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1、一个投资者的成成长读巴菲特特的信(1)分类: HYPERLINK /user/category/5598/103/ 投资阅阅读数:68860评论论数:21推荐数数:156 最近正在读读巴菲特给股股东的信,从从1957开开始。当时巴巴菲特还只是是一个27岁岁的青年投资资者,仅有两两年正式的职职业投资经验验。19544-19566年,巴菲特特曾经在格雷雷厄姆的投资资公司工作。在在那之前,巴巴菲特提出免免费给格雷厄厄姆工作,但但遭到了拒绝绝。他给股东东的信忠实的的记录了一个个投资者成长长的历程。 在19577-19611年的信中,有有几段话吸引引了我的注意意: 基金的的目标 “MMy conntin

2、uaal objjectivve in managging ppartneershipp fundds is to acchievee alonng-terrm perrformaance rrecordd supeerior to thhat off the Indusstriall Averrage. I bellieve this Averaage, oover aa periiod off yearrs, wiill moore orrless paralllel tthe reesultss of lleadinng invvestmeent coompaniies. UUnless

3、s we ddo achhieve this superrior pperforrmancee therre is no reeason for eexisteence oof thee parttnershhips.” “我管理合伙基金的一贯目标是取得优于道琼斯工业平均指数的长期业绩。我坚信这一平均指数在长期将与领先的投资公司的业绩相类似。除非我们取得这样优异的业绩,否则我们的合伙基金没有理由存在下去。” (1960年给给合伙人的信信) 巴菲特最初的目目标是长期业业绩超越指数数。这个目标标至今没有改改变。 如何何获得超越市市场的业绩 “Howeveer,I hhave ppointeed o

4、utt thatt any superrior rrecordd whicch we mightt accoomplissh shoould nnot bee expeected to bee eviddencedd by aa relaativelly connstantt advaantagee in pperforrmancee comppared to thhe Aveerage. Rathher itt is llikelyy thatt if ssuch aan advvantagge is achieeved, it wiill bee throough bbetterr-tha

5、nn-averrage pperforrmancee in sstablee or ddeclinning mmarketts andd averrage, or peerhapss evenn poorrer- tthan-aaveragge perrformaance iin rissing mmarketts.”“但是,我我曾经指出,即即使我们可能能取得优秀的的业绩,这也也不能证明我我们能保持相相对稳定的对对道琼斯工业业平均指数的的优势。如果果我们获得优优势,也是通通过在平稳或或下跌市场中中超出平均的的业绩,在上上涨的市场中中获得平均业业绩,甚至有有可能是逊于于平均的业绩绩而达到。”(1

6、960年给给合伙人的信信)巴菲特特告诉自己的的合伙人,自自己超越市场场不是持续稳稳定的超越,具具有稳定的优优势,而是在在市场不好时时超越,在市市场狂热时表表现一般,甚甚至逊色。换换句话说,战战胜市场不是是多赢,而是是少输。 衡量业绩的标准准 “II beliieve iin esttablisshing yardsstickss prioor to the aact; rretrosspectiively, almoost annythinng cann be mmade tto loook goood in relattion tto sommethinng or otherr. I hav

7、e contiinuoussly ussed thhe Doww-Jonees Inddustriial Avveragee as oour meeasuree of ppar. IIt is my feeelingg thatt threee yeaars iss a veery miinimall testt of pperforrmancee, andd the best test consiists oof a pperiodd at lleast that long wheree the termiinal llevel of thhe Doww is rreasonnably cl

8、osee to tthe innitiall leveel. While tthe Doow is not pperfecct (noor is anythhing eelse) as a measuure off perfformannce, iit hass the advanntage of beeing wwidelyy knowwn, haas a llong pperiodd of ccontinnuity, and refleects wwith rreasonnable accurracy tthe exxperieence oof invvestorrs genneralll

9、y witth thee markket.” “我坚信在行动动前制定标准准。因为事后后再看,几乎乎任何事情,相相对于某些其其他事物,都都能显得很好好。 我一直用道琼斯斯工业平均指指数作为我们们衡量的基准准。我感觉三三年是检验业业绩的最短时时间。最佳的的检验至少要要包括三年的的时间,而道道琼斯指数的的终值与初始始值相当接近近。 虽然道琼斯指数数并不是衡量量业绩的完美美指标(任何何事物都不是是),但这个个指数有着广广为人知,长长期的连续性性,以及相当当准确的反映映了市场投资资者情况的优优势。” (1961年给给合伙人的信信) 巴菲特选取指数数是为了有一一个公平的标标准。而且,他他认为要评价价投资业

