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1、英语期末复习专项复习一介词一、选择题Taking part in a social activity can help take your mind matters that worry you andmake you feel good about yourself.A.throughB.acrossC.offD.intoMy family get together and have a big dinner Sundays.A.atB.inC.onD.to一The boy is tall enough his age.Yes, I was much shorter when I was h

2、is age.A.ofB.atC.fromD.forAlmost everyone was touched words after they saw Jia Lings moving film Hi Mom.A.beyondB.underC.ofD.in一Do you really want to refuse this offer?I have to. Fm afraid the job is my ability.A.beyondB.besideC.behindD.betweenThere is a stone bridge the river in front of my house.A

3、.overB.underC.aboveD.belowWu Mengchao, known as the father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery passed away the age of 99 on Saturday.A. onB. inC. atD. byVolunteering is a good way to experience life the campus (校园).Take an activepart in it, and you will learn more about the world.A. overB. beyondC. aga

4、instD. above一 Excuse me, will you please tell me the way to Yangzhou State Guesthouse?一 Walk the bridge and go straight on, and you will see it on your left.A.overB.aboveC.acrossD.into1(). The rain is beating the windows and Cindy is listening to the rain quietly.A.aboveB.acrossC.aroundD.againstDuri

5、ng the online learning, some parents were too impatient their children to solvethe problem a proper way.A. in; withB. with; inC. for; inD. to; withA study shows that rude languages spoken to children may have bad results that go those of beating them.A.againstB.beyondC.exceptD.withLast week, Oprah W

6、infrey had an interview Harry and Meghan.A.withB.toC.aboutD.onHe was born Feburary, the coldest month of a year in this city.A.onB.inC.atD.overXinjiang cotton is praised the best cotton in the country its high quality.A.for;asB.for;byC.as; forD.by; for句意:中国于2020年6月23日从西昌卫星中心发射了北斗卫星导航系统的最后一颗卫 星。考查介词辨

7、析。at后接具体的时刻;in后接年、月、世纪等,或泛指的上午、下午、晚上; to至IJ, 一般与from连用,表时间范围;on后接具体的某一天。句中“June 23,2020”表具体 的一天,故其前应加介词。n,即中国于2020年6月23日发射卫星。应选D。36. C 解析:C【详解】句意:你在新大楼住了多久了?自从201()年以来。考查介词。在表示时间时,In表示在某个时间范围,或者一段时间,表示“在多久之后”, 通常用于一般将来时;After接时间点,表示“在某时之后;Since接时间点,表示“自 从以来,回答完成时的时间;Before接时间点,表示“在以前一 根据问句“How long

8、have you lived in the new building?”,以及答语中2010”是个时间点,所以应用 since, 应选C。D解析:D【详解】句意:让我高兴的是,我的家人总是支持我,所以我有极大的勇气去追寻我的梦想。考查介词的词义辨析。past经过,路过,超过;above在上,多于;upon在之上;behind在后面,支持。根据句意所以我有极大的勇气去追寻我的梦想,可知我的 家人总是支持我。应选D。C解析:C【详解】句意:虽然我们周围有太多的事情与我们事与愿违,但是我们不能放弃因为追梦是有价值 的。考查介词词义辨析。through通过;towards朝,向;against对抗,碰

9、撞;beyond超过。根 据句意表示我们周围有太多的事情与我们事与愿违,against our will对抗,违背我们的意 愿。应选C。A解析:A【详解】句意:这个练习超出了大多数学生的能力,所以很少有人能做出来。考查介词辨析。beyond超越,一般指的是超出某人的能力范围;over超过、多于,后一般 加数量词;against对抗;through通过;根据下文“so very few could work it out”推断空格指 超出大多数学生的能力,应选A。C解析:C【详解】句意:如果成功是一扇门,通往这扇门的路一定充满了困难。考查介词辨析。beyond超越;opposite对面;towa

10、rds朝向;across穿过;从文字的表层意 思推断空格指通往这扇门的路一定充满了困难;应选C。一Its raining heavily outside. May I push my bicycle into your house?Certainly. But please put it the wall so that it wont take up too much space.A. inB. onC. againstD. overThe blue planet is so far from the earth that radio signals, travel the speed of

11、 light,take 16 hours to reach the spacecraft.A.forB.inC.onD.atThe chopsticks are wood.A.madeofB.madefromC.made inD.madewithThe girl is a singer everyone in her hometown.A. well known as; forB. well-know as; toC. well known as; toD. best known for; forThe 20th China Jiangning Hengxi Watermelon Festiv

12、al was held May this year.A. atB. onC. inD. from一 I havent been to Shenzhen for years.You really need to pay a visit, and yoiTH find changes there are imagination.A. beyondB. throughC. withoutD. for 22. Thanks for looking after me my illness, Millie.一Dont mention it. Thats what friends are fbr.A. be

13、yondB. throughC. acrossD. withNew York City, also known Big Apple, becomes one of the worlds greatestbusiness and cultural centers.A.asB.byC.forD.toWe have a party the evening of October 31.A.inB.atC.onD.byHi, Mom directed by Jia ling is a hit this year.一It really is. It shows us the deep love betwe

