1、48/48HYPERLINK /Unit 12 Restructuring the Sentence 强调句规范 Topical Highlights单元要点 Theme Presentation主题描述 1.Readjustment of Elements句子成分的转化 2.Translation 0f Passive Voice被动语态的翻译 3.Translation of Subordinate Clauses 从句的翻译 Useful Words and Phrases常用词语 Reflections and Practice考虑与实践 BACK Theme Presentation
2、主题描述 英汉两种语言,在句法结构、表达方式等方面存在着专门大的差异。为了获得准确、严谨、规范的译文,译者不能把自己局限在原文的语言形式中。过于迁就原文的句子结构和词序排列,会导致译文层次不明,罗嗦累赘。出于英汉两种语言表达的需要,译者必须跳出原文的框框,对原文的句子成分、结构形式进行必要的调整,力求达到译文组句的规范性. 1. Readjustment of Elements句子成分的转化 由于英语和汉语两种语言的句子结构和表达方式不同,翻译时,为了使译文通顺、规范,有必要将英语的某一成分转换为汉语的另一成分或将汉语的某一成分转换为英语的另一成分。这是翻译合同文件常用的方法。现将句子成分转化
3、的情况分述如下: 1) Adjusting the Subject主语的转换 (1)主语转换为谓语的情况:主语转换为谓语,往往是原文的主语为动作性的名词,且采纳被动语态。译成汉语时,需将英语的被动语态调整为汉语的主动语态,进行转换翻译。例如: Delivery must be effected within the time stated on the purchase order, otherwise the Buyer may at its option cancel the order without cost to him, and charge the Seller for any
4、loss incurred as a result of the latters failure to make such delivery 卖方必须在购货订单规定的时刻内交货,否则,买方可取消订货,而不承担任何损失,并要求卖方赔偿由不交货所造成的一切损失。 原文的名词delivery作主语,转换为译文的动词“交货”作谓语,同时在主语的位置加译了“卖方”二字。 Payment shall be made by net cash against sight draft with Bill of Lading attached showing the shipment of the goods.
5、Such payment shall be made through the Bank of China, Yantai Branch. The Bill Of Lading shall not be delivered to the Buyer until such draft is paid 凭即期汇票和所附表明物资发运的提单通过中国银行烟台分行以现金支付。汇票未付之前,提单不交给买方。 原句中的payment作主语,可译为汉语的一个动词。 Partial shipments shall be permitted upon presentation of a clean set Of sh
6、ipping document 能够同意分批发货,但须提出一套明确的装运单据。 原文中的主语shipment转换为汉语的动词,原文中修饰主语的partial转换为状语。 (2)主语转换为宾语的情况:主语转换为宾语,原文的主语往往为一般名词,且常为被动语态。译成汉语时,将英语的被动语态改译为汉语的主动语态,主语转换为宾语。例如: Should all or part of the Contract and its appendices be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party, the breaching party sh
7、all bear the responsibilities thus caused. 由于一方过失,致使不能履行或不能完全履行本合同及附件时,由过失方承担违约责任。 lf any terms and conditions of this Contract are breached and the breach is not corrected by the breaching party within 30 days after a written notice thereof is given by the other party, then the no breaching party s
8、hall have the option to terminate this Contract by giving written notice thereof to the breaching party 假如一方违反本合同的任何条款,同时在接到另一方的书面通知后30日内不予以补救,未违约方有权选择向违约方书面通知终止本合同。 Progress review meeting will be held al the Sellers plant with the buyers representatives as necessary during the manufacturing of the
9、 Equipment. At such meeting, the Seller shall report progress and indicate completion status against schedule 在设备制造期间,如有必要,将邀请买方代表参加在卖方工厂进行的进展评定会,会上由卖方报告进展情况与按打算完成的情况。 (3)主语转化为定语的情况:假如主语和宾语之间的关系紧密,或宾语本身确实是主语的一部分,译成汉语时,为使译文符合汉语的表达适应,往往把原文的主语转换为定语。例如: Each Party is liable to the Joint Venture Company
10、only up to the limit Of the capital subscribed by it 各方对合营公司的责任以各自认缴的出资额为限。 The Guarantee Period shall start from the exact date on which the Purchaser receives notification in writing from the Vendor that Plant is ready for dispatch from the Works 担保期限的具体日期自买方收到卖方发出的、并告知已随时可从工厂发运的书面通知起开始计算。 The lic
