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1、2023届高考英语一轮复习语法总发动之完形填空(20空) 1. After a long day work, I was heading home, tired but happy. Stopping at a fruit market, I chose a(n) 1 space and reversed到车)into. But then I was being 2 by one of these passers-by of almost running her daughter down. The girl was actually a teenager, who was old enoug

2、h to have her own common 3 . It is rare to see anyone running wild in a car park, where you would 4 .After I parked, I walked up to the lady and 5 her what else I could have done. When she pointed out that I was heading into one car space but changed my mind, I told her 6 that I had never intended f

3、or the parking space in front and mentioned that I had my reverse lights 7 . So lets just regard it as a misunderstanding, shall we?n I suggested, rather than 8 with her about the parking. She said Yes, lets do it that way*, but showed me her 9 face.Later, an elderly couple nearby who had 10 it all

4、told me I had 11 it well and that the angry woman was in the wrong. This 12 some comfort to me. While in the market, I thought about the 13 , If I had responded to the lady in anger, then I would have ended up taking her poison on too. But by managing to stay calm, there was a totally different 14 .

5、Car parks in summer are never the most 15 places to be anyway. Fuses(保险线)short- circuit 16 the heat and busyness. People are likely to lose 17 in crowds. But if we are able to 18 other people instead of only thinking of ourselves, it will avoid adding more 19 to the fire.The car park incident left m

6、e with 20 and self-love while it left the other person with anger. I know which I would prefer.B.parkingC.livingD.workingB. warnedC.accusedD.curedB.ideaC.interestD.behaviorB.wonderC.restD.stopB.remindedC.orderedD.abusedB.honestlyC.quicklyD.easilyB.downC.onD.off8. A. agreeB.fightC municateD.dealB.hap

7、pyC. boredD. angry10. A.possessedB.chargedC.witnessedD.influenced11. A.interruptedB.realizedC.repairedD.handledB.offeredC.reducedD.fixed13. A.incidentB. fortuneC.progressD.evidence14. A.contentB.sceneC.goalD.result15. A.lovelyB.difficultC.excitingD.amazing16.A.apart fromB.regardless ofC.due toD.in c

8、ase of17. A.temperB.heartC.balanceD.belief18. A.instructB.guideC.considerD. introduceB. waterC.saltD.fuelB.peaceC.confidenceD.passionthought意为想法”;preference意为“偏爱”。.句意为:它们可能是友好的,也可能是好斗的。根据句中friendly可知,此处与“友好的“相对。 aggressive意为好斗的,符合语境。greedy意为贪婪的”;impolite意为“不礼貌的;restless意为不 安宁的”。.句意为:因此她为阿迪的未来之行提供了一些

9、建议:永远不要盯着大猩猩看,因为它们会把这当 作一种威胁,。根据句意可知,此处是巴斯琴为阿迪提供的建议。advice意为“建议”,符合语境。concern意为担忧;practice意为练习”;theory意为“理论”。.根据卜文 You just need to and have your body language tell them yes, this is your forest, notmine可知,此处指大猩猩将人的注视当作一种威胁。threat意为喊胁”,符合语境。signal意为“信 号”;treat意为“款待;greeting意为问候”。.句意为:巴斯琴说:“你只需要冷静下来,

10、让你的肢体语言告诉它们是的,这是你们的森林,不是我 的森林”根据上文 So she offered words of to Addys future visit: Never stare at gorillas becausethey take that as a.可知,当大猩猩感到威胁的时候,你自己需要冷静下来。calm down意为”冷 静”,符合语境。run away意为“逃跑”;give up意为放弃”;brighten up意为“变开心”。答案:1-5 ABDCB 6-10 ACDBB 11-15 ABCAC 16-20 CADDD解析:1 .根据上文的The following d

11、ay, as I tried to complete my day*s work并结合下文作者驱赶大黄 蜂的经历可知,作者注意到大黄蜂在天窗上。notice意为”注意到,符合语境。feed意为“喂养”;hear 意为“听到”;meet意为”与会面;偶遇“。.句意为:天窗特别高,但我以为赶走大黄蜂花费的时间不会超过五分钟。根据常识和下文的An hour later, the bee still.可知,作者想把大黄蜂赶走。remove意为去除,符合语境。fly意为” 空运(货物或乘客厂;hit意为“打,击”;run意为“经营”。.句意为:一个小时后,那只大黄蜂仍然留在原地。根据上文的An hour

