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1、语音语调击破方案Summer语音训练计划安排音 词 句音位讲解与训练;易混淆元音辅音组对比训练英式美式英语对比句子连读、弱读、变音;句子重读;句子的升降调以练习为主,涉及试听综合训练语音课我们可以学到的那些我们错过的知识中国人与外国人发音的本质区别那些从没有听到过的前元音 中元音 后元音音与音之间的对比练习奇妙的连读与弱读辅音与元音的连读 元音与元音的连读 特殊元音的连读 神奇的半元音 j 练习是唯一的出路课文标记法 单词拉长练习法重复叠加练习法 吞音的不断转换视听综合训练如何可以说得更为自然 更像外国人那些我们错过的知识 中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别元音及辅音的归类与练习句子的停

2、顿、重读及语调英式发音与美语发音的区别1234中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别发声部位的区别:中式发音运用口、舌、口鼻腔、声带英语发音运用口、舌、口鼻腔、声带及腹腔发声方法的区别:汉语用的是口腔的“敞开式前部发声方法”,说话时嘴巴的前半部分动作较大,发出的声音偏高、短促、大用力,大爆破,是一种粗犷式发音。英语用的是口腔的“收拢式后部发声方法”,说话时嘴巴的前半部分动作较轻较小,而后半部分动作较大,发出的声音低沉、粘长、爆破轻,是一种细腻式发音。拼音对我们的影响比如 看你如何正确读出下列单词Said Sad Side Rose Road AroundWorld Help通过这些我们可以发

3、现英语 音节多 音相近 音速快因此 前部发音不适合英语,后部发音适合看看你能否读准下列单词你能读准下列单词吗Arm DanceDue HotCity BallCalm WhatItaly Air何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音舌位、发音位置的不同The Front VowelsThe central VowelsThe Back Vowels何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音元音前元音 i: i e 中元音 : 后元音 : : u: u双元音 ei ai i au u i u语音最基本的纠正前元音/i:/前、高、不圆唇、长元音;/i:/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向硬颚抬起。嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。 s

4、he tea easy teach sleep agree three weeks, green tea, team leaders Seeing is believing. Jean is as busy as a bee. 前元音/i/前、半高、不圆唇、短元音; /i/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,比/i:/低,比/e/高。唇形扁平,牙床开得比/i:/宽,比/e/窄。可从发/i:/出发,将小指尖放在上下齿之间,舌前部也随之稍稍下降,即可发出/i/。 it this pig city coffee begin a big ship bit by bit, little by little

5、Learning a little is a dangerous thing. His six-year old sister is as fit as a fiddle. Front vowels i:Freeze!Seeing is Believing.Its my treat todayits a dealLook before you leapWhat does it mean?Hes leaving this evening.Teenagers should eat a lot of beef.Do you want some coffee or tea?Please see me

6、in three weeks.Front vowels i Business is business.Does it fit?Zip your lips!Its only a slip of tongueHe know a bit of everythingYou are kidding!A pig falls into a bit pit.Would you pick up the stick for me?交叉对比练习对比练习 i: i Freeze!Business is business.Seeing is Believing.Zip your lips! Its my treat t

7、odayDoes it fit?its a dealIts only a slip of tongueLook before you leap前元音/e/前、半高、不圆唇、短元音;/e/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比/i:/低。唇形中常,牙床开得比/i:/宽,上下齿间可容纳一个食指。 Egg else dress best again energy seven beds, ten desks, the next lessen Lets get ready for the test. Alls well that ends well. 前元音/前、低、不圆唇、短元音. /舌尖抵下齿。 双唇向两旁

8、平伸,成扁平形,两齿间可以容纳食指和中指。 hat had have bad grab sad dad crap has pat bat An apple a day keeps doctor away. Front vowels e MultiplyYou bet it!It depends Forget itWhat a mess!I get your message.Better late than neverEast and west, home is the best.What is the cutting edge of the companyRemember to check o

9、ut before you leave.Its not the end of the world!Front vowels MultiplyThanks a lot!Ill catch you laterIll now let cat out of the bagHe laughs best who laughs last.Please pay for the bag at the cash desk.Im glad you didnt marry Miss ParryPack the baggage in the back of the taxiCanners can can what th

