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1、电影流浪地球:流浪的是地球,寻找的是家园Lala2019-02-15今日导读“道路千万条,安全第一条。行车不规范,亲人两行泪。”看过流浪地球的小伙伴们一定被这两句话魔性洗脑了吧?在一众贺岁电影中,流浪地球可谓是独领风骚,票房一路领跑,上映 10 天就已突破 30 亿大关。恢弘的背景设置,震撼的视觉特效,全民守护地球的热血基调,都让中国影迷发出了“活久见”的感叹。这部中国国产科幻片自然也得到了纽约时报的关注。流浪地球大获成功的背后到底有什么呢?让我们跟着 Lala 老师马上走进今天的新闻。带着问题听讲解Q1: “holy grail”是什么意思?Q2: 刘慈欣的作品有怎样的特点?Q3: 根据新闻

2、,国产电影与中国未来发展有什么联系?新闻正文Chinas film industry finally joins the space race中国电影业终于加入“太空竞赛”China was a latecomer to space exploration, and in the movies, it has been a latecomer to science fiction, too. That is about to change.中国是太空探索领域的后来者,而在电影领域也是科幻片的后来者。但这一局面即将改变。The countrys first blockbuster set in

3、space, “The Wandering Earth,” opens Tuesday amid grandiose expectations that it will represent the dawning of a new era in Chinese filmmaking.肩负着人们的厚望,中国第一部以太空为背景的大片流浪地球于周二上映。这部电影被认为将代表中国电影制作新时代的曙光。一手资源持续稳定更新 微信spyy22“The Wandering Earth,” shown in 3-D, takes place in a distant future in which the s

4、un is about to expand into a red giant and devour the Earth. And the preliminary reviews have been positive.3D 电影流浪地球里的故事发生在遥远的未来,太阳即将膨胀为红巨星并吞噬地球。电影的初步反响是积极的。“Filmmakers in China see science fiction as a holy grail,” said Raymond Zhou, an independent critic, who noted that Hollywood had set the tech

5、nological standards, and thus audience expectations, very high.独立影评人周黎明说:“科幻电影是中国电影人心中梦寐以求的圣杯。”他指出,好莱坞已经树立了技术标准,因此观众的期待值很高。“The Wandering Earth” is adapted from works by Liu Cixin, the writer who has led a renaissance in science fiction here, becoming the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award for t

6、he genre in 2015. His novels are sprawling epics and deeply researched. That makes them plausible fantasies about humanitys encounters with a dangerous universe.流浪地球改编自刘慈欣的小说。这位作家在中国引领了一场科幻小说复兴,并于 2015 年成为首位荣获雨果奖(最佳长篇故事奖)的中国作家。刘慈欣的小说叙事宏大,背景研究细致入微。这两大特点,使得他作品里那些人类与危险宇宙发生的冲撞,都好像是真实可信的想象。The openings a

7、lso come as China reached a milestone in space: the landing of a probe on the far side of the moon in January. Although decades behind Russia and the United States, China has now put astronauts in orbit and has ambitious plans to joinor even leada new age of space exploration.这部电影的上映也正值中国航天事业取得里程碑式的

8、进展之际:今年 1 月,中国航天探测器在月球背面着陆。尽管中国(在航天方面)落后于俄罗斯和美国几十年,但如今中国已经将宇航员送入太空轨道,并制定了雄心勃勃的计划,来加入或甚至领导一个太空探索新时代。“I think there is a very close connection between Chinese cinema and the nations fortunes,” said Sha Dan, a curator at the China Film Archive.中国电影资料馆策展人沙丹说:“我认为中国电影和中国国运之间有着紧密联系。” 文章来源 / 纽约时报 重点词汇scien

9、ce fiction科幻(作品)e.g.缩写:sci-fi搭配短语:sci-fi booksblockbuster/blkbstr/n.(尤指因内容精彩而)非常成功的书或影片e.g.英文释义:something very successful, especially a successful book or film搭配短语:a Hollywood blockbuster搭配短语:a blockbuster moviewander/wndr/v. 漫步,游荡e.g.派生词:wanderer (n.)amid/md/prep. 在中间,在当中;为环绕e.g.同义词:mid, amidst英文释义

