1、Introduction to Civil Engineering PapersZhang Liwei(Chinna MMachhinee PRRESSS,Beeijiin 11000081)Abstrractt: Civvil enggineeeriing in thee loong hisstorry oof mmankkindd “sciiencce aand theecnoologgy”as sysstemm off ciivill ennginneerringg acctivvityy a subbstaantiial proo ducctioon pproccesss .CCivi
2、il eengiineeerinng aand connstrructtionn off ennginneerringg sciiencce aand tecchnoologgy iit rrefeer tto tthe enggineeeriing connstrructtionn cooll ecttiveely objjectts,nnameely,grooundd,buuiltt inn unnderrgroounddenggineeeriing facciliitiees aalsoo reeferrs tto wwateer uusedd maaterrialls ,equuipm
3、mentt annd iinsppinsspecctioon iin ddesiign,connstrructtionn,maainttenaancee,reepaiir,eetc.Keywoordss: Equiipmeent andd innspeectiion in dessignn Arrchiiteccturralcconccepttionn Consstruuctiion Envviroonmeent prootecctioonCivill Ennginneerringg foor tthe devveloopmeent of a kkey rolle, firrst as a m
4、mateeriaal ffounndattionn foor tthe civvil enggineeeriing connstrructtionn maaterrialls, folllowwed by thee suubseequeent devveloopmeent of thee deesiggn ttheoory andd coonsttrucctioon ttechhnollogyy. EEverry ttimee a neww quualiity of buiildiing matteriialss, cciviil eengiineeerinng wwilll bee a le
5、aapsttylee deevellopmmentt. Peoplle ccan onlly rrelyy onn thhe eearlly eeartth, woood aand othher natturaal mmateeriaals in thee coonsttrucctioon aactiivittiess, aand latter apppearred in briick andd tiile thaat aartiificciall maaterrialls, so thaat tthe firrst humman to breeak thee shhackkless off
6、naaturral buiildiing matteriialss. CChinna iin tthe eleevennth cennturry BBC iin tthe earrly Wessterrn ZZhouu Dyynassty creeateed tthe tille. Thee fiirstt brrickk inn thhe ffiftth ccentturyy BCC too thhe tthirrd ccentturyy BCC, wwhenn thhe ttombb off thhe WWarrringg Sttatees PPeriiod. Brrickk annd t
7、tilee beetteer tthann thhe mmechhaniicall prropeertiies of soiil, matteriialss, aand eassy tto mmanuufaccturre. The bbricck aand tille sso tthatt peeoplle bbegaan tto aappeear widdelyy, tto aa laargee nuumbeer oof hhoussingg coonsttrucctioon aand urbban floood conntrool pprojjectt, aand so on. Thhis
8、 civvil enggineeeriing tecchnoologgy hhas beeen rrapiid ddeveeloppmennt. Up to 18 to thee 199th cennturry, as lonng aas ttwo thoousaand yeaars, brrickk annd ttilee haas bbeenn a majjor civvil enggineeeriing connstrructtionn maaterrialls, humman civviliizattionn haas mmadee a greeat conntriibuttionn
9、too thhe eevenn waas aalsoo wiidelly uusedd inn thhe ppressentt. The aappllicaatioon oof aa laargee nuumbeer oof ssteeel pprodductts iis tthe seccondd leeap in civvil enggineeeriing. Seevennteeen 119700s tthe usee off piig iironn, tthe earrly ninneteeentth ccentturyy, tthe usee off wrrougght iroon b
10、briddgess annd tthe connstrructtionn off hoousiing, whhichh iss a preeludde tto tthe emeergeencee off stteell. From thee beeginnninng oof tthe middninneteeentth ccentturyy, mmetaalluurgiicall inddusttry,smelltinng aand rolllinng oout higgh ttenssilee annd ccomppresssivve sstreengtth, ducctillityy,un
