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1、运动神经调节the nerve regulation of motor邓石可catalogueStructure of neurons1 细胞膜 cytomembrane2 胞体 soma (细胞质和细胞器)3 细胞骨架 cytoskeleton4 突触 synapsiscytomembraneSoma线粒体 mitochondria内质网 endoplasmic reticulum高尔基体 Golgi apparatus 核糖体 ribosome 溶酶体 lysosomesynapseSynapse:一个神经元与另一个神经元进行信息交流的接触点,是神经元信息交流的基本结构。突触传递:The

2、process of information transter at a synapse chemical synapseSynapse electrical synapseNeuronal activity1 代谢活动 Metabolic activity2 胞浆活动 Axoplasmic activities3 电活动 Electrical activity4 递质释放 Neurotransmitter releaseElectrical activityElectrical activityElectrical activity五种电位1 电紧张电位 Electrotonic poten

3、tial (线性关系)2 局部反应 Local potential (电刺激+膜电位改变)3 动作电位Action potential (介绍极化状态的改变,发放的模式表示不同的信息)4 突触电位 Synaptic potential 膜电位Ion channels1 Non-gate ion channels2 gated ion channel voltage-gated ion channels Na K cl ligand gated channels NeurotransmitterResting potentialResting potential 神经元及其他可兴奋细胞未受刺激时

4、存在于细胞膜内外两侧的电压差非门控离子通道是静息电位的形成基础1 绝对不应期 absolute refractory period2 相对不应期 relativle refractory period3 超常期 supernormal region4 低常期 subnormal period特征:全或无、不衰减扩布、脉冲发放、兴奋性变化synapsisSynaptic transmission Electrical synapses structure functionSynaptic Chemical synapses structure classificationElectrical s

5、ynapsesGap junctionElectrical synapses介导神经元同步活动通过相邻细胞共享电信号和化学信号,参与调节和营养神经元参与神经胶质细胞功能调节chemical synapsemost synaptic transmission in the mature human nervous system is through chemical synapseelementary strcture of chemical synapse presynaptic elements postsynaptic elements synaptic cleftsynaptic cle

6、ftextracellular matrix protein cell adhesion molecular细胞外基质蛋白粘附分子postsynaptic elements1 postsynaptic membrance2 receptors 3 postsynaptic density ( 致密带)Classification of chemical synapseBased on the part of the neuron post to the axon terminal Based on the presynaptic and postsynaptic membrane Gray 球

7、形 后膜较前膜厚 兴奋性突触 Gray 椭圆形 对称性 抑制性突触Based on the neurotransmitterPrinciples of synaptic transmission合成递质所需的酶首先向轴突末梢转运 在胞浆进行递质合成 递质进入突触囊泡进行储存转运体 transporter 囊泡膜上的特殊镶嵌蛋白经典神经递质按化学梯度和电梯度进行转运Quantal release 量子释放Neurotransmitters acting on synapsesConformation changes of receptorsFunctional changes of recept

8、orsMain types of heurobransmitter receptors1 transmitter-gated ion channel 门控离子通道 contormabon change Ion channed open Ion flux postsynaptic potential Na cl The neurotransmitter is released and cleared1 simple diffusion2 reuptake into the presynaptic axon terminaltransponer veloaded into synaptic ves

9、iclesenzymatically destroyed3 uptake by glia cell 4 degradation in synaptic cleftneurotransmitterneurotransmitter: 作用于次一级神经元或效应器细胞膜上相应的受体而发生效应的化学物质neurotransmitter: Ach,NE,DA,Glu, GABA 神经肽 neuropeptides NO,CO The characteristic of neurotransmitter1 神经元必须具有合成该N递质的合成酶系2 合成的神经递质必须能被突触囊泡所储存3 存储的神经递质以胞裂外

10、排的方式释放,直接外加该递质可以产生相同的突触后效应4 释放神经递质迅速作用于突触后膜产生生物效应5 突触间隙的神经递质将快速失活6 递质拟似剂和受体阻断剂能加强或阻断该递质的突触传递效应Neurotransmitters act on receptorsHigh efficaryReversibleStereospecificAgonist and antagonist运动的神经调节1 中枢神经系统对感觉信息的兴奋与抑制 CNS can enhance or suppress sensory information2 运动与神经活动 Motor and Nerve Activites(1 运

11、动中神经活动的整合 integration of neuronal activity in movement(2 运动控制中反射活动的作用 The role of reflex activity in motor control运动控制理论Theory of motion control反射理论reflection theory等级理论 Level of theory运动程序理论 Theory of motion programming系统理论动态动作理论sensory system躯体感觉系统视觉系统听觉系统前庭系统感觉系统 sensory system浅感觉 superficial sen

12、sibility 痛觉 ,温度觉,触压觉深感觉 deep sensibility 本体感觉,位置觉,震动觉兴奋与抑制外周感受器1 muscle spindle2 GTOs3 joint receptor4 skin receptorsomatosensory system肌梭muscle spindlea型纤维 型纤维单突触脊髓反射 经皮质反射脊髓反射 reflect牵张反射 myotatic reflex1 腱反射、肌紧张2 屈反射 和 交互抑制反射 Reciprocal inhibition reflex牵张反射环路神经元神经元增强a及型纤维的能力肌梭对脊髓反射通路和长环反射同路形成起重要

13、作用高尔基腱器 GTOs抑制性去突触反射joint receptorRuffini 型末梢Pacinian corpuscle帕西尼体形式末梢Ligament receptor韧带感受器 Teleneuron 神经末梢skin receptorThe body sensation at the spinal cord levelGrillner and Wallen (1985)CONTROL OF MOTONEURONE OSCILLATIONS DURING RHYTHMICITY Sensory pathway背侧束-内侧丘系传导通路 DC-ML前外侧系传道通路thalamusThala

14、musThalamus and somatosensory cortexThe thalamus, an undeveloped animal in the cortex, is the highest level of sensation. Animals in the cerebral cortex are the most important sensory transduction stationsDamage in this area can cause serious sensory problems丘脑及躯体感觉皮层integration of neuronal activity

15、sensory integrationmultisensory integration兴奋与抑制联合皮层 association corticalmotorcortex运动区域的输入信号来自基底节,小脑和感觉区域(丘脑,s1以及顶叶感觉联合区)锥体束(皮质脊髓束) corticospinal tract锥体束(皮质脊髓束) corticospinal tractEvarts (1968) Georgopoulos(1982)The discharge of cortical spinal neurons in the wrist of a monkeyrelated the firing ra

16、tes of individual neurons to various movement parameters such as position, velocity, and force (Evarts, 1968, Georgopoulos et al., 1982)CPSMA,Cingulate,PMv,PMdFour pre-motor cortical regions control different aspects of exercise planning and learningSMA功能为控制自身激发的运动控制The SMA function is to control the motion that is stimulated by itselfPM控制外界激发的运动输出PM controls outside excitation outputSMA,Cingulate,PMv,PMdRoland(1980)小脑epencephalon;cerebellumIt plays an important role in coordinating motorThe cerebellum receives input from almost al


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