14、en a mother and a daughter.A. /B. inC. onD. at一Sorry, I cant finish the exercise on time.Never mind. It is the abilities of most of the class.A.acrossB.onC.overD.beyondThe exercise is my ability and its hard for me to work it out.A.overB.againstC.beyondD.througha spring morning, a bird flew into our

15、 classroom and we were very excited to see it.A.InB.OnC.AtD.ForHe has developed a good habit of running the lake every morning.A.overB.alongC.beyondD.acrossMy family is always me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me verypleased.A. aboveB. behindC. againstD. through When will Mr. Smith arrive

16、?一 September 6th.A.AtB.InC.OnD.ForPeter is clever enough to read and write the age of 4.A.betweenB.atC.toD.during一 The Dragon Boat Festival falls May or June every year.一 Yes, this years Dragon Boat Festival is June 25th.A. in; onB. on; inC. in; inD. on; on一Its reported that Stanley Ho Hung-sun pass

17、ed away on May 26th at the age of 98.一The whole country felt sad about that. As a successful businessman, his contribution to society and love for the motherland went far his wealth.A. besideB. overC. beyondD. aboveChina sent up the final satellite of Beidou Navigation Satellite System(北斗卫星导航系统) fro

18、m Xichang Satellite Center June 23,2020.A. atB. inC. toD. on一How long have you lived in the new building?2010.A. AfterB. InC. SinceD. BeforeTo my pleasure, my family is always me, so I can follow my dreams with greatcourage.A. pastB. aboveC. uponD. behindThough there are so many things around us tha

19、t go our will, we cant give up becausefollowing the dream is valuable.A. throughB. towardsC. againstD. beyondThe exercise was the abilities of most students, so very few could work it out.A.beyondB.overC.againstD.throughIf success is a gate, the road this gate must be full of difficulties.A.beyondB.

20、oppositeC.towardsD.across【参考答案】一、选择题c解析:c【详解】句意:参加社交活动可以帮助你把注意力从担忧的事情上转移开,让你对自己感觉良好。考 查介词辨析。through穿过(内部);across穿过(平面);off离开;into到里面。根据“Taking part in a social activity can help take your mind.matters”可知, 是 take your mind off sth“把注意力转移开,应选CoC解析:C【详解】句意:我的家人星期天聚在一起吃了一顿丰富的晚餐。考查介词辨析。at用于具体的某一时刻之前;in用于

21、年、月、季节之前;on用于具体的某 一天和星期几之前;分钟+to+整点,表示差几分钟到某个整点。句中空后Sundays是星期天, 表达“在星期天”是on Sundayso应选C。D解析:D【详解】句意:对于他的年龄这个男孩已经足够高了。是的,当我在他那么大的时候,我 矮多了。考查介词辨析。of.的;at在具体的时间点或地点;from来自;for对于。根据句意可 知,这里表示“对于这个男孩的年龄来说“,因此用介词for,应选D。A解析:A【详解】句意:几乎每个人在看了贾玲的感人电影你好。李焕英后都被感动得说不出话来。考查介词辨析。beyond超越;under在下面;of的;in在里面。根据Alm

22、osteveryone was touched.words59,可知这里表示“几乎每个人感动得无以言表“;beyond words 无法用语言表达”符合题意。应选A。A解析:A【详解】句意:你真的想拒绝这份工作吗? 我不得不拒绝。恐怕这份工作超出了我的能 力。考查介词词义辨析。beyond超出;beside在旁边;behind在后面;between在两者之间。根据前句“I have to丁语境可知,应是工作超出了我的能力。A解析:A【详解】句意:我家前面的河上有一座石桥。考查介词辨析。over在上,指垂直在上的正上方;under在.一下面,指在某物的正下 方;above在上,表示处于更高位置;

23、below在下面,不一定是正下方,所指范围 较宽。根据常识可知,桥是在河的正上方,应用。ver。应选A。C解析:C【详解】句意:“中国肝胆外科专冢吴孟超在周六去世,享年99岁。考查介词。on具体的某一天;in在某一年;at具体的某一时刻;by不迟于。根据“the age of 99”可知表达“在99岁高龄的时候”,用短语“at the age o匕 应选C。B解析:B【详解】句意:志愿活动是体验校园之外生活的好方法。积极参加,你会对这个世界有更多的了 解。考查介词辨析。over (局部或全部覆盖)在上面;beyond超出;against反对;above在上面。根据下文“Take an acti

24、ve part in it, and you will learn more about the world,可知ACD三项不合语境,志愿活动是超出校园生活的,应选B。C解析:C【详解】句意:打搅一下,你能告诉我去扬州迎宾馆的路吗?穿过桥然后直走,在你的左 边你将会看到它。考查介词辨析。over在上方(正上方,不接触);above在上方(不一定正上方,不接触);across穿过(横穿);into进去。bridge桥,可知是横穿过桥;应选C。10. D 解析:D【详解】句意:雨打在窗户上,Cindy正静静地听着雨声。考查介词辨析。above在上面;across穿过;around围绕;agains

