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1、外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件外研新标准(一起)五年级Module 1 Unit1There wasnt a clock here before.Module 1 Unit1There wasntstep1 课文导入暑假里同学们都做了什么有意义的事呢 ?Where did you go on summer vacation?When did you come back?How was your summer vacation ?step1 课文导入暑假里同学们都做了什么有意义的事呢 ?step2 学习课文:回答问题、跟读课文step2 Please open yours book

2、s and look at the pictures then answer.问题一:Where are they?问题二:Whats the park like now? Please open yours books and l跟老师一起读There are swings here.There is a pond. Pond .There are ducks, too. 跟老师一起读There are swings here.Lets practise!Step3 同学们自己尝试对话吧 Lets practise!Step3 同学们自己尝试对话There wasnt a clock her

3、e before.There is one now.There wasnt a clock here befoThere was a playground here before.There isnt any one now.There was a playground here beStep4 看图学习单词 钟 clock Step4 看图学习单词 钟 clock 房子 house 房子 house playground 操场 playground 操场 长凳 bench 长凳 bench feed the bird喂鸟 feed the bird喂鸟 Step5 练一练 Step5 练一练

4、 谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!school lifeschool lifeChinese schoolEnglish school&differencesChinese schoolEnglish school&dIn England, they _ _ tables.We sit _ _ in China.sitaroundinlinesEnglish school or Chinese school?FlashingIn England, they _ _ taThey _ _ together every morning.We _ _ exercises.singsongsdom

5、orningEnglish school or Chinese school?They _ _ together eveSchool in EnglandSchool in ChinaThe difference1234finishstartstartfinishsitdotimeSchool in EnglandSchool in ChiDo you want to know more aboutschool life?你想了解更多的校园生活吗?Do you want to know more aboutModule 8Unit 2There are lots of games.Module

6、 8There are lots of gameSam and Amys schoolIm a little guide.我是一个小导游!Sam and Amys schoolIm a littThis is an _ school.EnglishThis is an _ school.EngThere are childrens_ on all the walls. paintingsThere are childrens_There are lots of _.English children can _ at break time.gameshave funThere are lots

7、of _.EThey _ hard. They _ every day.studydo homeworkThey _ hard. They _English school lifeChinese school lifeEnglish school lifeChinese schWhat about our school life?What about our school life?What about our school life?What about our school life?There are many _.treeThere are many _.flowerssThere a

8、re many _.treeThThere are two _.One is big, one is _.playgroundssmallThere are two _.plaThere are childrens _ and _ on the wall.paintingsphotosThere are childrens _ There are lots of _.We can have _ at break time.games fun There are lots of _.We _ at break time.sing songs We _ at break timeWe _ at b

9、reak time.play basketball We _ at break We _ at break time.play football We _ at break timeWe _ hard.We _ every day.studydo homeworkWe _ hard.studydo homeLove our school, enjoy our school life!our schoolLove our school, enjoy our schGood bye!Good bye!Module 2 Unit 1 This one is heavy. Module 2 Unit

10、1 This one step1 课文导入同学们 一起来比较比较吧This one is small!This one is big!step1 课文导入同学们 一起来比较比较吧This onThis one is small!This one is big!This one is small!This one is heavy lightheavy lightshort tallshort tall一起来看图学句子 Step 2 学句子一起来看图Step 2 学句子 跟我一起读:What a big supermarket! 跟我一起读:What a big supermarket! 跟我一

11、起读:Let me help you. 跟我一起读:Let me help you. 跟我一起读:I cant lift it. 跟我一起读:I cant lift it. 跟我一起读:You are helpful. 跟我一起读:You are helpful.学习新单词Lets Go!step3 学单词学习新单词Lets Go!step3 学单词重的 提抬卖国家有时heavy lift sellcountry sometimes重的 提抬卖国家有时heavy step4 练一练step4 练一练课后作业1、Listen to the tape. 2、搜集外国超市的资料。Step5 课后作业

12、课后作业1、Listen to the tape.Step5谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 2 Unit 2 They sell different things. Module 2 Unit 2 They sellstep1 课文导入你能用英语介绍周边超市里都有什么商品吗?step1 课文导入你能用英语介绍周边超市里都有什么商品吗Supermarket超市 Supermarket sell 卖 sell 卖clothes 衣服clothes 玩具toy 玩具餐 馆restaurant 餐 馆 跟我一起读:Let me help you.Step 2 学句子 跟我一起读:Le

