Unit 2 Part 2 Using language能力提升练-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Part 2Using language能力提升练-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版能力提升练.阅读理解As an English teacher, I found that English slang(俚语)can be more difficult for those who learn English as a second language to understand. It can be confusing too.This became clear when I was talking to one of my students, Cathy, in Japan.

2、 “Excuse me, Miss White. I want to go to buy a notebook outside the school.” “Its bucketing outside,” I said. It is an English slang expression which means “it is raining”. However, she didnt seem to understand what I said.The point Im trying to get across is that being puzzled about English slang i

3、n the beginning is rather natural because it is what makes the language special. But learning some slang is a fantastic way of understanding the culture of a country. English does have some interesting slang. Here is some of my favorite slang which is common in Northern Ireland.To keel over: If some

4、one keels over, it basically means that he/she has fallen over because he/she has passed out or died.To be in bed with your head: This is used to describe someone who has gone to bed because he/she has a headache.To upset the apple cart: This means that someone has caused trouble or upset someones p

5、lans.Dead on: This means “exactly right”, “perfect”, or shows that someone agrees with what youve said.Slang can be difficult to learn but its really impressive when you get it right! Slang also helps you sound friendly, so its great for making friends. If you can use some of these English expressio

6、ns in a conversation, people will be amazed!1.How did Cathy feel when the author said “Its bucketing outside”?A.She was unhappy. B.She was surprised. C.She was worried. D.She was puzzled.2.What does the author think of English slang according to Paragraph 2?A.It tells us the history of a country. B.

7、It is created by language teachers. C.It reflects the culture of a country. D.It is used to impress foreigners.3.If someone says “Does the word mean elevator?”, what could you say?A.I keel over. B.Youre dead on. C.You upset the apple cart. D.Im in bed with my head.4.In which part of a newspaper can

8、we read this text?A.Culture. B.Science. C.Travel. D.Lifestyle.完形填空When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me a new English dictionary and advised me to use it. I was 1 to see that it was an English-English dictionary, also known as a monolingual(单语的)dictionary. Al

9、though it was a dictionary intended for non-native learners, none of my classmates had one and, to be honest, I found it extremely 2 to use at first. I would 3 words in the dictionary but still could not fully understand the meanings. I was used to the 4 English-Chinese dictionaries, in which the wo

10、rds are 5 both in English and Chinese. I really wondered why my aunt gave me such 6 to make things so difficult for me. Now, I understand that monolingual dictionaries are 7 in learning a foreign language. As I 8, there is actually often no perfect equivalent(对应词)between two 9 in two languages. My a

11、unt even 10 that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the 11 meaning of the word in English! Therefore, she insisted that I read the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary when I wanted to get a better 12 of its meaning. Gradually, I have come to see what she 13. Using a monolingua

12、l dictionary has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a(n) 14 number of words, around 2,000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am 15 exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas. Because of this, I can express myself mo

13、re easily in English. 1.A.worried B.sadC.surprised D.nervous2.A.difficult B.interestingC.important D.practical3.A.set up B.look upC.pick up D.take up4.A.new B.familiarC.informed D.confusing5.A.explained B.expressedC.described D.created6.A.appreciation B.courageC.advice D.power7.A.more natural B.bett

14、erC.more convenient D.easier8.A.checked out B.broke outC.found out D.turned out9.A.words B.namesC.ideas D.characters10.A.hoped B.declaredC.complained D.dreamt11.A.exact B.basicC.translatable D.expected12.A.understanding B.practiceC.expression D.consideration13.A.wanted B.preferredC.meant D.suffered1

15、4.A.extra B.averageC.total D.limited15.A.repeatedly B.nearlyC.immediately D.anxiously.语法填空A common word that shows surprise or 1 (sad) is “actually”. “Actually” suggests something is true, even when it is different from what has been thought or expected. For example, everybody knows that Bob 2(be) a

16、lways a nice person. But he saw a Christmas present he liked, and then ran away with 3. A speaker might say, “I cant 4(real) believe it! Bob actually stole the Christmas present.” Here, the speaker uses “actually” to show the unexpectedness of a happeningBob stole the present. She does not sound ver

17、y happy! Speakers can use “actually” to show good feelings, too. Lets take Ted for exampleanother person who always forgets 5 (give) gifts for Christmas. His parents may show their surprise at 6 (receive) a gift from Ted by saying the following, “Ted actually gave us a gift!” Here, the word “actuall

18、y” shows that they are pleasantly surprised at this strange happening: Ted 7 (remember) Christmas that day! 8 fact, they felt rather happy. Next time you are listening to an English speaker, try to find examples of words 9 show what people mean. Is the speaker showing surprise or regret? How does th

19、e speaker change the pitch(音调)of their voice? By answering these 10(question), you will start to learn how English speakers communicate feelings in slight ways. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .应用文写作假定你是来自美国的高中生Tom,你的中国朋友李华在英语学科的学习中遇到了一些困难和挑战,于是给你写信询问如何学好英语。请给他用英语写封回信,信中需包含以下内容要点:1.多用英语交流,提高口语和听力水平;2

