



1、四川省成都市金堂县竹篙中学2022年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Yuan Longping became the first agricultural pioneer in the world _ 20% more of the crop in the same field.A. to produce B. producing C. produced D. produce参考答案:A2. The lady said that _. A. she would come there on time. B. she will come here on time C. she wil

2、l go there on time D. she would go there on time 参考答案:D 3. - Did you arrive here this morning?- Yes, it was at nine oclock _ we came here.A. when B. before C. that D. which参考答案:C4. No sooner _ down on bed _ the telephone rang.A. had he lain; than B. had he lied; when C. did he lie; than D. had he la

3、id; before参考答案:A30. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that _ 17 syllables.A. consist of B. consisting of C. makes up D. Is made up of参考答案:D略6. If you miss this chance, it might be years_you get another one.A.as B.before C.sinceD.after参考答案:B7. Who do you think is for the cruel conflict ?A. blamed Bb

4、laming Cto be blamed Dto blame 参考答案:D8. It is _ to say sorry to others when you do something wrong. A. a good manner B. good manner C. good manners D. a polite参考答案:A略9. Nowhere _ to help me at that time.A. I could find a person B. could I find a person C. could a person I find D. a person I could fi

5、nd参考答案:B10. -Ive got a cough and this place hurts. Im afraid of getting a deadly disease.-_. Well have you examined.A. Dont mind B. You should learn to protect yourself C. Keep calm. Youll recover soon. D. Take it easy参考答案:D11. Youll find taxis waiting at the bus station _ you can hire to reach your

6、 host family.A. which B. where C. when D. as参考答案:A12. If a teacher is too hard _ his students, they wont tell him the truth. A. to B. on C. for D. with 参考答案:B13. I was admitted into a famous university. My success _me pleased with myself, but I didnt.A. might have made B. might make C. should have m

7、ade D. should make参考答案:C3. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A. has been usedB. are usedC. is usedD. have been used参考答案:A略15. The war is very likely to break out in the near future. I _, if the situation goes as it is. A. hope so B. hope not C. am a

8、fraid not D. am afraid so参考答案:D略二、 填空16. Im a journalist for China Daily. I want to tell you 61 unforgettable experience today. One day last year, I was about 62 (leave) my office when suddenly I received a phone call. My sister 63 (work) in Peoples Hospital told me that a boy was 64 (terrible) burn

9、t by boiling water and was dying. I hurried to the hospital and asked the people around 65 had happened. The boys neighbor told me that the boy had to live alone because both of his parents were working in another city and none of his 66 ( ) was willing to take care of him. Only on festivals would h

10、is parents 67 (return) home. In that case, the boy cooked by 68 (he) every day. I looked at the poor boy 69 skin was swollen, feeling very sad. His doctor told me that his nerves(神经) 70 (damage) and he was unconscious(昏迷的). I want to ask the boys parents, “If your son had died, what would you use yo

11、ur money for?”参考答案:61an 62to leave 63working 64terribly 65what66 s 67return 68himself 69Whose 70had been damaged/were damaged三、 阅读理解17. As Rosalie Warren stood at the mailbox in the lobby of her apartment building in May 1980, she shared the anxiety of many other college seniors. In her hand was an

12、envelope containing her final grades. As she nervously opened it, Warren wondered whether her hundreds of hours of studying had paid off.They had.“I got five As,” she still recalls with elation. “I almost fell on the floor!”Warren would graduate from Suffolk University with a Bachelor of Science deg

13、ree in philosophy and history at age 80. Three years later, at age 83; she would receive her second degree from Suffolk, a masters in education.Now, with both diplomas proudly displayed in her apartment, Warren is not finished with learning. Now 93, she continues for her 18th year at Suffolk under a

14、 program that allows persons 65 and over to attend classes tuition free. “Its my life to go to school, to enjoy being in an academic atmosphere,” she says. “Thats what I love.”Warren was born Rosalie Levey on Aug.29, 1900. Two years after she entered high school, her father died. Warren had to leave

15、 school for factory work to help support her familys 10 children. Warren describes herself as a “person who always liked school,” and she says the move “broke my heart completely because I couldnt finish high school.”In the end, however, “I went to school nights,” she recalls. “Any place I could fin

16、d an outlet of learning and teaching, I was there.”A short time later, her mother became ill, and Warren had to care for her, once again putting her education on hold.Finally, in 1921, her mother, now recovered, drew from her saving to send Warren to Boston University for two years to study typing,

17、stenography, and office procedures.Those courses helped Warren gain several long-term office positions over the next 60 years, but her great desire “to be in the academic field” continued.In 1924, she married Eugene Warren, and seven years later, her daughter, Corinne, was born. In 1955, by then a w

18、idow and a grandmother, Warren took a bus tour across the United States that was to last nine months. She said she wanted to see “things you never see in the West End.”When she returned home, she took a bookkeeping position and also enrolled in courses in philosophy, sociology and Chinese history.In

19、 1975, when she was 75, Warren learned from a neighbor about Suffolk Universitys tuition- free program for senior citizens.” I was at the registrars office the very next day,” she recalls. At first, she took one or two courses at a time, but encouraged by her professors, she enrolled as a degree can

20、didate.“I had not studied for so many years,” she says, “but I was determined.” For the next four years, Warren, who calls herself a “student of philosophy,” worked toward her degree.Nancy Stoll, dean of students at Suffolk, says Warren is “an interesting role model for our younger students-that lea

21、rning is a lifetime activity.She is genuinely enthusiastic about being here, and that permeates (散发) her activities and is contagious (传染的) to students and faculty.”54. What does the word elation mean in the sentence “I got fives As”, she still recalls with elation”?A. Great happiness B. Great surprise C. Great pride D. Great honor 55. Which statement can be inferred from the underlined sentences?A. Because Warren neednt pay her tuition; she went to study at Suffolk UniversityB. At first Warren had to pay for her courses at Suffolk UniversityC. Mo


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