



1、四川省绵阳市景福镇中学2023年高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. This is his only request that the room _ after being used.A. be cleaned B. would be cleaned C. is cleaned D. will be cleaned参考答案:A2. _is no need for you to come if you dont want to.A. ItB. ThereC. ThatD. This参考答案:B本题考查代词。There is no need to do/for .没有必要为固定结构,故选B。3

2、. _ an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous.A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer参考答案:C4. - Who is making the mess in the room? - _ the naughty boys.A. There are B. That is C. They are D. It is 参考答案:D略5. Dont you know your computer has been infected with viruse

3、s? Really, no wonder it hasnt _ as well as before.A. appeared B. operatedC. managed D. controlled参考答案:Boperate侧重指机器的运行、人对机器的操作等。appear“显得;看起来”; manage“设法做成”; control“控制”。6. The little boy the last bit of toothpaste from the tube. A. squeezed out B. squeezed in C. pushed in D. pushed out 参考答案:A7. How

4、 about _ Christmas evening party. - I should say it was _ success.A. a, a B. the, a C. a, / D. the , /参考答案:B略8. We were delayed at the airport. _ we would have been here by lunch time.A. HoweverB. InsteadC. ProbablyD. Otherwise参考答案:D【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们在机场耽搁了,否则的话,我们在午饭之前就能到那里。A. However然而;B. Instead相

5、反;C. Probably可能;D. Otherwise否则。分析语境可知,在机场耽搁是真实的事情,但是午饭之前达到是假设的事情,故后一句为含蓄虚拟语气,如果不耽搁的话,就会在午饭之前达到,故选D。【点睛】含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气。非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表达出来,只暗含在上下文中,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句。含蓄条件句大体有三种情况:1.条件暗含在短语中He would not get such a result without your help.没有你的帮助,他就不会有今天的成果。(条件暗含在介词短语without your help中)But for you, I could not

6、be recovered so soon.要不是有你,我就不会恢复得这么快。(条件暗含在But for you中)2.条件可根据上下文推理出It would do you no good.这可能会对你没好处。(条件可能是if you should give up the job如果你放弃这项工作的话)They could have won.他们本来是会赢的。(条件可能是if they had been patient如果他们有耐心的话)3.条件用其他形式来表示She was ill, otherwise she would have been present at the meeting.她病

7、了,否则的话就会出席会议了。(条件通过连词otherwise, or表示出来If she had not been ill.)I told him to go there himself, but perhaps I should have gone together with him.我让他自己去那里,但也许我应该和他一道去。(连词but暗示条件)比如本题,分析语境可知,在机场耽搁是真实的事情,但是午饭之前达到是假设的事情,故后一句为含蓄虚拟语气,如果不耽搁的话,就会在午饭之前达到,故选D。9. Aswehaveseen,Paulwasopposedtolifestyle of fo-xi,

8、to theextent thathefoundhimselfin_withJamesandPeteronthesubject.A. operation B. impressionC. conflict D. consume参考答案:A【详解】考查名词。句意:正如我们所看到的,Paul反对fo-xi的生活方式,在某种程度上,他发现自己与James 和 Peter在这个问题上的合作。A. operation操作,经营;B. impression印象;C. conflict冲突;D. consume消耗。故选A。10. Sadly, the disease caused hearing to th

9、e pianist in his later life.A. loss B. lack C. absence D. hurt参考答案:A11. Save every minute that you can to work hard at your lessons,you wont succeed.A.only ifB.or elseC.so thatD.except that参考答案:B提示:句意为:“尽量节省每一分钟来学习功课,否则,你不会成功。”or else “否则”;only if “只有,只要”;so that“以至于”;except that“除去”。题干是逆向假设,故选B项。12

10、. _ the efforts to get the kids more interested in books, the children only spent just over an hour a week reading.A. As long as B. Even though C. In spite of D. As a result of参考答案:C13. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _ to give her long and flowing hair a smooth. A. now and then B. over

11、and over C. up and down D. here and there参考答案:A略14. Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to _ her though she may be fired by the company.A. relief B. referC. relax D. relieve参考答案:Drefer“参考;查阅;涉及”; relax“放松”; relieve“使宽慰;解除;免除”; relief为名词。句意:尽管有可能被公司解雇,但是最终能够说出真话好像令她感到宽慰。15. - What about the t

12、wo MP3s? - Sorry, but I dont like _ of them. Would you please show me a third one? A. none B. either C. both D. all 参考答案:B二、 填空16. 说起我的理想,我只想碰碰运气,在家乡开个公司As to my dream,I just want to and set up my own company in my hometown参考答案:take a chance说起我的理想,我只想碰碰运气,在家乡开个公司考查固定短语做 want 的宾语,表示碰碰运气用 to take a ch

