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1、语 9 年册 12据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. a persons whole life easily changed by 乎意料).2. looked for my English in 背包, but it there.3. people like to set the clock before going so that they t_( 睡 头 in morning.4. 燃烧 the candle at both ends.5. put off_(到) what can do today.6. he said 相信的. You could do he 7. 女士 over ther

2、e is new English teacher.8. 取) the school trip because of the bad weather last 9. wants to an_(军) the army when he grows up.10. old man went 消) the darkness.根据句意及首字母提示完单词1.“ the bird a_ without eating for two days?He stared at the bird and asked in disbelief.2. flight was delayed. He had to wait at

3、the a_.3. think driverless technology will make many w_ lose their jobs?4.There a famous saying, “East or w_, home the best.5. He walks to work every day because his workplace only three b_ away his apartment.1III.完成句子1.她捎了我们一程去机场,她真。It very kind of to_ us_ _ to airport.2.截止到上个月,他们已经制造一万辆车。They had

4、ten thousand cars_ _ _ _ last month.3.当电话铃响的时候,我正准备睡觉。I_ _ _ go the phone rang.4.你没有与其他人排成一排。You are not_ _ _ the others.5.如果你能从错误中吸取教训的,坏事就能变成好事。Bad things can_ _ good things if can_ _ mistakes.6.尽管那天下着雨,成百上千的还是赶向超市买便宜的蔬菜。_ _it rained that day,_ _ people rushed the supermarket to buy cheap vegetabl

5、es.7.这个小男孩想要尽可能多的礼。The little boy wants_ _ _ _ possible.8.我下个月底会回来。I will back_ _ _ _ next month.9.所有的花在两小时内卖完了。All the flowers were_ _ in hours.10.汤姆 12 岁时离家出走了。Tom_ _ from home at the twelve.生活充满了出乎意料之事。Life is_ _ the unexpected.12.熬夜对身体不好。2It bad for health to_ _ late. 13.Rick 在公园对面的中国银行上班。Rick w

6、orks at the Bank of China_.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空Amarket, block, above, work, west1. If you two_, you see the supermarket on your right. 2. Not all the_ can have day off on May Day.3. is 1,000 meters_ the sea level.4. Kevin works in a_ city Germany.5. My daughter with me the_ bought some clothes.Bdiscover,

7、 can, cancel, fool, believe1. He_ into giving him much money.2. In future, humans_ more secrets of nature.3. He an honest man and his words are_.4. didnt know the competition of model planes_ the other 5. those snowy the drivers as carefully they_.3Cburn, above, pie, stare, enjoy, same, actually, di

8、sappear, classmate, beforeCharlotte Kelly shares how she celebrated Father with her father, astronaut Scott Kelly:I am on the summer break from school right now. 1_ school ended, dad set up video conference(视会) with my class. All of the kids really 2_ seeing him andasking him questions about space,

9、I couldn help laughing when I saw him eat a piece of 漂的) strawberry 3_. ago, mom and I went to party 4_ Holly and her family. Just around 9: 10 m., we were all able 5_ thenight sky and see the International Space 国际空间站 ) fly over. It looked like 6_ star moving across the it 7_ four minutes.Today Fat

10、hers Day. sister and were able to do a video conference with at the 8_ time. She was in Houston. I was in Virginia Beach and my dad was flying over us! Really! He was 9_flying over us. He his video 视频监视器in his window and took picture of Virginia from 10_. How wonderful!短填空根据短文内容,用所给动词的适当形式完成短必时可加助动词

11、或情态动词。Yesterday was my friend Sallys birthday. She had invited to her birthday party. And another friend Eric 1_ (offer) to take me the party by car. 2_( get) dressed, Eric rang and said he was ill and couldn go to Sallys party. I decided 3_ there alone by train. Unluckily, while was talking the pho

12、ne, the cat walked over clean shirt, so to spend a few minutes 4_ (find) another one.As was walking the station, it started 5_ snow) and I felt very cold. I just missed a train so to wait for another one. When the train finally arrived, I was frozen! was so cold and tired I6_ (fall) asleep the misse

13、d my station.4I got off the stop decided to walk forward to Sallys house. walked for half an hour then I realized was lost. Luckily, I 7_ public telephoned for a taxi. When finally arrived at Sallys house, it was nearly midnight people going What terrible day!用号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. party ended up_ (sing)a

14、 birthday song.2. the -shirt on me looks a little_ (embarrass). Can I for another one?3. Mr. Brown and his wife got_ ( marry) 20 ago.4. the_ (end)of the 5. rain is_ cross) the whole country.6. coin has two sides. My bad luck has_( unexpected) turned into a thing.7.We should protect the endangered wi

15、ld animals, or they will_( appear) in the near future.5参考答案:I. 1. unexpected 2. backpack 3. oversleep burn 5. 6. believable lady 8. canceled 9. officer 10. disappearedII. 1. alive 2. airport 3. workers 4. west 5. blocksIII. give: a 2. by the end of 3, was about to4. in 5. turn learn from6. though/if; hundreds of as many presents as 8. the end of 9. out 10. ran away11. full of 12. stay 13. across from/opposite parkA1. blocks 2. workers 3. above 4. western 5. marketB1. fooled 2. will discover 3. believable 4. was cancel(l)ed could C1. Before 2.


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