已阅读5页,还剩57页未读 继续免费阅读




1、货物运输合同(原本)Goods Transportation Contract本货物运输合同(“合同”)由下列双方于_年_月_日(“签署日”)在深圳市签署。THIS GOODS TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT “( Contract” ) is madeand entered into as of_, _ (“ Execution Date” ) in Shenzhen by and between:甲方: ?Party A :来 自 中国最大的资料库下载地址:Address:电话:传真:Telephone: Facsimile:乙方:Party B:地址:Address: 来

2、 自 中国最大的资料库下载电话:传真:Telephone: Facsimile:第一条:总则Article 1 General甲方代表其本身及其在中华人民共和国(“中国”)的关联公司与乙方签署本合同。除非本合同另有规定,本合同项下甲方均包括甲方和甲方所代表的关联公司,甲方及其所代表的关联公司的名单和开票资料详见附件一。甲方愿意根据本合同向乙方采购本合同项下运输服务及其它相关服务( “运输服务”) ,乙方愿意根据本合同向甲方提供本合同项下运输服务。在本合同有效期间内,如甲方新增加的关联公司需向乙方采购本合同项下的运输服务,则在甲方向乙方通知增加其所代表的关联公司并提供该等新增加的关联公司的授权委

3、托书后,本合同自动适用于该等新增加的公司。如果甲方减少附件一中的关联公司,乙方应在收到甲方的通知时立即停止向该关联公司提供运输服务。Party A, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates in the PeopleRepublic of China ( “ China ”enters), into this Contract with Party B.Party A hereunder includes Party A and the affiliates it represents exceptas otherwise provi

4、ded herein. Reference shall be made to Appendix 1with respect to the name list and invoicing information of Party A and itsaffiliates. Party来 自 中国最大的资料库下载A is willing topurchase from Party B and Party B is willing to provide to Party A thetransportationserviceandotherrelatedservices( “ Transportatio

5、nServices” ) in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.During the term of this Contract, this Contract shall automatically applyto any new additional affiliates of Party A upon Party A s notB ofitsrepresentation ofsuch newadditional affiliatesand providingPartyBwithAuthorization L

6、ettersissued bysuchadditionalnewaffiliatesifsuch newadditionalaffiliatesneedpurchasetheTransportation Services under this Contract. If Party A cancels any of theaffiliates in Appendix 1, Party B shall immediately terminate providingTransportation Services to the affiliate upon Party A s notice t来 自


8、有效组成部分,乙方应根据本合同及该书面托运单的条件和条款,在与本合同规定不相冲突的前提下,向该托运单中确认的托运人提供货物运输服务(否则,来自 中国最大的资料库下载该冲突部分的规定须经乙方确认后方能生效)。乙方应直接向托运单中确认的托运人开具发票并结算有关运输服务的款项。This Contract sets forth the quality terms with respect to TransportationServices provided by Party B and general trading terms and conditions ofbusiness relationsh

9、ip between Party B and Party A and the affiliatesParty A represents hereunder. Party B confirms and agrees that thisContract does not create the obligation of Party A and the affiliates PartyArepresents hereunder choosing Party Bto provideTransportationServices. Following the execution of this Contr

10、act, when Party A and theaffiliates Party A represents hereunder need the Transportation Servicesof Party B, Party A and the affiliates Party A represents hereunder willpurchase from Party B Transportation Services hereunder by executing awritten consignment note. Upon the signing of the consignment

11、 note (asdefined in Appendix II of this Contract) by the representative of Party A,by delivery a shipment schedule to Party B by therepresentativeofPartyA,Thedelivery,来自中 国 最 大 的 资 料 库 下 载cancellationandacceptance of shipment schedule can be effected byfax,telex,electronicdatainterchange,e-mailandot

12、her medium which concretely contain the content.The shipmentscheduleand consignment note (as definedinAppendix II of this Contract) shall become effective and constitute anintegralpart ofthis Contract.Party B shall provideTransportationServices to the shipper indicated in the consignment note accord

13、ing tothe terms and conditions of this Contract and such consignment note.Party B shall directly issue invoices to and settle transportation chargeswith the shipper which is indicated in consignment note.乙方确认并同意甲方及其在本合同项下所代表的关联公司在独立承担各自的托运单及本合同项下义务的同时,甲方及其在本合同项下所代表的关联公司之间仍在各自不能履行义务的前提下就相互的采购运输服务的行为对

14、乙方承担任何连带法律责任。Party B confirms and agrees that Party A and the affiliates it representshereunder shall bear, respectively and independently, the obligationsunder consignment note and this Contract and shall not undertake anyjoint and several liabilities with each other with regard to their respective

