



1、四川省自贡市富顺县王大山中学高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Anything new in the new regulations? They will be _ to us all. A. of great benefit B. do harms C. do many good D. for the benefit 参考答案:A2. She tells me _ my pictures are good or not.A. whether B. that C. if D. unless参考答案:A3. We shouldnt lose heart because of failure

2、._.As the old saying goes,failure is the mother of success.AI hope so BIts hard to sayCNever mind DIm with you参考答案:D“我们不应该因为失败而失去信心”与答语中的As the old saying goes,failure is the mother of success表达的意思一致,故选D项,I am with you“我赞成你的观点”。4. There is still some doubt _ he is the best man for the job.A. that B.

3、 when C. which D. whether参考答案:D5. Seeing the happy _ of boys playing on the playground, I cant help thinking of my childhood.A. sign B. act C. scene D. view参考答案:C6. I _ the famous movie star, but unfortunately I was fell ill yesterday.A. would see B. had seen C. would have seen D. saw参考答案:Cwould hav

4、e done本应该做某事而实际未完成。7. It is because of the 2008 Olympics _ Beijing is better known all over the world. .A. that B. which C. why D. when参考答案:A8. Those who help to give valuable information to the police will be offered $1000 as a(n)_.A . honor B. fee C. reward D. praise 参考答案:C9. Its their duty for th

5、e soldiers our country our enemies. Ato prevent; from Bto keep; from Cto protect; from Dto defend; with参考答案:C10. The poor children are looking forward to _ a Christmas present that day. A. give B. be given C. giving D. being given参考答案:DD 考查非谓语动词。句意:那些穷苦的孩子们正期待着那天被给一个圣诞礼物。look forward to doing“期待做”;句

6、子的主语children与give之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动名词的被动式作宾语。选D。11. She is always serious, so you should not _ her.A. play a trick on B. make fool with C. make fun on D. play a joke of参考答案:A12. Sorry I didnt break the plate_. Its OK. Dont worry about it. A. on purpose B. no longer C. at present D. as usual参考答案:A略13. T

7、he final exam is coming.Would you mind my staying up late,going over my lessons?Id rather you_. With the light on,I cant fall asleep.AdontBdidnt Cwont Dhavent参考答案:B14. The speaker spoke in a loud voice _ he could be heard by all. A. so that B. in order to C. so as to D. in order which参考答案:B略15. Alth

8、ough twenty years have parsed sine that night, I can still remember everything about it very clearly _. Aindeed Btruly Cinstead Dreally参考答案:A16. We are going to visit an old temple _ the 12th century.A. is dated back to B. dated from C. dating back to D. that is dated from参考答案:C略二、 书面表达17. 短文写作 (15分

9、)假如你们学校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对饮食习惯进行讨论。请根据提示,用英文写发言稿。内容要点如下: 部分同学的饮食习惯良好的饮食习惯个人看法1.不吃早餐2.爱吃零食3.偏食4.饮食过量1.饮食多样化2.饮食定时,定量1.培养良好饮食习惯的重要性.2.良好饮食习惯有助于身体健康.要求:写100词左右的一篇文章。参考答案:As we all know , we are what we eat .Therefore ,it is very important for us to form healthy eating habits. However ,bad eating habits are st

10、ill very common among us students .Some of them often go to school without breakfast ;some like to have snacks ;some others are particular about food ;and some eat or drink too much .All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health. To keep fit ,we should have various healthy diets ,which gene

11、rally include proper amounts of fish ,meat ,vegetables ,fruit as well as main food .Besides ,wed better have meals regularly . In my opinion ,we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body .Only in this way can we keep fit . Thats all .Thank you .三、 阅读理解18. You may picture

12、firefighters holding a hose (水管) outside of a burning building,but the Golden Eagles Hotshots dont fight fires quite that way. When they go into action,you may not even see a fire truck.The Hotshots are firefighters who battle fires in wilderness areas. But dont think youll only find them in their h

13、ome state California. Wherever there is a national wildfire emergency,the Golden Eagles Hotshots could be there.But these firefighters dont work the same way as firefighters in a big city. They work in areas where there are large numbers of trees,bushes,and grass. They climb up and down steep hills

14、to clear brush and burnable debris (残骸)They sometimes use water,but they often fight fire with fire!They do that by lighting what are called “backfires”,which are small,controlled fires that burn up fuel in the path of larger wildfires. That way,when the Wildfire gets there,it has nothing to burn an

15、d nowhere to go,because all the burnable fuel has already gone up in smoke.The Hotshots also clear away fuel using old-fashioned hard work. For example,they use a saw to cut away trees and heavy brush that could catch fire.Of course there are times when the Golden Eagles Hotshots do have trucks to s

16、upply water to the fires. But the water is limited,and these guys have to rely on hard work more than anything. Physical fitness is very important. They have to be in great physical shape to handle steep hills and difficult terrain (地形) while carrying a 60pound pack.The Golden Eagles Hotshots defini

17、tely work hard for their pay. But thanks to their efforts,many lives have been saved,many houses have not burned,and countless trees are still standing.1The firefighters mentioned in the passage_.Ado much of their work in CaliforniaBavoid climbing steep hills in their workCdo their work equipped wit

18、h advanced toolsDcarry out their work mostly in forests and mountains2According to the passage,why do the firefighters light “backfires”?ATo signal for help.BTo remove obstacles.CTo protect trees and bushes.DTo prevent the fire from spreading. 3What can we learn about the Golden Eagles Hotshots ?AThey are firefi


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