11、nifoormiity of thee quualiity of connstrructtionn stteell annd tthenn prooducce hhighhstrrenggth steeel wirre, steeel cabbless. AAs aa reesullt oof tthe neeed tto aadappt tto tthe devveloopmeent of thee stteell sttruccturre hhavee beeen floouriishiing. Inn adddittionn too thhe aappllicaatioon oof tt
12、he oriiginnal beaam, arcch sstruuctuure, thhe nnew truuss, a fraamewworkk, tthe strructturee off neetwoork, caablee sttruccturres to proomotte tthe graaduaal eemerrgennce of thee sttruccturre oof YYan in thee foorm of floowerrs. From thee brrickk buuilddingg loongsspann sttruccturres, sttonee sttruc
13、cturres, a feww meeterrs oof wwoodd, ssteeel sstruuctuure to thee deevellopmmentt off teens of metterss, aa feew hhunddredd meeterrs, unttil moddernn kmm abbovee. SSo iin tthe rivver, crrosss thhe bbriddge froom sshellvess, oon tthe grooundd siincee thhe cconsstruuctiion of skyyscrrapeers andd hiigh
14、-risse ttoweer, eveen iin tthe layyingg off unnderrgrooundd raailwway, too crreatte aan uunprreceedenntedd miiraccle. In orrderr too meeet thee neeedss off thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof ssteeel wworkks, on thee baasiss off Neewtoonss meechaaniccs, matteriial mecchannicss, sstruuctuurall meechaaniccs, str
15、ructturaal eengiineeerinng ddesiign theeoryy caame intto bbeinng, andd soo onn.Coonsttrucctioon mmachhineery,consstruuctiion tecchnoologgy aand connstrructtionn orrgannizaatioon ddesiign theeoryy allso devveloopmeent, ciivill ennginneerringg frrom thee exxperriennce of rissingg too beecomme sscieenc
16、ee, eengiineeerinng ppraccticce aand theeoreeticcal bassis forr booth is a ddifffereent plaace, whhichh leed tto mmoree raapidd deevellopmmentt off ciivill ennginneerringg. Durinng tthe ninneteeentth ccentturyy, 220, madde oof PPorttlannd ccemeent, cooncrretee haas ccomee ouut. Conncreete cann agggr
17、eegatte mmateeriaals, eaasy to conncreete strructuuress foormiing, buut tthe tennsille sstreengtth oof cconccrette iis vveryy smmalll,limiitedd usse. By thee miiddlle oof tthe ninneteeentth ccentturyy, tthe surrge in steeel prooducctioon, witth tthe emeergeencee off thhis neww tyype of reiinfoorceed
18、 cconccrette ccompposiite connstrructtionn maaterrialls, whiich beaar tthe tennsioon ssteeel, conncreete beaar tthe preessuure andd pllay theeir ownn addvanntagges. Siincee thhe bbegiinniing of thee 200th cennturry, reiinfoorceed cconccrette iis wwideely useed iin vvariiouss fiieldds oof cciviil een
19、giineeerinng. From thee beeginnninng oof tthe 19330s, thheree haave beeen ppresstreesseed cconccrette.PPrestrresssed conncreete strructturee off thhe ccracck rresiistaancee, rrigiiditty aand carrryiing cappaciity, muuch higgherr thhan thee reeinfforcced conncreete strructturee, wwhicch uusess ann ev
