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1、 PAGE 页码 13 / NUMPAGES 总页数 13新概念四年级上学期英语期中整理复习强化练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【单词拼写】1. 选择合适的字母补全下列单词。1g_rden 2fa_m3shee_ 4carr_t5to_ato2. 根据图片写出单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_3. 根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。1. I like to r_a book.2. What d_you like to do in the morning?3. These are m_coats.4. She does her h_in the afternoon.4. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1._the hou

2、sework2._songs3._a bike 4._a kite5.take_5. 看图,补全单词。1br_kf_t 2l_ch3d_ner 4_gli_class5m_s_c class 6 P_ class【填空题】6. 看图,补全单词。然后读一读,你发现了什么?1eras_ 2teach_3farm_ 4riv_5tig_ 6wat_7. 根据汉语提示填空。1_(多少个芒果) do you have?2Do you_(喜欢狗吗)?3Lets_(做一份水果沙拉吧).4I_(会游泳). But I_(不会溜冰).5My sisters_(眼睛很大).6_(多少钱) is the umbre

3、lla?8. 看图,读句子,完成句子。1I like_comics. They make me laugh.2The shop is closed. We_go in here.3Amy likes_the piano.4The elephants are_than the tigers.5We_keep quiet in the library.9. 选词填空。Sports Centre classroom shop plus minus1This is the place where children can buy things._2It is the English for “jia”

4、._3This is the place where children can have sports games._4This is the place where children can have classes._5It is the English for “jian”._10. 选出与所给单词同类的一项,并将序号填在相应的横线上。A. write B. eight C. bread D. English E. breakfast1dinner lunch_ 2PE music_3rice milk_ 4six nine_5sing read_11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1_(

5、that) are my toy lions.2How many_(pineapple) do you have?3I dont have_ (some) apples.4Liu Tao can_ (jump) very well.5_ (not) be sad.12. 从括号内选择正确的单词填空。1The_(pencil/pencils) are in the bedroom.2Id like some_(crayon/crayons).3Id like some_(tea/teas).4Here_(am/is/are) a fan for you.5Here_(am/is/are) som

6、e cats.6-Do you have_(some/any) fans?-No, I dont.7-Wheres_(she/her) fan?-Its in the bedroom.8This pair of shoes_(is/are) for you.13. 将下列单词归类。fan strong computermaths bookfriendlylightnotebookquietblackboard tall1教室陈设:_2书本类:_3外貌性格:_【选择题】14. Whats _? ( )Its 1:00.A.the time B.a time C.time15. Welcome _

7、 our school. ( )A.on B.to C.at16. Be careful! The water is very _. ( )A.warm B.cool C.cold17. The dress is pretty. Can I try _ on? ( )A.it B.them C.her18. Hello, my _ Kitty Li.A.name B.names C.names【句型转换】19. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。1I have some big pears.(改为否定句)I_have_big pears.2My father can play basketball.(

8、改为一般疑问句)_father play basketball?3We havesixteentoy cars.(对句子主题意思提问)_toy cars_have?4I likesweets.(对句子主题意思提问)_you like?20. 改写句子变成一般过去式。1We go to the Great Wall. We_to the Great Wall yesterday.2He sees lots of mountains. He_lots of mountains.3Tom eats many candies. Tom_eat many candies last Monday.4The

9、 girl buys a present for me. The girl_a present for me.5I have a good time. I_a good time yesterday.21. 句型转换。1The cake isten yuan. (对句子主题意思提问)_is the cake?2Immaking a cake. (对句子主题意思提问)_are you_?3Do you want some eggs? (作肯定回答)_,_.4Do you want some fish? (作否定回答)No,_.5you, some, do, meat, want (?) (连词组

10、句)22. 按要求做题。1I do the housework very often.(改为否定句)2How often do you have a picnic?(用“一个月三次”作答)3Bob goes skatingtwice a week.(对句子主题意思提问)4She enjoys her free time.(改为一般疑问句)5My motherteaches me to sing.(对句子主题意思提问)23. 按要求完成句子。1They aremonkeys. (就句子主题意思提问)2Are those apples? (作肯定回答)3Its a potato. (变为复数句子)

