Unit 4 Period 1 Reading and thinking同步训练 -学年高二上学期英语人教版选择性必修第一册(含答案)_第1页
Unit 4 Period 1 Reading and thinking同步训练 -学年高二上学期英语人教版选择性必修第一册(含答案)_第2页
Unit 4 Period 1 Reading and thinking同步训练 -学年高二上学期英语人教版选择性必修第一册(含答案)_第3页
Unit 4 Period 1 Reading and thinking同步训练 -学年高二上学期英语人教版选择性必修第一册(含答案)_第4页
Unit 4 Period 1 Reading and thinking同步训练 -学年高二上学期英语人教版选择性必修第一册(含答案)_第5页
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1、UNIT 4 Period 1 (同步训练)一、单词拼写The students9 work(不同)considerably in quality.The course is(批准)by the Department for Education.The customers could select the(合适的)product from this full list.1 dont know whether to(把理解为)her silence as acceptance or refusal.Medical opinion(相异)as to how to treat the disease

2、.New methods of production were(应用)a few years ago.The past ten years has(见证)the achievements of developing sports business.But remember that return the(帮助;恩惠)when he or she needs your help.The demonstrators broke through heavy police(障碍).The companies with(可靠的)quality, perfect service, reasonable p

3、rice win the trust of new and old customers.二、单句语法填空The menu varies the season.The whole company has tended to approve their plans.As a result, people could make (infer) about who was participating in the virtual虚拟) conversation.I cant have you breaking in health.You should find better ways(employ)

4、your time.The guide(interpret) the foreigners remarks for us at that time.There is nothing(good) than a good rest when you are tired.It(demonstrate) that this drug is effective so far.三、完成句子I can think of a nice cold drink on a hot summer afternoon.在夏季炎热的下午,我想不出什么东西比一杯冰凉可口的饮料更好。this drug is effectiv

5、e.这药已被证实是有效的。Her health under the pressure of work.她因工作压力身体垮掉了。We hardly had any difficulty in我们毫不费力地就使这项议案通过了。四、阅读理解Body language or, as it is also known, nonverbal communication, is about all the things that people say and do without using words. Research suggests that more than 70% of communicati

6、on occurs without people having to say a single word.Like language, the way we communicate nonverbally varies across cultures. But, unlike language, it can be very difficult to find out what the nonverbal rules are.Its very well-known that there are differences in the ways that cultures work, but wh

7、at can you do to try to prepare yourself for living and surviving in another culture?I think youve got two things to think about I personally dont fully accept the idea of When in Rome, do as the Romans do. ” I dont think people expect you to completely adopt all of the things that they do. What I t

8、hink people would like is that you agree and understand it and that you do your best.One of the things you can do is actually to explain to the other culture, saying, wWell, you know, actually we dont normally kiss in my culture, so its a bit uncomfortable. But then do your best, so its a learning p

9、rocess.Well, kissing is just one of many different ways of interaction that you need to know. You can get into difficult or embarrassing or even worse situations if you dont know it. Eye contact, tone of voice, how close you stand, any touching, how many times you kiss, a long handshake, a short han

10、dshake, it can go on and on. So I think, yes, you do need to get these correct and you need to have good observation skills.From the passage, it can be inferred thatonly grown-ups have body languagebody language can be understood by all the people all the timeonly the same body language has the same

11、 meaning all over the worldbody language varies from culture to cultureThe passage is mainly to tell readersbody language is importantto And out the rules of body languagewhen in Rome, do as the Romans doto learn good observation skills3 According to the author, we know thatA to learn body language,

12、 you should watch people and observe what they doto learn a language, you should prepare yourself for living in another culturewhen you learn a language, you must know the differences of different culturesto know body language, you should adopt all that other cultures do 五、完形填空The other day I was sh

13、opping at a local store and met a lady. She was squatting(蹲坐)on the floor looking for a 1 product on the bottom shelf. She jumped up when she saw me as if to _2_ my way. Apologetically(抱歉地)she 3 that she was a 4 at a nearby store and was on her lunch 5 trying to get a few needed items.I reassured(使消

14、除疑虑)her, I am in no hurry. Go ahead and do what you need to do.” she searched for a particular brand she said that sometimes were rude to her at the store and she really 8 my kindness. I told her that I had noticed cashiers being treated rudely. I explained to her that I was a retired nurse and , so

15、me of what she was saying first hand. Sometimes, the sick people could be rude.She thanked me for being so nice and friendly. I told her, “The world would be a JQ place if we all acted 11. Those who are rude may have bad karma(因果报应)coming after them eventually for J2 people badly. ” She nodded and b

16、roke out in a big smile.In a brief 里 I showed her there are good and kind people in the world and may have boosted(增进) her J4 in humanity. Maybe she 1$ that later in the day, perhaps when someone was treating her unkindly.BB certainD. commercialB give way toD keep track ofB reflectedD. addedB, actre

17、ssD. cashierB novelD. passionC. fascinatingA. head toC. get out ofA. whisperedC- explainedA. waitressC. conductorA. breakC. chartA. WhileC. OnceA. employeesC. hostsA. admittedC respondedA. realisedC. recognisedA. betterC strongerA. happilyC. kindlyA. punishingC. scaringA. exchangeC repetitionA. reli

18、efC. virtueA. watched overB. BeforeD. AlthoughB , visitorsD. customersB appreciatedD. rejectedB , understoodD. acceptedB. cleanerD. largerB. franklyD. generouslyB , treatingD. affectingB lectureD. performanceB . fortuneD. faithbrought aboutD. got throughD. got throughthought about参考答案:一、单词拼写答案:1. va

19、ries2. approved3 appropriate4. interpret 5. differs6. employed7. witnessed 8. favour9. barriers10. reliable二、单句语法填空答案:l.with2.of3.inferences4.down5.to erpreted 7.better8.has been demonstrated三、完成句子答案:答案:1. nothing better than答案:1. nothing better than答案:1. nothing better than2. It has been demonstrated that3. broke downgetting the bill through四、阅读理解3. broke down.D推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,身体语言因文化的不同而不同。2.B写作意图题。通读全文尤其是第二段最后一句可知,本文是说明“弄清楚身体语言的规那么”而不是其 “重要性”,应选B项。3.A细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句可知,学习身体语言需要有很好的观察技巧,故A项与之相符。五、完形填空B作者不知道对方在寻找什么产


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