10、:in the middle of or surrounded by例句:The house is in a beautiful position amid trees.例句:He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.grandiose/rndios/adj. 非常大的,宏伟的(甚至达到不寻常的地步)e.g.词根词缀:-ose(充满.的)搭配短语:a grandiose planthe dawning/dawn of sth.的开始;的曙光e.g.相关词汇:dawn例句:We woke at dawn.例句:The fall of the

11、Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history.distant/dstnt/adj. 遥远的;远房的e.g.搭配短语:a distant country搭配短语:a distant relative搭配短语:in the distant past/future搭配短语:in the not-too-distant future例句:They plan to have children in the not-too-distant future.red giantn. 红巨星e.g.同义词:red giant star*更

12、多讲解见今日“拓展内容”devour/dvar/v. 狼吞虎咽;吞噬e.g.例句:He devoured half of his burger in one bite.例句:The flames quickly devoured the building.holy grail圣杯;极难得到之物e.g.同义词:the Grail英文释义:something that is extremely difficult to find or getrenaissance/rensns/n. (尤指艺术、文学或音乐的)复兴e.g.相关词汇:the Renaissance (15、16世纪时欧洲的)文艺复兴

13、genre/nr/n. (尤指艺术的)风格,类型,体裁e.g.搭配短语:a literary/musical/film genresprawling/sprl/adj. 杂乱无序地扩展,散乱地延伸e.g.英文释义:spreading in an untidy way搭配短语:sprawling handwriting英文释义:Sprawling is good for describing things that extend across a large area.epic/epk/n. 史诗plausible/plzbl/adj. 貌似真实(或可信)的e.g.搭配短语:a plausibl

14、e explanationencounter/nkantr/n. 偶然相遇;遭遇(问题或反对)e.g.搭配短语:encounter problems/difficulties (v.)例句:My first encounter with Maoxi was back in 2017.milestone/malston/n. 里程碑;重大事件;转折点e.g.例句:Columbuss voyage marked an important milestone in the history of be/prob/n.(不载人的)航天探测器far side of the m

15、oon月球背面orbit/rbt/n. (天体围绕行星或恒星运行的)轨道e.g.搭配短语:the earths orbit around the sun例句:The earth takes a year to orbit the sun. (v.)fortune/frtn/n. (个人、家庭、国家等的)发展变化的趋势,命运,际遇curator/kjretr/n. (博物馆、图书馆等的)馆长;策展人archive/rkav/n. 档案馆,档案室;档案拓展内容恒星演化恒星演化是恒星在生命过程中经历急遽变化的过程,目前我们已知的大多数恒星都处在主序星(main sequence star)阶段,也可

16、以说是它们的成年期。不同质量的恒星有着不同的演化进程:中小质量的恒星(如太阳),主序星之后会膨胀成红巨星(red giant star),最终会变成白矮星(white dwarf star);大质量的恒星,在主序星阶段之后变成红巨星,然后成为中子星(neutron star);超大质量的恒星,主序星之后是红巨星,最后变成黑洞(black hole)。根据这一理论,太阳终将演化成为红巨星。根据科学家估算,目前太阳大约 46 亿岁,离太阳膨胀成红巨星至少有 50 亿年的时间。当太阳变成红巨星,水星和金星都会被太阳吞噬。科学家们对于地球的未来并不确定,有些研究认为地球也会被吞没,但即使届时太阳并没有膨胀到那么大,地球也难逃成为高温炼狱的命运。雨果奖雨果奖得名自惊奇故事杂志创办人、现代科幻小说奠基人雨果根斯巴克(Hugo Gernsback),是一个颁予每年最佳科幻和奇幻作品的奖项,由世界科幻小说协会(The World Science Fiction Society)


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