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1、倒装结构的翻译英语中的正常语序应该是主语在前,谓语动词在后。 但有时候为了表示强调,或者到达某种特殊的修辞效果, 会把局部或整个谓语置于主语之前,构成“局部倒装”或 “全部倒装”的特殊结构。-否认词引起的倒装某些具有否认意义的副词,如never, not only, not once, rarely, scarcely, hardly, little等置于句首时,会引起倒装。 这种情况可以还原正常语序后再进行翻译。举例Never before had I seen such a magnificent exhibition.我从来没有见过如此壮观的展览。0nly后面直接跟状语,假设置于句首,也

2、会引起倒装。举例Only here were the police visible in any strength at all. 只有在这里才能看到寥寥几名警察。外刊中的此类倒装句较为复杂,可以先从简单的入手。句子 1:1 will never visit that place.侄U序:Never will I visit that place.(否认副词never置于句首后,情态动词will移到主语 I前面)句子 2 : She seldom goes out for dinner.改为倒装就是 Seldom does she go out for dinner.(把否认副词seldom置

3、于句首后, 补出助动词does放在主语she的前面,谓语动词go用原形) 类似的还有 She cares little for the new law. (Little does she care for the new law.)句子 3: The mother did not leave the room until the baby fell asleep .侄J 序:Not until the baby fell asleep did his mother leave the room.(这里是否认副词not+句子置于句首,后面句子部 分倒装,即助动词did提到主语his mother

4、前面)接下来看经济学人中的句子例句一:“Not since the boom of the late 1990s have technology firms inspired such exuberant trading.” (选 自经 济学人 20200918 期 Finance & economics 板块文章 Altered vistas)分析:这是否认副词not+时间状语状语since the boom of the late 1990s置于句首引起的局部倒装简单还原成 technology firms have not inspired such exuberant trading

5、since the boom of the late 1990s.说得过去,但是表达 上不够自然,私以为稍加修改为No technology firm has inspired such exuberant trading since the boom of the late 1990s 更好,改了语序以后理解起来就轻松多了,这句话说的是, 经历了九十年代末的繁荣后,科技公司还未曾有过如此的 交易盛况。例句二:Never before have so many African artists burst into the global mainstream together. (选自经济学人

6、20200918 期 Books & arts 板块文章 Africa goes pop)分析:否认副词never+时间状语before置于句首引起的局部 倒装这句话不可以简单地还原成so many people have never burst into the global mainstream together before.语句不通顺,应还 原成 there have never been so many African artists bursting into the global mainstream together before.(以前从未有如此多的 非洲艺人同时进入世界主流

7、娱乐圈)二条件和让步状语从句中的倒装有些引导的条件状语从句、尤其是在虚拟语气中,可以 省略,引起局部倒装。有些让步状语从句、为了表示强调, 可以把表语或者局部谓语前置引起倒装。翻译这些句子时, 也需要先还原正常语序,再进行翻译。举例Had I known, I d never have gone there.要是我知道,我肯定不会去那里了。Strange though it may seem, he still loves her.尽管似乎有点奇 怪,他竟然还爱着她。例句:Were it not for a handful of tech giants like Apple and Micro

8、soft, the S&P 500, another share-price index, would be down so far this year.”(选自经济学人 20200918 期 Finance & economics 板块文章 Altered vistas)分析:这是虚拟条件句的倒装并且省略了引导词if, were it not for一般可以理解为要不是因为,如果不是正序:If it were not for a handful of tech giants like Apple and Microsoft, the S&P 500, another share-price

9、index, would be down so far this year.(直译成“如果不是因为像苹果和微软 这样的少数几个科技巨头,标准普尔500指数(另一种股票 行市指数)在今年是会下跌的。”意思上过得去,但是语言 上不够自然。私以为译成“正是因为像苹果和微软这样的少 数几个科技巨头,标准普尔500指数(另一种股票行市指数) 才没有在今年下跌。”更好,也更符合语境)补充:如果虚拟条件句的从句局部含有were、should或had, 可将引导词if省略,再把were、should或had移到从句句 首,从而变成倒装句。从句中动词“be”的过去时态一律用 were。三修辞中的倒装有时候,为了

10、到达某种生动的修辞效果,可以把状语 或者分词和表语提到句首来引起倒装。这一类倒装,为了 保持同样的修辞效果,一般可以按照原句语序进行翻译。 举例At the top of the hill stood the tiny chapel.在山顶上鑫立着那座 小教堂。Standing beside the table was an interpreter.站在桌子 旁的是一 位口译员。四为了平衡句子结构的全部倒装例句一: Here lies the danger in the infusion of monetary and fiscal policy.(选自经济学人20191011期Leaders

11、板块文章 The world economys new strange rules)(正序:The danger in the infusion of monetary and fiscalpolicy lies here.)例句二:“Then came streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music, as well as Netflix and IROKOTV, which hosts Nollywood films.”(选自经济学人 20200918 期 Books & arts 板块文章 Africa goes pop)(正序:St

12、reaming services, as well as Netflix and IROKOTV, came then.)分析:以地点副词here, there和时间副词now, then开头, 后面的动词是be, lie, come, stand (表移动或动态的不及 物动词)等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装。注:如果 主语是代词,那么不倒装。如Here it comes. Here I am.五形式倒装行句:The battered minibuses on the streets of capital cities attest to that, emblazoned as they

13、are with the names of English Premier League footballers or American hip-hop stars.”(选自 经济学人 20200918 期 Books & arts 文章 Africa goes pop)分析 : 正序 they are emblazoned with.读懂这句话需要明白attest to that”这里的that指代前文 Africa has long been seen an importer of culture”这个事实, 并 不是从句的引导词,这句话说的是,非洲各国首都街上破 败的小公交涂着英超球星和

14、美国嘻哈明星的名字,很好地 说明了非洲是个文化输入地。类似用法如:Tired as he was, we decided not to disturb him.再如 :Many European governments, keen as they are to avoid new tensions with their troublesome neighbor, are breathing a quiet sigh ofarelief. (选自 20201001 期经济学人浓咖啡)与as相关的倒装用法补充:英语倒装句的作用一般有三大类,一是强调某一成分;二 是表示一定的句子结构;三是使行文流畅。在涉及到形式 倒装(formal inversion)时(也有人把形式倒装归类为局部 倒装),有不少语法资料只讲了 as引导让步状语的倒装情况(如 Rich as they are, they are not happy.), 实际上当 as 表原 因时,为了强调,也可以倒装。如 :Many European governments, keen as they are to avoid new tensions with their trou


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