20、ven widder areea. Civvil Enggineeeriing intto tthe reiinfoorceed cconccrette aand preestrresssed conncreete domminaant hisstorricaal pperiiod. Cooncrretee buuilddinggs tto bbrinng aabouut tthe e- merrgennce of neww ecconoomicc, aaestthettic strructturee inn thhe fformm off ennginneerringg, cciviil e
21、engiineeerinng sso tthatt a neww connstrructtionn teechnnoloogy andd ennginneerringg deesiggn oof tthe strructturee off thhe ttheoory. Thhis is anootheer lleapp inn thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof cciviil eengiineeerinng. The ccharractteriistiics of Civvil Enggineeeriing. A proojecct tto bbuilld tthe facci
22、liitiees iin ggeneerall too goo thhrouugh thee innvesttigaatioon, dessignn annd cconsstruuctiion in thrree staagess, rrequuiree thhe uuse of geoologgicaal pprosspecctinng pprojjectts, hyddroggeollogiicall suurveey, enggineeeriing surrveyy, ssoill meechaaniccs, mecchannicaal eengiineeerinng, engginee
23、eriing dessignn,builldinng mmateeriaals, coonsttrucctioon eequiipmeent, ennginneerringg maachiinerry,bbuilldinng tthe ecoonommy , Annd ootheer ddisccipllinees aand connstrructtionn teechnnoloogy, coonsttrucctioon aand othher fieeldss off knnowlledgge, as welll aas ccompputeer aand mecchannicaal ttes
24、ttingg teechnniquues. Ciivill ennginneerringg iss thhereeforre aa brroadd rannge of inttegrrateed ddisccipllinees. Witth tthe proogreess in sciiencce aand tecctecchnoologgy ddeveeloppmennt aand enggineeeriing praactiice, thhe cciviil eengiineeerinng ddisccipllinees hhavee allso beeen ddeveelopped in
25、tto aa brroadd coonnootattionn, tthe nummberr off cattegooriees, thee sttruccturre oof ccompplexx innteggratted sysstemm. Civill Ennginneerringg iss acccommpanniedd byy thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof hhumaan ssociietyy deev- eloopedd. IIt wworkks iin tthe connstrructtionn off faacillitiies refflecct tthe
26、varriouus hhisttoriicall peerioods of soccioeeconnomiic, cullturral, sccienntiffic, teechnnoloogiccal devveloopmeent outtloook, whiich civvil soccietty hhas beccomee onne oof tthe hisstorricaal ddeveeloppmennt oof tthe wittnesss. In anncieent timmes, peeoplle bbegaan tto bbuilld ssimpple houusess, r
27、roadds, briidgees aand stiill watter chaanneel tto mmeett thhe ssimpple liffe aand prooducctioon. Latter, inn orrderr too addaptt too thhe wwar, prroduuctiion andd diisseeminnatiion of relligiiouss liife, ass weell as thee neeedss off thhe cconsstruuctiion of thee ciity, caanalls,ppalaacess,teemplle
28、s andd ottherr buiildiingss. Many welll-kknowwn wworkks sshowwn iin tthiss hiistooriccal perriodd off huumann crreattiviity. Foor eexammplee, tthe Greeat Walll oof CChinna, Dujjianngyaan, thee Grrandd Cannal,Zhaaozhhou Briidgee, YYinggxiaan WWoodden Towwer, thhe ppyraamidds oof EEgyppt,GGreeeces PPa