10、绩最最少要三年的的时间,而且且最好是在这这段时间里市市场持平。这这样才能体现现出投资的真真实业绩,而而不是短期运运气,或者随随着市场水涨涨船高。 保守的投资“Many ppeoplee somee yearrs bacck thoought they were behavving iin thee mostt consservattive mmannerr by ppurchaasing mediuum or long-term municcipal or goovernmment bbonds. Thiss poliicy haas prooducedd subsstantiial maar

11、ket depreeciatiion inn manyy casees, annd mosst cerrtainlly hass failled too mainntain or inncreasse reaal buyying ppower. Conscioous, pperhapps oveerly cconsciious, of innflatiion, mmany ppeoplee now feel that they are bbehaviing inn a coonservvativee mannner byy buyiing bllue chhip seecuritties aa

12、lmostt regaardlesss of pricee-earnnings ratioos, diividennd yieelds, etc. Withoout thhe bennefit of hiindsigght ass in tthe boond exxamplee, I ffeel tthis ccoursee of aactionn is ffraughht witth dannger. Theree is nnothinng at all cconserrvativve, inn my oopinioon, abbout sspecullatingg as tto jusst

13、 howw highh a muultipllier aa greeedy annd cappricioous puublic will put oon earrningss.” “True cconserrvatissm is only possiible tthrouggh knoowledgge andd reasson.” “多年前很多人人认为购买中中期或者长期期政府债券是是最保守的做做法。这种方方式造成了大大量的损失,而而且肯定无法法保持或者增增加真实购买买力。 由于意识到通胀胀,甚至过于于担心通胀,很很多人认为他他们不顾市盈盈率、股息率率等指标购买买大型蓝筹股股是保守的做做法。即使

14、不不考虑过去债债券的例子,我我也认为这种种做法充满危危险。在我看看来,投机毫毫无保守可言言,投机只不不过是猜想贪贪婪而变化无无常的公众能能给盈利多高高的倍数。” “真正的保守惟惟有通过知识识和理性才有有可能。” (1961年给给合伙人的信信) 50年前的忠告告同样适合今今天的人们。不不顾租售比,不不考虑价格买买房的人并不不是在通胀条条件下进行保保守的保值投投资。预期房房价不断上涨涨,其实就是是预期贪婪而而变化无常的的公众将给房房子支付更高高的价格。一个投资者的成成长读巴菲特特的信(2)分类: HYPERLINK /user/category/5598/103/ 投资阅阅读数:27741评论论数

15、:17推荐数数:58 内在价值的回归归与卖出时机机 被低估股股票的价格何何时能回归内内在价值?如如何才能回归归内在价值?在什么情况况下要卖出所所投资的股票票?巴菲特的的回答如下: “Somme timmes thhese wwork oout veery faast; mmany ttimes they take yearss. It is diifficuult att the time of puurchasse to know any sspeciffic reeason why tthey sshouldd apprreciatte in pricee. Howwever, becaa

16、use oof thiis lacck of glamoour orr anytthing pendiing whhich mmight creatte immmediatte favvorablle marrket aactionn, theey aree avaiilablee at vvery ccheap pricees. A lot oof vallue caan be obtaiined ffor thhe priice paaid. TThis ssubstaantiall exceess off valuue creeates a commfortaable mmarginn

17、of ssafetyy in eeach ttransaactionn. Thiis inddividuual maargin of saafety, couppled wwith aa diveersityy of ccommittmentss creaates aa mostt attrractivve pacckage of saafety and aapprecciatioon pottentiaal. Ovver thhe yeaars ouur timming oof purrchasees hass beenn conssideraably bbetterr thann our

18、timinng of saless. We do noot go into thesee geneerals with the iidea oof gettting the llast nnickell, butt are usuallly quuite ccontennt sellling out aat somme inttermeddiate levell betwween oour puurchasse priice annd whaat we regarrd as fair valuee to aa privvate oowner.” “有时时候很快就能能实现。更多多的时候,需需要几


20、理理价位是对私私人业主来说说公平的价格格。” (11961年给给合伙人的信信) 价值投资的安安全性 价值值投资的安全全性不是来自自于高超的卖卖点选择,而而是来自于买买入的低价。 By buying assets at a bargain price, we dont need to pull any rabbits out of a hat to get extremely good percentage gains. This is the cornerstone of our investment philosophy: “Never count on making a good sale

