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1、中英文资料对照外文翻译Creating a presentation for the web that drastically differs from standard ones is still a challenge andrepresents a milestone for many research groups. Virtual university campuses together with virtuallearning represent one of these challenges, because it fuses in-place learning with Vir

2、tual Learningor education.In this paper we present the in house development of the Virtual Campus for South East EuropeanUniversity,the design methodologies ,implementation experience ,results and possibilities.KeywordsVirtual , Virtual , 3-D ModelingVirtual Worlds are environments that tend to look

3、 like the physical world and they create a sense ofa place where a user can communicate, navigate, and do various things according to its navigationpreferences. Virtual worlds have traditionally been developed as games, but lately as virtualcampuses, museums or libraries. The virtual campus is an ed

4、ucational community that focuses onincreasing student access to quality services. A SEEU virtual campus has been developed in theComputer Science and Technologies Department at the SEEU and it is based on the concept ofvirtual worlds. Few universities 5 offer a 3-D Modeling of physical facilities. I

5、nstead most ofthem are simple web sites, offering information and services in traditional way (virtual education)29. Enriching the web with graphic possibilities rather than using the traditional approach, hasbeen the milestone since from its very beginning. Crafting a web that will be able to prese

6、nt 3-Dmodels in different ways is still a challenge. The new trends in 3- Modeling and web, emerged withnew concepts and technologies concerning offering better services to customers. This new trend didnot overpass universities as well. Educators and students from various research areas run to explo

7、re,present and collaborate their ideas in 3D.In this paper we present a design methodology and implementation of a virtual campus that allowsstudents to virtually move around the 3-Dimensional world, as well as interact with it. Theobjectives of the SEEU Virtual Campus actually aim to contribute to

8、the modernization agenda ofuniversities, trying to give relatively new approach by putting users in a virtual 3-D environmentand trying to provide him with the necessary information. Approaches not found in 2, 4, 9 . Otherapproaches like Second life 8 use a complete new infrastructure and different

9、protocols(secondlife protocol) that makes it impossible for usage by ordinary web users without installingnew software and protocols that second life demands.The main goal of the SEEU virtual campus is to create a 3-D virtual world based on an existentinfrastructure and protocols that web provides,

10、making it this way more usable and accessible. Theclient that SEEU Virtual campus uses is light weight, easy to install and built upon existent webprotocols (http).The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 1, a brief introduction and main goal ofvirtual campus is presented. In Secti

11、on 2, In section 3, the experience of the project team duringimplementation is presented . Section 4 presents the results and outcomes of the Virtual Campuswith several possibilities and directions for enriching it with new features and section 5 concludesthis paper.We generally understand virtual w

12、orlds as a collection of digital media units. People are familiarwith hypertext, digital images, digital audio and video, and 3D modeling as presentation tools. Thedesign materials of virtual architecture emerge and take effect during different design processes 1.The stages of the design of our Virt

13、ual Campus are grouped into three categories: metaphoricaldesign, analogical design, and implementation.Metaphorical Design: Through the use of metaphor, we express the concepts in one domain in termsof another domain. Until now, known metaphors are: Giant Brain, Information Superhighway andMultiple

14、 Metaphors 1. Designing a Virtual Campus falls in the group of Multiple Metaphorstogether with Digital Library, Electronic Mail and Electronic Marketplace. Using this metaphor, allof these subgroups allows users to interact with the virtual environment.Analogical Design: It deals with using the curr

15、ent design in order to create new insights andpossibilities for further enhancements and adaptation for a new design 1. In this stage, the physicalarchitecture of SEEU has been adopted to satisfy the needs of virtual architecture. First step wasproviding the 2-D map of the University upon which the

16、3-D model will be built. Second step ofthis stage was incorporating the map into our chosen software.Implementation: The software solution was developed using Google SketchUp 3 and differentdesign materials listed below.2.1Design MaterialsThe types of digital media relevant to virtual architecture i

17、nclude: text, digital images, framed basedanimation, 3D Modeling 7.Text: using text is very important because it affects the users of the virtual world. At our University,official languages are Albanian, Macedonian and English; for that reason all used texts are writtenin the three languages mention

18、ed above.Digital Images: Here we refer to digital images as raster or bitmapped images, represented incomputer memory as an array of discrete bits of information where each bit specifies color andintensity 6. Digital images are used to represent the environment out of the Campus in order togive a mo

19、re real look to the Virtual one that we have designed.Framed-based animation: An animated picture is a sequence of images that are displayed in a fixedorder. The frames may be produced by sampling with a movie or video camera 12. A movie file ofthe Virtual Campus has been created which is used in di

