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1、ScriptIDirections:Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answersto the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing,therewillbetimeforyoutochoosethecorrectanswers.Usethesecondplayingto check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A.

2、Themanhasbeenofferedmanygoodjobsbecauseheiswell-rounded.B. The man is having an interview.C. The woman wants to join in some courses too.D. The woman thinks its unnecessary to learn occupational skills.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She thinks the man will be fired.B. She thin

3、ks the man will be severely punished.C. She thinks the mans work will be given to his colleagues.D. She thinks the man should be courageous to admit the mistake.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He is a self-made successful businessman.B. He inherited a large fortune.C. He is a s

4、uccessful young tradesman.D. He will hand his company over to his son.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Wednesday morning.B. Thursday morning.文档C. Thursday evening.D. Not settled.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The companies John has worked in are not large

5、enough.B. Johns work experiences are not long enough.C. John hasnt got a decent education background.D. John learned little in each job, and long service means nothingtoday.ScriptDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read forthefirsttime,listenforthegeneralidea.Whenthepa

6、ssageisreadthesecondtime,fillintheblanksnumberedfrom(1)to(7)withtheexactwordsyouhear.For blanks numbered from (8) to (10), write down either the exact words youhear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the thirdtime, check your answers.expensiveThe West End of London mainta

7、ined its top spot as the worlds most(1)declineoffice location last year as occupancy costs (2)uncertain economic climate.globally due to theaverageWest End offices (3)$16,682 per employee workstation last year,compared(4)with $15,700 for second-ranked Paris, a leading real estateagencyconsultancy(5)

8、Survey.said in its seventh annual Global Office Occupancy CostsfourThe basis of the survey has changed to workstations, from (6)area文档commendationpreviously, to give a clearer picture of (7)costs.During the economic downturn last year, the city of Toronto moved up three placeto ninth in the top 10.(

9、8).In comparison, New York offices dropped out of the top three into the sixth plac(9).In the U.K., central London costs are down by 8.8 percent, and Londons West Enis down 5.1 percent. However in international terms, the situation is distortedsignificant currency movements.(10),said the manager of

10、the consultancy agency.Correct answerexpensivedeclined(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)expensivedeclinecomparedagencyBut the biggest climber of all waDublin, with the Irish capital jumpnine places to the tenth among thworldsmostexpensiveofficelocati(9)Globally, most office locationscontinued to register decl

11、ines inoccupancy costs last year, reflectithe weak and uncertain global econoenvironment(10)InEuroterms,Londonissome17perccheaper than last year, but in dollterms it is virtually unchanged文档ScriptDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correctanswers to the questions. You

12、will hear the recording twice. After the firstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutochoosethecorrectanswers.Usethesecondplaying to check your answers.1.What may workaholics do?A. They bring work home.B. They keep working until after midnight.C. They bend over their work on weekends.D. All of the above.2. W

13、hich of the following does the speaker recommend doing?A. Concentrating on one thing a week.B. Concentrating on one thing a day.C. Concentrating on one thing at a time.D. Doing just a few things at a time.3. What should one do first according to the passage?A. What is important.B. What one understan

14、ds.C. What is easy.D. What is difficult.4. What does the speaker say about working at home?A. One should not bring too much work home.B. One can work in the living room if one has a home office.文档C. One should not bring confidential files home.D. One should work only within the usual working hours.5

15、. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Bad Habits of Workaholics.B. Tips for Workaholics.C. Good Habits of a Devoted Worker.D. Cultivation of a Devoted Worker.Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Do you see yourself as a leader or more

16、 of a team _?A. playerB. workerC. mateD. colleague2.Iftheleadershipisweak,Imnotafraidto_inordertoachievethe goal at hand.A. take upB. take overC. make upD. make for文档3.I didnt get that promotion. They brought in some new guy. Im not goingto _ for much longer.A. hold upB. hold toC. hang upD. hang aro

17、und4.Mr.Jonesisa_millionaire,andImhonoredtohaveworkedforhimfor the past 30 years as his accountant.A. make-selfB. self-makeC. self-madeD. self-making5.Justclearoutyourdeskandthatstheendofit.DoImakemyself_,Mr. Westlake?A. clearB. clearlyC. clarityD. unclearly6.Thank you! Ill certainly try to _ the tr

18、ust you havedemonstrated in me with this raise in pay.A. live according toB. live with文档C. live up withD. live up to7.Asamarketingmanager,shefrequentlyfoundherselfinconflictwiththefinancial department _ her staffs expenses.A. inB. forC. aboveD. over8.Asthetrainingadministrator,shewantedtolaunchan_trainingproject.A. in-the-serviceB. on-the-serviceC. on-the-jobD. on-job9.Thetwopeopleforgedalong-termalliance,whichledtoatrainingp


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