21、. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good results. The better sales will be the frosting on the cake.” 通过低价买入资产,我们无需施展魔术才能得到非常好的百分比回报。我们投资哲学的基石是:“绝不指望好的卖出。而是让购买价格如此之诱人,即使一个平庸的卖出也能带来良好的回报。更好的卖出将会是锦上添花。” (1962年给合伙人的信) 股市下跌的情况 价值投资,安全边际,购买便宜的股票也不能避免下跌。市场涨跌左右短期表现。 T

22、he generals tend to behave market-wise very much in sympathy with the Dow. Just because something is cheap does not mean it is not going to go down. During abrupt downward movements in the market, this segment may very well go down percentage-wise just as much as the Dow. Over a period of years, I b

23、elieve the generals will outperform the Dow, and during sharply advancing years like 1961, this is the section of our portfolio that turns in the best results. It is, of course, also the most vulnerable in a declining market. 我们的股票倾向与市场表现一致。便宜并不意味着不会进一步下跌。在市场突然下跌的时候,这些股票完全可能与道琼斯指数一样,下降同样的百分比。从长期看,我相

24、信这些股票将超过道琼斯指数的表现。在1961年那样猛烈上涨的市场,这部分股票在我们的投资组合中表现是最佳的。当然,在一个下跌的市场,这部分也是最容易受到损失的。 (1961年给合伙人的信) 对投资人的承诺 结果无法保证,目标可以承诺,投入全部身家,与合伙人利益保持高度一致。 I can not promise results to partners. What I can and do promise is that: a.Our iinvesttmentss willl be cchosenn on tthe baasis oof vallue, nnot poopularrity; b.T

25、haat we will attemmpt too brinng rissk of permaanent capittal looss (nnot shhort-tterm qquotattionall losss) to an abbsolutte minnimum by obbtainiing a wide margiin of safetty in each commiitmentt and a divversitty ofccommittmentss;and c.My wife, chilldren and II willl havee virttuallyy our entirre

26、nett wortth invvestedd in tthe paartnerrship. 我无无法对合伙人人承诺结果。我我能够承诺而而且确定承诺诺的是: aa.我们投资资的选择是基基于价值,而而不是流行。 b.我们会试图把资本永久损失(而不是短期账面损失)的风险降到绝对最低。而这是通过每个投资的大的安全边际和投资的分散性达到的。 c.我的妻子,孩子和我将把我们几乎全部的净值都投资在合伙基金中。 (1962年给合伙人的信) 对投资业绩的检验 市场下跌是对投资是否保守的客观考验。无需患得患失,少输胜过多赢。 I feel the most objective test as to just ho

27、w conservative our manner of investing is arises through evaluation of performance in down markets. Preferably these should involve a substantial decline in the Dow. 我认为通过评估在下跌市场中的业绩,我们可以得到最客观的关于投资方式有多保守的检验。最好是道琼斯指数下跌很多的时候。 (19662年给合伙伙人的信) Our jjob iss to ppile uup yeaarly aadvanttages over the pper

28、forrmancee of tthe Doow witthout worryying ttoo muuch abbout wwhetheer thee absoolute resullts inn a giiven yyear aare a plus or a minuss. I wwould consiider aa yearr in wwhich we weere doown 155% andd the Dow ddeclinned 255% to be muuch suuperioor to a yeaar wheen botth thee parttnershhip annd thee

29、 Dow advannced 220%. 我们的任任务是积累年年复一年超越越道琼斯指数数的业绩,而而不是过度担担心某一年的的绝对结果是是正还是负。我我认为道指下下跌25%而而我们只下跌跌15%的一一年要远好于于道指和我们们都上涨200%的一年。 (1962年给合伙人的信) 一个投资者的成成长读巴菲特特的信(3)分类: HYPERLINK /user/category/5598/103/ 投资阅阅读数:22273评论论数:17推荐数数:52 复利的威力 在在投资中,巴巴菲特逐渐体体会到了复利利的威力。实实际上,巴菲菲特最终成为为首富就是靠靠长期高速的的复利增长。关关于复利的威威力这一点,巴巴菲特

30、在322岁的时候就就非常清楚。 I have it from unreliable sources that the cost of the voyage Isabella originally underwrote for Columbus was approximately $30,000. This has been considered at least a moderately successful utilization of venture capital. Without attempting to evaluate the psychic income derived fro