10、ey can can, but cant can what they cant can.交叉对比练习 e 对比练习You bet it!Thanks a lot!Forget itHe laughs best who laughs lastWhat a mess!Ill now let cat out of the bagI get your message.Ill catch you laterEast and west, home is the best.Canners can can what they can can, but cant can what they cant can.I

11、ts not the end of the world!中元音/中、半高、不圆唇、短元音; 舌中部抬起。牙床半开半合,唇形扁或中常。这个音和汉语普通话轻声的“么(me)”及 “了(le)”中的短促元音“e”相似,但英语的在词末时发音比普通话的“e”长。 About polite forget river woman potato bread and butter, salt and pepper, again and again The teachers will get together tomorrow. Do you prefer the cinema or theatre? 中元音/:

12、/中、半低、不圆唇、短元音./:/舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起。牙床开得较窗窄,双唇和发i:时相似。 注意长度,不要发得太短。 her girl first turn work prefer a dirty shirt, the third world, the worst person The German girl prefers a purple shirt to a blue one. The early bird catches the worm. 中元音/中、半低、不圆唇、短元音;舌中部稍抬起。开口程度和相似,唇形扁。 从元音出发,将圆唇改为扁唇,即可发出。 Up under cut d

13、oes young enough much money, lucky in love, just for fun Well begun is half done. Mother told the funny story just for fun. 后元音/u/后、高、圆唇、短元音;舌尖不触下齿, 舌后部向软颚抬起,舌身后缩。 双唇收圆,稍向前突出。 full look wood foot woman sugar push and pull, good books, by hook or by crook The cook cooks good food. The woman stood for

14、 as long as she could. 后元音/u:/ 后、高、圆唇、长元音;双唇比发u时收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比发u时抬得更高。 to who lose group fruit, a blue balloon, an afternoon in June, huge rooms The news is too good to be true. That rule is useful once in a blue moon. Back vowelsu MultiplyYou can either push it or pull it.You are pulling my legSh

15、e is looking at a good cookbookThey shook hands and stood talking for a whileHe took the cushion and shook it.Back vowelsu: MultiplyIts too good to be trueNo news is good newsI have just bought a new blue suitYou should choose between the twoWould you please book a ticket for me?Its a season to recr

16、uit new members again.交叉练习You can either push it or pull it.Its too good to be true. You are pulling my leg.No news is good news. I have just bought a new blue suit.She is looking at a good cookbook.交叉练习You should choose between the twoThey shook hands and stood talking for a while.Would you please

17、book a ticket for me?He took the cushion and shook it.Its a season to recruit new members again.后元音/后、低、圆唇、短元音;舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩。双唇稍稍收圆。可先发:,然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩,双唇稍稍收圆(不要突出)即可发出。 on off hot want doctor foreign cotton socks, borrow a clock, a pocket watch The coffee is top quality. When the shop was robbe

18、d, everybody was shocked. 后元音/:/后、半低、圆唇、长元音;舌后部比发时抬得略高。双唇也收得更圆更小,并须用力向前突出。 always or law before cause daughter all in all, more and more, a short story Pauls four and can walk and talk. The storm draws near-we ought to go indoors. Its not the story of “the Fox and the Cock”.Lots and lots of clocks a

19、nd watches has gone wrong.I want a lot of copies of song by tom.The boss lost a clock and a watch in the shop.The love song is not long, but it is very hot.Your four daughters are all very tall.The reporter gave an important talk in the hall.You ought to do what the doctor ordered.Pride goes before

20、a fall.George saw a saw hanging on the wall.交叉练习Its not the story of “the Fox and the Cock”.Your four daughters are all very tall.Lots and lots of clocks and watches has gone wrong.The reporter gave an important talk in the hall. I want a lot of copies of song by tom.You ought to do what the doctor

21、ordered.The boss lost a clock and a watch in the shop.Pride goes before a fall. The love song is not long, but it is very hot.George saw a saw hanging on the wall.后元音/a:/后、低、不圆唇、长元音.舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身平放后缩。 art army star father garden tomato a large car, half a jar, after the bath I like to pass through t

