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1、22/22第七章1.When it comes to routine message, you canKeep the planning stage brief.2.When writing routine message, youCan assume that your readers will be interested or neutral3.When writing a routine request, you beginBy politely stating your request. 4.what should you do when asking question s in a

2、routine request?Deal with only one topic per question.5.which of flowing should you do when closing a routine request? Ask the reader to respond by a specific and appropriate time.6.A courteous close contains All of above 7.If you are making a routine reply to a customer, its a good idea to Include

3、resale information to assure the customer of the wisdom of his or her purchase8.A positive message should open with a clear and concise statement of the good news9.If a message has both positive and negative elements, you should Try to put the negative news in a positive context.10.Which of the foll

4、owing is not among the recommended elements to include in your message if you are responding to a claim or complaint Complete contact information for your corporate legal staff11.If a customer who is clearly at fault requests an adjustment, you should Carefully weight the cose of complying with the

5、request against the cost of denying it, then decide how to respond based on the overall impact on your company.12.If a third party (such as a shipping company )is at fault when one of your customers makes a claim or request an adjustment ,the best response is to Following the terms of whatever custo

6、mer service agreement your company has with he third party 13.Which of the following is generally true about informative message ? Your audience may or may not be expecting them and may or may not be motivated to read them 14.The purpose of goodwill message is to Enhance relationships with customers

7、 ,colleague ,and other businesspeople 15.The most effective goodwill messages Are sincere and honest 第八章1.Which of the following is an effective way to mmaintain the “you” attitude when crafting negative messages ?Show respect for the reader by avoiding negative, accusatory language and emphasizing

8、positives whenever possible 2.When using the direct approach with negative messages, you begin with The bad news 3.An advantage of using the direct approach with negative messages is that it Saves readers time by helping them reach the main idea more quickly 4.When using the indirect approach with n

9、egative messages, you begin withA buffer 5.An advantage of using indirect approach with negative messages is that It eases the reader into the message 6.The purpose of using the indirect approach is to Soften the blow of the bad news for the reader 7.Which of the following is a good possibility to c

10、onsider for use in writing a buffer? All of above are useful approach 8.When writing negative messages ,the key difference to consider between internal and externalaudiences is The length of time theyve been associated with the company 9.When a negative messages is going be sent to both internal and

11、 external audiences(such as an announcement of factory closing ),which of the following best describes the expectations that internal audiences usually have regarding the timing of the message delivery ? Internal audiences want to receive the news after the external audiences has received it 10.A fa

12、lse statement that is damaging to a persons character or reputation ,whether spoken or in writing ,is known as defamation 11.Written defamation is known as libel 12.Spoken defamation is known as slander 13.Which of the following is good advice for avoiding being accused of defamation? Do all of the

13、above 14.Which of the following best characterizes the nature of crisis management planning ? Although you cant anticipate the nature and circumstance of every possible crisis ,you can repare by deciding how to handle such issues as communication with employees and the public 15.Continuing advances

14、in communication technology make it More difficult to control rumors 16.Why do many experts recommend using an indirect approach when rejecting job applicants ?Applicants have a deep emotional investment in he decision 17.When explaining why an applicant wasnt chosen for a position ,you should Be sp

15、ecific without being too personal ,such as explaining that the position requires special skills that the applicant doesnt yet possess 第九章1.Which of the following is true about persuasive business messages ? They often involve a combination of emotional and logical elements2.Why is the indirect appro

16、ach often used in persuasive message ? It lets the writer build audience interest and desire before asking for action or commitment 3.Which of the following is not a good way to establish credibility with your audience ? Present only your side of the argument to avoid reminding the audience of alter

17、natives 4.If you lack credibility with an audience ,which of the following would be good technique to use in a persuasive message ?Include information or endorsement from recognized experts 5.The first phase in the AIDA plan is to Gain the audiences attention 6.The body of a message that follows the

18、 AIDA plan Generates interest and heightens desire 7.Which of these is good way to build desire using the AIDA approach ? Do all of above 8.The final phase of the AIDA plan Call for action 9.An argument that is based on human feelings is known as a/an emotional appeal10.An argument that is based on

19、facts and reason is known as a/an logical appeal11.The best approach to using emotional appeals is usually to Use them in conjunction with logical appeals 12.Which of the following is a type of logical appeal ? All of the above 13.The so-called hard sell isRisky because it puts your recipients into

20、a defensive frame of mind 14.Relying solely on powerful ,relational argument in persuasive messages Limits your persuasive ability because it doesnt help you connect with your audience on an emotional level 15.Prioritizing which features and benefits to write about is Important because it helps you

21、focus your message on items and issues that the audience cares about the most 16.What is the relationship between features and benefits ? Features are aspects of an idea or product ;benefits are the advantages that readers will realize from those feature17.Which of the following steps should you tak

22、e to make sure your persuasive messages are ethical ? Do all of the above 18.If it adheres to all applicable federal laws ,a marketing or sales message Could still violate some state laws 第十章 1:Why is it particularly important in long reports to clearly identify your purpose before you begin writing

