughterand hisex-wife.Unit10Dying to Get inUnit10Dying to Get inTaskIGlobal Listening1.B2.C3.D4.A5.BTaskII6.CListenforDetailsADEpisode1.TEpisode2.FF5.Tspecialunit(3) condition(5) Mexican(7) rationally(9) refrigerator truck Episode 323Episode 4distresscall(4) hovered(6) wand
26、ering(8) 17 yearsmorgue47About sixmillion.Illegal migrants in meatpackingindustry.Over 3,500 migrants fled Nebraska within 30days.Leave the state (before ruining itseconomy).A good story rather than a secure border. Episode5It sa$14millionpilotlessdronethatscansthedesertforintrudersandpotential terr
27、orists.They did so for fear ofterrorism.No,terroristsdontneedtocomeinthatwaybecausetheycanpurchasethebestforged document in the world and enter with validvisas.TheireverydayjobistomakearrestsanddropmigrantsoffontheMexicanside of theborder.Unit 11Global ListeningSearching forUnit 11Global ListeningSe
28、arching forJacobTaskI1. CBTask IID6.BListen for DetailsB7. A4. DBEpisode 1T Episode(1) kidT4.(2) 16F7,000miles(5) scene(7) sank (9) 12(11) 50 miles inside Episode 3bushplane(6) raining season(8) axles(10) government troops(12) intensified1.F2.C3. E4.B5.D6.A1. 20,000.She died in just a fewhours.They
29、carved them up and threw them in drinkingwater.No.Telling the same sadstory.He signed a US-brokered peace agreement which never tookhold.Thedealistogivelittletidbitsofinformationaboutterroristsuspectsaroundworld to blunt US outrage over what s happening inDarfur.Hewasthearchitectofthecounter-insurge
30、ncystrategyinDarfur;Lastyear, the US sent a private jet to bring him to CIAheadquarters.It s really a heinous arrangement and one that history will judge very harshly.Ithasbeenpressingforpeacekeepers;Itkeepings refugees alive with halfbillion dollars of relief ayear.Task IGlobal ListeningUnit 12Work
31、ing 24 / 71. A2. B3. D4. C5. B6. C7. B8. CTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. F3. T4. F5. F6. TEpisode 21.B,EEpisode32.C,I3.D,J4.G,K5. Ahighstress(3) workingmothers(5) in-housecounsel(7) six months(9) overlapping(11) 75percent(13) on call Episode 4No; Number5Yes.share ajob(4) wives and children
32、(6) referred(8) three days(10)40(12)off(14) suckingShe can t have substantive conversations with herhusband.They are matter-of-fact about their lack ofcommunication.They both reach for her favorite toy, theBlackBerry.HeissuchaworkaholicthathehaswiredhishousewithInternet,telephone and television in e
33、very singleroom.He loses some days ofhiskidslivesandsomeofthosetendermomentsfamily.HeisalwaysconnectedtotheInternet.Inordertorelax,itactuallytakesa little bit ofeffort.Hewatchesthebusinessnews,checkshise-mailsandanswersthephone; To make this happen, he wired hisshower.They are waterproof but notfool
34、proof.Unit 13Global ListeningSwimming with SharksUnit 13Global ListeningSwimming with SharksTaskI1.D5.B2. A6.C3.C7.B4. CATaskIIListen forEpisode1T Episode(1)inhabitant(3)(5) associate(7)forearms2.F3.F4.F5.T(2) surfer(4) Three years(6) clamed down hardout toseain his(11) 70 yards Episode 31. Episode
35、41. Jaws.2. Nine; 791.(10) children(12) some use3. 6. Because we are on the meal list ofsharks.being murdered, mugged or killed in awar.We mayfeel whats gonna happen tous.Sharkshavefarmoretofearfromhumansbecauseourindustrialfishing fleets bring in 100 million sharks ayear.Sharksfinsoupisregardedasan
36、expensivestatussymbolinChina;Chefsin the emperor s court were once beheaded if they prepared itincorrectly.Itsfinwouldbecutoffandthenitwouldbethrownoverboardalivetosinkto the bottom anddrown.Itishardtopolicebecausemostofthesharksarecaughtininternationalwaters where there is no law against finning.Au
37、thoritiesthereraidedseveralprocessingplantswinedbyHongKongChinese. Seven tons of fins wereconfiscated.Unit 14Felicity HuffmanTaskUnit 14Felicity HuffmanTaskIGlobal Listening1. BTaskIIC6. C Listen for DetailsA7.B4. BCEpisode 1T Episode2.T3.T4.F5.T6.TTVshowsdied(5) work(7) herwit(9)harried(11) parallelsEpisode 3(4) cursed(6) charactersend(8) touched a nerve(10) authenticity(12) vindicationEverybodyassumesallthetimethatthegirlsItheplaywillgetinacatfight.The catfight thought crept in her mindtoo.Thosedaystheyallshoottog
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