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1、 2020-2021学年度第二学期六年级英语阶段性测试(2o2i.o4)() () () () () ()() () () () () () III. Listen and choose the sentence.(听音选择正确答句,将序号填入题前括号内。 1分/题,计6分)评价内容口语(30)卷面总分(100)听力(30)笔试(40)得分评价人Listening Part听力部分I.Listen and choose.(选出你听到的信息,将序号填入题前括号内。1分/题,计6分)()1. A. badB. bestC. bed()2. A. lessonB. legC. letter()3.

2、A. annB. allC. ask()4. A. firstB. festivalC. forest()5. A. putB. poorC. party()6. A. closeB. clockC. cloudII. Listen and judge.判断所听句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(1分/题,计6分)()1.A. No, I am not.B. Yes, I can.()2.A. Bobs team.B. This is Tom.()3.A. This is Jenny.B. It is Danny5s.()4.A. At the flower shop.B. This is a

3、park.()5.A. With my hand.B. I have two feet.()6.A. The fifth.B. Six.IV. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音填空。l 分/空,计 6 分) TOC o 1-5 h z This likes 2. My brother is a black : Lefs have a . We have four V- Listen and choose the correct one.(根据短文内容选择最佳答案,将序号填入题前 括号内。1分/题,计6分)()1. There are in my family.

4、five apples B. four people C. five people()2. like football.We all B. I C. You all()3. There were many football games in .A. April and May B. April and July C. May and June ()4. My family watched football games.A. 12 B. 12th C. 20()5. want to be a football player.A. We B. I C. They( )6. teaches me t

5、o play football.A. Mr. Green B. Mr. Black C. Mr. BrownWriting Part笔试部分I. Read and choose.(选出每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 1分/题,计5分)()1. A. highB.gameC. shortD. thin()2. A. noseB. openC. hitD. play()3.A. askB. wonC. thoughtD. brought()4. A. PeleB. HelenC. ChinaD. Anna()5.A. badB. easyC. greatD. cloudn.Choos

6、e the correct answer.(选择最佳答案,将其序号填在括号内。1分/题,计5分) ()1. Mary always she can fly a kite .A. thinks B. think C. thought ()2. They fruit this morning.A. buys B. buying C. bought ()3. We are lunch in the kitchen.A. have B. had C. having()4. We cant skate. It is .A. easy B. difficult C. learn()5. Bob likes

7、 to play basketball. He is a good .A. played B. player C. playingIll. Read and fill in the blanks.(墳空,毎空内容不能重复.0.5分/空,汁5分) am a In the ZZZZZZZZZZZ, I at 6:30. 1 play ping-pong 30 . ZZZ breakfast, I go to school.IV. Read and match.(将相应筏句的序吁写在题前括号内.J分/腔.il 5分) ()1. How often do you read books? A. Fish

8、.()2. What do you like to cat? ()3. Do you help your family? ()4. Which girl is your sister? ()5. Are your friends tired?r. Choose and coinplelc the dialogue. A: Hi, mum. B: Yes. 1 did.()2. What do you like to cat? ()3. Do you help your family? ()4. Which girl is your sister? ()5. Are your friends t

9、ired?r. Choose and coinplelc the dialogue. A: Hi, mum. B: Yes. 1 did.A: Whai did you do?B: First, I bought many books.The third.Every day.No. they arent.Yes. we do.(选择敁佳句子l分/句.计5分 A: B: I ineKmeci 的过大式 Toms family. A: How old is his brother?B: He is about 1 year old. He cant speak. But he can say “W

10、a, Wa.A: He can run fast.What do you do?Who did you meet there?Were you happy today?Can he walk?Tom has a little brother.Then, I went to the park.And I watch TV.Anne is a girl.Did you have fun today?B: No. But he can ride Tom.VI. Read and do.(按要求答.注息鉍点符V和卞叫的人小” i分句.il 5分heavy, box, red. too. Kims, i

11、s (连词组句)They played cards in their bedroom.(介汽句巧 lj JJ)Why do you go to school?(回答|J题)4. /i阁写两句话VII. Think and write. (2 分/r people in my famih. r all like fuolbull. of ten m ukli gMine& in I lieenin. I lirrv ninfootball games in April and May. M)famih matched 12 football games. We lnt foulhull from Mr. Brin、. I work hard.注:口语成绩按学生平时学习次现给分:1.学习态度15%,2.实际会话能力15%二者结合作为学生最后的口语成绩笔试部分B A A C DA C C B BBob good student morning get upThenforminutes After4. CA E BD5. JG C FE6.1. Kim sredboxistooheavy.2. Whatdidtheydointheir bedroom ?3. Because Iwanttobea good student.4. Therearesomevege


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