11、ensee shall keep books and records in sufficient detail to enable the royalties payable hereunder to be determined, and shall further permit such books and records to be examined by a certified public accountant appointed by the licensor al any reasonable time during the business hours to the extent
12、 necessary to verify the royalty reports and payments herein 被许可方应当详细记账和作记录,以使其成为决定以下提成费时的依据。为验明提成报告和所支付的提成费,被许可方还应准许许可方指定的注册公共会计师在营业时刻内的任何适当的时候检查账簿和记录。 2) Adjusting the Object宾语的转换 (1)宾语转换为主语的情况:合同英语句中的某些动词宾语,在逻辑上是应讲明的主体,为使其突出和醒目,翻译时一般将其转换为汉语的主语(我们在论述主语转换为定语时,实际上已涉及到把宾语转换为主语的情况)。例如: Licensee shall
13、keep true and accurate records, files and book of account containing all of the data reasonably required for the full computation and verification 0f the amount to be paid here under and the information to be given in the statements herein provided for 被许可方的记录,档案以及会计帐簿必须保持真实、准确。其中会计账簿内容包括:为计算和稽核本协议范
14、围所付款项所必需的全部合理数据,以及为所规定的财务报表提供所需的材料。 The Seller shall deliver the Equipment and Materials in accordance with the Contract from the 19 (nineteenth) month f0 the 27(twenty-seventh) month from the date of signing the Contract in 5 (five) lots 依据合同,卖方的设备和材料应当自合同签订之日起第19个至第27个月内分五批交付。 Party A shall send t
15、wice its technical personnel lo Party Bs factory for training, and the total number of the participants shall not exceed 320(excluding the interpreter)。 甲方的技术人员将分两批赴乙方工厂同意培训,参加培训人员的总数不超过320人(翻译人员除外)。 (2)宾语转换为谓语的情况:假如原文的谓语动词不宜处理成汉语的谓语,而原文中的宾语又是含有动作意义的名词,那么在汉译时能够将原文中的宾语转换成汉语的谓语,或与原文动词一起合译为汉语的谓语。例如: Th
16、e Contractor shall perform the inspection and examination of all equipment, machinery and materials including spare parts required for the construction of the plant 承包人应进行检验:并稽查建设工厂所需的一切设备、机械和材料,其中包括各种备用零部件。 The Licensor will, at its own cost, take such actions to eliminate infringement of the Licen
17、sed Patents as may be reasonably necessary and proper in its own opinion 许可方应在其认为有必要的时候,以适当的方式,自费采取行动,消除对特许产品的侵权。 The Seller shall make delivery of the goods strictly within the period stipulated herein。 In the event of delay in delivery, the Buyer may cancel the Contract and claim damages for breac
18、h of the Contract 卖方应当严格按规定的期限交货,若迟交,买方有权撤销本合同,并向卖方提出由此所造成的损失赔偿。 3) Adjusting the Predicative表语的转换 (1)表语转换为汉语的主语:在英语中,当用名词作表语时,主语和表语所表达的内容往往是一致的。在译成汉语时,为使上下文连贯,或突出表语所述的内容,可将原句中的表语转换为汉语的主语。例如: Agent oriented toward a single geographic market searching for products to import and market in the home Cou
19、ntry is an import agent. 进口代理商是面向某一个地区市场,查找能进口到本国销售的产品的代理人。 The date of registration of the Joint Venture Company shall be the date of the establishment of the board of directors of the Joint Venture Company 合资公司董事会成立日期,以合资公司注册登记之日为准。 This is the final arbitration award and binding on both Contracti
20、ng Parties 这一仲裁裁决是终局性的,对双方均有约束力。 (2)表语转换为汉语的谓语:当用介词短语作表语时,一般都应选择一个适当的汉语动词作谓语,如此有利于处理译文。 In the course of arbitration, the Contract shall be continuously executed by both parties except the part of the Contract which is under arbitration 在仲裁过程中,除了正在仲裁的部分条款外,合同的其他条款应接着执行。 WHEREAS Party B is in the rea