15、procurement of Transportation Services.第二条:业务范围及车辆规格Article 2 Business Scope and Vehicle Specifications业务范围:根据本合同和甲方书面确认的托运单,乙方为甲方在中国大陆境内提供货物运输业务。Business scope: Party B shall provide Transportation Services of goodsto Party A within the territory of the mainland of China pursuant to theconsignment

16、note confirmed by Party A in writing.托运人、货物的名称、性质、数量、大小、包装、收货人的名称及地址、交货地点、交货时间、运输目的等事宜应记载于托运单上,托运单是本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力,双方均应严格遵照执行。托运单的规定不得与本合同的规定相抵触(除非由双方授权代表签字确认或得到乙方认可)Informationsuch as the name of the shipper, nature, amount, size,package of goods, the consignee names and address, deliveryplac

17、e,deliverytime,transportationpurpose etc. shallbe recorded intheconsignment note. The consignment note, which constitutes a part of thisContract, shall have the same legal effect with this Contract and shall bestrictly complied with by both Parties.车辆规格:乙方提供的车辆规格为公路、铁路、海运的半挂标准集装箱车(含箱体及冷藏车) 、公路 1.5 吨

18、车、 3 吨车、 5 吨车、 8 吨车、 10 吨车、 15 吨车、 18 吨车、 20 吨或以上吨位的全封闭箱式车及敞篷车。具体车型及运价以双方授权代表签字确认的托运单 (报价单 )为准如甲方需要乙方安排其它运输的车型,该类安排应由双方另行协商并在前述双方授权代表签字确认的托运单中载明。当乙方无法提供足量带尾板车时,经甲方同意,可用无尾板车辆配送。VehicleSpecifications:the vehicles providedby Party Bshallbehighway, railway and marine semi-trailer (including container or

19、 reefer),and 1.5ton, 3ton, 5ton, 8ton, 10ton, 15ton, 18ton and 20ton or abovesealed and open-top container trailers. For the detailed vehicle modelsand transportation prices, please be referred to the consignment noteQuotation ) signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties. Inthe event th

20、at Party A requests Party B to arrange vehicles of othermodels for transportation, such arrangement shall be discussed separatelyby the Parties and shall be specified in the abovementioned consignmentnote signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties. Party Bcould use truck without XX when

21、 authorized by Party A.乙方为甲方提供服务的车辆必须是甲方在招标书中注明的标准车型, 且必需提供甲方当次向乙方出具的约柜表上注明的车型,如果乙方不能提供当次约柜表上注明的车型,甲方有权拒绝使用,并免于承担任何费用和责任,且视作乙方约柜失败。如果甲方同意使用乙方提供的非约柜表上注明的柜型,则运费按干线运输价格标准中约定的价格,如果该线路干线运输价格标准中无此柜型报价,则运费将按以下方式计算:Vehicles of Party B for the purpose of providing Transportation Servicesto Party A shall be t

22、he standard vehicle models specified by Party A inits bid noteand it also shall be the vehicle modelsspecifiedbyParityA in itsshipmentscheduleIfPartyBprovidesnon-standardvehiclemodelsorvehiclemodelswhichdifferentwiththemodelsspecified in shipment schedule, Party A shall havetherighttorefusetousesuch

23、vehicleandneitherbear any liability nor payment. It is failure ofbooking when Party B provides vehicle models whichdifferentwiththemodelsspecifiedinshipmentschedule.IfPartyAagreestousenon-standardvehicle models, the freights shall be according tothequotation,or freightsshallbecalculatedinthefollowin

24、g methods when this is not relative quotedprice for special non-standard vehicle models inquotation.1、在乙方车辆的内装立方数与载重相匹配的情况下:( 1)如因乙方原因导致车辆未满载要发车的,则实际运费按标准40HQ 报价除以76 立方乘以实际立方数折算;(则实际运费按报价单中对应车型的报价除以对应体积乘以实际立方数折算。同时,乙方须按甲方合理要求及时发车,否则乙方将赔偿甲方因此造成的直接损失。)2)满载发车的实际运费按 标准 40HQ 报价除以 76 立方乘以实际立方数折算 (报价单中对应车型

25、的报价除以对应体积乘以实际立方数折算);2、如因乙方提供车辆的内装立方数与载重量不匹配导致车辆为避免超重而未满载必须发车的,则实际运费按标准 40HQ 报价除以76立方乘以实际立方数折算(报价单中对应车型的报价除以对应体积乘以实际立方数折算);In event that the cubic meters inside Party B svehicle is consistent with its capacity of weight.(1) If Party B s reason causesthevehicle is not fully loaded but has to depart, t