12、 later和still可知,作者赶了 一个小时,大黄蜂仍然留在原地。remain意为“停留”,符合语境。sleep意为“睡觉”;flow意为“流动”; come意为“来.句意为:唯一改变的是客厅一片狼藉,而我抬头望着阳光,感到头晕目眩。根据上文的AH that had changed可知,作者驱赶大黄蜂时把房间弄得很凌乱。mess意为“凌乱”,符合语境。ruin意为“废墟”; lab意为“实验室”;zo。意为“动物园”。.句意见上一题解析。根据空后的into the sunlight可知,作者抬头看阳光时感到头晕目眩。look up 意为“向上看”,符合语境。jump up意为跳起”;ref

13、lect back意为“反射回;walk back意为“走回”。.根据空后的waste an hour on a tiny insect可知,作者没有想到要在一只小昆虫上浪费一个小时。 expect意为预期;期盼”,符合语境。hesitate意为“犹豫”;try意为“试图“;forget意为“忘记”。.句意为:我们往往低估的不仅是时间一我们也没有考虑到意料之外的本钱。根据空后的wedont take account of unexpected costs可知,我们低估的不仅是时间。underestimate意为低估”,符合语 境。undergo意为“经历;undertake意为从事;under

14、stand意为理解”。.根据空后的 but we seldom think of all the things that could affect us 可知,我们经常想象对我 们有利的事情,但很少考虑影响我们的负面的事情。in our favor意为”对我们有利二符合语境。in our way意为”以我们的方式”;in our honor意为”向我们表示敬意”;in our memory意为”在我们的记 忆中”。.根据空前的but可知,前后构成转折关系,并且影响我们的应该是消极的、负面的事情。negative 意为“消极的”,符合语境。positive意为积极的”;perfect意为完美的”

15、;natural意为咱然的”。.根据下文的 even in a task you thought that was simple that is part of life 和 If you can acceptthat nothing will ever be easy可知,甚至是简单的任务也有挑战,所以感到有挑战是完全可以接受 的。acceptable意为可接受的“,符合语境。accessible意为“易得到的;available意为可用的”; agreeable意为“宜人的”。.根据空前的even in a task you thought was simple可知,感到有挑战是完全可以接

16、受的一即使是在 你认为很简单的任务中,因为这是生活的一局部。because意为“因为“,符合语境。while意为“然而”; if意为“如果”;unless意为”除非,.句意为:如果你可以接受没有什么事情会是容易的,那么生活似乎会更容易掌控一些。根据上文 的If you can accept that nothing will ever be easy可知,这样生活可能看起来会稍微容易一些。manageable意为”易管理的”,符合语境。incredible意为”难以置信的”;challenging意为”富于挑战性 的;inspiring意为”鼓舞人心的”。.上文的 In middle scho

17、ol, I thought high school might be 与下文的 In high school, I thoughtcollege might be easier为对应关系。easy意为“容易的”,符合语境。hard意为困难的”;simple意为” 简单的”;nice意为美好的。.根据空前的 In high school, I thought college might be easier because I could have a schedule 可知,作 者认为在大学可以有一个最适合自己的时间表。suitable意为合适的二符合语境。tight意为“紧的”; full意为

18、“满的”;strict意为“严格的”。.根据下文的 After accepting that school wouldnt be easy, I found myself a more positiveattitude and results.可知,作者对下一阶段的每次期望最后都以失望告终。disappointed意为”失望的二符合语境。nervous意为紧张的“;satisfied意为满意的”;right意为“正确的”。.根据上文的After accepting that school wouldn*t be easy可知,作者发现自己有了更积极的态度和 更好的成绩。with意为”带有;随着