21、l estate business, and the two Parties are in consideration of the mutual conveyances and agree to enter into this Contract under the terms and conditions set forth as follows: 鉴于乙方经营房地产业务,双方考虑相互的惯例,同意按下列条款签订本合同: The Buyer is of the opinion that if the result of packing in cartons turns out to the s
22、atisfaction of the buyers clients. the Seller may continue using this packing in the future 买方认为,假如纸板箱包装的效果使买方用户中意,则卖方在今后的业务中可接着使用这种包装。 4) Adjusting the Attributive定语的转换 (1)定语转换为汉语的谓语:在汉语里,形容词是能够作谓语的。因此,当英语的形容词作前置定语时,专门难将其译成通顺的汉语。现在,假如把定语转换为汉语的谓语,使之和所修饰的名词一起构成汉语的主谓词组,则能够使译文流畅规范。例如: The sample of the
23、 machine submitted by the Seller is featured by novel shape, easy operation, high calorific efficiency and low fuel consumption 卖方提交的样机的特点是造型新颖、操作简便、热效率高、油耗低。 We look forward to an ever increasing volume of business with your glass factories 我方希望与你方玻璃厂的交易额日渐增高。 We claim for shortage in weight and lo
24、w quality on the consignment of wheat shipped per s. s “Princess Victoria” “维多利亚公主”号轮装运的小麦短重和质量低劣,我方对此提出索赔。 (2)定语转换为汉语的状语:在英语中,假如将某一含有动作意义的名词转译为汉语的动词,那么,原来名词前的形容词或分词作定语,即可转为汉语的状语。例如: Any disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly cons
25、ultations between both Parties I n case n settlement can be reached through consultations. the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration 凡由执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,假如协商不能解决,应提交仲裁。 The Joint Ventures products to be sold in China may be handled by the Chinese Materials and Commercial Departme
26、nts by means of agency or exclusive sales, or direct sale by the Joint Venture Company 合资公司内销产品可由中国物资部门和商业部门代销或包销,或由合资公司直接销售。 Payment for the goods specified herein shall not mean a full acceptance thereof by the Buyer with regard to its quality. All goods shall be accepted only after the Buyers clo
27、se inspection 对合同规定的物资付款不意味着买方已完全同意物资的质量,所有物资要通过买方认真检验后方可同意. 5) Adjusting the Adverbial状语的转换 (1)状语转换为汉语的主语:合同英语中有些介词短语在句中作状语时,往往在意义上和主语有紧密的联系。为了强调其在句中的地位,翻译时常将这类状语转换成汉语的主语。例如: The conditions for establishment of the Joint Venture Company and the total amount of investment and registered capital are
28、stipulated in this Contract. 本合同规定了设立合资公司的条件以及投资总额与注册资本。 For the purpose of this Contract, the Party B desires to introduce the Patent and engage; n production cooperation in accordance with the technical know-how specified in the Patent 本合同的目的在于乙方希望引进专利,按专利提供的技术诀窍进行合作生产。 The products fair will be h
29、eld at the Standard Electrical Co. , Madrid, Spain with the Buyers representatives 买方代表将参加在西班牙马德里标准电气公司进行的产品博览会。 (2)状语转换为汉语的定语:英语中某些介词短语在形式上是状语,但实际上与句中的某个名词有紧密的联系,这类状语在译成汉语时,处理成定语大概更确切些。例如: In this Contract, the Packing Clause stipulates for one gross to a polythene bag, covered with paper box,50 pa
30、per boxes to an inner carton to a wooden case 合同中的包装条款规定为:每一聚乙烯袋装一罗,然后装入纸盒。五十盒装一纸箱,两纸箱装一木箱。 2. Translation 0f Passive Voice被动语态的翻译 合同英语中被动语态的使用比较广泛。凡是在不必讲出合同所涉及的当事人的场合,或为了突出和强调行为动作的承受者以及便于行文上的连贯等缘故,往往使用被动语态。合同英语中被动语态所表达的概念,译成汉语时大多采纳主动语态表示。但在具体翻译的处理上,应采纳较灵活的翻译技巧,做到在内容上忠实于原文,在语言形式上规范通顺。以下就被动语态的翻译方法分述如