26、he actual freight shall be calculated by the standard price of 40HD divided by 76 cubic meters and multiplied by the actual cubic meters of goods. (by the standard price of corresponding vehicle in quotation divided by corresponding cubicandmultipliedbytheactualcubicmetersofgoods,and besides, Party

27、B should deliver the vehicle asPartyArequiresorelseshallremainliabletocompensate for the loss.(2) The actual freight of fully loaded vehicle shall be calculatedby thestandard price of 40HD divided by 76cubic meters and multiplied by theactual cubic meters of goods.(by the standard price ofcorrespond

28、ingvehicleinquotationdividedbycorresponding cubic and multiplied by the actualcubic meters of goods)2. In event that the cubic meters inside Party B s vehicle is incowith its capacity of weight, to avoid overweight the vehicle is not fullyloaded and has to depart, the actual freightshall be calculat

29、ed bythestandard price of 40HD divided by 76 cubic meters and multiplied by theactual cubicmeters of goods. (bythestandardpriceofcorrespondingvehicleinquotationdividedbycorresponding cubic and multiplied by the actualcubic meters of goods)如果乙方提供非标准车型,则乙方必须在摆柜时在摆柜确认单上注明立方数,同时需要通知甲方测量立方数,具体立方数以甲乙双方现场共

30、同确认的数据为准。且同一货柜下次使用时均按此次双方共同确认之体积结算(除非有改装情况出现,则需另行测量)。测量体积时,如乙方人员未到场,则视为乙方认同甲方人员测量之数据为结算标准。If Party B provides irregular truck or revised container, Party B shallremark the detailed CBM in the consignment note and notify Party A tomeasure once the above-mentioned truck placed at Party A. Both Partywi

31、llmeasuretheCBMonsiteandsetaspaymentstandardafterwards(Unless the truck has been revised after that).If Party B fails toappear on site for the measurement, Party A will assume that Party B hasagreed on Party A s measurement result.如果乙方提供的非标准车型内装立方数与载重量不匹配而导致甲方拆柜卸货 ,由此产生的一切费用全部由乙方承担。载重量与内装立方数匹配标准为:内装

32、立方数为76 立方的车辆的载重量为20T,非标准车型的载重量需要以这个匹配标准来折算。If Party B requires Party A to unload part of the loads because Party Atruck s CBM doesn t match with the weight according to 40HQ standard,the unloading cost is undertaken by Party B.如果乙方未按甲方要求提供标准回程柜,使用非标准柜型,结算时以标准柜型40HQ/18 板位为结算标准,按标准(40HQ) 回程运价 /18板位 *

33、实际返回商品板位进行结算(实际运费按报价单中对应车型的回程板数或立方数报价折合实际返回商品板位或立方数进行折算。)If Party B provides irregular trucks for Party A for claim and backhaultransportation, both party agree to take 40HQ/18 pallets as paymentcheckstandard.(standardbackhaulpriceofcorrespondingvehicleinquotationas paymentcheckstandard)第三条:运输质量及安全要

34、求Article 3 Transportation Quality and Security Requirements乙方接到甲方的预约货物运输安排通知后应根据本合同第五条及时安排车辆。(乙方为甲方提供的车辆必须满足甲方的正常运输要求,一切由于车辆原因导致的相关责任及直接费用全部由乙方承担。) 甲方在乙方根据本合同第五条填制的托运单上签字确认后,乙方应按甲方的要求及时起运,根据双方授权代表签字确认的托运单将甲方需运出或接收的货物从甲方的一个指定地点优质、安全、按时、准确地运送到甲方的另一个指定地点。运输过程中,货柜/车厢的封条必须确保由甲方授权人员装拆,乙方有责任保证货柜/车厢封条原封不动直至

35、完成运输服务,本合同另行约定的除外。After receiving Party A sadvance transportation request, Party B shallimmediatelyarrange vehicles accordingtoArticle5hereof.(Thevehicles provided by Party B must meet the normaltransportrequirementsofPartyA, PartyB shalltakethe full responsibility and compensate for all theextra co

36、st caused by vehicles)Upon Party A s signing onthe consignment note for confirmation which consignment note is madeby Party B according to Article 5 hereof, Party B shall start shipment in atimely manner in accordance with Party A s requirements and delivergoods to be shipped or received by Party A

37、from various points of originto the points of destination both designated by Party A in a good, safe,timely and accurate manner. During transportation, the container/carriagesealing tapes shall be confirmed to be fixed and removed by Party Aauthorized person and Party B has the responsibilityto make