29、rtthennon, Roomes wwateer ssuppply proojecct, collossseumm ammphiitheeateer (Romme llargge aanimmal figghtiing Fieeld), aas wwelll ass maany othher welll-kknowwn cchurrchees,ppalaacess annd sso oon. Afterr thhe iinduustrriall reevollutiion, esspecciallly in thee 200th cennturry, on thee onne hhandd,
30、 cciviil ssociietyy too puut fforwwardd a neww deemannd; On thee ottherr haand, alll aareaas oof ssociietyy foor tthe advvanccemeent of civvil enggineeeriing to creeatee goood conndittionns. Thhus thiis pperiiod of civvil enggineeeriing hass beeen advvancced by leaaps andd booundds. Alll ovver thee
31、woorldd thheree haave beeen llargge-scaale moddernnizaatioon oof iinduustrriall pllantts, skyyscrrapeers, nuucleear powwer plaantss, hhighhwayys aand raiilwaays, loong-spaan bbriddgess, aand larrge-diaametter pippeliiness loong tunnnell, tthe Graand Cannal, thhe bbig damms, airrporrts, poort andd ma
32、arinne eengiineeerinng, etcc. FFor civvil enggineeeriing conntinnuallly moddernn huumann soocieety to creeatee a neww phhysiicall ennvirronmmentt, hhumaan ssociietyy, mmodeern civviliizattionn haas bbecoome an impporttantt paart. Civill Ennginneerringg iss a verry ppraccticcal subbjeccts. Inn thhe e
33、earlly ddayss, tthrooughh thhe cciviil eengiineeerinng ppraccticce, summminng uup ssucccesssfull exxperriennce, inn paartiicullar, too drraw lesssonns ffromm thhe ffailluree off deevellopeed. Froom tthe begginnningg off thhe 117thh ceentuury, wiith Gallileeo aand Newwtonn ass a pillot witth tthe mec
34、channicss off thhe mmodeern civvil enggineeeriing praactiice, grraduuallly fformmed thee meechaaniccal, sttruccturral mecchannicss, ffluiid mmechhaniics, roock mecchannicss, cciviil eengiineeerinng aas tthe bassis of theeoreeticcal subbjeccts. Thhis expperiiencce iin cciviil eengiineeerinng ffromm t
35、hhe ggradduallly devveloopedd innto a sscieencee. In thhe ccourrse of thee deevellopmmentt off ciivill ennginneerringg, eengiineeerinng ppraccticce oofteen ffirsst eexpeerieencee inn thheorry, enggineeeriing acccideentss offtenn shhow a nnew unfforeeseeen ffacttorss, ttrigggerringg a neww thheorry o
36、of tthe ressearrch andd deevellopmmentt. SSo ffar a nnumbber of proojeccts deaalinng wwithh thhe pprobblemm, iis sstilll vveryy muuch relly oon ppraccticcal expperiiencce. Civill Ennginneerringg Teechnnoloogy witth tthe maiin rreasson forr thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof eengiineeerinng ppraccticce aand no
37、tt byy viirtuue oof sscieentiificc exxperrimeentss annd ttheooretticaal sstuddiess, ffor twoo reeasoons: Fiirstt, ssomee off thhe oobjeectiive sittuattionn iss tooo ccomppliccateed aand diffficcultt too faaithhfullly carrry outt laaborratoory or fieeld tesstinng aand anaalyssis. Foor eexammplee, tth
38、e fouundaatioon, tunnnell annd uundeergrrounnd eengiineeerinng aand defformmatiion of thee sttatee annd iits chaangees ooverr tiime, sttilll neeed to reffer to an anaalyssis of enggineeeriing expperiiencce tto jjudgge. Seccondd, oonlyy a neww ennginneerringg praactiice in ordder to revveall neew ppr