13、t me help you.Step 2 跟我一起读:I cant lift it. 跟我一起读:I cant lift it. 跟我一起读:You are helpful. 跟我一起读:You are helpful.Do you have learned?Do you have learned?学习新单词Lets Go!step3 学单词学习新单词Lets Go!step3 学单词重的 提抬卖国家有时heavy lift sellcountry sometimes重的 提抬卖国家有时heavy 课后作业1、Listen to the tape. 2、搜集外国超市的资料。Step5 课后作业

14、课后作业1、Listen to the tape.Step5谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween. Module 3 Unit 1 Today is step1 了解万圣节 万圣节到底是什么样呢?step1 了解万圣节 万圣节到底是什么样呢?我可是万圣节必备哦 1、南瓜万圣节灯是万圣节最常见的元素,南瓜雕空当灯笼的故事。这源于古代爱尔兰。 pumpkin lamp 南瓜灯我可是万圣节必备哦 1、南瓜万圣节灯是万圣节最常见的元素,南2、当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集榶果。 2、当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨

15、户收集榶果。 Step 2 学单词scare 恐 慌 Step 2 学单词scare 面具 mask面具 mask节 日festival 节 日 万圣节要说些什么?Step 3 学句子 万圣节要说些什么?Step 3 学句子跟我一起读:Children wear scary clothes. 跟我一起读:Children wear scary clot 跟我一起读:They go to peoples houses. 跟我一起读:They go to peoples hou 跟我一起读:They scare the people. 跟我一起读:They scare the people. 跟我

16、一起读:Trick or treat . 跟我一起读:Trick or treat .Do you have learned?Do you have learned?学习新单词Lets Go!Step 4 学单词学习新单词Lets Go!Step 4 学单词为什么 可怕的 招待 邻居 万圣节前夜 why scary treat neighbor Halloween 为什么 可怕的 招待 邻居 万圣节前夜 why 课后作业Talk about Halloween with your family.和你的家人一起说说万圣节。Step5 课后作业课后作业Talk about Halloween wi

17、th 谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 3 Unit 2 Easter is in spring. Module 3 Unit 2 Easter isstep1 了解复活节 复活节到底是什么样的节日呢?step1 了解复活节 复活节到底是什么样的节日呢?我可是万圣节必备哦 pumpkin lamp 南瓜灯1、寻找复活节彩蛋我可是万圣节必备哦 pumpkin lamp 1、寻找复活节2、复活节兔子是非常古老的复活节象征的现代说法 2、复活节兔子是非常古老的复活节象征的现代说法 3、在复活节穿新衣服的习俗是在公元后300年左右开始的 3、在复活节穿新衣服的习俗是在公元后300年左右

18、开始的 4、复活节也是合家团聚,或踏青郊游的日子 4、复活节也是合家团聚,或踏青郊游的日子 看图回答问题 Step 2 看图回答问题 看图回答问题 Step 2 看图回答问题 What is on the childrens hats? When is Easter in the UK?What do people give children?What are sometimes in the big eggs?What is on the childrens hats春 天 springStep 3 学单词 春 天 springStep 3 学单词 夏 天 summer 夏 天 summer

19、 秋 天 autumn 秋 天 autumn 复活节 Easter 复活节 Easter 帽子 hat帽子 hat鸡蛋 eggs鸡蛋 eggs巧克力 chocolate 巧克力 chocolate Do you have learned?Do you have learned? Talk about Easter with your family. Step 4 课后作业 课后作业 Talk about Easter with your f谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 4 Unit 1 Were going to tell stories. Module 4 Unit 1

20、Were goi问一问 答一答Lets Go!Step 1 课文引入问一问 答一答Lets Go!Step 1 课文引入How many children are there? How many children are there? What are they eating? What are they eating? What are they doing? What are they doing? Step 2 学单词学单词Step 2 学单词学单词pumpkin lamp 南瓜灯生日birthday pumpkin lamp 生日派对party派对午饭lunch 午饭蛋糕cake蛋糕电

21、影film 电影Step 3 学句子学句子Step 3 学句子学句子跟我一起读:What are we going do? 跟我一起读:跟我一起读:Were going to have lunch together. 跟我一起读:跟我一起读:Are you going to have a birthday cake?跟我一起读:课后作业Talk about your birthdays plan with your friends or your parents.和你的父母或者朋友计划一下怎么过生日吧!Step4 课后作业课后作业Talk about your birthdays谢谢同学们的观