38、 sure thatexcept where this Contract provides otherwise, the container/carriage sealing tapes shall be untouched until completion of the transportation service. s乙方必须为货柜/车厢配备合格的锁具,运输途中要定时检查,发现异常情况须及时通知甲方并采取措施防止损失发生,保证运输货物的安全。Party B shall equip the container/carriage with qualified lockset, performr

39、egular inspection during transportation and shall inform Party A in timein case of discovery of any abnormal circumstance and take measures toavoid loss and to ensure the security of goods under transportation.如乙方按托运单上指定的交货地点运达后甲方又改变送达地址,乙方应当按甲方的指示更新托运单内容,甲方应增加运费。增加费用由双方另行商定。(如需增加费用的,则增加的费用由双方另行商定。)

40、In the event that Party A changes the delivery destination when Party Bhas transported goods to the, destination designated in the consignmentnote, Party B shall update the destination in the consignment note underParty A s instructionand Party Ashall increase the transportationcharges. (IfPartyA sh

41、allincreasethetransportationcharges),the increased charges shall be otherwise consulted anddetermined by both parties.如甲方需运输新鲜或危险货物,对托运货物的特殊要求,甲方应在托运单中就运输的特殊要求做出说明,并及时通知乙方对特殊要求进行确认。If Party A needs to transport fresh or dangerous goods, Party A shall setforth any special transportation requirements

42、in the consignment note.第四条:货物运输责任和装卸责任Article4TransportationResponsibilityandLoading/UnloadingResponsibility乙方应在所有托运单中注明“货物所有权为沃尔玛所有”,乙方并应对承运货物的安全及完整性负责。除本合同另有约定外,所有货物运输途中的风险和责任(包括货物损毁、灭失、变质、被盗、丢失、淋湿、交货不清、短件等的风险和责任等)由乙方承担,本条项下的货物运输过程包括,从乙方提取货物之时起,一直到货物送达至甲方指定交货地点,完成货物交付之前的整个过程。Party B shall mark in

43、 the consignment note that the property rights ofgoods belong to “Wal- Mart ” , and Party B also shall be responsible forthe safety and completeness of goods under its transportation. Exceptwhere other provisions of this Contract provide otherwise, all risks andresponsibilities of the goods during t

44、he transportation (including the risksandresponsibilitiesfordamages, loss,goingbad, theft,shower,discrepancy and shortage of goods, etc) shall be borne by Party B. Thetransportation under this section refers to the process from the time thatgoods is picked up by Party B from the place designated by

45、Party A untilthe time that goods is transported to the place designated by Party A andthe delivery of goods is completed .自乙方将货柜和货物根据本合同条款和条件运抵甲方指定的交货地点,且经甲方或其任何代理人或其授权的第三方书面确认封条完好,则乙方被认为已完成交货。除本合同另有约定外,乙方对交货之后发生的任何货物损失不再向甲方或其代理人承担本合同项下的任何责任。尽管如此,如在乙方完成交货后的三十(30)天内,甲方有证据证明或者能够合理推断货物的任何毁损或变质是在乙方运输的过程

46、中发生,则乙方应就该等毁损或变质的货物依据损失或损害发生时货物在甲方各关联公司所属商场(包括沃尔玛购物广场、社区店和山姆会员商店,好又多门店)的零售价格承担赔偿责任。到达甲方指定的交货地点时,在甲方授权人员打开乙方车辆的封条前,如果乙方车辆的封条没有保持完好,或者虽然封条完好,但在运输途中有发生由乙方付主要责任的运输意外,则甲方需要对此车辆全部商品进行盘点,甲方盘点所产生的费用由乙方全部承担。另外,如果由于乙方原因造成货物送错地点,则由此引起的所有甲方费用由乙方全部承担。封条在途破损后,除了需按零售价赔偿损失货品外,还需赔偿补货的运输费及DC 处理费(如有)。Upon the proper d

47、elivery of any particular trailer and goods to the placesdesignated by Party A according to the terms and conditions of thisContract and upon the acknowledgment by Party A or any of Party Aagents or third party designated by Party A that the seal is intact, Party Bshall be deemed to have completed t

48、he delivery of the goods. Exceptwhere other provisions of this Contract provide otherwise, Party B shallbe relieved of any and all liability to Party A or any of Party Aunder this Contract for any loss that would occur after delivery of thegoods. However, if it is proven that any loss or damage to o

