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1、时文阅读 1. 低头一秒,家毁人亡!随着科技遍布全世界,智能手机成为了“通讯神器”。但是对于那些精力不集中的司机、骑行者和行人来说,手机在他们手里就是一把上膛的枪AlexanderHeit,a22-year-oldcollegestudentwithgoodgradesandaquickwit w wasdrivinginGreeley,intheUSstateofColorado,when he decided to reply to a text message on his phone.Sounds good my man, see ya soon, Ill twWedontknowth

2、erest.Themessagewasinterruptedbyacrash.Heitdied.While the young man was distracted, he drifted into oncoming traffic,according to the International Business Times.On my cycling trips around Beijing, I often think about the many tragiccases likeHeits thatIve readaboutinmyhome country over the years.I

3、 am astounded by the number of my fellow cyclists and also scooter riderswho I see not only carrying on phone conversations but also only readingtext on their phones. Their heads are down, eyes transfixed by a smallluminousscreen,oblivioustotheworldtheyrerushing course,thefasteryoure going, the quic

4、ker a distraction can become a tragedy.。Studies show that staring at a cellphone for 3 seconds while driving at60 kilometers an hour is as dangerous as driving blind for 50 meters,according to Xie Caifeng, a fellow at the research office of Shunyi Courtin Beijing, writing in a column published by Ch

5、ina Daily last wrote thatofficial statistics showed that “the use of cellphones while driving wasthe top reason for traffic accidents leading to death in Zhengzhou, Henanprovince”.Itisalsoillegal.Accordingtothenationaltrafficcode,itisillegalto use hand-held phones while driving, and an offender can

6、lose points ontheirlicenseandreceiveafineofupto200yuan($,Xie areonedeterrent,but education and social pressure also are important.Two years ago, the Shanghai office of the media company Havas designeda campaign for the Global Road Safety Partnership using 350 smashed cellphones that had been in the

7、hands of people who had died while texting in11China, showing their last were mounted on black slabs(板子) likegravestones(墓碑) as part of an installation for Road Safety Day in 2015,which was made into a film, SMS Last Words.It showed heart-rending last exchanges like this one::Driver: Dont worry, Ill

8、 be home quickly.22岁的亚历山大 海特是名品学兼优、聪慧灵敏的大学生。有一天,他在美国科罗3单词interrupted nt r pt d 打断 注意力不集中的中断 driftdr ft vi. 漂流;偏离distracted d str kt d22oncoming nk m 迎面而来注意;健忘的的statistics st t st kstragic trd k adj. 悲剧的; n. 统计数字悲惨的penaltypen lti n. astounded sta nd v. 使惊骇; deterrent d ter nt n. 威慑物大吃一惊smashed sm t a

9、dj. 破碎的mount ma nt v. 登上;装上installation nst le nn. 安装;装置scooter skut (r) n. 踏板车;小型摩托车transfixtrnsf ks vt. 刺穿;使呆住miracle m r kl n. 奇迹luminous lum n s dj. 发光的; pedestrianp destri n n. 行人发亮的issue uv. 发表;公布split spl t分散的,不集中oblivious bl vi s adj. 没Mother: Ok, waiting for u!As technology has spread acros

10、s the world, the mobile phones that are acommunicationsmiraclehavebecometheequivalent(n. 相等物)ofaloadedgun when in the hands of distracted drivers, cyclists and 行人).AlexanderHeitdiedbackin2013.Bynow,hewouldbe26,possiblystartinga new job orbusiness,maybeengaged totheloveof his his death, Heitsparentsi

11、ssuedthisstatement:Inasplitsecondyoucouldruinyourfuture,injure or kill others, and tear a hole in the heart of everyone who lovesyou.So, please, put the phone away, or stop when you use it if you must.The risks are just too great. 33单词mount ma nt v. 登上;装上installation nst le nn. 安装;装置interrupted nt r

12、 pt d 打断中断distracted d strkt d注意力不集中的miracle m r kl n. 奇迹pedestrianp destri n n. 行人issue uv. 发表;公布split spl t分散的,不集中driftdr ft vi. 漂流;偏离oncoming nk m 迎面而来的tragic trd k adj. 悲剧的;悲惨的astounded sta nd v. 使惊骇;大吃一惊scooter skut (r) n. 踏板车;小型摩托车transfixtrnsf ks vt. 刺穿;使呆住luminous lum n s dj. 发光的;发亮的obliviou