22、赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 4 Unit 2 Im going to be eleven. Module 4 Unit 2 Im goingStep 1 学单词学单词Step 1 学单词学单词路road 路足球football 足球River江、河 River一月January 一月January 二月February 二月MarcyAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember MarcyAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSep周日周一周二周三周四周五周六周日Step 2 学句子学句子Step 2 学句子学句子跟

23、我一起读:Whats the date? 跟我一起读:跟我一起读:What day is today?跟我一起读:跟我一起读:What are you going to do? 跟我一起读:课后作业自己动手制作一个年历,用英文写上每一个月份的名称,再把自己每天做的事情记在上面。 Step3 课后作业课后作业自己动手制作一个年历,用英文写上每一个月份的名称,再谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 5 Unit 1 Unit 1 Its mine! Module 5 Unit 1 Unit 1 ItStep 1 学单词学单词Step 1 学单词学单词pumpkin lamp 南瓜灯谁的

24、 whose pumpkin lamp 谁的 whose 橡皮erasers 橡皮T恤T-shirts T恤湿的wet 湿的包bags 包外套coat 外套Step 2 学句子学句子Step 2 学句子学句子It isnt yours. Its mine! Its mine! It isnt yours. Its mine! ItIt isnt yours. Its mine! Its mine! 球是谁的?It isnt yours. Its mine! It和小伙伴们一起模拟课本上的对话,试一试吧!Step 3 模拟对话和小伙伴们一起模拟课本上的对话,试一试吧!Step 3 模你会做吗?T

25、his bird is_. ( her hers) This is _ bird. (her hers ) That is_ ruler. (my mine )That ruler is _. ( my mine)Step 4 练一练你会做吗?This bird is_. ( her课后作业 听单词表录音读3遍。预习课文,为下节课的学习作铺垫。 Step5 课后作业课后作业 听单词表录音读3遍。预习课文,为下节课的学习作铺垫谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 5 Unit 2 Amys blue dress is wet. Module 5 Unit 2 Amys bluStep

26、 1 学单词学单词Step 1 学单词学单词裙子skirt 裙子连衣裙dress 连衣裙笑laugh 笑鞋子shoe 鞋子花flowers 花下雨rain 下雨工人worker 工人 弄脏dirty 弄脏Step 2 学句子学句子Step 2 学句子学句子跟我一起读:Amys blue dress is wet.跟我一起读:跟我一起读:This bag is hers.跟我一起读:跟我一起读:What are you going to do? 跟我一起读:课后作业课后时间,使用形容词与同学简单谈论物品。Step3 课后作业课后作业课后时间,使用形容词与同学简单谈论物品。Step3 谢谢同学们的

27、观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 6 Unit 1 You can play basketball well. Module 6 Unit 1 You can pStep 1 学单词学单词Step 1 学单词学单词快 fast 快 fast 高 high 高 high 跳 jump 跳 打篮球 Play basketball 打篮球 跑run 跑飞fly 飞冠军winner 冠军Step 2 学句子学句子Step 2 学句子学句子Can you run fast? No , I cant Can you run fast? No , I cantHe can jump high. He c

28、an jump high. He can play basketball well. He can play basketball well. 课后作业 课后,和你的朋友或者爸爸、妈妈谈论一下自己能做些什么、不能做些什么,然后再了解一下他们的情况。Step3 课后作业课后作业 课后,和你的朋友或者爸爸、妈妈谈论一下自己能谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 6 Unit 2 They got seventy points. Module 6 Unit 2 They got Step 1 学短语学短语Step 1 学短语学短语in the air jump in the air ju

29、mp I can do 我能I can do Step 2 猜一猜猜数字游戏Step 2 猜一猜猜数字游戏21范围是1030,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?21范围是1030,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?35范围是2040,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?35范围是2040,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?88范围是80100,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?88范围是80100,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?66范围是5070,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?66范围是5070,猜一猜吧!你猜对了么?Step 3 回答问题回答问题Step 3 回答问题回答问题 Do you remember what Lingling can play?And can

30、 she play well? ? ? ? ? Do you remember what Lingling Do you remember what team is winner? ? ? ? ? Do you remember what team is Do you have learned?Do you have learned?课后作业看一场比赛,评价运动员的表现并用英语谈论他们的得分情况。 Step4 课后作业课后作业看一场比赛,评价运动员的表现并用英语谈论他们的得分情谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 7 Unit 1 His dog can help him. Mod