31、下: 1) Transforming the Passive Voice被动语态的转换翻译 在进行合同文件的英汉翻译时,为使译文成为规范的汉语,一般应对原句中某一成分进行转换。运用转换法翻译被动语态时,应注意以下几点: (1)把动作的发出者转换为主语:在合同英语中的一些被动句子中,往往出现由by或between引起的短语,在句中作状语,其中名词是本句涉及的行为当事人,为突出句中动作的发出者,可将它转换为主语。例如: If any terms and conditions to this Contract are breached and the breach is not corrected
32、by any party within 15 days after a written notice thereof is given by the other party, then the no breaching party shall have the option 10 terminate this Contract by giving written notice thereof to the breaching party 假如一方违背本合同的任何条款,同时在另一方发出书面通知后15日内不予以补救,未违约方有权选择向违约方书面通知终止本合同。 This Contract is m
33、ade by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below 买卖双方同意按下列条款购买、出售下述商品,并签订本合同。 All the payments shall be made in the U. S. Currency by the Buyer to the Seller
34、 by telegraphic transfer to the Sellers designated account with the Bank of China, Beijing, China 买方应以美元支付买方货款,并以电汇的方式汇至卖方指定的在中国银行北京分行的账户。 (2)把英语句中的某一状语转换为主语:在被动语态的状语与主语之间有包容关系时,为了使译文通顺,可将状语部分译成汉语的主语。例如: The cost of the nonreturnable containers of the goods sold under this Contract is included in th
35、e prices herein specified 所定价格包括依照本合同所售装货用的一次性容器费。 The production design, technology of manufacturing, means of testing, materials prescription, standard of quality and training of personnel shall be stipulated in Chapter 4 in this contract. 本合同第四章规定了产设计、制造工艺、测试方法、材料配方、质量标准以及人员培训。 The establishment,
36、 remuneration and the expenses of the staff of the preparation and construction office, when agreed by both parties, shall be covered in the project budget 经甲乙双方同意后,工程预算应包括筹建工作人员的编制、酬劳及费用。 (3)把英语句中的主语转换为宾语:假如原句中没有涉及合同的当事人,可将如此的英语被动句处理成汉语的无主语句,原句的主语被转换为宾语。例如: In case the quality, quantity or weight o
37、f the goods is found not in conformity to those stipulated in this Contract after reinsertion by the China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer shall return the goods to, or lodge claim against the Seller fo
38、r compensation of losses upon the strength of Inspection Certificate issued by the said Bureau, with the exception of those claims for which the insurers or the carriers are liable 货到目的港后15天内由中国进出口商品检验局复检,如发觉物资的质量和数量或重量与本合同规定不符时,除保险公司和船运公司负责赔偿的部格外,买方凭中国进出口商品检验局出具的检验证明书,向卖方提出退货或索赔。 If a foreign audit
39、or registered in other country is necessary to be employed to undertake annual financial checking and examination. Party A shall give consent. All the expenses thereof shall be borne by Party B 假如需要聘请其他国家的审计师对年度的财务进行审查,甲方应予以同意。其所需费用乙方负担。 Upon the expiration of the duration or termination before the
40、date of expiration of the joint venture, liquidation shall be carried out according relevant law. The liquidated assets shall be distributed in accordance with the proportion of investment contributed by Party A and Party B 合同期满或提早终止合营时,应依照有关法律进行结算,并依照甲、乙各方投资的比例分配结算后的财产。 2) Translation of Passive Vo