19、”,符合语境。beyond意为“超出”;toward意为”朝(某个方向);对 于”;under意为在 下面.句意为:在接受了上学并不会容易的事实后,我发现自己有了更积极的态度和更好的成绩。根据 空前的a more positive attitude可知,积极的态度自然会带来成绩的提高。improved意为”有改进的”, 符合语境。direct意为“直接的”;disturbing意为”令人不安的”;shocking意为”令人震惊的”。.根据第三段中的we dont take account of unexpected costs可知,做好准备应该考虑费用和时间。 expense意为”花费;费用二

20、符合语境。expectation意为“预期”;space意为“空间”;reason意为原因 ffO.根据上文的 Of course, there should be preparations made to take account of or time.可知,做 好准备可以帮助实现目标。accomplish goals意为“实现目标”,符合语境。set意为“设置”;make意为 响作;have意为“有“。.根据空后的 Maybe we cannot see a bee coming our way, but we can always give ourselves the extra tim

21、e to catch it.可知,此处指当有事物挡住我们的路时,没必要过分自责。path意为道路:符合语 境。passage意为“章节;heart意为心脏”;house意为“房子”。答案:1-5 CABCA 6-10 DBADC 11-15 CBDAB 16-20 DACBD解析:1 .结合上文内容和本句中的But可知,作者在表述自己对这个问题的看法有所不同。 differently意为不同地二符合语境。positively意为”肯定地;乐观地”;naturally意为“自然地”; originally意为”最初;起初”。.句意为:我的父亲相信我有明智花钱的智慧。由本句的wisely判断此处表

22、示“智慧二intelligence意 为“智慧”,符合语境。passion意为“热情;strength意为“力量potential意为“潜力”。.根据下文的 but he gave me the means of walking into the bookstore and choosing it for myself 可知, 作者的父亲让作者自己去书店选书,作者通过此方法获得20美元。means意为“方法”,为原词复现, 符合语境。courage意为“勇气”;discipline意为“纪律;suggestion意为“建议.句意为:但是他也让我自己找乐子,相信我有管理钱的能力,并且让我感到自己

23、像一个成年人。结 合上下文可知,此处是指作者的父亲相信他可以管理好自己的钱,且上文的giving me charge of my own fun也有暗示,charge和manage是近义词复现。manage意为管理,符合语境。spend意为”花 费”;carry意为“携带“;use意为“使用5结合上下文可知,此处是指作者认为可以自己管理钱让他觉得像个成年人。grown-up意为”成年 人”,符合语境。teenager意为“青少年;adventurer意为“冒险者;pioneer意为“先驱”。.根据下文的at the moment when I needed it most可推测作者的妈妈擅长送

24、礼物,故此处用have a gift for,意为在方面有天赋”,符合语境。habit意为习惯”;tradition意为“传统”;approach意为” 方法二.根据上文的what I needed可知,母亲给礼物的时候正是作者最需要的时候。right意为”正好;恰好 ”,符合语境。approximately意为大约”;direct意为”径直地”;slightly意为“稍微”。8,句意为:我作为成人的第一次尝试失败了。根据下文的I had quit my job but had no new one.可知作者辞去了工作,而且暂时没有新工作,故此处用“失败”。fail意为失败:符合语境。succ

25、eed 意为“成功”;drop意为“忽然倒下”;fall意为摔倒;落下”。.根据语境可知,作者辞去了以前的工作。previous意为”从前的”,符合语境。important意为重要 的”;creative意为“创造性的”;challenging意为挑战性的”。.句意为:但是当妈妈来看我时; 我上演了一出好戏,告诉她我已经开创了自己的公司。短语pay sb. a visit意为“拜访某人”,符合语境。bring意为“带来”;get意为“得到”;give意为“给”。.结合上下文可知,此处是指作者骗妈妈说自己开了公司。put on a good show意为”上演一出好戏”, 符合语境。put of

26、f意为“推迟;put away意为”把 收拾起来;put forward意为“提出”。.结合上下文可知,作者的妈妈为了不让他感到尴尬,所以把装钱的信封藏在床脚,因此推测作者 是在妈妈走后才发现的。after意为在之后”,符合语境。before意为”在之前”;when意为” 当时候”;as意为“因为”。.根据下文的The cold, hard cash meant she was helping me.可知作者的妈妈提供现金来帮助他。 cash意为“现金,符合语境。credit意为信贷;loan意为“贷款;receipt意为“收据.根据上文的I had quit my job but had n