13、s bl vi s adj. 没注意;健忘的statistics st t st ksn. 统计数字penaltypen lti n. deterrent d ter nt n. 威慑物smashed sm t adj. 破碎的442.Turns Out That Taking Photos Really Does Help YouRemember AllThose GreatExperiencesIs our non-stop photo-taking pulling us out of themoments that matter and causing usto forget whatw

14、eve seen Maybe not, according to new researchlooking at the pbetween snapping picturesand forming memories.During the study,294 volunteers were asked to tour a museumexhibit listening to anaudioguide those in one group were encouraged to take photos, while those in anotherhad toleave their phones an

15、d cameras behind. The result suggests the act of taking pictures and seekingout worthy frames to capturehelpsfix memories in our minds, according to the researchers.Our research is novelbecause it shows that photo-taking itself improves memory forvisuala spects of anexperience but can hurt memory fo

16、r non-visual aspects, like auditory details, saidthe team, from New York University, University of Southern California, University ofPennsylvaniaand Yale University, in a statement.The museum test was backed up with a follow-up experiment usi5ng a virtual art galleryapp onavolunteers could take scre

17、enshots and some couldnt, and thesame pattern wasrepeated those who grabbed digital memoriesremembered more ofwhat theyd seen, butless of what theyd heard from an audiocommentary.The positive effect on visual memory was greater than the negative effect on auditory memory,the researchers s more, inbo

18、th experiments those who could snapphotos were also more likely toremember objects they hadnt specifically taken picturesof as well as ones they had.These findings suggest that having a camera changes howpeople approach an experience in afundamental way, says the team.The research has been published

19、 in Psychological Science. 6Struggling students offered new optionIts a popular myth that once high school graduates pass gaokaoand enter university, they can rest easy. However, the truth is, if theywaste their time in university, they could end up getting a three-yearcollege diploma (专科文凭) instead

20、 of a bachelors degree(学士学位).Atleast, this is the case for students at Huazhong University of Science andTechnology (HUST) in Wuhan, Hubei.Since this fall semester, undergraduates (本科生) whose performancedoesntmeet the schools requirements will betransferred to acollegecourse(专科课程),reportedBeijingYou

21、thDaily.Afterthetransfer,theyre not allowed to change majors or get back on the four-yearuniversity study track its introduction, this newregulationcausedheateddiscussions.Manyinternetusersthinkitsunacceptablenottobegivenabachelorsdegree,asstudentsoftenhavetogothroughfiercecompetition during gaokao

22、to get into HUST, which is one of the topuniversities in China.According to a survey by Xinhua News Agency, almost 90 percent ofrespondents would repeat a year,delay graduation or evendropout rather than transfer to three-year college , a staff member in theuniversitysteachingaffairsofficesaidthatth

23、eregulationisdesignedto offer struggling students another option year, there aresome students who should bedismissed because of not working hardand failing tomeet the universitys requirements for credits the staff member told China Daily.7Underthenewpolicy,strugglingstudentscanstillearnacollegediplo

24、ma,he added, which is much better than being dismissed.HUSTisnt the onlyuniversityinChinatointroducesuchapolicy.In2015,TsinghuaUniversityalso launched(提出,开展,落实)something similar.According to Xiong Bingqi, a famous education expert, the policy is anexperiment designed to improve how universities deal

25、 with theirworst-performingstudents.“HUSTisprovidingthesestudentswithanotherwayout,”XiongtoldnewssiteSixthTone.“Ofcourse,iftheydontwantto do the vocational program, they can always consider takingthe gaokao again.”Universities around the world have different ways of dealing with poorlyperforming the

26、US,strugglingstudentshavetodelaygraduationuntiltheymeet the required academic the UK, university students have one chance toresit(an exam. If they fail again, they have toretake(the course the following year. If they fail a third time, they could beremoved from the course completely.Chinas new heroI

27、ts rare that the protagonist (主角)in a Chinese movie wins theaudiencesheartswithanemotionallyuplifting message,ratherthan byshowing off his or her good looks. But Wolf Warrior IIis putting China in the global spotlight. Its also the firstfilm to taste success bothin terms ofbox office earnings)andpro

28、motingChinese values.KungfuartistWuJingbothstarredinanddirectedtheactionmovie.Sinceitsrelease onJuly27,itsearnedanunimaginable billionyuan, setting a record for domestic).movies at the box office(国内的)The filmfocuses ona rescue operation in Africa,led byformer specialforces soldier Leng Feng played b