41、ices被动语态的顺序翻译 在翻译国际商务合同时,为了使译文符合合同文体的汉语表达方式,可将原文中的某些被动语态,按原句的语序顺译。 (1)译成汉语的主动语态:合同英文的某些被动语态,可在不改变原文主语的情况下,翻译时将被动语态改成主动语态,不须添加任何词。例如: The Seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery Of the goods owing to generally recognized Force Majeure causes 由于一般公认的人力不可抗拒的缘故所造成拖延交货或不交货,
42、卖方不负责任。 As soon as the Goods are shipped, the Seller shall send to the Buyer the following documents through special courier, preferably DHL, so as to, reach the Buyer as far as possible 10 days before expected date Of arrival Of the vessel at the Import Countrys Port 一旦物资交运,卖方应通过专门的信使,最好是通过DHL向买方寄送
43、下列文件,以便尽可能在货船预期抵达进口国港口的日期前10天送达买方手中。 The Seller shall be entitled to terminate this Contract in the event of failure by the Buyer to comply with any terms or conditions stated in this Article 假如买方违反本条所规定的条件,卖方有权终止此合同。 (2)译成汉语的被动句:英语的被动句是由“be+ v + ed构成的。因汉语的动词无词形变化,因此译成汉语被动语态时,只能通过添加一定的词汇手段来表示。例如: Th
44、e term for the technology transfer agreement is signed Joint Venture Company and Party B and it shall be approved the approval authority 技术转让协议的期限由合资公司与乙方签订并经审批机关批准。 All taxes, customs duties and other excises arising in connection with the performance of the Contract outside the territory of Party
45、As Country shall be borne by Party B 凡因履行本合同而在甲方国家以外发生的一切税费,均由 乙方负担。 All the equipment and materials supplied the Seller shall be inspected the Buyer and the quality certificates and inspection and test records shall be issued the manufacturer 卖方所提供的全部设备和材料将由买方负责检验;质量合格证、检验和试验记录应由制造厂出具。 (3)It is+ p.
46、 p. 结构的翻译:合同英语中有时还常用一些专门的被动型,其结构为“It is+ p. p. +that clause。这种句型已差不多形成了固定的译法,例如: It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the document for payment with the adopted Letter of Credit 双方同意制造厂出具的质量、数量或重量检验证明书作为有关信用证项下付款的单据之一
47、。 It is strictly understood that the Sellers can not be held responsible for non-delivery or delayed delivery of the goods ordered if the situation is caused by Force Majeure, such as war, rebellion, fire, strike, new levies imposed by government, mistakes in telegrams, inability of, or refusal by t
48、he manufacturers to fulfill this Contract or any other causes beyond Sellers control 严格明确卖方关于自己无法操纵的不可抗力,如战争、造反、火灾、罢工、政府新征税、电报错误、生产厂商无能力或拒绝按合同生产致使已定物资不能发货或拖延发货概不负责。 It is essentially stressed that the Buyers are requested 10 sign and return the duplicate of this Contract within 3 days from the date
49、of receipt. In the event of failure to do this, the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the Contract 必须强调:买方应于收到本合同之日起3天内签字并退还合同的副本,如买方不如此做,卖方保留取消合同的权利。 3. Translation of Subordinate从句的翻译 英语的从句可分为名词性从句、副词性从句、形容词性从句三大类。这三类从句的构成和用法,在英语语法书中均有详细论述,那个地点不再重复。我们在此要讨论的要紧是其翻译方法。由于合同英语要求具有准确严谨的特点,因此,合同英语中从句的翻
50、译方法,除具有与其他文体从句翻译的共同点外,也有其不同点。合同英语中要紧出现的从句是状语从句,其次是定语从句。现就合同英语中出现的要紧从句的翻译方法例述如下: 1) Translation of Subordinate状语从句的译法 (1)由where引出的状语从句,一般译成“假如”,“若”等条件从句。例如: All disputes in connection with or in the execution of this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations. Where settlement can be rea