22、he garden park. Far from eye, far from heart. 作业:复习我们学过的前元音,中元音,后元音。下节课测试包括题型: 1.分类 2.音标 3.单词 4.句子 5.语篇测试你能读对以下单词吗? hear air poor clay tie employ hope cloudei ai i au u i u双元音1.双元音又称“滑音”2.发音原则: (1)必须一口气完成 (2)前重后轻双元音的分类双元音的分类双元音的分类对比练习peer pair poor tear tare tourdear dare doer fear fair fewersheer s

23、hare sure spear spare spoor leer lair lure mere mare moori ubay buy boy fail file foiltails tiles toils ail isle oil bail bile boil lanes lines loinstay tie toy cane kine coinei ai ibouts boats town tone fowl foal found phoned fowl foal how hoe howls holes loud loadnoun known now knowau u辅音:塞音(爆破音)/

24、p/ /b/双唇合拢而形成阻塞,然后让气流冲决阻碍,爆破生音。/t/ /d/舌尖抵齿龈成阻,让气流爆发而出。/k/ /g/用舌根顶住软腭堵住气流的出路,然后舌根猛地离开软腭使气流爆发而出。双唇爆破音齿龈爆破音软腭爆破音/p/的音位变体1./p/在词首且在重读音节中时,是送气声,如poke。2.当处在词尾时,可能失去爆破,如top tea。3.在/s/后形成辅音连缀时,/p/在发音时不送气,如spot。4.当两个/p/相邻时,无需产生两次爆破,只是延长发音时间,如stop Pete。5.当/p/后紧跟着的是成音节鼻音时,此时爆破不在口腔,而在鼻腔,就是我们通常说的“鼻腔爆破”,如stop him

25、。/b/的音位变体1.当处于词尾时,不完全爆破,如Rob the man。2.当两个/b/相邻时,无需产生爆破,只是延长发音时间,如Rob Bob。3.当/b/后紧跟着的是成音节鼻音时,此时爆破不在口腔,而在鼻腔,如rob him。对比练习 pat bat pond bond pie bye lap lad rope robe rapid rabid napped nabbed staple stable How are we going to praise it? How are we going to braise it?/t/的音位变体1./t/在词首且在重读音节中时,是送气声,如tap

26、e。2.当处在词尾时,可能失去爆破,如sit still。3.在/s/后形成辅音连缀时,/t/在发音时不送气,如stay。4.当两个/t/相邻时,无需产生两次爆破,只是延长发音时间,如let Tim。5.当/t/后紧跟着的是成音节鼻音时,此时爆破不在口腔,而在鼻腔,如button。6.当处于辅音组合/tr/中时,发音兼具爆破与摩擦的特征,如train。/d/的音位变体1.当处在词尾时,不完全爆破,如Dad said so。2.当两个/d/相邻时,无需产生两次爆破,只是延长发音时间,如sad Dave。3.当/d/后紧跟着的是成音节鼻音时,此时爆破不在口腔,而在鼻腔,如breadn butter

27、。4.当处于辅音组合/dr/中时,发音兼具爆破与摩擦的特征,如drain。交叉练习 Ten den tuck duck kitty kiddy writing riding matter madder feet feed right ride shoot shooed Are we going to try it? Are we going to dry it?/k/的音位变体1./k/在词首且在重读音节中时,是送气声,如keep。2.当处在词尾时,可能失去爆破,如take mine。3.在/s/后形成辅音连缀时,/k/在发音时不送气,如sky。4.当两个/k/相邻时,无需产生两次爆破,只是延

28、长发音时间如take Kim。5.当/p/后紧跟着的是成音节鼻音时,此时爆破不在口腔,而在鼻腔,就是我们通常说的“鼻腔爆破”,如bacon。6.位于圆唇音之前,发音时亦成圆唇,如quarter。/g/的音位变体1.当处在词尾时,不完全爆破,如lag behind。2.当两个/g/相邻时,无需产生两次爆破,只是延长发音时间如big grape。3.当/g/后紧跟着的是成音节鼻音时,此时爆破不在口腔,而在鼻腔,如pig and goat。4.位于圆唇音之前,发音时亦成圆唇,如goose。对比练习 came game cash gash coast ghost lacking lagging pic

