Unit 4 Reading and thinking 学案-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册_第1页
Unit 4 Reading and thinking 学案-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册_第2页
Unit 4 Reading and thinking 学案-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册_第3页




1、必修二 Unit 4 Reading and thinking、Match each part of the text with its main idea.Part 1 (Para. 1)Part 2 (Para. 2)Part 3 (Para. 3)Part 1 (Para. 1)Part 2 (Para. 2)Part 3 (Para. 3)Part 4 (Paras. 4-5)Comparison of the four countries of the UKIntroduction of the topic二、Read paragraph 3 carefully and find t

2、he same and different areas of the four countries of the UK.The four countriesThe same areasThe different areasEnglandWalesScotlandNorthern Ireland三、Read paragraph 5 and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).The UK has an interesting history and rich culture.( )The histor

3、y of London dates back to Anglo-Saxon times.( )The mix of history and modem culture makes the UK attractive.( )四、Complete the SummaryBelow is a summary of the text with some sentences missing. Choose the right sentence from the box to complete the summary.The Romans in the 1st century built towns an

4、d roads.Later Scotland was joined to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.A good place to start learning about the UKs history is London.In the 16th century, Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England. 1. Theaddition of Ireland created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The breaking awa

5、yof the southern part of Ireland in the 20th century resulted in the United Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland, which most people call the UK, Britain or Great Britain. In the UK, evidence of four ancient peoples can be found. 2. Afterwards the Anglo- Saxonsintroduced the beginnings of the

6、 English language. Then the Vikings brought new vocabulary andplace names. Lastly, the Normans in the 11th century built castles, changed the legal system andbrought French words into the English language. 3. In this city you can explorecountless historic sites and appreciate ancient relics from all

7、 over the UK.开头段落中的“设问回答法“设问回答法就是使用各种疑问句,通过发问,再给出回答的形式引出语篇的话 题。本单元阅读文章“WHAFS IN A NAME?”的开头局部就使用了“设问回答”法来引入 语篇话题。首段一开始便描述了人们当前的困惑弄不清楚四个地理名称The UnitedKingdom Great Britain Britain England的具体含义。为了解决这个问题,作者使用了一个特殊疑 问句“So what is the difference between them, if any?来弓|出语篇要集中讨论的中心话题。紧 接着,提出了解决方案为了解决这个困惑,

8、最好的方法是了解一下英国的历史。用一问答的方式,成功地将要讨论的话题引入到了语篇之中,为下文做好了铺垫。由此可见,使 用“设问回答”法不仅能够做到快速入题,而且还能够增加语篇的吸引力,另外还可以起 到衔接连贯的作用。各种各样的疑问句都可以视为“设问回答”法的标记性语言表达。除此之外,该方 法还拥有一些常用的组篇词语,如 answer ask correct difficult easy give an answer important key no obvious possible provide put question quick raise reply right satisfactor

9、y short simple unanswered wrong yes等。掌握这些组篇词语无疑会对英语写作大有裨 益。如何利用地图辅助理解文本在阅读过程中,读图有助于深入理解复杂的文本材料,帮助读者快速地将所读文本形 象化、具体化,从而到达事半功倍的效果。现在,我们结合课文看看如何在阅读文字材料时 充分利用地图来提高阅读效率。L浏览地图,从整体概况到局部细节进行初步了解。初看教材上的地图,我们可以发现英国国土涉及两个大岛及诸多岛屿,四面环海,有 ATLANTIC OCEAN 和 NORTH SEA ,西 临 ATLANTIC OCEAN ,南 临 ENGLISHCHANNEL,两大岛之间还有I

10、RISH SEA。再看地图上的文字,红色字体UNITED KINGDOM就是英国国家名称。四个彩色区域是英国的四个组成局部,由北向南依次是SCOTLAND NORTHERN IRELAND ENGLAND和WALES。然后我们再关注这四局部的颜色,它们 分别是紫色、橘黄色、绿色和黄色。课本用不同的颜色来区分不同的区域,使读者能清楚地 知道组成英国的这四个区域的位置和大小。.结合常识,认清图例。通常而言,地图的方位是上北下南,左西右东。在地图中圆圈代表城市,如 Oxford Cambridge Edinburgh等。红色实心圆圈代表首都,从图中可看出London是英国首都。.结合课文内容,了解主

11、要时间节点发生的地域变迁。阅读时,先在第二段标注出 the 16th century the 18th century the 19th century 以及 the20th century这几个关键时间点,然后一边阅读文字,一边在地图中标注出各时间点所发 生的主要事件,这样就更容易理解the United Kingdom的演变过程及名称由来。起初, “Waleswas joined to the Kingdom of England”,对照地图可知,西南部的 WALES 加入了 ENGLANDo接下来“Scotland was joined”,再看地图可知,北部的SCOTLAND的加入产生了

12、 the Kingdomof Great Britaino 随后,隔海相望的 the Kingdom of Ireland 的加入构成了 the United Kingdomof Great Britain and Ireland o 最后,“the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK”, EP 爱尔兰南部脱离联合王国,从地图上可以看到爱尔兰岛上没有标颜色的局部不再属于英国, 从而最终形成了现如今的 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,即 由ENGLAND WALES SCOTLAND 以及 NORTHERN IRELAND 组成的大不列颠及北爱 尔兰联合王国。由此可见,边读材料边读地图有助于我们更精确地了解某一历史事件的演变 过程,对深入理解文本起到了积极的促进作用。答案、.D. A.C4.


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