49、r going badof any goods occurred during the transportation of Party B within thirtydays following the delivery of goods by Party B, then Party B shall remain liable to pay damages for such goods at the retail prices of such goods showed at the stores (including Wal-Mart Supercenter,Neighborhood Mark

50、et, Sam s Club and Trust- mart Store) of Party A saffiliates at the time when the loss or damage happens. . When Party Btrailerarrives at Party A sdefined destination, Party B has the fullresponsibility for the merchandi se before Party A s authorized associatesdisclosing the seal. If the seal is br

51、oken or lost, or, although the seal isintact yet there is an incident on way, Party A shall cross check themerchandise, Party B shall compensate for the extra cost for Party A. IfParty B delivers to the place not defined by Party A, Party B shallcompensate for all the extra cost to Party A.If the se

52、al is broken or lost,Party B shallalso compensate forthe transportation cost and DChandling cost of products which replace the lost or damaged products乙方提供密封车厢,甲方自备封签,乙方应提供装卸人员,但装卸时须有甲方检查人员在场监督装卸。货品装车完毕后,应由甲、乙双方在运输车辆车箱上所有可开启车箱门上封条并记录在出货单据上。甲方提供给乙方配送商品的外包装应完好,如乙方认为外包装不适合配送,经双方认可后,乙方有权要求甲方更换良品给乙方,否则乙方

53、不承担由此造成的损失。乙方运输人员应对特殊商品件数负责。车辆封签后商品原包装内出现短少,(即:包装完好无损而内装货物短损)由甲方自行解决;商品件数出现短少,则由乙方以现金形式当场赔偿,赔偿价格以到达地的甲方卖场售价为准。特殊货品装货及卸货时,甲乙双方于甲方出货区对点货品数量,高单价商品,如化妆品、烟、酒、家电等当场对点商品件数及内容明细。甲乙双方确认无误后负责签字认可,货品责任归乙方负责。大宗商品(大订单的商品)应提前告知乙方调度人员并确认配送时间,如有特殊的外送家电商品(体积或重量特别大的商品,如蒂雅斯冰箱等商品),亦应提前告知乙方。Party B shall provide sealed

54、container trailers while PartyA shallprovideseal.PartyB shallbe responsibleforloadingand unloading goods and Party A shall supervise the process.All doors in the container should be sealed after loading andthe seal number should be recorded. Party A should change thepacking of goods if a packing pro

55、vided by Party A is brokenor else Party B shall not pay for the damage. Party B shalltake responsibility of special goods and should pay shortageor damage forsuch goods atretailpricesshowed at thestoresby cash exceptthe packingis intact.BothPartiesshallcheckthenumber of specialgoods (such as: cosmet

56、ic, cigarette,wine,andhome electricalappliances)onsitewhenloading andunloading as well as recordthe quantityand item.PartyB shallsign the record and take responsibility of all goods. PartyA shall inform Party B in advance when there are large amountof goods or huge goods (like refrigerator) to deliv

57、er.如封签损坏或号码不对,甲方收货单位有权拒收该批商品,或对货物进行全检。Party Ashall have right to refuse to accept the goodsor cross check the goods if the seal is broken/lost or thenumber of seal is different with record.1)若甲方收货单位拒收,甲方不支付当次运费。拒收或退回之物品,于返回后随即通知运务主管并立即办理缴库手续。(1) Party A shall not pay for transportation cost if refus

58、eto accept goods. Party B shall inform the transportationsupervisor and hand back the goods immediately when back DC.2)若发现乙方私自拆封或有意毁损封条,本次运费不予支付,并处违约金 5000 元,此时应对商品进行全检,若商品如有毁损,责任由乙方承担全额赔偿责任。Party A has the right not to pay for the transportation cost when Party Bunseal or damage the seal intentiona

59、lly. Party B should also compensateRMB5000 for such action. Party A should cross check the goods andParty B should pay for all damage or loss.乙方在装卸区内停放的车辆必须得到甲方指示后方可开动,以确保人身及货物安全。在乙方倒车至甲方收货或出货平台前产生的任何货损,乙方要按照该等毁损或变质的货物依据损失或损害发生时货物在甲方各关联公司所属商场(包括沃尔玛购物广场、社区店和山姆会员商店 ,好又多门店 ,)的零售价格承担赔偿责任。由于乙方货物倒塌等原因造成甲方工作人员或第三方人身伤亡的,则由乙方承担全部赔偿责任。Party B has the obligation to drive the vehicle to the most appropriateplace to cooperate with Party A before and after loading/unloading. PartyB shall not start the vehicle in the loading and unloading area until it getsinstruction from Party A in order to protect pers


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