27、o new one.可知作者当时没有工作,所以推测他非常需要钱。desperately意为非常二符合语境。hardly意为几乎不;eventually意为“最后;accurately 意为“准确地”。.句意为:她知道,如果她带着食品杂货出现,或者主动为我交房租,她会让我自己感到更糟糕。结 合上下文可知,此处是作者假设妈妈主动给他交房租。offer to do sth.意为”主动提出做某事:符合 语境。attempt意为“企图;promise意为“承诺;refuse意为“拒绝”。.由上文可知作者当时没有工作,故推测他心情不好,如果妈妈再帮他交房租,会让他更难受。 worse意为”更糟糕的:符合语

28、境。better意为“更好的“;more意为“更多的“;less意为“更少的”。.句意为:而且有趣的是,她给礼物的距离感让我觉得她是在给我空间来修复我的生活和保持我的 尊严。根据上文的The cold, hard cash可知作者认为现金是冰冷无感情的,故推测此处表示“距离感 distance意为“距离”,符合语境。love意为“爱”;decoration意为装饰”;demand意为要求”。.结合上下文可知作者当时在工作上失败了,故推测妈妈用这样的方式来帮助他,让他觉得有空间 调整自己,进而让自己的生活向着好的方向开展。fix意为“修理”,在此处可以理解为“修复”,符合语 境。defend意为

29、防御”;equip意为“配备”;develop意为”(使)开展”。.根据上文的 he gave me the means of walking into the bookstore and choosing it for myself 可矢口在买 书时父亲让作者自己决定买哪些书,take ones own decisions为固定搭配,意为自己作决定”,对应下 文提及的those decisionso decision意为“决定,符合语境。action意为行为;risk意为“风险”; opportunity 意为“机会”。.结合上下文可知,当作者所作出的决定使其付出了巨大代价时,母亲给予的帮助

30、给了作者另一个 机会。chance意为“机会”,符合语境。solution意为“解决方法”;aid意为”辅助设备”;visit意为”参观; 访问”。答案:1-5 CABCD 6-10 BDADB 11-15 ACDBC 16-20 DCABA解析:1 .句意为:斯潘塞被拍到拿着他的毕业证书,大声喊出在这一路上曾经帮助过他的老师和家 人的名字。由上文A video of a tearful young man可的 这是拍摄的视频中的内容。film意为”把拍成电影;拍摄:符合语境。notice意为“注意到“;monitor意为“监视”;hear意为“听到”。2,由下文的They had been

31、encouraging him可知,他的老师和家人一直鼓励他,所以此处指一路帮助 过他的人。help意为“帮助”,符合语境。train意为“训I练”;warn意为“警告”;inform意为告知”。.句意为:他们一直鼓励他把注意力集中在目标上,度过艰难的日子。goal意为“目标”,符合语境。 grade意为”成绩;等级”;achievement意为“成就;interest意为兴趣”。.由上文可知,老师和家人的鼓励帮助斯潘塞度过困难的日子。tough意为“艰难的“,符合语境。 strange意为“奇怪的“;old意为“旧的“;regular意为”定期的;有规律的”。.句意为:没有鼓励,尤其是没有父

32、母、最好的朋友、学校老师或精神领袖的鼓励,我们都无法熬过 这一生。get through意为熬过(艰难时期);渡过(难关),符合语境。make use of意为“利用”;pay attention to意为”注意”;give up意为放弃”。.此处表示尤其是来自父母、朋友、老师和精神领袖的鼓励。especially意为”尤其二符合语境。 simply意为”简直;仅仅”;completely意为“完全地”;originally意为“最初”。.句意为:他们的支持使我们继续前进并相信自己。support意为“支持”,符合语境。patience意为” 耐心;attention意为“注意;service