11、4These are vegetables. (变为一般疑问句)【阅读理解】24. 读短文,判断下列句子正误。Today is the Lantern Festival (元宵节). The Lantern Festival comes after the Spring Festival.The weather is often cold. You can see a full moon (满月) in the sky.At the Lantern Festival, you can see many beautiful lanterns in the street. The streets

12、and shops are bright and colourful at night.People like guessing the riddles on the lanterns. They also eat yuanxiao for dinner. Yuanxiao is a kind of Chinese food for this festival.Children often light (点亮) beautiful lanterns for fun.( )(1)The Lantern Festival comes before the Spring Festival.( )(2

13、)You can see a full moon in the sky at the Lantern Festival.( )(3)There are many lanterns in the street at the Lantern Festival.( )(4)People often eat rice dumplings at the Lantern Festival.( )(5)Children often light beautiful lanterns for fun at the festival.25. 看图,选择。( )(1)Where are the children?A

14、. In the classroom. B. At home. C. In the pet shop.( )(2)Are there any dolls in it?A. Yes, there are. B. No, there arent. C. There are two.( )(3)How many toys can you see?A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen.( )(4)What does the boy like?A. The kite. B. The bicycle. C. The bear.( )(5)Does the girl lik

15、e the kite?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. I dont know.26. 根据短文内容, 回答问题。A ConcertThe Newtown School will have a concert on Childrens Day. Ann, Ken and David will play together in the concert. Ann will play the piano, Ken will play the guitar, and David will play the drums. Mocky will not pla

16、y in the concert, but he will go, too.All the children and their parents are at the concert, but David will not be there because he is not well today. Who will play the drums? Ken and Anil are worried. But Mocky can play the drums. Believe it or not, he can play really well.(1)Who will play the guit

17、ar?(2)Will Ann play the piano in the concert?(3)Can Mocky play the drums?(4)Who plays the drums in the concert in the end?(5)Who is not well today?27. 阅读短文,判断正误。There are four seasons ill a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are twelve months in a year, too. Three months make a

18、season.Spring comes in March, April and May. It is warm and rainy. Plants grow and grow in spring. There are many beautiful flowers in the park. The leaves are green.Summer comes in June, July and August. It is hot and sunny. I can go to the beach. Many people like swimming in the sea.Autumn comes i

19、n September, October and November. It is cold and windy. The leaves are red, brown and yellow. They fall and fall.Winter comes in December, January and February. It is very cold and windy. I can hear the wind. It blows and blows.( )(1)There are twelve months in a year.( )(2)March, April and June mak

20、e spring.( )(3)August is in autumn. Its hot and sunny.( )(4)The leaves are red, brown and yellow in autumn.( )(5)I cant hear the wind in winter.28. 阅读理解。An old man visits a new doctor. He is very young.I dont feel well, doctor, he says. Please find out whats wrong with me.Take off your clothes and l

21、ie on the bed, the young doctor says, Ill examine, you. The old man takes off his clothes and lies down on the bed, and the young doctor examines him. However, he cant find anything wrong with the old man. He listens to his heart. He looks into his throat. He examines every part of him.At last he sa

22、ys, Im sorry, but I cant find anything wrong with you. Youre as healthy as I am. Thats very strange, the old man says, because I feel really bad.Come back tomorrow and see me again if you dont feel better, the young doctor says. I11 examine you again.All right, doctor, the old man says.Slowly, he st

23、ands up and put on his clothes. Then he walks out of the hospital.A few seconds later, the doctors nurse runs in.Doctor! Doctor! she cries. That man has died outside the door.The doctor thinks quickly.Then turn the body around so that people will think he is coming in. he says.( )(1)The doctor is very.A. young. B. clever. C. strange. D. healthy.( )(2)The doctor.A. thinks the old man is healthy.B. takes the old man to the hospital.C. takes off the old mans clothes.D. finds a lot wrong with the old man.( )(3


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