29、y Wu. Leng helps Chinese workers and8local Africansfleea war-torn)and plague-ravagedcountry.Wolf Warrior IIlinks art to reality,andreminds people ofthe massive(evacuation of Chinese people from Libya when civil warbroke outthere in 2011, and from Yemen in 2015, as well as the challengesthe Ebola vir

30、uscreated in West Africa from 2013 to 2016.The film describes how the Chinese government aims to protect overseasChinesecitizens.Justasthemessageattheendofthefilmreads:“Citizensof the Peoples Republic of China. When you encounter danger in aforeign land,do notgive up!Please remember, atyour back sta

31、nds a strongmotherland.”Thanks to Chinas increasingparticipationin global affairs, now couldbe considered the right moment to introduce a modern Chinese hero.“Holdingupabanner(旗帜)ofpeace,friendshipandresponsibility,WolfWarriorIIshouldbeseenasabraveefforttopromoteChinesevaluesaroundthe world,” column

32、ist (专栏作家) Zhu Ping wrote in China Daily.“Its time Chinese filmmakers produced films that tell good carrytherightspirit.Letusassume(WolfWarriorIIhasstartedthattrend (趋势).”Box office hit票房冠军debut de bju n. (电影)首次公映,box office appeal: 票房号召力box office earnings: 票房收入(唱片)首次发行,个人首次表演Broadway:celebrity s l

33、ebr ti n. 名人comedy n. 喜剧conductor n. (乐队、合唱团的)指挥cross talk: 相声百老汇director n.导演release v. distribution d strbju nn. (电影,唱片)发行dressrehearsa r h sl: 彩排9dub d b v.音(电影)配tragedy tr d di n. 悲剧crane kre n operator摄影升降机操作员leading actor:leading actress:female/male lead主角女主角electricianlines灯光师台词女/男主角lyric l r

34、 k n.subtitles bta tlmusic chart t t :行榜歌词字幕音乐排location searchproducer勘景制作人prop pr p people 道具师props道具场景musicstudiostjudi : 录音棚nominate n m ne t v. 提名scenesscript clerkset designercast场记script skr pt n.剧本布景设计师演员表scriptwriter /playwright n.编剧sequel sikw l n. 续集song-and-dancesound peoplespecial-effect

35、s歌舞片shoot a film:show business:single n.拍电影演艺业单曲音效人员特效specialeffectsperson 特殊效果人员album专辑TV series:电视连续剧supporting actor:配角Impressive insectTheres nothing moreannoying thansettling downto sleep and hearing thesound of a buzzing around only thought most ofusevergivetothisnoiseis“Ineedtogetridofthisins

36、ect,immediately”,butitturnsoutthatthemosquitoisactuallyquiteanimpressivecreature.AteamofscientistsfromOxfordUniversityintheUK,inpartnershipwiththe Royal Veterinary College in London and Chiba University in Japan,recently published a study that found some interesting facts about theworlds most unlove

37、d insect.However,itwasntalwaysstraightforward(简单的,易懂的).Byplacingeight cameras inside a tinyfilm the scientistswere able to 10several mosquitoes up close. The high-tech camerasfilmedthe insects at1,000frames(镜头,画面) persecond,meaningthescientistswereabletostudy the insects movements in detail 节).“Reco

38、rding mosquitoes during representeda huge technicalchallenge due to their small size,extreme wingbeatfrequency(振翅频率),and the presence of large antennae (触角)and legs that can mask(掩盖,掩饰) the view of their wings,” Simon Walker of Oxford University,co-author of the study, wrote.Published in the journal

39、 Nature, the study found that mosquitoes flap(theirwingsaround800timesasecond.Asacomparison,housefliesflaptheirwingsabout200timesasecond,andhummingbirds(蜂鸟)50timesa second. Richard Bomphrey of the Royal Veterinary the studysleader,believesthatmosquitoeshaveauniqueflyingmethodthatsetsthemapart from o

40、ther flying insects.“We predicted that they must make use of clever tricks, as the wingsreverse(反转)theirdirectionattheendofeachhalf-stroke(半程动作),”he wrote in the study.Its hoped that the discovery of the mosquitos special abilities willbeof benefittoengineersinthefuture. Thefindingscouldleadtobetter