25、t与相反,碰撞。根据The rain is beating.the windows”可知,“beat against”表示打在上,雨水是与窗户接触的,这里表示打在窗户上。应选D。B解析:B【详解】句意:在网上学习的过程中,一些家长对他们的孩子太不耐烦了,以至于不能合适地解决 问题。考查介词辨析,形容词短语和介词短语。in在里,用;with和一起;for因为,为 了; to到分析第一处可知,此处构成“be impatient with”短语,翻译为“对不耐烦”,所以第一处用with;分析第二处可知,此处构成“in a proper way”短语,翻译为“用一 种适当的方法”,所以第二处用in。应

26、选B。B解析:B【详解】句意:一项新调查说明,对孩子大喊大叫可能比揍他们的后果更严重。考查介词辨析。against反对;beyond超过;except除之外;with和一起;根据语境可知,此处指的是超过,go beyond超出,胜过。应选B。A解析:A【详解】句意:上周,哈里和梅根接受了奥普拉温弗瑞的采访。考查介词。with 和一起;to 到;about 关于;on 在上。have an interview withsb.意为“采访某人。符合句意,应选A。B解析:B【详解】句意:他在二月出生,这个城市一年中最冷的月份。考查介词辨析。on在具体的某一天;in在较长的一段时间;at在某一时间点;o

27、ver超过。 根据Feburary可知,表示在某一月份,用介词in。应选B。C解析:C【详解】句意:新疆棉因质量好被誉为全国最好的棉花。考查介词辨析。for为了; as由于、因为;by被;根据题干,结合语境可知,第一个空, 考查固定词组bepraised as”,意为“被誉为”;第二个空,表示理由、原因,可以用介 词for;应选C。C解析:C【详解】句意:外面雨下得很大。我可以把自行车推进你家吗? 当然可以。但是请把它靠 墙放,这样不会占太多空间。考查介词辨析。in在里面;on在上;against紧靠;over在之上。根据“so thatit wont take up too much spa

28、ce”可知,应是靠墙放。应选 C。D解析:D【详解】句意:这颗蓝色的行星离地球如此之远,以光速传播的无线电信号需要16个小时才能到达 航天器。考查介词。for为了; in在里;on在上;at在at the speed of为固定搭配,意为“以的速度”,符合句意,应选D。A解析:A【详解】句意:筷子是用木头做的。考查介词辨析。be made of ttl制造,可看出原材料,be made from由制造,看不出原材料;be made in,在地方制造;be made with指“制作中用了什么东西”,看不出原材料。根据“The chopsticks”与空后的“wood”可知,能看出原材料,应该用

29、be made of。应选AoA解析:A【详解】句意:这个女孩在她的家乡对大家来说最为一名歌手而知名。考查固定短语。be known as表示“以知名”,as后接表职业或身份的名词,第一个空后 asinger为职业,排除B和D; “对某人来说”用介词for。应选A。C解析:C【详解】句意:第20届中国江宁横溪西瓜节于今年5月举行。考查介词辨析。at用于具体的某一时刻之前;on用于具体的某一天之前;in用于年、月和 季节之前;from来自。“May”是月份,其前介词应用in。应选C。A解析:A【详解】句意:我好几年没去过深圳了。你真的需要去拜访一下,你会发现那里的变化超 出想象。考查介词。A.

30、beyond超出;B. through穿过;C.without没有;D.for为了。根据句意可 知,此处指的是深圳的变化超出了想象,beyond imagination超出想象,符合句意,应选AoB解析:B【详解】句意:谢谢你在我生病期间从头到尾照顾我,Millieo 不客气。这就是朋友应该做的 事。考查介词辨析。beyond超过;through从头至尾;across横穿;with和。根据后文“my illness”可知是生病期间从头至尾照顾“我,应选BoA解析:A【详解】句意:纽约市,也被称为大苹果,是世界上最大的商业和文化中心之一。考查介词。as作为;by通过;for为,给;to到,去。根

31、据句意可知,此题考查knownas“被称为。应选AoC解析:C【详解】句意:我们在10月31日晚上有一个聚会。考查介词辨析。in后接年、月、季节等;at后接具体钟表时刻;on后接具体某一天或具体 某一天的上下午、晚上等;by至U为止。根据“the evening of October 31”可知表示在10月31日的晚上,用介词on符合语境。应选C。A解析:A【详解】句意: 贾玲执导的你好,李焕英今年很受欢迎。确实如此。它向我们展示了 母女之间深厚的爱。考查介词用法。in用于年/月/季节等泛指的时间前;on用于具体的某一天的时间前;at用 于具体的钟点前;由this、that、those、the

32、se等用于表示时间概念的名词前不加介词。故 选AoD解析:D【详解】句意:对不起,我不能按时完成练习了。不要紧。这超出了班上大多数人的能 力。考查介词辨析。across穿过;on在之上;over在上面;beyond超出;根据I cantfinish the exercise on time”和“.the abilities of most of the class”可知,练习超出了大多数人的 能力,用beyond最合适。应选D。C解析:C【详解】句意:这个练习超出了我的能力,我很难做出来。考查介词辨析。over越过;against对抗;beyond超出;through穿过,根据后面的“my ability and ifs hard for me to work it out”


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