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1、必修2 Modules 6单元测试题I语言知识及应用共两节,总分值45分第一节完形填空共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最正确选项。I didnt have many friends when I was in middleschool. I thought people around me didnt _1_me.After I entered high school, I wanted to havemore _2_. I thought being cool would help mehave more frie

2、nd,so I bought some very_3_ clothes and acted as if I were really cool. I toldmyself that I was happy and this was where Ishould stay. I _4_ had more friends than I did inmiddle school. But they were not the friends who I_5_ to have. They wore cool clothes and were_6_ at their studies as they didnt

3、like studying. One day, one ofmy old friends came to see me.When he saw what I was_7_, he was reallysurprised. Look at you! Ialmost didnt_8_ you.Why are you dressed like that? he asked. I toldhim the _9_. He laughed and said, Youremaking a big _10_. Youre losing yourself. Yourepretending to be someo

4、ne else every day. I realized what he said was _11_. I was no longermyself. In order to have more friends, I chosetobe someone else.I decided to make a _12_. Ever since then, Ivealways been- myself and Ive made- real friendswho like me. I know that Im _13_ now than Ihave ever been. If you want to ha

5、ve some _14_ friends, beyourself. If you pretend to besomeone else,people make friends with you just because youre someone else, not because of the real you. Do youreally 15 that?1. A. see B. need C. like D. know2. A. money B. friends C. time D. books3. A. powerfulB. beautiful C. warm D. cool4. A. h

6、ardly B. reallyC. normally D. frequently 5. A. expected B. fearedC. refused D. pretended6.A.hard B.fond C.bad D.bright7. A. wearing B. lookingC. buying D. checking8. A. recognize B. rememberC. hear D. find9. A. result B. excuse C. reason D. dream10. A. success B. decision C. plan D. mistake11. A. go

7、od B. right C. useful D. impossible12. A. wish B. determinationC. choice D. change13. A. happier B. funnier C.taller D. luckier14. A. brave B. trueC. normal D. new15. A. support B. understandC. dislike D.want第二节语法填空共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。I was 22 a

8、nd had just finished my college study.One day, I asked for my fathers _16_ (advise) onmy future job, because he had _17_ excellentcareer in the Indian Army _18_ the commander-in-chiefofa million men. He was strict, _19_ hewas veryfriendly. He appreciated and trusted people _20_ worked together with

9、him, so his men respectedhim as well. Come and see me in my office_21_ you wantto talk to me about work, he said. SoI made anappointment and went to see him. He had a hugeoffice. When you are starting out, you will _22_ (give)a lot oftasks to fulfill, he said. The first thing isalways to do somethin

10、g to the _23_ (good) ofyour ability. Then _24_ you do it again, give itthat little bit extra. I suddenly understood by _25_ (say), Take the initiative and be creative. Always go the extra mile. My father nodded his head.II 阅读共两节,总分值50分第一节 阅读理解共20小题;每题2分,总分值40分 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最正确选项。AMy uncl

11、e was a merchant years ago. I oftentraveled with him during the summer holidayswhen I was a teenager. One day, when we were passing by a village, a tire of our van (客货车) sank into the mud and the van could no longer move. My uncle and Itried to pull the van out of the mud, but it didntwork. Then my

12、uncle went to the village andasked for help. Soon, he came back, followed byseveral villagers. My uncle promised to pay themif they managed to pull the van out. The villagers tied some ropes to the van andstarted pulling, but they didnt try their best andthe van didnt move. Seeing that, my uncle sai

13、dto them, Ill pay you according to how mucheffort you will put into your work. Hearing that,the villagers tried harder and finally pulled thevan out Among all the villagers, I found two had the most twisted (扭曲的) expressions. I thought they must have been trying harder than all theothers. After the

14、van was pulled out, the villagers cameto my uncle for payment. I couldnt believe my eyes when my uncle gave the least money to thetwo men who I thought had tried thehardest. After they all left, I asked my uncle why he gavethe least to those two villagers. My uncle then pointed to those footprints i

15、n the mud and said,Look. Some footprints are deep and some are shallow. Those two mens footprints are shallow,which means they were not really trying hard, They were just pretending so. Hearing his words,I realized those two villagers were just tricking us. From that experience, I learnt that we sho