20、fferent presentations held in our University.3D Modeling: 3D models are the basic resources for producing 3D animation. If the frames of ananimated picture are captured by generating a sequence of projected and rendered views from a 3Dmodel, then it will produce 3D animation. Therefore, 3D animation

21、 is the postproduction of 3Dchanginganimation methods or camera views and paths 12. A camera is placed at the front door of theVirtual University which helps the users to walk around the Campus as a visualized place.In the design of the Virtual Campus we have involved users on every stage of SEEU vi

22、rtual campusimplementation. We have identified three main stages of implementation where users feedback wasvaluable. These stages can be summarized as follows.The first stage is defined as preliminary research stage where we analyze and choose the softwareand its essential features, collect books an

23、d other needed resources like digital camera, campus map,building wall textures etc. As project team we decided to use Google SketchUp because, comparingto other technologies it characterized itself with simplicity, efficiency and scalability.The second stage is defined as testing stage of the first

24、 draft. This draft was presented to 60 studentswho are taking the Computer Graphic course. The questions raised were:How do you evaluate the overall look of SEEU Virtual Campus?How easy do you find the navigation within VC?They like to walk around their visualized universityThe third stage is define

25、d as finalization stage. At this stage we had the final design which waspresented to a broader audience. The feedback from audience and users indicated that:They liked the general look of the virtual campusThey prefer to use the virtual campus during the University marketing campaign3.IMPLEMENTATION

26、The design of The Virtual Campus is originally based on the virtual world concept. Understandingthe realization of a project, words are abstract ones, if they are not realized in work. This part, hasbeen dealing with description of the steps for implementing the campus itself.The first needed thing

27、was to know about the exact margins of the overall campus. The discussionwas done with the responsible university staff, which gave us the sketch of the content that weplanned to realize. After this, the mapping could be started.The mapping, defined the general parameters that came from the sketch.

28、The mapping has beendone in two dimensional environments. At this point, the size of the fields was defined, in base ofthe wideness and distance of every object from one another. It started with the landscape, afterthat with the roads, and finally to be finished3.2 Object extrusionOnce the mapping w

29、as completed, the definition of wireframe objects, by raising them in a certainaxes was performed. This process is known as object extrusion which creates fully scaled 3Dobjects.3.3 Surface Definitions and Hidden Surface RemovalWireframe object as shown on figure 2 are suitable only for modeling, bu

30、t not for generalpresentation. The next stage is defining the sides of surfaces as well as hiding surfaces that are notvisible. A technique which is widely knows as hidden surface removal. With this technique objectsgain depth relative to each other.3.4 Texture MappingThe last part of the implementa

31、tion, surely the most eye valuable, was texture mapping. The maingoal was to make as much as appropriate color definition to the object, and the environment withthe colors they really have. Some of these color definition can be landscapes grassy texture andvegetation, roads and parking lots, as well

32、 as object walls and roofs. Others like, street lights orbenches were just for assistance (See Figure 4 in the following section).The final stage of implementation represents a fully modeled and proportionally scaled virtual SEEUniversity campus. By proportionally scaled models is meant that the siz

33、es of the building arescaled down in accordance with their real proportions in order to give a real 3-D look and feel.Figure 4. shows the completed model of SEEU Virtual Campus.The virtual campus offers a certaindegree of interaction for users in the sense that it can walk through the campus as well

34、 as in everyobject there is additional information concerning its name and purpose.Having in mind that the main purpose of the SEEU Virtual Campus was creating a 3D educationalenvironment for the web. This 3D environment was effectively used for university promotion donein several directions such as

35、:Posting the model in Google Earth system, provided by Google Inc. 11 This stage has alreadybeen completed.Creating a VRML or X3D model of SEEU Virtual Campus that will be presented in the official siteof SEE University. In the mentioned site users will have the possibility to navigate the campus fr

36、omtheir VRML enabled web browsers.Creating animated presentations and video files for commercial and marketing purposes.One video presentation has been already done by using and XML based multimedia language suchas SMIL12. The above mentioned SMIL presentation represents a two minutes guidelines of

37、themain objects in the Virtual Campus with the possibility of multiple repletions. This makes it suitablefor silent background presentations or possibly for commercial spots.The 3-D models on the web are becoming more prevalent from day to day. In this paper wepresented one approach for modeling an

38、online virtual campus dedicated for promoting a university.Possibilities for developing newer versions with richer features always exists. We envision thefurther development of the virtual campus project in the following directions:Increasing interaction in the virtualized campus by adding links wit