31、ule 7 Unit 1 His dog cStep 1 学单词学单词Step 1 学单词学单词聪明的clever 聪明的可爱的、伶俐的cute 可爱的、伶俐的酷cool 酷TV show电视节目 TV showStep 2 学句子学句子Step 2 学句子学句子 This dog can help him 跟我一起读句子 This dog can help him 跟我一起读句Can Fifi help the blind people? 跟我一起读句子No, he cant. Can Fifi help the blind people He only wants to play.跟我一起

32、读句子 He only wants to play.跟我一起读句子 What can the dog do? What cant the dog do?跟我一起读句子 What can the dog do?跟我一起读句子Look at the man. He is special. He cant see. He is blind. 跟我一起读句子This dog can help him. Its a special dog. Look at the man. He is specialDo you have learned?Do you have learned?课后作业1 . List

33、en to the tape and copy the sentences.2 . 与家人或朋友讨论狗的优点。Step3 课后作业课后作业1 . Listen to the tape an谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 7 Unit 2 It could find the people. Module 7 Unit 2 It could Step 1 学单词学单词Step 1 学单词学单词火 fire 火 fire 消防员firefighter 消防员花flowers花动物animals 动物主持人presenter 主持人Step 2 说一说和同学们一起模拟谈话吧Step

34、2 说一说和同学们一起模拟谈话吧Yes, I canAndy can stand on his hands. But Bob cant.BobLindaAndyI cant stand on my hands. Can you?Yes, Andy can stand on his hanStep 3 讨论可爱的导盲犬有哪些能力,你知道吗?Step 3 讨论可爱的导盲犬有哪些能力,你知道吗?The blind people need a special dog. The blind people need a speciaThe firemen also need a special dog.

35、The firemen also need a speciaDog can swim.Dog can jump.Dog can swim.课后作业Listen and repeat the passage.2. Talk about your photos.Step4 课后作业课后作业Listen and repeat the pass谢谢同学们的观赏!谢谢同学们的观赏!Module 8 Unit 1Children often sit around tables.Module 8 Unit 1School LifeSchool LifeYesterday, Lingling went to

36、Sam and Amys school. She took photos.Yesterday, Lingling went to Sa外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计15 Marling Street London NW2 UK15 Marling Street: School is fun here!: School is fun here!:But I miss my Chinese school.:But I miss my Chinese school.We are Chinese.We speak Chinese.We sit in lines.We do morni

37、ng exercises.We start school at 8 oclock.We finish school at 4 oclock.They are English.They speak English.They sit around tables.They sing songs together.They start school at 9 oclock.They finish school at half past 3. is fun !We are Chinese.They are EnglisCan you find more differences between Engla

38、nd and China?Can you find more differences When does school start?In China In England We start school atThey start school at 8 oclock. 9 oclock.When does school start?In ChinIn China, we start school at 8 oclock.In China, we start school at In England, school starts at 9 oclock.In England, school st

39、arts at 9What do the children do in the morning ? In China In England We every morning. Theyevery morning.do morning exercisessing songs togetherWhat do the children do in theWe do morning exercises every morning.We do morning exercises every Teachers do morning exercises too.Teachers do morning exe

40、rcises They sing songs together every morning.They sing songs together everyIn the classroom In China In England We They sit in lines.sit around tables.In the classroom In ChinWe sit in lines in China.We sit in lines in China.In England, the children sit around tables.In England, the children sit In

41、 England, the children sit on the carpet (地毯).In England, the children sit When does school finish?In China In England We finish school atThey finish school at 4 oclock. half past 3.When does school finish?In ChiIn China, we finish school at 4 oclock. In China, we finish school at In England, it fin

42、ishes at half past 3.In England, it finishes at halThank you!Thank you!school lifeschool lifeChinese schoolEnglish school&differencesChinese schoolEnglish school&dIn England, they _ _ tables.We sit _ _ in China.sitaroundinlinesEnglish school or Chinese school?FlashingIn England, they _ _ taThey _ _

43、together every morning.We _ _ exercises.singsongsdomorningEnglish school or Chinese school?They _ _ together eveSchool in EnglandSchool in ChinaThe difference1234finishstartstartfinishsitdotimeSchool in EnglandSchool in ChiDo you want to know more aboutschool life?你想了解更多的校园生活吗?Do you want to know mo