16、uldntcome to a conclusion by considering only one factor (困素). We should also look at some others and then make decisions.26. After the van stopped,the writers uncle decided to_. A. leave the van there B. ask for help immediately C.sell the goods in it in the village D. try to pull it out with the w

17、riter at first27. After seeing the twisted expressions on thetwo villagers faces, the writer_. A. felt very sorry for them B. decided to pay themmore C. knew they were tricking his uncle D. thought they were trying really hard28. How did the writer probably feel when seeingwhat his uncle gave to tho

18、se two villagers? A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Worried. D. Surprised.29. The amount of money given to the villagerswas based on_ . A. their expressions on the faces B. their footprints in the mud C. their positions in the line D. their own strength30. After that experience, the writer learnt that_. A. w

19、here there is a will, there is a way B. a friend in need is a friend indeed C. never judge by appearances D. seeing is believingBEd Murrow was a famous radio program producerin the 1940s. In the United States, the rise oftelevision in the 1950s ended the period called theGolden Age of Radio Broadcas

20、ting. Most of thepopular shows vanished. More and more peoplestarted watching television. Ed Murrow and hisboys moved to television as a result. He joinedwith Fred Friendly to create the series See. It Now.This show lasted from 1951 to 1958. Somebroadcasts on See ItNow concerned importantissues of r

21、ace, war and government dishonesty.Experts said the program was important in thehistory of television. Murrow also started another television showcalled Personto Person,. He spoke with famous people in their homes. One episode (一集) visited Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of former PresidentFranklin D. Roose

22、velt. The show also visitedactress Marilyn Monroe, actor Marlon Brando and Senator John F. Kennedy. Ed Murrow also produced a number of specialprograms for CBS. One such program was calledHarvest of Shame. It showed the hard life andpoor living conditions of farm workers whomoved from place to place

23、. Some people said thisprogram was so powerful that it influencedAmerican lawmakers to take measures to protect these migrant workers. After John F. Kennedy was elected president,he asked the newsman to lead the United StatesInformation Agency. Murrow served as theagencys director from 1961 to 1964.

24、 Then heretired from the job. He died in 1965 at his farmin Pawling, New York. He was fifty-seven years old, Today, Edward R. Murrow is remembered forhis influence on broadcasting and the quality ofhis reporting. Former CBSchairman WilliamPaley once said Murrow was a man born for histime and work. P

25、aley called him a student, athinker, and at heart, a poet of mankind. As aresult, he said Murrow was a great reporter.31. The underlined word vanished in Paragraph1 is closest in meaning to _. A. changed B. improved C. succeeded D. disappeared32. What do we know about the series See It Now? A. It la

26、sted more than ten years. B. Experts now think little ofit. C. EdMurrow created the series all by himself. D. Some broadcasts on it were about seriousproblems.33. In Paragraph 2, the television show was most probably a _. A. talk show B. soap opera C. talent show D. documentary34. Some people believ

27、e that Harvestof Shame _. A. was called the best program ofCBS B. was created mainly for lawmakers C. once influenced American lawmakers D. encouraged farm workers to move around35. What does the writer mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph? A. Ed Murrow greatly influenced the development of

28、TV shows. B. Ed Murrow still influences TV shows today. C. Ed Murrow was a well-rounded man. D. Ed Murrow was a great reporter.CHere are some ofthe top museums in the world.Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., theUnited States The Smithsonian is the worlds largestresearch and museum complex, wi

29、th 19 museumsand galleries, the National Zoological Park andvarious research stations. If you spent one minutelooking at each object on display day and night inten years youd see only ten percent of the whole.Main attractions: the dresses of the FirstLadies, the Gem Hall at the National Museum ofNat

30、ural History and the Wright brothers 1903Flyer,Le Louvre, Paris, France The Louvre was the palace of the kings ofFrance before becoming a museum two centuriesago. The addition of I. M. Peis pyramid shockedmany when it was first used in 1989 as the newmain entrance. The museums collections areamong t

31、he most important in the world. A goodplace to start is the Sully Wing, which leadsstraight to the Egyptian rooms.Main attractions: the Venus de Milo, theWinged Victory of Samothrace, and Leonardo daVincis Mona Lisa.State Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia Russia may be isolated(孤立) from the artistic