41、aircraft,orevenimprovementstotoolslikeor thescientistshope their study can one day be put to a more human-focused use.“Themoreweknowaboutmosquitoes,thebetterourchanceofunderstandingtheir flight behavior, how they carry disease and eventually how to stopthem from doing so,” Walker wrote.Find Own Way

42、to LearnHan Siyuis agirl who likestobreak therules.While most studentswere11burning the midnight oil,struggling to study for their collegeentranceexamination,the18-year-oldstudentfromNanningNo2HighSchoolinGuangxispenthertimerelaxing.Playingtheguzheng(古筝)afterschoolandreadingcomics during breaks, she

43、 took it easy.Despite she breezed through her exams. With 681 pointsoutof750,Hanscoredthehighestmarkinthecollegeentranceexaminationamong liberal arts (文科)students in Guangxi this year.“Im a willfulgirl who spends a lot of time on many things, exceptstudy,” Han told TEENS. “But it doesnt mean I dont

44、study. In fact,the leisure time helps me refresh my mind and improve my efficiency (效率).”Working harddoesnt justmeangluing your face to accordingto Han. “How much you learn is more important thanhowlong you study,”she said.The high-scoring studentsets a good exampleof how to make good use oftime. Fo

45、r example, she brushed up on (复习)her subject knowledge whilejogging on the playground at night. what the teacherstaught her, from the first class in the morning up until the last questionbefore the end of the day.But being organized isnt the only to learn fast helping handsmatteraswell.Insteadofstud

46、yingalone,Hanenjoyedthebenefitsofschoolstudygroups.“Eachstudygroupworkedtogetheronceaweek,featuringtextrecitation(背诵),passagewriting,ordiscussingtipsonansweringcertainkinds of questions,” Han explained. “Once I got fresh ideas,filled inthe gaps in my notes, outnewstudy methods, I felt excited.”12The

47、 teenagers hard work certainlypaid but when talking about herimpressive score,sheremainedcalmand fathertells me thata high score isonlytheby-product(副产品) of mylove for learning,” Hansaid. “I dontpay much attention to ranking,instead I look forward tohavingafullunderstandingoftheknowledgeIvelearned.A

48、fterall,Iveneverrecognizedstudyingasaburden(负担).Itrulyloveitfromthebottomof my heart.”Tesla LaunchesNew Way to Power Home推出Solar panels are anenvironmentally-friendly way topowera home, but many people put off by the way they look. Thankfully, UStech firm Tesla says ithas a solution to company has a

49、 “solarroof” glass tiles containing solar cells. Energy from the suniscollectedbythetilesandtheycanevenstoreitinsideaspecialbattery(电池), for days when the sun isnt very strong. “When you have thisinstalled on your house, you will have the best-looking roof in theneighborhood,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk to

50、ld USA Today.The tiles are three times stronger thanregular ones, andweigh half asmuch, according to Tesla. They share the appearance of regular tiles, andcome in different styles to match each home. Tesla also offers a lifetimeguarantee (质量保证),which is longer than the 20-year lifespan of atradition

51、al roof, according to the company.Unusual Words Come From HumorLearning any language is hard, but learning English can be especiallychallenging. Why Because native speakers use the language in ways thattextbooks could never describe.In particular,words that British peopleuse cause many language stud

52、ents to scratch (抓) their heads.Heres an example: Youoverhear a Briton calling someone a“wazzock”.ButwhatexactlyisawazzockThisword,infact,meansafoolish13person, although theres nothing about would help you guess that.There are many strange terms like this in British English the OxfordEnglish Diction

53、ary would be much smaller without these peculiar usages filling its pages.HowcantheseoddwordsbeexplainedPartoftheansweristheBritishsense of Britons dont like totake things too and thisis evidentthrough many British words and phrases. For example, to“spendapenny”meanstousethebathroom.Itreferstotheday

54、swhenpeoplehad to pay a penny to use a public toilet.InaninterviewfortheBBCswebsite,Britishlinguist(语言学家)DavidCrystal suggested there may behistorical reasons for the sheer numberofoddwordsandphrasesinBritishEnglish.Hethinksthattheybeganinthelate16thandearly17thcenturies.Thiswasagreatageforthetheate

55、r,when Shakespeare and other writers worked hard tokeep up withthe demandfor new plays. The theaterspopularity also created an incentive to invent new words.With this in perhaps Shakespeare and his peersare to blame forunusual British words such as “codswallop” and “balderdash” whichboth,ironically(讽刺地),mean“nonsense”.Whilethesestrangewordsmaybe confusing to non-na


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