29、k pig duck dug lock log sacking saggingWhat are you going to do with your coat?What are you going to do with your goat?摩擦音摩擦音:两个发音器官彼此靠拢,形成狭窄的通道,气流通过时造成湍流发生摩擦,发出噪音。与塞音不同,擦音可以持续一段时间。 根据发生部位的不同,摩擦音分为唇齿音,齿间音,齿龈音,腭龈音以及声门音。你会配对吗?/f/ & /v/ & /s/ & /z/ & /h/唇齿音齿间音齿龈音腭龈音声门音/f/ & /v/ 唇齿音 发音时,上齿紧挨下唇,然后将气流向外挤出

30、。 fine vine fast vast leaf leave rifle rival feel veal shuffle shovel fat vat proof prove/ & / 齿间音 发音时,舌尖抵及上齿内侧,或置于上下齿之间,舌身平放口中,气流从舌尖与上下齿之间形成的缝隙中挤出。 fink think free three sick thick sigh thigh doze those closing clothing dare there seize seethe/s/ & /z/齿龈音 发音时,舌尖抵上齿龈,气流从舌前端与齿龈中挤出。 sip zip racer razo

31、r laser laser spice spies rates raids priced prized loss laws caps cabs/ & / 腭龈音 发音时,舌头在口,腔中的位置比发/s/和/z/时靠后,整个舌面举平抬向硬腭,双唇呈圆状。 pressure pleasure fission vision discussion decision Confucius confusion /h/ 声门音 发音时,摩擦不发生在口腔中的任何部位,发音时口张开,声门略微收缩,气流通过声门时只有轻微的摩擦,就像长叹一口气一样。 hope hilarious half hear head hear

32、d health heal hole whole hello home句子练习They laughed for a long time.They last for a long time.Nobody saw the fawns in the grass.Nobody saw the thorns in the grass.The sudden wind brought heavy rainfall.The southern wind brought heavy rainfall.Do you have a few?Do you have a view?鼻腔音、延续音和旁流音鼻腔音:/n/、/

33、m/、/延续音:/w/、/j/、/r/旁流音:/l/延续音/m/是由双唇紧闭发出的音,发音时上下唇紧闭,舌身放平,软腭下垂气流从鼻腔泻出。/m/的音位变体:1.前面单词以/m/结尾,紧跟单词以/m/开头时,延长发音时间,如,some more.2.后接/f/时,发成唇齿鼻音,如comfort./n/是个齿龈音,发音时舌头抵住上齿龈。/n/的音位变体:1.前面单词以/n/结尾,紧跟单词以/n/开头时,延长发音时间,如,ten names。2.在唇齿音/f/或/v/前 齿化,如,invite;在/k/或/g/前软腭化,如button。/的发音部位和爆破音/k/和/g/相同,舌后部触及软腭,堵塞口腔

34、通道,双唇开,气流从鼻腔泻出。/的音位变体: 后跟一个齿龈音时受同化而成为齿龈音,如taking ten.对比练习 Kim kin king whim win wing some son sung dumb done dung rum run rung whims wins wings ram ran rang pam pan pang Tim tin ting stum stun stungMuch will have more. Many men, many minds. No sooner said than done. Tom and his mom both like muffins

35、 very much. I need another nice name.Nancy is peeling the onion.The thing is rather thin, but I prefer thin things. The suns going down now. I know nothing about Nans winning. She is singing this song all the evening. Remember to bring the ring to the wedding. Whats happening to Mr. King? She always

36、 likes hanging around with her friends. 延续音/w/和/j/在三个方面很相似:1.他们的发音分别与/u:/和/i:/很相似,发音时气流在通道上基本不受阻碍,只是稍有摩擦,因此又被称为半元音。2.他们都不出现在英语的词尾。3.他们都是浊音。/w/发音时呈发/u:/的嘴型,舌向软腭抬起,双唇收圆,稍向前突出,气流在通过双唇时发生轻微摩擦而生音。 we wife word walk one willow switch weird quite question request language equal twinNo way. Hey, whats up?Wh

37、ere there is a will, there is a way.I am wondering what you really want.Will you go for a walk in the woods with me? What s wonderful wedding it was! No one likes windy and wet weather. /j/发音时,双唇呈扁平状,舌向硬腭抬起,舌位略高于元音/i:/,舌前与硬腭之间留有小缝隙,形成不完全阻碍,气流从缝隙泻出时引起舌前硬腭间摩擦而声音。 you year yam Yankee yawn yesterday you