31、m finding a new hemisphere, it must be pointed out that even had squatters rights prevailed, the whole deal was not exactly another IBM. Figured very roughly, the $30,000 invested at 4% compounded annually would have amounted to something like $2,000,000,000,000 (thats $2 trillion for those of you w

32、ho are not government statisticians) by 1962. Historical apologists for the Indians of Manhattan may find refuge in similar calculations. Such fanciful geometric progressions illustrate the value of either living a long time, or compounding your money at a decent rate. I have nothing particularly he

33、lpful to say on the former point. 我从不太可靠的消息来源得知,当年西班牙女王伊萨贝拉资助哥伦布远航的成本大约是3万美金。这被认为至少是一个相当成功的运用风险资本的例子。不考虑发现一个新半球的精神上的收获,即使算上强占的土地的权利,这个投资也比不上IBM的例子。简单估算,3万美金投入4%复利增长,到了1962年将会是2万亿美元。同情曼哈顿岛的印第安人的人们也会找到类似的计算。这种奇异的几何级数增长揭示了两种事物的价值:长寿或者让你的金钱以相当好的速度复利增长。我对前一个事情没什么可讲的。 The folloowing tablee indiicatess the

34、 compooundedd valuue of $100,000 aat 5%, 10% and 115% foor 10, 20 aand 300 yearrs. Itt is aalwayss starrtlingg to ssee hoow rellativeely smmall ddifferrencess in rrates add uup to very signiificannt summs oveer a pperiodd of yyears. Thatt is wwhy, eeven tthoughh we aare shhootinng forr moree, we fee

35、l that a feww perccentagge poiints aadvanttage oover tthe Doow is a verry worrthwhiile acchieveement. It ccan meean a lot oof dolllars over adecaade orr two. 下面的表表格显示的是是10万美元元以5%,110%和155%的速度复复利增长100,20和330年。让人人吃惊的是,相相对较小的速速度差别,经经过多年的积积累,逐渐变变为巨大的数数字差异。这这就是为什么么虽然我们的的目标是更高高的增长,但但我们感觉,对对于道指的几几个点的优势势是非常

36、有价价值的成就。假假以时日,110年或200年,这意味味着很多钱。 (19662年给合伙伙人的信) Sincee the wholee subjject oof commpoundding hhas suuch a crasss ringg to iit, I will attemmpt too intrroducee a liittle classs intoo thiss disccussioon by turniing too the art wworld. Franncis II of FFrancee paidd 4,0000 ecuus in 1540 for LLeonarrdo

37、 daa Vinccis MMona LLisa. On thhe offf channce thhat a few oof youu havee not kept trackk of tthe flluctuaationss of tthe eccu 4,0000 coonvertted ouut to aboutt $20,000. 由于复利这这个话题牵扯扯的范围很广广,我就试着着把这个讨论论转向艺术世世界,来引入入一门小课程程。15400年,法国的的弗兰西斯一一世花了40000克朗把把达芬奇的蒙蒙娜丽莎买下下。你们可能能没关注克朗朗的波动,这这4000克克朗相当于今今天的2万美美金。 I

38、ff Franncis hhad keept hiis feeet on the ggroundd and he (aand hiis truusteess) hadd beenn ablee to ffind aa 6% aafter-tax iinvesttment, the estatte noww woulld be worthh someethingg overr $1,0000,0000,0000,000,000.000. Thhats $1 quuadrilllionoor oveer 3,0000 tiimes tthe presentt natiional debt, all

39、 from 6%. II trusst thiis willl endd all discuussionn in oour hoousehoold abbout aany puurchasse of painttings qualiifyingg as aan invvestmeent. 如如果弗兰西斯斯还活着,他他(和他的受受托人)当时时能够找到一一个税后6%的投资,这这笔财产现在在会价值超过过1000万万亿。这是目目前国债的33000倍,都都是从这6%而来。我相相信这将结束束所有家庭中中关于购买画画作算不算投投资的讨论。 (19633年给合伙人人的信) 基金无法法战胜市场 巴菲特发现现即使

40、是领先先的大基金也也无法战胜市市场指数。他他认为这源于于这些投资机机构的机制。 The results continue to show that the most highly paid and respected investment advice has difficulty matching the performance of an unmanaged index of blue-chip stocks. This in no sense condemns these institutions or the investment advisers and trust departme