33、意为“服务”。8,句意为:当有人给你鼓励时,你就有勇气去做一些重要的事情。courage意为勇气二符合语境。 task意为任务”;money意为“金钱”;advice意为“建议.根据上文可知,当一个人有勇气做某事时,会变得更强大。strong意为”强大的二符合语境。 healthy意为”健康的”;warm意为“温暖的“;smart意为“聪明的”。.句意为:即使像我这样的志愿者也需要鼓励的话语。由上下文和最后一段中的We all need it可 知,need意为“需要,符合语境。prepare意为“准备”;convey意为”传送;传达;choose意为选择”。.根据设空处所在句可知作者不记得见

34、过格雷丝。remember意为”记得二符合语境。finish意为” 完成;practice意为练习”;appreciate意为感激”。.根据空后的in hospital可知,格雷丝生病住院。sick意为生病的,符合语境。hopeless意为绝望 的”;ordinary意为”普通的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”。.根据空后的an e-mail from her可知,作者收至IJ来自格雷丝的电子邮件。receive意为“收到”,符合 语境。record意为记录;expect意为“期待;evaluate意为评估”。.句意为:让我难过的是,我们建立关系如此受限。build a relations

35、hip意为建立关系,符合语境。 end意为“使结束”;control意为“控制”;accept意为“接受”。.句意为:我喜欢你的星期三合唱团,真的觉得你很鼓舞人心。truly意为“真正地”,符合语境。 directly意为“直接地”;occasionally意为偶尔地”;casually意为不经意地”。.根据语境可知,空后的it指的是上文的Wednesday chorus,此处指格雷丝非常感谢可以作为周三 合唱团的一员。grateful意为感激的”,符合语境。qualified意为”合格的”;suitable意为合适的”; eager意为“渴望的”。.由空后的Grace was nearing

36、 the end of herlife可知,格雷丝去世了。pass away意为去世二符合语 境。move out意为“搬走”;wake up意为“醒来”;fall over意为“摔倒”。.句意为:每次我读她的电子邮件时,我都被她的话所鼓舞。由全文的中心词encouragement可知, 作者受到鼓舞。inspire意为“鼓舞“,符合语境。bother意为“打搅”;cheat意为“欺骗;change意为”改 变”。.句意为:当我们互相鼓励时,每个人都赢(受益)。win意为“赢,符合语境。agree意为“同意”; cheer意为“欢呼;hesitate意为“犹豫”。.句意为:慷慨地给予鼓励。由全

37、文中心词encouragement可知,不要吝啬鼓励。encouragement意 为“鼓励”,符合语境。wealth意为“财富”;sympathy意为“同情;time意为“时间”。6.答案:1-5 CDACD 6-10 BCADC 11-15 BADBC 16-20 DBDBA解析:1 .句意为:如果妈妈不带我去服装店,那么我和她的出行是不完整的。由下文可知作者和妈 妈一起出行。trip意为”出行二符合语境。party意为“聚会”;way意为“方法”;agreement意为”协议.根据下文 So it was no great to find myself in a department s

38、tore outside a room.可知,妈妈喜欢带作者去逛街买衣服。take意为”带着二符合语境。drag意为“拖”;force意为“迫使”;show意 为”给看;出示”。.根据上文可知,作者的妈妈非常喜欢逛街买衣服,所以作者在试衣间外面等妈妈试衣服这件事不 足为奇。surprise意为“惊奇,符合语境。chance意为“机会;choice意为“选择;concern意为”担忧 f!O.根据上文可知,妈妈喜欢带作者去逛街买衣服,可推知此处指在试衣间外面。dressing room意为” 试衣间”,符合语境。,meeting room意为“等候室;dining room意为“餐厅;worki

39、ng room意为”工作 室。5,句意为:她是一个身材非常匀称的女人,既不胖也不瘦,在漫长的一天结束后,她看起来有点累。 根据空后的neither fat nor thin可知,她不胖也不瘦,身材匀称(正常)。normal意为“正常的“,符合语 境。graceful意为“优雅的“;wicked意为邪恶的“;single意为“单身的”。.句意见上一题解析。根据空后的at the end of a long day可知,一天过后,她看上去有点累。tired意 为“劳累的”,符合语境。excited意为“兴奋的”;bored意为“无聊的”;depressed意为“抑郁的”。.句意为:像大多数女人通常