38、th yogurt yell Yale yuppie1.Not yet.2.Yes!?3.Help yourself. 4.The young teacher is very popular with his students. 5.Have you heard the news that the New York Yankees won the first place? /r/发音时舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌前部下陷略呈凹形,舌身两侧向上弯曲,双唇略突出呈圆形,气流由舌尖和齿龈后部的缝隙泻出成音。注意,舌尖不可接触上齿龈。 run rain right wrong fry wrinkle rh

39、ythm crowd crime railroad arrive risk rise1.Facts speak louder than words. 2.Its a rare opportunity.3.Do in Rome as Romans do.4. The store is just around the corner.5. Roger is very interested in the modern art exhibition. 6.Her name is Jennifer and his name is Robert. She is a lawyer and he is a do

40、ctor. They were married last Thursday in that little church on the hill. 旁流音/l/发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从一侧或两侧逸出。/l/与其他辅音不同的是他有两个特别明显的音位变体。/l/的音位变体1.位于元音前时,舌伸向口腔最前部,此时比较清晰,如lease。2.位于词尾元音后时,舌尖与舌叶位于后齿龈处,此时比较模糊,如call。3.有的时候在同一个单词中会有两个l,比如million, dollar,其实它们中前一个是模糊的l,后一个是清晰的l。 light lip lane lie alive lodging loc

41、al peel wheel fail tail call loyal filling milk feeling little battle fickle middle riddle lice nice lay neigh line nine light night low no laid neighed slow snow lock knock lap nap slack snack1.Love me, love my dog. 2.Like father, like son. 3.Alls well that ends well. 4.Its no use crying over spilt

42、 milk. 5.It is never too late to learn.6.Bill will pay the bill for the meal. 7.All of us like yellow balloons. 8.We shall not go on because our gas is low. 破擦音 /t/ /d/ /t/ /ts/ /dz/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/t/ /d/ /t/发音时,先准备好发爆破音/t/,同时舌身抬高,与/的舌位高低相近,双唇分开,稍向外突出翘起,然后舌端下降,气流冲破舌端和上齿龈后部阻碍,送气发声。 /d/发音时,先准备好发爆破音/d/,同

43、时舌身抬高,与/的舌位高低相近,双唇分开,稍向外突出翘起,然后舌端下降,气流冲破舌端和上齿龈后部阻碍,不送气发声。chainJanecheerJeerchokeJokecheepJeepbatch badgelarchlargerichridgecatchcage 1)Would you like some orange juice? 2)Charles wears a digital watch. 3) After lunch he challenged me to a game of chess. 4)John was touched by the questioning eyes of

44、a child. 5)Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job. /tr/、/dr/ /tr/发音时,先准备好发爆破音/t/,同时舌头后部下陷,舌头前部收拢上翘,与上齿龈后部和边齿接触形成阻塞,整个舌头成为凹形。待气流冲开,形成狭缝而摩擦成音,双唇稍稍撅起如吹笛状,发/tr/时,声带不振动,要送气。 /dr/发此音时,先准备好发爆破音/d/,同时舌头后部下陷,舌头前部收拢上翘,与上齿龈后部和边齿接触形成阻塞,整个舌头成为凹形。待气流冲开,形成狭缝而摩擦成音,双唇稍稍撅起如吹笛状,发/dr/时,声带振动,不送气。troo

45、pTruetriptradetry train electric trialtransporttrick dress drydropdrinkdramadrunkdragdream driftdrawforeign tradeanother trytravel by traina brief introductiona traditional trainingdry the dressdrive the cardripping dropstry to drinksweet dreamsHe is trying to treat the man better.A stranger is wand

46、ering in the streets.This truck is cheap.These trees are going to be used in a trail. Trick or treat? I dreamed of playing the drum.I stopped drinking.A dewdrop dropped from the leave. George has dreadful manners.Joe drove his car to buy some drug. The tacky tractor trailers trucks. The drummers dru

47、mmed. The drudgers hate the drummers drums. So the drudgers drugged the drummers.datesgets cats shotsmeets hurtsratsplantsbatsflightsseedsdeedsheads fundshandssands readsbeds fieldsbrands /dz/ /z/winds wins tends tens finds fines 舌尖抬起,先抵住上齿龈,堵住气流,然后突然下降抵住下齿,气流随即泻出口腔,形成先破后擦的声音。/ts/、/dz/ Were short of

