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1、With the development of human society, the demand and consumption of has increased y, which caused serious damage to the environment ofWith the development of human society, the demand and consumption of has increased y, which caused serious damage to the environment of the Building energy consumpti

2、on occupies a large he total energy consumption thesociety, asakindof lightweight wallpanellight greenbuildingmaterials, iswidelyusedas the partition wall inbuildings. Andgraduallyin recent years application inhigh-rise The light wallboard can increase the use of residential space, improve the livin

3、g ofthecivilconstruction,thetime for theheevent of a fire can playfree heat advantage.To New building materials and building materials compared to the traditional. Compared with the traditional building materials, new building materials requirements of light weight and high strength, function. The o

4、nly light, can effectively reduce the weight of the in order to meet the requirements of the development of modern architecture to the space; the same time also requires to make use of new building he production of materials, new materials, new materials such as chemical industry, metallurgy, cerami

5、csand other industrialandindustrialch asfly ash, slagand other in two; the mode of production, to achieve industrial production Productstandardization,serialization,lowcostandhighThe new building materials is to save the land, energy saving, environmental protection and modern architecture can meet

6、the functional requirements of the building materials.According to the ition of light wall materials can be o: fiber board, gypsum board, calcium , lightweight , wood and plant andwich panels, cement board, steel mesh cement sandwich plate, metal concrete insulation ite wall panels, plant fiber boar

7、d, prestressed concrete wall exterior insulation board etc. Light wall brick and block masonry is another important kind of new wall materials, because of its light weight, fast installation, high construction efficiency, but also can increase the use area of buildings, improve the seismic performan

8、ce, save the production and use of energy, with the implemen ion of building energy-saving wallmaterials innovation and engineering projects, new building material it will get environmental . .第1 章 前第2章. .第1 章 前第2章 墙体板GRC轻质多孔条概GRC石膏空心条概2.3GRC2.3.1 概2.3.1性能特2.4 水泥平概分增强硅酸钙概蒸压加气混凝土2.6.1 概VRC轻质多孔条 2.8 水

9、泥 生产工PRC板保温节能材料优参考文12/5 12/5 。22.1GRC2.1.1GRC是玻(GlassFiber Rinforced Cement)执行国家JC666标准;” GRC具有构件薄,高耐伸缩性、22.1GRC2.1.1GRC是玻(GlassFiber Rinforced Cement)执行国家JC666标准;” GRC具有构件薄,高耐伸缩性、抗冲击性能好,碱度低(应用,是国家建材局、建设部重的新型轻质墙体材料。因GRC轻质隔墙板安对GRC条板的拼装方法和管路预埋、开孔、劈槽、器具安装,表面抹灰质量问题等提出我国目前与GRC多孔板有关的行业标准有以下三个,即:建筑工业行业标准JG

10、/T169-2005“建筑隔墙用轻质条板”,该标准是一 2.1.2生产GRCC4A3S、C2S 为主要矿物组成的熟料, 符合标准JC 714 的规定。、I 2.1.2生产GRCC4A3S、C2S 为主要矿物组成的熟料, 符合标准JC 714 的规定。、I 型低碱度硫铝酸盐水泥。该水泥是以无水硫铝酸钙为主要成分的水泥熟料,与适量硬石膏磨制而成的,其水泥浆液相的 pH 值为 10.5 左右。其性能应符合 JC/T737-1996 的规定。水泥熟料,与适量二水石膏和石灰石共同粉磨制成的,其水泥浆液相的 pH 值为 10.5左右。其性能应符合标准JC/T 659 的规定。GB1596-91制品1) 、

11、耐碱种是代号为“ER-13”的无捻粗纱,其成分中氧化锆含量不低于 14%于 6,;另一种是代号为 SBX-96 的无捻粗纱,其成分中氧化锆含量不低于 16%,氧化5%2)、耐碱玻纤网格布。用于成组立模和铺网抹浆两种工艺生产乡孔3)耐碱短切要用于预拌成型工艺。其性能与耐碱玻纤无捻粗纱基本相同。1、超轻集料。GRC100 200kg/m32)、轻集料。用挤压工艺生产 多1、超轻集料。GRC100 200kg/m32)、轻集料。用挤压工艺生产 多孔板时,除采用膨胀珍珠岩粒料外GRC 多孔板适用于民用与工业建筑的分室、分户、厨房、厕浴间、阳台等非承2.2GRC2. GR

12、C 纸面石膏板和石膏板2.3.1害2.2.32.3 GRC 纸面石膏板和石膏板2.3.1害9.5mm12mm。其板芯和护面纸均经过了防水处理, 根据国标的要求,耐水纸面石膏板的纸面和板9.5mm12mm。其板芯和护面纸均经过了防水处理, 根据国标的要求,耐水纸面石膏板的纸面和板纸面石膏板适用于连续相对湿度不超过 95%的使用场所,如卫生间、浴室等。其板芯内增加了耐火材料和大量玻, 如果切开石膏板,可以从断面处看见2.3.13、保温隔热:纸面石膏板板芯 60%3、保温隔热:纸面石膏板板芯 60%棉(板均采用石棉作为板材的增强材料2.4 2.4.1补充加压)与轻或低密度板(补充加压) /2.4.2

13、 1是2.4 2.4.1补充加压)与轻或低密度板(补充加压) /2.4.2 1是。也分为这两种:JC/412.1JC/T412.2-2006 2.4.3防火绝缘:不燃 A 防水防潮:质轻高强:5000 吨平板油压机加压的板材,不仅强度高、而且不易变形、翘曲;。 。可加工及二次装修性能好: 2.5 质轻高强:5000 吨平板油压机加压的板材,不仅强度高、而且不易变形、翘曲;。 。可加工及二次装修性能好: 2.5 增强硅酸钙板2.5.1 2.5.2与抗折强度89679568螺钉拔出力/(N/mm)热导率/W/(mK)GB8624AA3.532.5.2与抗折强度89679568螺钉拔出力/(N/mm

14、)热导率/W/(mK)GB8624AA3.5313MPa(GB/T7019-1997)(GB6566-2.6 蒸压加气混凝土板2.6.1 2.6 蒸压加气混凝土板2.6.1 水泥一石灰一砂加气混凝土,简称“砂加气混水泥一矿渣一砂加气混凝土加气混凝土 2.6.2 筑图集 J111114内(隔)墙建筑构造2.6.3 渣、筑图集 J111114内(隔)墙建筑构造2.6.3 渣、2.7VRC2.7.1生产VRCJC714-1996所用粉煤灰应符合GB1596级以上粉煤灰的要求。 生产VRC6mm。水泥板(Plant Reinforced Cement简称PRC)是在水泥刨花板(水泥木屑板PRC中起增强作用。PRC 是指一年生植 碎料在PRC (15 mm)(510 nm)60左右,(1015nm)占 20左右。一年生植物代 碎料在PRC (15 mm)(510 nm)60左右,(1015


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