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1、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. Unit 3 Im more outgoing Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. Revision复习目标:1.会拼写使用本单元重点单词及短语。2.掌握本单元重点句型,并能够熟练运用。3.掌握形容词比较级的构成及其应用。4.能够准确运用形容词的比较级描述不同人的个性特征。Unit 3 Revision复习目标:1.会拼写使用本单元课前检测1.让某人笑_2嘲笑某人_3与类似_4.善于和某人相处_5.和一样_6.实际上 _7break vt _(过去式)8. quiet a

2、dj. _adv.9Loud adj. _adv10clear adj. _ adv每个人拿出一张纸,写上姓名和组名(3分钟)课前检测1.让某人笑_每个人拿出一张ChinabeautifulAmerica more beautifulI love China ! We all have a Chinese dream.China is becoming stronger and stronger/richer and richer/more and more beautiful !ChinabeautifulAmerica more bea基础过关talentedtrulycarefulcar

3、efullycarelesswonbrought基础过关talentedtrulycarefulcarefu1.There are some (不同点)between you and me. (尽管)he was very tired , he went on working.That song is_ (受欢迎的)than this song.My brother and sister_(都)run to help me.I find no_ (信息)in such books.Please give me another one.My brother is_(滑稽)than me.diff

4、erencesThoughmore popularbothinformationfunnier根据汉语完成句子1.There are some care aboutbe different fromthe same asas long asbring outbe talented incare aboutbe different fromthe测测你测测你more outgoingBoth andas long asless serioustaller more outgoingmore outgoingBoth anas well astwo years olderbetter and be

5、ttermore and more interested inas well astwo year译林牛津版1、make V. 使,促使。常见结构是:1)make +人(宾语)+动词原形(宾补)I cant_ the horse_.我无法使这匹马走动。2)、make+宾语+形容词(宾补)He often_ me_.他常常使我感到快乐。3)、make+宾语+名词(介宾结构,过去分词等作宾补)We_ him head of our team.我们选他当我们队的队长。拓展:make构成的常用短语有:make faces, make mistakes, make friends with sb. ma

6、ke the bed , make money, make a living, make a telephonemake gomakes happymademake的用法小结译林牛津版1、make V. 使,促使。常见结构是:maGrammar形容词或副词的比较级形式:tallfastnicethinearlyoutgoing原形比较级 taller fasternicerthinner earliermore outgoingGrammar形容词或副词的比较级形式:tallnicethSummary the rules!Summary the rules! tall taller fast

7、fasternice nicerthin thinner(以不发音的字母 e 结尾的 + r )(一般在词尾 + er )原形比较级(重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母再 + er) tall taller nice early earlieroutgoing more outgoing (以辅音字母 + y 结尾的单 词,变 y 为 i + er ) (多音节词和部分双音节词前加more) early earlierou good / well - better bad / ill / badly - worse many / much - more little - les

8、s far - farther / further 不规则比较级变化 good / well - better 能力提高篇能力提高篇我(形)行我show1.Make up a dialogue (可以模仿以下对话,结合所学的知识编个对话也可自由发挥)A:Hi,Do you want to go to a movie with me?B:Yes,that sounds great!A:What kind of movies do you like ?B:I like (comdies )because they are _A :Well ,I (dont)like (action) movies

9、 . Because it is than the (comdies).可参考interesting exciting funny boring strong cheap expensive great 也可自选形容词我(形)行我show1.Make up a dialogueMy friend and IWe are both Chinese.We both have long hair.We both like singing.He is a little taller than I am.My hair is much shorter than his.He sings much bet

10、ter than me.WritingThe same and different between you and your friend.写几句话描述一下你的朋友,用到“他比我更”句型,然后让其他同学猜猜你写的是谁。We are both outgoing.He is more outgoing.以防大家猜不出来,你还得写两句描述他最大特征的话。taller wilder calmer thinner smarter bigger eyes smaller nose longer hair more outgoing / serious/ athleticfamily name sits in the group/ in front of likes to is good at Write and GuessMy friend and IWe a


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