41、nts whose methods, reasoning, and results largely parallel such investment companies. These media perform a substantial service to millions of investors in achieving adequate diversification, providing convenience and peace of mind, avoiding issues of inferior quality,etc. However, their services do

42、 not include (and in the great majority of cases, are not represented to include) the compounding of money at a rate greater than that achieved by the general market. 这些结果继续显示,那些获得最高额收入和最受尊敬的投资建议也很难比得上一个无人管理的蓝筹股指数的业绩。这并不是指责这些机构或投资顾问,以及与这些投资公司有着大体上类似的方法、推理,和结果的信托部门。这些机构给成百万的投资者起到了重要的服务作用,以获得足够的分散投资,提

43、供便利,让人感到踏实,避免质量低下的问题等。但是,他们的服务不包括(在大部分情况下也不声称包括)以高于市场的速度复利增长金钱。 Our partnerships fundamental reason for existence is to compound funds at a better-than-average rate with less exposure to long-term loss of capital than the above investment media. We certtainlyy can not rrepressent tthat wwe willl ach

44、hieve this goal. We ccan annd do say tthat iif we dontt achiieve tthis ggoal oover aany reeasonaable pperiodd exclludingg an eextenssive sspecullativee boomm, we will ceasee operrationn. 我们的的合伙基金存存在的根本原原因就是要以以高于平均水水平的速度复复利增长基金金,而且与上上面所说的投投资公司相比比,我们要有有更少的长期期资本损失的的风险。我们们当然无法声声称会达到这这一目标。我我们能说的而而且是确实说说的

45、是,除了了在长时间的的投机性牛市市中,如果我我们在相当长长的一段时期期内,达不到到这一目标,我我们将停止运运营。 (11963年上上半年给合伙伙人的信) The rrepetiition of thhese ttabless has causeed parrtnerss to aask: Why iin thee worlld doees thiis happpen tto verry inttelliggent mmanageementss workking wwith (1) brright, enerrgeticc stafff peoople, (2) vvirtuaally uunl

46、imiited rresourrces, (3) tthe moost exxtensiive buusinesss conntactss, andd (4)lliteraally ccenturries oof agggregatte invvestmeent exxperieence? (Thee lattter quualifiicatioon briings tto minnd thee felllow whho appplied for aa job and sstatedd he hhad twwenty yearss of eexperiience - whiich waas c

47、orrrecteed by the fformerr emplloyer to reead “oone yeears experriencee -tweenty ttimes.”) 这些些重复出现的的表格让一些些合伙人不禁禁问道:“这这些聪明的投投资经理究竟竟怎么了?他他们有(1)聪聪明而精力充充沛的手下(22)几乎无限限的资源(33)最广泛的的商业联系(44)加在一起起几个世纪的的投资经验。”(这这最后一点让让我想起一个个家伙在求职职时声称有220年的经验验。后来前任任雇主纠正说说是“1年的的经验,200次”。) This questtion iis of enormmous iimport

48、tance, and you wwould expecct it to bee the subjeect off conssideraable sstudy by innvestmment mmanageers annd subbstanttial iinvesttors. Afterr all, eachh perccentagge poiint onn $30 billiion iss $3000 milllion pper yeear. CCuriouusly eenoughh, theere iss praccticallly noothingg in tthe liiterattur

49、e oof Walll Strreet aattackking tthis pprobleem, annd disscussiion off it iis virrtuallly abssent aat seccurityy anallyst ssocietty meeetingss, connventiions, seminnars, etc. My oppinionn is tthat tthe fiirst job of any iinvesttment managgementt orgaanizattion iis to analyyze itts ownn techhniquees

50、andd resuults bbeforee pronnounciing juudgmennt on the mmanageerial abiliities and pperforrmancee of tthe maajor ccorporrate eentitiies off the Uniteed Staates. 这个问题极极其重要。你你可能会认为为投资经理和和大投资者们们对这个议题题有着很多的的研究。毕竟竟300亿美美元的百分之之一就是一年年3亿美元。令令人好奇的是是,实际上在在华尔街没有有任何文章探探讨这个问题题。在证券分分析师会议和和讲座等活动动中也几乎没没有讨论。我我的想法是,任