40、做的一样,尽管我们是陌生人,我还是按照她的要求对这件衣服发表了 自 己的看法。不艮据下文 despite the fact that we were, I gave my opinion on the dress as she asked 可知,大多数女人往往会在别人试穿衣服时提出意见。tend to do sth.意为”往往会发生某事”,符合语 境。wait意为等待”;manage意为”设法做成”;prepare意为“准备”。.根据上下文语境可知,作者陪妈妈逛街的时候遇到了这位正在试衣服的女士,她们是陌生人。 stranger意为“陌生人”,符合语境。friend意为朋友;partner意为

41、伙伴”;relative意为“亲戚”。.根据本句中的The dress fit her well.a nice shape可知,衣服很合身而且给她很好的身形(很显身 材)。give意为给“,符合语境。send意为“发送;throw意为“扔“;cut意为“削减”。.根据上文中的 The dress fit her well and her a nice shape, but she was worrying it showed toomuch of her upper arms.可知,作者看到这位女士穿那件衣服很合身,但这位女士担忧露出太多上臂, 因此,作者向她保证她穿上这件衣服时棒极了。ass

42、ure意为“向保证,符合语境。inform意为”通 知”;warn意为“警告”;teach意为“教导.根据空前的 it was a comfortable formal dress 以及空后的 she looked wonderful in it 可知,衣服很舒 适,而且她穿上它后看起来棒极了,设空处前后两句是递进关系。and意为“而且“,符合语境。or意 为“或“;so意为“所以”;but意为“但是。.根据下文completely overjoyed that how beautiful her mother was可知,她的小女儿看到妈妈穿上 那件衣服后这么漂亮,很高兴,眼睛里流露出喜悦。

43、light up意为”流露出喜悦;变得明亮”,符合语 境。shut up意为“闭嘴”;look out意为“往外看”;spread out意为“散开”。.根据下文中的completely overjoyed that how beautiful her mother was可知,她的小女儿看到妈妈 穿上那件衣服后这么漂亮,觉得妈妈看起来像公主。princess意为“公主”,符合语境。lady意为“女士 ;master意为大师”;coach意为“教练”。.根据空前的However可知,那位女士仍然不确信那件衣服适合自己。convinced意为”确信的二符 合语境。surprised意为惊讶的”;

44、delighted意为高兴的”;satisfied意为“满意的”。.上文提到那位女士担忧上臂露得太多了,内心是有些忐忑的,因此,作者让她安静地看看她家人 的反响。quietly意为安静地二符合语境。proudly意为“自豪地;bitterly意为“痛苦地;generally意 为”一般地;普遍地”。.根据下文的tears came to her eyes可知,看到女儿兴高采烈的表情以及丈夫的欣赏,那位女士激动 地流下眼泪。appreciate意为欣赏;感激二符合语境。persuade意为“说服;urge意为“敦促;disturb 意为“打搅.根据下文的 and whispered “Thank

45、 you1 a few times before releasing me to go to hug her family and graciously their compliments可知,那位女士很感谢作者给她的建议,给了作者一个紧紧的拥抱。tight意为“紧紧的”,符合语境。slow意为“慢的”;light意为“轻的”;usual意为”通常的“。.根据上下文语境及空后的their compliments可知,那位女士很感谢作者给她的建议,并欣然接受 了她家人的赞美。accept意为“接受”,符合语境。keep意为“保持”;return意为回报;归还;ignore 意为“忽略”。.根据上

46、文的She finally paid for the dress可知,她最后买了衣服后离开了。away意为“离开”,符合 语境。up意为响上;forward意为响前”;down意为响下”。.句意为:我站在那里陷入沉思一一个人真诚又好的建议真的很有作用。advice意为“建议”,符合 语境。gesture意为”手势;姿势”;figure意为”身材;人物;manner意为礼仪;习俗”。2. When Meredith Bastian was 8, she talked to the manager of primates(灵长 目动物)and asked about wild gorillas.

