



1、四川省资阳市简阳三星中学2023年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. After seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile. Awhich Bthis Cwhat Dthat参考答案:C2. Zhang Haidis face was easily_ because more and more media covered her moving deeds. A. known B. discovered C. recognized D. seen 参考答案:C 解析:考查动词词义辨析。根据语境和more media covered h

2、is moving deeds可知,报道次数越多,人们就会更加熟悉。 3. I will give _ students _ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA. the other; other five B. the other; another five C. other; five more D. other; more five参考答案:B4. Watkins believes having pandas in Detroit would create an atmosphere_America can learn more abou

3、t China.A.whereB.whenC.whichD.what参考答案:A分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是一个定语从句,先行词an atmosphere在此表示抽象的地点概念,空处的意义相当于in the atmosphere,在从句中作地点状语。故用where引导。5. If you go to the National Palace Museum, youll find many Chinese treasures _ there.A. to exhibitB. exhibitedC. exhibitingD. having exhibited参考答案:B6. Some teenage

4、rs tend to quit when they get into a mess _ they cant escape. A. of which B. for which C. from which D. in which参考答案:C7. The movie Jurassic Park was a big hit, with its novel idea _ a mixture of fear and excitement into peoples hearts.A. strikes B. struck C. to strike D. striking 参考答案:D【知识点】非谓语动词解析:

5、考查with复合结构,Its novel idea和strike是主动关系,选D。:句意:电影侏罗纪公园大受欢迎,其新奇的想法使某人感到惊人的恐惧和兴奋。8. Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. _, their keyboard skills are inefficient.A. Consequently B. Consciously C. Collectively D. Conditionally参考答案:A9. The government urged that every effor

6、t _ to bring down house prices. A. should make B. would be made C. be made D. must be made 参考答案:C考查虚拟语气及情态动词的用法。此处urge后的宾语从句用should+动词原形的形式,should被省略;宾语从句还是make every effort to do sth的被动形式。句意:政府紧急督促要尽一切努力降低房价。10. After careful consideration, it was agreed to _ the project A. abandon B. quit C. slide

7、 D. retire参考答案:A11. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover参考答案:A12. Doctor Lily has made her projects successful, so we suggest not only _ to her old school but also give the students a talk then.A. did she come B. her coming C. sh

8、ould she come D. she should come参考答案:C13. We are often warned that eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. lead to B. result from C. bring in D. devote to参考答案:A14. In any unsafe situation, simply _ the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need

9、.A. press B. to pressC. pressing D. pressed参考答案:A考查祈使句。句意:在任何不安全的情况下,仅仅摁一下这个按钮,一个训练有素的特工就会使你得到你需要的帮助。and是连词,连接并列结构,and后面是一个句子,那么,前面也应是句子,选项中只有动词原形可以构成祈使句,其余的都是非谓语动词,无法构成句子。故A选项正确。点睛:祈使句+and/or+陈述句是一种常见结构。当前后两部分间为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反关系时,用or。该句式中的陈述句部分常用一般将来时态。15. Pointing to a small village at the foot

10、 of the mountain, he told us that was _ he was born and brought up. A. what B. in whichC. howD. where 参考答案:D试题分析:分析句子结构可知,_ he was born and brought up为表语从句,句意:指向山脚下的小村庄,他告诉我那就是他出生和被养育的地方,表语从句中缺少地点状语,用where。故选D。16. John is very _ if he promises to do something hell do it.A. reliable B.confident C. in

11、dependent D. flexible参考答案:A二、 书面表达17. 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 另约时间。注意:1. 词数120150;2. 可适当增加细节。参考答案:例文一:Dear Tom:Im sorry that I cant visit Beijing with you as planned this weekend. Thats because my mother is in hospital. She fell down th

12、e stairs and hurt herself on Thursday when she was cleaning the house. I called a taxi and sent her to hospital immediately. The doctor says she will have to stay in bed for at least a week. My father is away on business and he wont come back until next Tuesday. So I must look after her at home. You

13、 cant imagine how disappointed I am. For one thing, mother hurt herself, for another, we have to cancel the visit to Beijing, which we have been looking forward to so eagerly recently. Anyway, Ill be free the next weekend. Shall we go visiting Beijing then?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li H

14、ua例文二:Dear Tom:How are you going? We made a plan that we would travel in Beijing together next week. But now I have to apologize to you because I cannot go there on time for the reasons as follows.First, the government encourages us students to go to Shanghai due to the fact that the EXPO is being h

15、eld in Shanghai now. As the saying goes, “strike while the iron is hot”. I am eager to learn something about study from the EXPO to prepare for my education in college. In addition, I have been busy with the preparation of the college entrance examination for about half a year and got tired. I need

16、some time to relax instead of traveling.Would you please reschedule your time? Shall we travel to Beijing after two weeks? I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. Yours,Li Hua三、 阅读理解18. “Another bad day at school?” my father asked as I came into the room.“How could yo

17、u tell? I didnt shut the door heavily or anything,” I replied. Over the past two months I had either done this or thrown my backpack across the room every time I came home from school. Papa thinks it has something to do with moving to a new house. “I know this move has been hard on you. Leaving your

18、 friends and cousins behind is tough,” Papa said, as he put his arm around my shoulder. “What you must remember is that, with a lot of hard work and some time, you will make new friends.” “You dont know how hard it is. This year my baseball team would have won the championship. They wont even give m

19、e a chance to pitch (投球) here. All I get to play is right field, and thats the worst!”Papa turned toward me. “Things will get better, I promise you. Let me ask you, do you know why you were named David Lorenzo?”“Yes, your name is David and grandfathers name is Lorenzo.”“Very good, and what makes you

20、r grandfather so important?”“He was the first in the family to come to this country and all that,” I answered.“That is only partly correct. Your grandfather was a very great man. In Mexico, he had been a teacher. When he came to America he could only get low-paid labor jobs because he didnt speak th

21、e language. It took him two years before he spoke English well enough to be allowed to teach here, but he did it. He never complained because he knew change could be difficult. Did he ever tell you that?” my father asked.I looked down at my feet, ashamed at my behavior. “No. That must have been hard

22、,” I said sheepishly. “Your grandfather taught me that if you let people see your talent, they will accept you for who you are. I want you to always remember what my father taught me, even if it takes a few years for people to see who you are,” said Papa.All I could say was, “Okay.” Then I asked, “What should I do now?” Laughing, Papa said, “How about you pitch a few to me? You need so


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