32、 centers of Paris, Rome and London, but theHermitage has managed to get an amazingcollection ofworld art - more than three millionitems - from the Stone Age to the early 20th century. The museum occupies (占用) six buildings along the Neva River. Thisblue-and-white structure was finished in 1764.Cathe

33、rine the Great founded the museum thatsame year when she bought 255 paintings fromBerlin.Main attractions: golden masterpieces fromEurasia and pieces from Nicholas IIs privatecollections.The British Museum, London, England Britains largest museum looks after more than eight -million objects ranging

34、from prehistoric (史前的) bones to things of the Parthenon in Athens.Main attractions: The Egyptian gallery boaststhe worlds second finest collection of Egyptianantiquities outside Egypt, including the RosettaStone, carved in 196 BC.36. The underlined sentence in the passage shows that_. A. the Smithso

35、nian is open day and night B. people visit the Smithsonian frequently C. theres so much to see in the Smithsonian D. the Smithsonian has a history of 100 years37. Where should you go if you are interested inthe Venus de Milo? A. The Louvre. B. The Hermitage. C. The Smithsonian. D. The British Museum

36、.38. We know that the Hermitage _.A. was founded in honor ofCatherine the GreatB. mainly displays modern art works C. is the largest museum in Europe D. was founded in the year 176439. If you are interested in Nicholas IIs privatecollections, you can go to the museum thatsits in_.A. ParisB. LondonC.

37、 St. PetersburgD. Washington D.C.40. What do we learn about the British Museum?A. It is the best-known for the RosettaStone. B. It mainly displays things from prehistorictime periods. C. It is a good attraction for people who loveEgyptian culture. D. It has the second finest collection of artworks i

38、n the world.DYou may have seen him in supermarkets or in TVads. You may even have found him in yourlunchbox. Bongo is the character developed by the company called Dannon USA for its Danimals yogurts for kids. Now Bongo is going Greek. That is, Dannon is introducing a new kind of yogurt(酸奶) for kids

39、. It is Greek style: that means the yogurt is thicker than usual. How does a big company like Dannon come upwith a new food product for kids? Whats thescience that goes into it? How does it get kids excited about eating it? To find answers to these and other questions, I visited the Dannon Discovery

40、 and Innovation Center in White Plains, New York. Greek-style yogurt is becoming more and more popular with adults, but Dannon did surveys and found that while parents are eating Greek yogurt, their kids arent. We wanted to know why, said Dannons Michael Neuwirth. Kids told us that Greek yogurt is t

41、oo thick and too sour. What didDannon do with this information? They looked for ways to make the yogurt attractive to kids. The basic process of making yogurt is simple,explained Dr Thierry Saint-Denis, Dannonsdirector of research and development. He said, Take milk. Mix in yogurt bacteria (细菌). Hea

42、t it to 104 F for a few hours. Bacteria turn something in the milk into lactic acid(乳酸). The lactic acid then goes through a natural chemical process,which turns the milk into yogurt. What makes yogurt Greek? It is thicker thanregular yogurt, and less sweet. Dannonsscientists searched for special ba

43、cteria that wouldmake their Greek yogurt feel less thick and tastesweeter to kids. Dr Saint-Denis said that aftermany tests, they found those bacteria.41. In Paragraph l, the underlined word himrefers to_. A. a kid B. an actor C. a shop assistant D. a kind of yogurt42. What has Dannon USA found abou

44、t Greekyogurt? A. Kids dont like eating Greek yogurt. B. Greek yogurt is the most popular in the world. C. Parents dont want their kids to eat Greekyogurt.D. Greek yogurt is sweeter than other kinds of yogurt.43. Paragraph 4 mainly shows_. A. what product milk can be made into B. how people make use

45、 ofbacteria C. why making yogurt is simple D. how yogurt is made44. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that _. A. there is only a little milk in yogurt B. it takes only about an hour to make yogurt C. milk shouldbe heated to 104to makeyogurt D. lactic acid plays an important role in making yogurt45. To a

46、ttract kids, Dannons scientists tried tomake their Greek yogurt_. A. sweeter and thicker B. thicker and sourer C. sweeter and less thick D. less thick and sourer第二节信息匹配共5小题;每题2分,总分值10分 请阅读以下应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读以下几那么香港网站的招聘告示:A CUHK needs scholars in both law and social sciences. Theyre supposed