23、? All of the above are important factors. 2: What dose it mean to define the scope of a project when you are preparing a work plan?The scope is the range of your investigation subsequent reporting; youll address all the important topics within the defined scope of your project and ignore issues that

24、 are outside of your scope.3: informational reports focus on the delivery of facts, figures, and other types of information, without making recommendations or proposing new ideas or solutions.4: analytical reports assess a situation or problem and recommend a course of action in response.5:proposals

25、 offer structured, persuasive messages that encourage readers to take a specific course of action.6: Which of the following is the appropriate first step in any research project?Develop a research plan by familiarizing yourself with the subject , identifying information gaps, and prioritizing resear

26、ch needs.7: In the series of values 14,37,44,44,44,74,76,88,93,100,112,All of the above are correct 8: Research being conducted for the first time is called primary research. 9: Research that was conducted for other projects but is being considered for a new project is called secondary research.10:

27、secondary research is Generally used before primary research11: Why dose information found on the Internet need to be used with extreme care?Online sources often lack the fact-checking and other quality control procedures usually found in traditional, offline publishing.12: Why is it important to un

28、derstand the purpose for which source material was created?Knowing the purpose helps alert you to any potential biases.13: If you uncover critically important information (the sort that could make or break yourcompany) that is from a credible source and appears to be unbiased, well documented,curren

29、t, and complete but is the only source of this information you can find, how shouldyou handle this situation in your subsequent reporting?Use it, but clearly indicate in your report that this is the only source of the information and you werent able to verify it through a second , independent source

30、.14: Why is it important to fully understand the instructions for using an individual searchengine, web directory, database, or other computer-based research tool?Using the tool without understanding how it works can produce unpredictable and misleading results.15: What should you do if your first a

31、ttempt to find something with a search engine doesnt return anything?Try again with fewer search terms (which will broaden your search).16: Recording an interview Should never be done without the subjects permission17: A summary is a shortened version of one or more documents, research results, or o

32、ther information; 18: A conclusion is your analysis of what the findings mean (an interpretation of the facts).19: A recommendation is your opinion(based on reason and logic) about the course of action that should be taken.20:If you have a long history of success in business and are highly regarded

33、by your audience, which two organizing models will probably be sufficient for most reports to this audience?Focusing on conclusions or focusing on recommendations.21:If you need to “walk your audience through ”the reasoning that led you to the conclusion or recommendation in your report, you should

34、use an organization that focuses on logic.第十一章1: Why is the “you” attitude particularly important with long or complex reports and proposals?The length and complexity of these reports put a heavy demand on readers, making it particularly important to be sensitive to their needs.2: Which of these sen

35、tences has the most formal tone?We discuss herein the possibility of synergistic development strategies between our firm and U.S. Medical.3: Which of these does not belong in the body of an informational or analytical report?an explanation of weaknesses in the report .4: where would you list action

36、items in a report?in the close .5: Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective report content?entertaining 6: How are audiences likely to react if they spot several errors in your reports?They will become skeptical about the quality of all your work .7: Which of the following is not

37、a recommended strategy for strengthening your proposal argument ? I identify the amount of time youve invested in the proposal 8: If packaging and presentation are only superficial, why are they so important in proposal writing ? Readers tend to prejudge the quality of your products and services by

38、the quality of your proposal9: Which of the following elements is usually not part of a proposals introduction?Detailed cost analysis 10: The primary purpose of the body of a proposal is to Give complete details on the proposed solution and its anticipated benefits 11: If a proposal is being sent in

39、 response to an RFP , how should the body of the proposal address the issue of costs ?It should follow the instructions in the RFP exactly12: Visuals an enhance the communication impact of your writing byDelivering all of the above benefits .13: which of the following is a good candidate for illustr

40、ating in a report?: all of the above14: which of the following is not a good reason to use a visual in a report?To demonstrate your creative side15: Why is consistency important in visual design? It reduce confusion by eliminating arbitrary changes that force people to relearn your design scheme eve

41、ry time they encounter another visual.16: Which of the following steps could you take to call attention to the most important elements in a visual? Do all of the above .17: Which of the following steps should you take to verify the accuracy of the visuals in your reports?Do all of the above.18: assu

42、me you have a line chart with a vertical axis scaled from 0 to 100 and data pointsthat vary within a range of roughly 10 to 90 . How would you influence audienceperceptions if you increased the vertical scale so that it stretched from 0 to 200 , instead of 0to 100 ?The scaling change would minimize

43、the perceived variations in the data.第十二章1: Which of the following is not one of four major tasks involved in completing business repots and proposals? Deciding which visuals to create for the report.2: The following sentence appears in your firstthe most effective?The top three concerns our employe

44、es havesurvey.3: How have computers and related technology(such as low cost color printers) made it easier in recent years for all businesspeople to produce top quality reports and proposals?Tasks that once required expensive equipment and specialized skills can now be accomplished on most desktop computers by regular businesspeople with minimal training.4: How has the widespread availability of computer


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