47、This summer an 11 -year-old girl, Addy Barrett, 1 Bastian who is the present manager of primates at the National Zoo-something Bastian did as a child, 2 her love for gorillas.Addy, a 3 visitor to the zoo, never gets tired of watching the gorillas. She told Bastian, nI learned gorillas are 4 .1 need

48、to do something to save my 5 animals. She sold homemade cookies for her 6 . Recently, she was named a winner of the 2019 Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes 7 her hard work to raise $7,000 for 8 groups aimed at protecting the animals in danger. Bastian said the 9 that gorillas face is a combination

49、 of habitat loss, climate change and spread of disease. But theres also the problem of mining that 10 gorillas* living conditions. Coltan is a mineral used to make cellphones. nOne of the strongest messages you can send to people is to 11 their cellphones,n Bastian told Addy.Addy 12 the Gorilla Hero

50、es project and meanwhile she held social media discussion to raise 13 in the hope of more participation in protecting gorillas. 14 Addy hopes to get close to gorillas in the wild, 15 a person needs to be at least 15 years old to visit where the gorillas live. Bastian said every animal has a 16 , jus

51、t like every human does. They can be friendly or 17 , So she offered words of 18 to Addys future visit: Never stare at gorillas because they take that as a 19 . Bastian said, nYou just need to 20 and have your body language tell them yes, this is your forest, not mine*.A.respected.A.respected.A.form

52、ing.A.regular.A.school.A.as forA.monitorsA.recycleA.took overA.prestigeA.ThoughA.consequentlyA.trendA. greedyA.adviceA.signalA.run away.A.respected.A.forming.A.regular.A.school.A.as forA.monitorsA.recycleA.took overA.prestigeA.ThoughA.consequentlyA.trend.A.respected.A.forming.A.regular.A.school.A.as

53、 forA.monitorsA.recycleA.took overA.prestigeA.ThoughA.consequentlyA.trendA. greedyA.adviceA.signalA.run awayB. thankedC.interviewedD.assistedB.appreciatingB.specialB.researchedB.energeticB.courseB.owing toB.plantB.questionworsensB.replaceB.looked overB.awarenessB.UnlessB.particularlyB. thoughtB.impo

54、liteB.concernB. threatB.calm downC.representing C.rareC.sold C.helpful C.theme C.regardless of C.animal C.challenge C.restoresC.ignore C.set up C.expectation C.Since C.eventually C.preference C.aggressive C.practiceC.treatC.give upD.sharingD.previousD.endangeredD.pricelessD. projectD.apart from D.co

55、nsumer D.possibility D.improves D.exchange D.wound upD.popularity D.WhenD.usually .personality D.restlessD.theoryD.greetingD.brighten up3.Expect the UnexpectedA couple of weeks ago, my grandfather was explaining his favorite expression, HNothing is ever easy.” The following day, as I tried to comple

56、te my days work, I happened to 1 a bumblebee(大黄蜂)on the skylight(天窗).The skylight was particularly high up, but I thought 2 the bee would take no more than five minutes. An hour later, the bee still 3 .All that had changed was that the living room was a 4 and that I was dizzy when 5 into the sunligh

57、t. I did not 6 to waste an hour on a tiny insect, but by doing so, I understood what my grandfather meant.It is not only time that we tend to 7 -we don*t take account of unexpected costs. We often imagine what can work 8 , but we seldom think of all the 9 things that could affect us. However, it is

58、important to remember that your day of week or year might not go as planned, and that is completely normal. It is perfectly 10 to feel challenged-even in a task that you thought was simple 11 that is part of life.If you can accept that nothing will ever be easy, then life might seem slightly more 12

59、 . In middle school, I thought high school might be 13 because I could choose the classes I wanted to take. In high school, I thought college might be easier because I could have a schedule, 14 for myself. Yet I was 15 each time. After accepting that school wouldnt be easy, I found myself 16 a more

60、positive attitude and 17 results.Of course, there should be preparations made to take account of 18 or time. Doing so can only help you 19 your goals in a better way. However, there is no need to beat ourselves up(过分自责)whensomething stands in oursomething stands in oursomething stands in our20 . May


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