44、re aboutModule 8Unit 2There are lots of games.Module 8There are lots of gameSam and Amys schoolIm a little guide.我是一个小导游!Sam and Amys schoolIm a littThis is an _ school.EnglishThis is an _ school.EngThere are childrens_ on all the walls. paintingsThere are childrens_There are lots of _.English child

45、ren can _ at break time.gameshave funThere are lots of _.EThey _ hard. They _ every day.studydo homeworkThey _ hard. They _English school lifeChinese school lifeEnglish school lifeChinese schWhat about our school life?What about our school life?What about our school life?What about our school life?T

46、here are many _.treeThere are many _.flowerssThere are many _.treeThThere are two _.One is big, one is _.playgroundssmallThere are two _.plaThere are childrens _ and _ on the wall.paintingsphotosThere are childrens _ There are lots of _.We can have _ at break time.games fun There are lots of _.We _

47、at break time.sing songs We _ at break timeWe _ at break time.play basketball We _ at break We _ at break time.play football We _ at break timeWe _ hard.We _ every day.studydo homeworkWe _ hard.studydo homeLove our school, enjoy our school life!our schoolLove our school, enjoy our schGood bye!Good b

48、ye!Module 9 Unit 1Are you sad?Module 9 Unit 1Are you sad?He is happy.He is happy.She is sad.She is sad.He is angry.He is angry.She is bored.She is bored.look and say .look and say .HeHeHe is sad .He is sad . Ms Li Ms Li Ms Li is angry. Ms Li is angry. It It It is bored . It is bored . They They They

49、 are happy . They are happy . lets say the poem. Are you happy ? Yes, I am . I am singing. Are you sad ? Yes, I am . I am crying. Are you bored ? No, Im not . I am thinking . Are you angry ? No, Im not . Its nothing ! lets say the poem.Goodbye!Goodbye!Module9 Unit2 She was very happy.Module9 Unit2 S

50、he was very h外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计Read paragraph1 and answer: Why was Zara sad?It was raining. She couldnt go out.What did Zara do?She helped her mum make a cake.Read paragraph1 and answer: WhWhat did Zara eat?She ate the cake.Why did she eat the cake?She was hungry.What did Zara eat?She ate the

51、Why was Zara happy at last?Because the rain stopped and she went out to play.Why was Zara happy at last?BecLiu Xiang was _. Look and sayhappyLiu Xiang was _. Look and The dog _ yesterday.was sadThe dog _ yesterday.was saThe girl _ yesterday.was boredThe girl _ yesterday.wasThe man _.is angryThe man

52、_.is angryThe man _.is hungryThe man _.is hungryThe cat _.is thirstyThe cat _.is thirstySing a song!Sing a song!Love your life and be happy everyday!Love your life and be happy evHomework1. Try to retell the text.2. Finish the letter.Homework1. Try to retell the Thank you!Thank you!Module 10 Unit1 Y

53、ou should tidy your toys.Module 10 Make make make! Make a mess!Jump jump jump! Jump on the bed!Play play play! Play with the CDs!Read read read! Read some books!Wash wash wash! Wash your hands!Tidy tidy tidy! Tidy your toys!Lets chantMake make make! Make a mess!LeYou shouldYou shouldnt外研新标准(一起)五年级英语

54、上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计 should shouldntdo homework watch TV sing songs play football read books tidy toys Draw or should shouldntdo homework ( )1

55、.We shouldnt follow the rules.( )2.We can take a lovely dog to the supermarket.( )3We can cry in the cinema.( )4We should be lazy in class.( )5We should feed the bears in the zoo.( )1.We shouldnt follow the rPublic(公共场所) School shouldshouldnthelp peoplefinish homeworkrun in the streetspeak loudly仿照下

56、表,完成表格Public(公共场所) School shouldshPublic(公共场所) School should shouldnt Public(公共场所) School should 1 Listen and repeat the text 5 times.2 Write “class rules” in English.Homework1 Listen and repeat the texTHANK YOUTHANK YOU外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计You_ say hello to teacher.shouldshould / shouldntYou_ sa

57、y hello to teacYou_say thank you.should You_should You_ eat fruits.shouldYou_shouldYou_walk in the road.shouldnt You_shouldnt You_wash your hands.shouldYou_should外研新标准(一起)五年级英语上册全册教学课件设计 You should You shouldnt look, then cross the road play chess eat fruit sing songs walk in the road You should look, the look,then cross the road play chess eat fruit sing songs You should You shouldnt look,then cross the road look,then cross the road play chess eat fruit s


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