51、ched, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration 所有与合同有关的或在履行合同中发生的争议,均应通过友好协商的方式解决。假如得不到解决,应将争议提交仲裁。 Where the period of any Excusable Delay caused or introduced by the Buyer is at least one hundred and twenty days and the Parties have not agreed within a further thirty day period upon a revis
52、ed basis for performing the obligations under this Agreement, including the adjustment of the Total Purchase Price, then the Seller may the upon by written notice cancel this Agreement and such cancellation shall be deemed to have occurred pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (b) through (e) of
53、Article 23 hereof (Termination and Cancellation 0f the Contract) 假如买方引起的可谅解拖延最少达120天,在其后的30天内,双方未能按照修改的基础就执行本协议的义务(包括总购买价的调整)达成协议时,卖方可就此书面通知买方撤销本协议。这种撤销应视为履行本协议第23条b款至e款有关的条文(合同的终止与撤销)。 (2)由after引出的状语从句,一般处理成“之日起”较为严谨。例如: The first technical service shall start in the sixth day after the contract co
54、mes into effect. Party B shall send a specialist to Party As factory to provide technical service for 12 working dayman 第一次技术服务应始于本合同生效之日起第六天。乙方应派遣一名技术人员赴甲方工厂,提供12工作人目的技术指导。 In case the Buyer finds any document incorrect. the buyer is obliged to cable the Seller indicating the incorrect items. The c
55、able shall be sent within 20(twenty)days after the Bank of China, Beijing Branch has received the Sellers documents 买方如发觉文件有错误时,应在中国银行北京市分行收到卖方文件之日起20天内电告卖方,并指出错误项目。 After the Seller receives the relative documents issued by the Shipping Company, the Seller shall pay the Buyer within 20 (twenty) day
56、s 卖方应在收到船舶公司出具的有关单据之日起,20天内向买方支付款项。 (3)由when引出的状语从句,一般也处理成含有条件意义的从句,译成“假如”、“倘若”。例如: When one party to the Joint Venture Company assigns all or part of his investment, the other party has preemptive right 假如合资公司一方拟转让其全部或部分出资额,另一方有优先购买权。 When either party contributes his capital goods or industrial pr
57、operty as investment, Party A and Party B shall conclude a separate contract to be a part of this main contract 假如任何一方以实物或工业产权作出资,甲、乙双方应另行订立合同,作为本主合同的组成部分。 When the time for delivery mentioned in the Contract is an estimate only, either party may after the expiration of two thirds of such estimated
58、time require the other party in writing to agree a fixed time 倘若合同中的交货时刻只是可能的时刻,任何一方可在距可能日期尚有三分之一的时刻时,用书面要求另一方同意一个确定的时刻。 (4)由before引出的状语从句,一般译成“后,才能”,如此的翻译方法,可强调一方应尽的义务。例如: The manufacturers shall,before the goods is delivered over, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regar
59、d to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity, weight, and Issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection 制造商应对物资的质量、规格、性能和数量、重量进行一丝不苟和全面的检验,出具检验证明书,证实检验的技术数据和结论后,才能发货。 Both Parties shall apply to their respective government authorities for
60、approval before the Contract is officially signed 合同双方应分不向本国的政府当局申请,经批准后,才能签订正式合同。 A written notice by the Buyer shall be sent the Seller before the Seller shall dispatch their experienced and competent technical personnel to the Contract Plant for technical instructions with respect to Erection, Me
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