39、h media files like audio or video.This can be done by incorporating the so called interaction points. The interaction points arespecific regions in the virtual 3-D world that have specific purpose and include a specific resource(like audio, video or some other resources)Exploring the possibilities o

40、f X3D which is an XML based version of VRML and at the same timeModeling 3-D environments is very interesting and appealing from a user point of view becausethey offer richer and different environments than ordinary web. In this paper we presented such anenvironment used for promoting a university a

41、nd creating more usable and attractive web basedpresentations. The other developing aspects and possibilities mentioned above are subject forfurther research and implementations.摘要创建大大不同于标准的环境仍然是一个挑战,同时也作为许多研究小组的一个里程碑。虚拟大学校园与虚拟学习代表其中的一个挑战,因为它融合了实地学习与虚拟学习或教育。在本文中,我们提出了在室内开发SEEU虚拟校园的设计方法,实施经验,结果和可能性。关

42、键词:虚拟校园,虚拟教育,3-D建模1引言虚拟世界是看起来像物质世界并且他们允许用户通信,导航,根据喜好做各种事情的环境。 虚拟世界以前是因游戏开发的,但最近已涉足虚拟校园,博物馆或图书馆。 虚拟校园是一个专注于以优质的服务提高学生访问量的教育社区。 SEEU 的计算机科学与技术系已开发出虚拟校园,它是基于虚拟世界的概念。有几所大学5提供了一个的公用设施3-D模型。相反,他们大多是简单的网站,以传统的方式(虚拟教育)2,4,提供信息和服务。用图形的来丰富网络而不是使用传统的方法,从一开始就成为了里程碑。制作出能够以不同的方式呈现 3-D 模型的网页仍然是一个难题。3 维建模和网络中的新趋势,出

43、现了新的概念和技术,为客户提供更好的服务。这种新的趋势并没有超过立交桥大学。来自不同的研究领域的教育工作者和学生运行在 3D探索,提出和合作他们的想法。在本文中,我们提出了能够让学生在 3 维世界模拟游走以及与它进行交互的一个虚拟校园设计方法和实施方案。SEEU 虚拟校园实际上旨在促进大学的现代化进程,试图把用户放在一个虚拟的三维环境,并给他提供必要的信息的相对较新的方法。文献2,4,并未提供8 SecondLifeSEEU 它的实用性和易用性。虚拟校园SEEU 使用的是重量轻,易于安装和建成后存在的Web协议(HTTP)的客户端。本文的其余部分安排如下:在第1 部分,提出了一个简单的介绍和虚

44、拟校园的主要目标。在第 2 部分中,我们提出了 SEEU 虚拟校园实施的设计方法。在第 3 部分,提出了项目实施经验。第 4 节介绍了几个新的功能和丰富的可能性和方向的虚拟校园的业绩和成果。第 5 部分总结本文。2设计方法我们通常把虚拟世界理解为一个数字媒体单位的集合。人们所常把超文本,数字图像,数字音频和视频,以及 3D 建模作为演示工具。虚拟架构的设计材料的出现,并采取在不同1。虚拟校园的设计阶段分为三类:隐喻设计,类比设计和实施。隐喻设计:通过隐喻的使用,我们在一个域中另一个域表达概念。到现在为止,已知的隐喻是:巨脑,信息 高速公路和多重隐喻1。 在多重隐喻与数字图书馆,电子信箱和电子市

45、场下设计虚拟校园。使用这个比喻,所有这些分组可以让用户与虚拟环境进行交互。1 为进一步增强和适应新的见解和可能性。在此阶段,SEE 大学的物理体系结构已被采用,以满足虚拟架构。第一步是提供3-D模型位置的2-D大学地图。这个阶段的第二步,将地图做到我们选择的软件中去。2。1 设计材料与虚拟建筑相关的数字媒体类型包括:文字,图像,基于动画的框架,三维模型 7 。文本:使用文本很重要,因为它影响了虚拟世界的用户。在我们的大学,官方语言是阿尔巴尼亚语,马其顿语和英语;因此所有的文字都是上述三种语言。数字图像:这里我们指的光栅数字图像或位图图像,在计算机内存中的数组的离散比特表示的信息,其中每一位指定颜色和强度 6 。数字图像被用来描述校园环境,为了使我们设计的虚拟校园看起来更真实。以框架为基础的动画:动画图片是一个有特定显示顺序图像。该框架可通过电影或视频摄像机 12 采样产生。虚拟校园的电影文件已经创建,并且被在在我校召开的会议所运用。三维建模:三维模型为制作三维动画的基本资源。如果一个动画帧产生一个序列的投影捕捉和渲染的视图的三维模型,然后将产生的3


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