39、obblemms. Forr exxampple, thhe cconsstruuctiion of a hhighhrisse bbuilldinngs,higghriise towwer andd maastsspann brridgges, wiind andd eaarthhquaake e- ngiineeerinng pprobllemss hiighllighhtedd inn orrderr too deevellop thiis nnew theeoryy annd ttechhnollogyy. In thhe llonggterrm cciviil eengiineeer
40、inng ppraccticce, it is nott onnly buiildiing greeat atttenttionn too thhe aartss, hhas madde ooutsstanndinng aachiieveemennts; annd ootheer wworkks, butt allso thrrouggh tthe chooicee off diiffeerennt mmateeriaals, suuch as thee usse oof sstonne, steeel andd reeinfforcced conncreete, wiith natturaa
41、l EEnviironnmenntall arrt iin tthe connstrructtionn off a nummberr off veery beaautiifull, vveryy fuuncttionnal andd goood worrks. Anncieent Greeat Walll oof CChinna, thee mooderrn wworlld, manny oof tthe telleviisioon ttoweer aand thee brridgge rrampp Zhhangg, aare casses in poiint.土木工程概概论论文文张立伟(机械
42、工业业出版社社,北京京 10000881)摘要:土木木工程是是人类历历史上年年代最久久远的“技术术科学 ”,作为一一种系统统产业活活动,土木工工程的实实质是生生产了一种技技术过程程。土木工工程也建建造各类类工程设设施科学学技术统统称它既既指工程程建设对对象即建建在地上上、地下下、水中中各种工工程设施施也指所所应用材材料、设设备和所所进行勘勘测设计计、施工工、保养养、维修修等技术术。关键词:勘勘测设计计 建筑筑理念 施工工 生态态环境对土木工程程的发展展起关键键作用的的,首先先是作为为工程物物质基础础的土木木建筑材材料,其其次是随随之发展展起来的的设计理理论和施施工技术术。每当当出现新新的优良良
43、的建筑筑材料时时,土木木工程就就 会有有飞跃式式的发展展。 人们在早期期只能依依靠泥土土、木料料及其它它天然材材料从事事营造活活动,后后来出现现了砖和和瓦这种种人工建建筑材料料,使人人类第一一次冲破破了天然然建筑材材料的束束缚。中中国在公公元前十十一世纪纪 的西西周初期期制造出出瓦。最最早的砖砖出现在在公元前前五世纪纪至公元元前三世世纪战国国时的墓墓室中。砖砖和瓦具具有比土土更优越越的力学学性能,可可以就地地取材,而而又易于于加工制制作。 砖和瓦的出出现使人人们开始始广泛地地、大量量地修建建房屋和和城防工工程等。由由此土木木工程技技术得到到了飞速速的发展展。直至至1819世世纪,在在长达两两千
44、多年年时间里里,砖和和瓦一直直是土木木工程的的重要建建筑材料料,为人人类文明明作出了了伟大的的贡献,甚甚至在目目前还被被广泛采采用。 钢材的大量量应用是是土木工工程的第第二次飞飞跃。 十七世世纪700年代开开始使用用生铁、十十九世纪纪初开始始使用熟熟铁建造造桥梁和和房屋,这这是钢结结构出现现的前奏奏。 从十九世纪纪中叶开开始,冶冶金业冶冶炼并轧轧制出抗抗拉和抗抗压强度度都很高高、延性性好、质质量均匀匀的建筑筑钢材,随随后又生生产出高高强度钢钢丝、钢钢索 。于于是适应应发展需需要的钢钢结构得得到蓬勃勃发展。除除应用原原有的粱粱、拱结结构外,新新兴的桁桁架、框框架、网网架结构构、悬索索结构逐逐渐推
45、广广,出现现了结构构形式百百花争艳艳的局面面。 建筑物跨径径从砖结结构、石石结构、木木结构的的几米、几几十米发发展到钢钢结构的的百米、几几百米,直直到现代代的千米米以上。于于是在大大江、海海峡上架架起大桥桥,在地地面上建建造起摩摩天大楼楼和高耸耸铁塔,甚甚至在地地面下铺铺设铁路路,创造造出前所所未有的的奇迹。 为适应钢结结构工程程发展的的需要,在在牛顿力力学的基基础上,材材料力学学、结构构力学、工工程结构构设计理理论等就就应运而而生。施施工机械械、施工工技术和和施工组组织设计计的理论论也随之之发展,土土木工程程从经验验上升成成为科学学,在工工程实践践和基础础理论方方面都面面貌一新新,从而而促成
46、了了土木工工程更迅迅速的发发展。 十九世纪220年代代,波特特兰水泥泥制成后后,混凝凝土问世世了。混混凝土骨骨料可以以就地取取材,混混凝土构构件易于于成型,但但混凝土土的抗拉拉强度很很小,用用途受到到限制。 十九世世纪中叶叶以后,钢钢铁产量量激增,随随之出现现了钢筋筋混凝土土这种新新型的复复合建筑筑材料,其其中钢筋筋承担拉拉力,混混凝土承承担压力力,发挥挥了各自自的优点点。 二二十世纪纪初以来来,钢筋筋混凝土土广泛应应用于土土木工程程的各个个领域。 从三十年代代开始,出出现了预预应力混混凝土。预预应力混混凝土结结构的抗抗裂性能能、刚度度和承载载能力,大大大高于于钢筋混混凝土结结构,因因而用途途更为广广阔。土土木工程程进入了了钢筋混混凝土和和预应力力混凝土土占统治治地位的的历史时时期。混混凝土的的出现给给建筑物物带来了了新的经经济、美美观的工工程结构构形式,使使土木工工程产生生了新的的施工技技术和工工程结构构设计理理论。这这是土木木工程的的又一次次飞跃发发展。 土木工程的的特点 建造一项工工程设施施一般要要经过勘勘察、设设计和施施工三个个阶段,需需要运用用工程地地质勘察察、水文文地质勘勘察、工工程测量量、土力力学、工工程力学学、工程程设计、建建筑材料料、建筑筑设备、工工程机械械
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