Unit 4 Sharing 知识清单讲义-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册_第1页
Unit 4 Sharing 知识清单讲义-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册_第2页
Unit 4 Sharing 知识清单讲义-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册_第3页




1、选修四 Unit4 Sharing知识清单Part 1 Word transformation1. rigid adj. 死板的,固执的-rigidly adv. 严格地;无可改变地2. chemist n. 化学家;药剂师;药房-chemistry n.化学- chemical adj. 化学的3. ripe adj. 成熟的;时机成熟的-ripely adv. 成熟地- ripen v. 使成熟4. privilege n. 优惠待遇;特权- privileged adj.享有特权的5. disabled adj.有残疾的,丧失能力的- disability n. 缺陷,障碍- disab

2、le v.使伤残6. resign v.辞职,辞去- resignation n. 辞职(信),顺从- resigned adj. 顺从的7. deserve v. 值得,应得 - deserved adj. 值得的8. consultation n. 咨询,咨询会-consult v. 咨询;请教- consultant n. 顾问- consultor n咨询者9. stability n.稳定性,稳固性-stable adj.稳定的- stably adv. 稳定地10. house vt. 提供住房/收藏housing n(统称)住房、住宅Part 2 Key phrasesa par

3、cel/package of一包 parcel/package/pack sth up将某物打包in a jam事情搞得一团糟,陷入困境 We were stuck in a traffic jam. 我们遇到了交通堵塞。Six of us were jammed into one small car. 我们六个人被挤在一辆小汽车里。be secondary to 对.来说是次要的 a secondary issue/teacher 次要问题/中学老师 Experience is what matters age is of secondary importance. 经验是最重要的,年龄是次

4、要的。send the parcel by mail. 邮寄这个包裹 express mail快信 junk mail垃圾邮件weed out 清除/淘汰 A series of tests are designed to weed out those incompetent candidates for promotion. 设计了一系列测试以淘汰那些不合格的晋升候选人。6.a chorus of thanks / disapproval /praise /complaint齐声的感谢/反对/表扬/抱怨 The professors speech was welcomed witha cho

5、rus of applause. 教授的演讲受到齐声掌声的欢迎。move at a uniform speed匀速移动 uniform customs统一惯例 soldiers in uniform穿制服的军人Take two pills/tablets every four hours. 每四小时服两片药。 Turn on the tablet.打开平板。as mentioned above如上所述 be (not) worth mentioning (不)值得一提 Dont mention it.不要客气/不用谢.Theres no electricity or running water

6、 and not even textbooks, not to mention/let alone laptops, tablets, or other modern devices! 没有电,没有自来水,甚至没有教科书,更不用说笔记本电脑、平板电脑和其他现代设备了.We sat down in the shade of the wall. 我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。 She shaded her face from / against the sun with her hand.她用手挡住阳光。 Their splendid present really put my poor little

7、contribution in the shade.他们极为精美的礼物确实使我的小小捐助相形见绌。ones jaw dropped/fell张口结舌/目瞪口呆 the jaw of death/defeat鬼门关/失败的险境At the sight of the grade on my math paper, my jaw almost dropped to the ground. 当我看到我的数学卷子上的分数时,我的下巴几乎掉到了地上。be ripe for时机成熟 ripe time 成熟的时机 The time is ripe for a reform. 改革的时机已经成熟。 drag

8、ones feet.故意拖延 drag by过得很慢;拖沓的进行 drag sb into sth.把某人牵扯进去I feel privileged to stand here to deliver a speech on environmental protection.我很荣幸现在这里发表关于环保的演讲。plug in接通; 联结 plug into加入;参与 plug the gap.填补缺口 Change the plug.更换插头。 Pull out the plug拔出塞子。physically/ mentally disabled有生理/心理缺陷的The authorities

9、subscribe to the view that disabled people/ the disabled have access to teaching.当局支持残疾人有权利从事教育的观点。resign/submit oneself to sth 听任;顺从=yield to/surrender to resign from从辞职Under no circumstances should we resign ourselves to the fate我们绝不应该向命运屈服get what sb deserves罪有应得 deserve ones reputation名不虚传deserve to do值得做 deserve to be done=deserve doing值得被做The scientist deserving respecting/ to be respected by all Chinese has devoted himself to our country.这位值得全体中国人尊敬的科学家,把自己的一生献给了祖国。be in/out of tune with与什么协调/不协调,一致/不一致,融洽/不融洽。In/out of tune.音调正确/不正确;演奏和调/走调 tune in收听tak


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