48、 hands right now. I dont have the words to thank you properly. Her beauty attracts a lot of attention. I just want to know the facts. I have lots of friends. Great minds think alike. I hate guys who are no talk and all hands. He often puts his hands in his pockets That sounds better. Ive been going

49、over the companys accounts.homework The last one? After reading an article entitled Cigarette Smoking and Your Health, I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during

50、this time, my wife suffered terribly. I had all the usual symptoms /simptmz/ of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous /nrms/ appetite. My friends kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my po

51、cket. After seven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife was delighted that things ha

52、d returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. He himself has done it lots of times! 美式发音的几个重要的特征美音的可“儿”化: 音变成 音同样有变化t的读法讲究大及其它小特征1234chain 链 Jane 人名 cheep 便宜 Jeep 吉普车 cheer 使高兴 Jeer 嘲笑 choke 闷塞Joke 开玩笑batch 一批 badge 徽章 larch 落叶

53、松 large 大 rich 富 ridge 脊 catch 抓住cage 笼 美式发音的几个重要的特征美音的可“儿”化1一般来说R出现在 a e I o u 就会发出r的儿化音如 arm :rm 而并非英音的:m下面是美语常见的“儿”化语音组合CarNearAirTourFloor 美式发音的几个重要的特征: 音变成 2当英式英语中的元音:出现在 f s m n 之前时,在美式英语里一般都发的音 比如 fast 但也并非所有例词Advance Advantage After Answer Ask Basket Bath Cast Chance Dance Example France Gla

54、nce Half Last Master Mask Pass Past Path Piano Plant Rather Staff Task Translate 美式发音的几个重要的特征 音同样有变化3从前面英式与美式的元音对照表可以看出 英式英语的 在美式英语中读作例如Box DoctorHotClockShopNot 美式发音的几个重要的特征t的读法讲究大及其它小特征4T在英式英语中无论出现在单词的首 词尾还是词中发音都很规矩,但是在美语中,t如果出现在两个元音之间 就要发 d 的音 例词ButterCityLetterCitizenWater练习一下1 Lisa held a baby

55、in her arms2 A dog is barking at Jack3 My father is not a doctor4 Betty is due for promotion5 Dual nationality6 I run faster than you run7 I like to watch stars in the sky.8 They are dancing while singing the tune.9 I live on the first floor10 Which answer is the best?练习前的小结 中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别何为前元

56、音 中元音 以及后元音英式发音与美语发音的区别123下面我们介绍最有效地对比练习诗歌练习一下At noon I look a good bookAnd sat by the pool in the woodI soon took off my bootAnd put my foot in the pool.Oh! How cool how cool等我们掌握了连音与弱音后再来回头看练习一下刚才复习过的双元音u MultiplyMan proposes , god disposesA rolling stone gathers no mossThere is no smoke without f

57、ireI hope soNo smoking You have to do it aloneOh , I didnt know that.练习一下刚才复习过的双元音ai MultiplyAll rightA cat has nine livesGreat minds think alikeStrike while the iron is hotOut of sight , out of mind.Time and tide wait for no manThe kite is flying high in the skyWould you like to go ice skating with

58、 me tonight?辅音要区分和拼音的区别 p b MultiplyPractice makes perfect.Lets try to make the impossible possiblePat has a Polish pen pal called PeterDid you pay for the book Pride and PrejudicePeel the pineapple and I will prepare the pineapple pie.辅音要区分和拼音的区别 t d MultiplyI live in the downtown area of the cityN

59、ot at allIts just a waste of time!Whats the date today?He has a daughter and two brothers.I get into bed about ten thirty every day诗歌的练习Good, better ,bestNever let it restUntil good is betterAnd better is best辅音要区分和拼音的区别 k g MultiplyCare kill a catA cat may look at the kingA good beginning makes a g

60、ood endingThe kids often go hiking during the weekends辅音要区分和拼音的区别 f v MultiplyFortune favors the braveDont always follow the fashionI like very wet weather very muchId prefer a face-to-face talk with my friend辅音要区分和拼音的区别 MultiplyThanks a lotWish you both heath and wealthThere is something This one i


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