51、任何一个投资资管理机构的的首要任务都都是分析自己己的技术和结结果,而不是是判断整个美美国的主要投投资机构的管管理能力和业业绩。 Inn the greatt majoority of caases tthe laack off perfformannce exxceediing orr evenn matcching an unnmanagged inndex iin no way rrefleccts laack off eithher inntelleectuall capaacity or inntegriity. II thinnk it is muuch moore thhe pro

52、oduct of: (1) grroup ddecisiions - my pperhapps jauundiceed vieew is that it iss closse to imposssiblee for outsttandinng invvestmeent maanagemment tto comme froom a ggroup of anny sizze witth alll partties rreallyy partticipaating in deecisioons; (2) a desirre to confoorm too the policcies aand (tt

53、o an extennt) thhe porrtfoliios off otheer larrge weell-reegardeed orgganizaationss;(3) an innstituutionaal fraameworrk wheereby averaage iss saffe annd thee perssonal rewarrds foor inddependdent aactionn are in noo way commeensuraate wiith thhe genneral risk attacched tto succh acttion; (4) aan adh

54、herencce to certaain diiversiificattion ppractiices wwhich are iirratiional;and ffinallly andd impoortanttly, (5) innertiaa. 在大多多数情况下,投投资机构缺乏乏超越无人管管理的指数的的业绩,甚至至连与指数一一致的业绩都都少见。这绝绝不是由于缺缺少智慧或者者诚信。我认认为这主要是是以下几个原原因的结果:(1)集体体决策-我的的可能有些偏偏颇的看法是是:如果所有有成员都真正正参与决策,出出色的投资管管理几乎不可可能从任何大大小的集体中中产生。(22)希望与其其它备受尊重重的大

55、型投资资机构的投资资政策保持一一致,甚至在在某种程度上上与其投资组组合保持一致致。(3)机构的体体制让平均成成为“安全”。对对个人的回报报与激励无法法补偿独立行行动所带来的的全面风险。(44)拘于某些些不合理的分分散投资做法法。最后,也也是最重要的的是(5)惰惰性。 (11964年给给合伙人的信信) 关关于保守的问问题 那些著著名的大型投投资公司,号号称保守,以以传统的方式式行事。但巴巴菲特认为真真正的保守来来自于事实和和逻辑,而不不是投资方式式。 In llookinng at the ttable of innvestmment ccompanny perrformaance, the q

56、questiion miight bbe askked: “YYes, bbut arrent thosee comppaniess run more conseervatiively than the PPartneershipp? Iff you askedd thatt quesstion of thhe invvestmeent coompanyy manaagemennts, tthey, in abbsolutte honnesty, woulld sayy theyy weree moree consservattive. If yoou askked thhe firrst h

57、uundredd secuurity analyysts yyou meet, I am suure thhat a very largee majoority of thhem allso woould aanswerr for the iinvesttment compaanies. I woould ddisagrree. II havee overr 90% of myy net worthh in BBPL, aand moost off my ffamilyy havee perccentagges inn thatt areaa, butt of ccoursee, thaat

58、onlly demmonstrrates the ssincerrity oof my view - nott the validdity oof it. 阅读那些些投资公司的的业绩表格,有有人可能会问问:“确实,你你的业绩更好好。但是那些些投资公司难难道不比你的的合伙基金运运营的更保守守吗?”如果果你对那些投投资公司的经经理问这个问问题,他们绝绝对会诚实的的回答他们更更保守。如果果你问你所碰碰到的前1000个分析师师,我确信他他们当中的很很大一部分也也都会认为那那些投资公司司更保守。但但我不同意。我我把我自己超超过90%的的净值放在巴巴菲特合伙基基金中。我大大部分的家庭庭成员也差不不多把90

59、%的净值投入入了合伙基金金。当然,这这只表明了我我看法的真诚诚度,而不是是证明我的看看法的正确性性。 It is unnquesttionabbly trrue thhat thhe invvestmeent coompaniies haave thheir mmoney more conveentionnally invessted tthan wwe do. To mmany ppeoplee convventioonalitty is indisstinguuishabble frrom coonservvatismm. In my viiew, tthis rrepressents e

60、rronneous thinkking. Neithher a conveentionnal noor an unconnventiional approoach, per sse, iss consservattive. 的确,那些投资资公司比我们们投资的方式式更加传统。对对许多人来说说传统与保守守没有区别。但但在我看来,这这是错误的思思维。无论是是传统的还是是非传统的方方式,在本质质上都不能说说是保守的。 Trulyy consservattive aactionns ariise frrom inntelliigent hypotthesess, corrrect factss and


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