20、.大量阅读,增加词汇量;3.写英语日记,学以致用。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Li Hua, Yours,Tom 答案能力提升练.1.D推理判断题。根据第一段中“However, she didnt seem to understand what I said.”可知,作者说“Its bucketing outside”的时候,Cathy好像不理解。由此可推断出,Cathy感到很困惑,故选D。2.C细节理解题。根据第二段中“But learning some slang is a fantastic way of understanding the cu

21、lture of a country.”可知,学习一些俚语是理解一个国家的文化的绝妙方法,俚语可以反映一个国家的文化,故选C。3.B推理判断题。根据第六段“Dead on: This means exactly right, perfect, or shows that someone agrees with what youve said.”可知,Dead on的意思是“非常正确”“完美”或者表明某个人同意你的观点。由此可推断出,当一个人说“Does the word mean elevator?(这个单词是电梯的意思吗?)”时,你就可以说“Youre dead on.”(你是完全正确的)。

22、4.A推理判断题。本文介绍了英语俚语的作用,同时解释了几个英语俚语的意思,属于语言文化领域,故选A。.1.C根据后面的“none of my classmates had one”和“I was used to the 4 English-Chinese dictionaries”可知,作者的同学们都没有英英词典,而且作者之前习惯使用英汉词典,因此当作者发现是一本英英词典时很惊讶(surprised)。worried担忧的;sad伤心的;nervous不安的。 2.A根据后面的“still could not fully understand the meanings”可知,作者发现英英词典一

23、开始很难(difficult)使用。interesting有趣的;important重要的;practical实用的。3.B根据空后的“words”和“but still could not fully understand the meanings”可知,作者会在这本词典中查询(look up)单词。set up建立;pick up捡起;take up占据。4.B根据空前“was used to”可知,作者已经习惯了熟悉的(familiar)英汉双语词典。new新的;informed有见识的;confusing令人费解的。5.A根据常识可知,英汉双语词典是用英语和汉语来解释(explaine

24、d)单词的。express表达;describe描述;create创造。6.C根据前文“my aunt,., gave me a new English dictionary and advised me to use it”可知,是姑姑给作者用英英词典的建议(advice)。appreciation欣赏;courage勇气;power力量。7.B根据后文中“Using a monolingual dictionary has helped me in another important way.”可知,作者发现单语词典在学习外语方面更好(better)。more natural更自然的;mo

25、re convenient更方便的;easier更容易的。8.C根据“there is actually often no perfect equivalent(对应词)”可知,正如作者发现(found out)的那样,汉语与英语之间没有非常对等的单词。check out调查;break out爆发;turn out结果为。9.A根据前文“I would 3 words in the dictionary but still could not fully understand the meanings.”可知,汉语和英语中的单词(words)通常不会完美对等。name名字;idea主意;ch

26、aracter特性。 10.B根据空后“a Chinese equivalent can never give you the 11 meaning of the word in English”可知,作者的姑姑宣称(declared)汉语中的对等词并不能给出准确的英文含义。hope希望;complain抱怨;dream梦想。 11.A根据前文“there is actually often no perfect equivalent(对应词)between two 9 in two languages”可知,通常,汉语中的对等词并不能给出准确的(exact)英文含义。basic 基本的;tr

27、anslatable可译的;expected预期的。 12.A根据前文“she insisted that I read the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary”可知,作者的姑姑坚持让作者在单语词典中读单词的定义,可推断出,这样能对单词的意思有更好的理解(understanding)。practice实践;expression表达;consideration考虑。13.C根据前文“I really wondered why my aunt gave me such 6 to make things so difficult

28、 for me.”可知,刚开始作者不明白姑姑这么做的原因,现在渐渐明白了姑姑的用意(meant)。want想要;prefer更喜欢;suffer遭受。 14.D根据“around 2,000”可知,此词典用了有限(limited)数量的单词来进行释义。extra额外的;average平均的;total完全的。15.A根据常识和空后句“Because of this, I can express myself more easily in English.”可知,作者读这些定义时,反复(repeatedly)接触到基本的词汇,并学习如何用它们来解释物体和思想。nearly几乎;immediate

29、ly立刻;anxiously焦虑地。.1.sadness考查名词。分析句子结构可知,or连接两个并列成分作shows的宾语,根据or前面的名词surprise可知,本空应用名词sadness。应用一般现在时,且主语Bob为第三人称单数,故本空应用is。3.it考查代词。本空在句中作宾语,故应用代词it指代上文中的a Christmas present。4.really考查副词。本空修饰动词believe,故应用副词。5.to give考查非谓语动词。forget to do sth.意为“忘记去做某事”,故本空应用不定式作宾语。句意:让我们以特德为例,他是另一个总是忘记送圣诞礼物的人。6.receiving考查非谓语动词。根据空前介词at可知


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