13、ance三、 阅读理解17. An old man in a faded yellow shirt sat in a windowless room on a raised concrete form. The only source of heat came from somewhere beneath the plastic mattress and the rough blanket the blank-faced police woman had handed him after taking his thumb prints. He heard voices and metallic

14、 clang as the cell door swung open.At the front desk a tired looking policeman handed the old man back his belongings, his worn-out cap and the Seiko watch that had stopped working the day his beloved Evelyn left. The policeman dramatically held the blue plastic bag at an arms length to the old man

15、who took it and made sure its contents were undamaged: the goat meat, palm oil, leaves and spices. He ignored the confused expression on the officers face and signed the document declaring he had been returned the possessions they had taken off him the night before.No one spoke to him as he walked s

16、lowly towards the exit.Mr. Easy-nwa? He stopped and prayed to the God who now took care of Evelyn to please take him far away from this unhappy place of expressionless faces, clipped accents and people who did not even attempt to pronounce his name right.Ezenwa, He said and looked at a woman with ta

17、ngerine lips, her name tag said Jessica Harlow, Social Services. A bit far from home she said as she drove fast and with confidence the way Evelyn used to. He wondered if she meant the 50 miles from Liverpool or the 50,000 miles from Enugu,a city in Nigeria. He did not bother replying as this woman

18、had plenty to say about the weather, bad drivers, her daughters school play.At last she drew up outside the block of flats where he lived.Got here in the end,said she seriously, Really Mr. Easy-nwa, if you keep getting lost, we will have to consider moving you into a home.No need, I was not lost, he

19、 answered. He carefully rolled up the sleeves of the oversize bomber jacket he wore and turned on the tap to wash his hands, relieved the pipes were not frozen.In a clean pan he placed the chopped pieces of goat meat. The herbs and spices that had taken him three months to track down, the uziza seed

20、s had taken him into the heart of Granby Market in Liverpool, his uchanwu leaves down a shady back alley in Manchester, and yesterday, among other food items, the finest goat meat from a Sierra Leonean Butcher in Birmingham. That had taken some time, so much he missed the last train and when the pol

21、ice found him shivering outside the locked-up station, so cold he couldnt answer loudly enough the pink-faced big copper who yelled in his face, Whats your name sir? spraying his face with spittle (吐沫)as he did so, leaving them with no choice but to search an exhausted, frozen old black man and find

22、ing him in possession of mysterious condiments (调味品)including a bag of dried bitter-leaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that resulted in him getting read his rights and charged with .possession?He lifted the lid of the bubbling soup, the room was filled with the rich and spicy scent

23、of his culinary (烹饪的)effort. He served two bowls, taking the chipped one and placing the other opposite where Evelyn would have sat. He would tell her about his adventure, it was their anniversary and this was the perfect pepper soup to celebrate.Ken Onyia, UK (Nigeria) Commonwealth Sport Short Stor

24、y Prize12. Why was Mr. Ezenwa taken to the prison for a night?A. He was too weak to move.B. He couldnt find his way back home.C. He then had nowhere else to go.D. He was suspected of possessing drugs.13. When Mr. Ezenwa was to leave the prison, .A. his thumb print was taken immediatelyB the policema

25、n was confused about what he hadC. a social worker was assigned to drive him back homeD. the policeman was so kind as not to damage his belongings14. What did Mr. Ezenwa do for his wedding anniversary?A. He collected all sorts of valuables as presents.B. He cooked native food as a surprise for his w

26、ife.C. He prepared a special Nigerian pepper soup carefully.D. He travelled a lot, attempting to get his wife back.15. What words can be used to describe Mr. Ezenwa?A. Hopeless and pessimistic.B. Affectionate and persistent.C. Mysterious and troublesome.D. Energetic and sympathetic.参考答案:12. D 13. C

27、14. C 15. B这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个去买调味品,结果却被警察误认为携带毒品而被抓起来的一个深情而执着的黑人的故事。【12题详解】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段的finding him in possession of mysterious condiments (调味品) including a bag of dried bitter-leaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that resulted in him getting read his rights and charged with .possession? (发现他拥有神秘的调味品,包括一袋干的bitter-leaf,这些东西当然会被误解成其它任何东西,这些东西会导致他被指控)可推测,警察把老人的调味品当成了毒品。D. He was suspected of possessing drugs. (他被怀疑拥有毒品)符合以上猜测,故选D项。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第五段的Ezenwa, He said and looked at a woman with tangerine lips, her name tag sai


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