47、 to teach students at different levels and perform academic program management. Applicants need strong teaching and research ability.B Hong Kong University wants an executive officer who needs to support staff training and development. Applicants should speak English and Chinese well with at least 2

48、 years human resources experience.C A storekeeper is needed. Very good pay. You will be responsible for goods receiving and may have to handle dangerous goods. You should have at least 5 years relevant experience with at least a certificate for high school.D A driver needed for an international comp

49、any, who will perform driving duties to send goods to clients. Applicants should have a certificate for middle school and have 5 years work experience.E An Assistant Public Relations Manager is needed for a railway company to deal with media-related activities. Applicants should have a degree in jou

50、rnalism with at least 6 years experience.F Full-time or part-time native English teachers are needed in Taikoo Shing Learning Center, who are going to create and organize classes for young children. Applicants MUST be a Native English Speaker and need to work on weekends.以下为拟应聘人员的信息,请将他们与相关的招聘告示匹配起来

51、。46. Mr Yen has just moved to Hong Kong fromVietnam where he worked in a factory formore than 8 years, looking after products ofthe factory and being in charge of goodsreceiving. He wishes to find a similar job hereso that he can support his family.47. Jacqueline has excellent communication,interper

52、sonal and organization skills. Sheworked in the UK for almost ten years dealingwith public relations after she finished herstudy ofjournalism at university. Now sheslooking for a similar job back in Hong Kong.48. Mr Adams is considering moving from Canadato Hong Kong. He used to be a professor, butn

53、ow he is a lawyer. He probably cant workas a lawyer in HK though he has a doctorsdegree, so hes thinking about what job hecan have there. 49. Denis, from Britain, has spent the last fouryears studying in a university in Hong Kong.He would love to stay longer and wishes tofind a job in this city. Sin

54、ce he studiedChinese in Hong Kong, he really doesntknow what job he can find.50. Mr Lam began to work as a bus driver afterstudying in middle school for 4 years. Nowafter almost 8 years hes a little tired of itbecause he thinks he cares about too many peopleon his bus. He would rather carry goods in

55、stead.写作共两节,总分值40分第一节根底写作共1小题;总分值1 5分【写作内容】 请根据以下信息,为学校文化节写一篇英语短文。根本信息影片名称RoboCop公映时间2023年2月12日 电影类型美国科幻动作片导演Jose Padilha故事情节1美国警察Alex Murphy执勤时严重受伤;2某公司利用新科技救了Alex;3Alex最后变成人与机器人的混合体。社会评价1因演员的精彩表演受到好评;2因缺乏创新受到批判;3票房收入2.42亿美元,领先本年其他很多电影。*科幻:science fiction *批判: criticism* 创新:creativity *票房:box offic

56、e写作要求 只能使用五个句子表达全部内容。_第二节读写任务共1小题;总分值25分 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。My name is Inga and I am from Germany. When Iwas at university, I joined a Study AbroadProgram and studied as an exchange student in acollege in the United States for four months.These four months have been one of the bestperiods

57、in my life. Staying in a foreign country fora long time not only improved my language skills,butalso provided me with the chance toexperience and understand a new culture in thatnew country. During my stay in the United. States, I especiallyenjoyed the friendliness of the people there.Besides, many

58、local people got foreign students totake part in all the local activities. Since I studiedabroad myself, I felt the need to recommend thisto everyone else as this would be a once-in-a-lifetimeexperience.Getting to know a different way oflife in a newplace is a very exciting experience that willalway

59、s stay with you and in some way becomepart of you.【写作内容】1以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2以约120个词就“倡导学生体验农村生活谈谈你的看法,内容包括: (1)你对作者推介的异议与建议; (2)预计你在农村生活会遇到的困难; (3)简述该体验对学生带来的益处。【写作要求】1作文中可以使用自己亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接 引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】 概括准确,语言标准,内容适宜,语篇连贯。_ 听说训练17PART A: Reading Aloud模仿朗读(总分值20分)

60、 In this part, you are required to watch a videoclip, and read after the speaker in the video. 40 miles west of Mount Kenya, the AberdaresMountains are the legacy of an older volcano. Inthe frosty alpine grassland, a rare predator is onthe prowl. At lower altitudes, servals have a spotted coat, but


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