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1、 Divissionn/Deeparrtmeent: Suppplyy Chhainn Deeparrtmeent部门:物流流部Job ttitlle: Raww Maaterriall Puurchhasee Aggentt职位名称: 原材材料采购购专员Reporrts to: Suppplyy Chhainn Maanagger汇报对象:物流经经理Respoonsiibillitiies :岗位职责:Numbeer oof ssuboordiinattes : 00下属人数:0Leadeershhip styyle (foor mmanaagerrs iin ccharrge of sub

2、borddinaatess onnly) 领导风格(仅仅针对有有下属员员工的经经理)Respoonsiibillitiies : 职责:Respoonsiiblee foor tthe purrchaase proocedduree( puurchhasee doocummentts, priice quootattionn, ppackkingg liist)负责采购流流程相关关事项(处理采采购文件件、报价价、装箱箱单等)Respoonsiiblee foor tthe purrchaase ordder负责采购订订单事宜宜;Respoonsiiblee foor tthe invvoicc

3、e cchecckinng负责采购发发票的核核对。Conteentss off thhe jjob:工作内容:Make thee puurchhasee orrderr :下采购订单单;for tthe dommesttic purrchaase (caastiing, prrofiiless paartss, suubcoontrractted parrts, cooverringg pllatee, mmoulld)国内订单(铸铸件、型型材、外外加工、罩罩壳、模模具的采采购订单单);for tthe intternnatiionaal ppurcchasse (finnishhed pum

4、mps, meechaaniccal seaal)国外订单(整整泵和机机封的采采购订单单)。Make thee deelivveryy foorm wheen tthe gooods arrrivee, aand givve iit tto tthe Warrehoousee Keeepeers, thhen makke tthe QC insspecctioon fformm annd ggivee itt too thhe QQC MManaagerr到货前准备备到货通通知单和和QC送送验单,到到货后分分别交与与仓库管管理员和和QC经经理;Checkk iff thheree iss a

5、misstakke iin tthe purrchaasedd gooodss innvoiice核对采购发发票是否否有误;Deal witth tthe supppliier if we recceivved nott-goood parrts, too maake theem rrepaaireed oor rrepllaceed与供应商协协调处理理收到的的不良品品问题,协协商解决决方案:调换或或修理;Make thee prricee quuotaatioon ffor proofilles parrts对型材的询询价;Make thee paackiing lisst bbefoore

6、 senndinng tthe finnishhed prooduccts出货前,准准备装箱箱单。Reporrtinng :汇报:Posittionn hooldeer SSupeerviisorr :任职人的直直接主管管希望得得到如下下汇报:Want thee reeporrt oof tthe sittuattionn off thhe ppurcchasse oordeer (priice, paaymeent terrms, deelivveryy tiime)采购订单的的情况(价价格、付付款方式式、到货货时间);Want to seee thhe pprepparaatioon ww

7、orkk maade befforee seendiing thee puumpss too thhe ccusttomeer (pacckinng llistt, ccrattes dimmenssionns, )整泵交货前前的准备备工作(装装箱单、箱箱子尺寸寸等的准准备);Want thee suuppllierr deelivveryy sccheddulee供应商交货货进度情情况;Want to knoow aabouut tthe purrchaase proobleems (prricee, ppaymmentt teermss, ddeliiverry ttimee, )采购异常

8、情情况(价价格、付付款方式式或交货货时间等等有异常常问题);Want to knoow tthe sittuattionn off thhe ddebtts ttowaardss thhe ssuppplieers (mooneyy noot ppaidd inn tiime to thee suuppllierr)供应商催款款的执行行情况(未未准时付付款给供供应商)。Posittionn hooldeer :任职人认为为需向直直接主管管提供的的汇报如如下:Reporrt tthe purrchaase conntraact采购订单;Reporrt aany speeciaal pprobbl

9、emm inn thhe ppurcchasse pproccesss采购异常情情况汇报报;Reporrt tthe payymennt sscheedulle wwhenn thhe ssuppplieer aaskss foor ppaymmentt 供供应商催催款的执执行情况况;Reporrt tthe purrchaase plaan aand schheduule采购计划和和采购进进度。Levell : Exeecuttor职位层级:执行层层Workiing rellatiionss :工作联系:With thee Waarehhousse KKeepperss : to gett

10、thhe sstocck sstattus, annd tto iinfoorm theem tto rreceeivee orr seend somme ggoodds与仓库管理理员的工工作联系系:得到到库存信信息,通通知仓库库收货或或发货;With thee Suuppllierr Deevellopmmentt Maanagger :与供应商开开发经理理的工作作联系;if thheree arre ttoo mucch nnot-goood ppartts, infformm thhe SSuppplieer DDeveeloppmennt MManaagerr whho wwilll

11、coontaact thee suuppllierr foor tthiss prrobllem当不良品率率过高时时,告知知供应商商开发经经理与供供应商进进行沟通通解决;if thhe ppricce oor ppaymmentt teermss chhangge, infformm thhe SSuppplieer DDeveeloppmennt MManaagerr whho wwilll coontaact thee suuppllierr如果价格或或付款期期限变动动时,告告知供应应商开发发经理与与供应商商沟通解解决;With thee Suupplly CChaiin MManaage

12、rr : to repportt too hiim与物流经理理的工作作联系:所有汇汇报工作作;With thee Inndusstryy Diirecctorr :与生产技术术总监的的工作联系系;to geet tthe purrchaase lissts andd thhen makke tthe purrchaase ordderss acccorrdinng tto tthesse llistts从生产技术术总监处处获取采采购分解解单并根根据分解解单下订订单;to geet ssomee moouldds ddrawwinggs wwhenn wee neeed to purrchaas

13、e a nnew onee, tthenn too maake thee puurchhasee orrderr当需要订制制新模具具时,从从生产技技术总监监处获取取模具图纸纸,并根根据图纸纸下采购购订单With thee Drrawiing Tecchniiciaan : too geet tthe bassepllatee drrawiing, maake thee prricees qquottatiion andd maake thee puurchhasee orrderr acccorrdinng tto tthiss drrawiing与绘图员的的工作联系系:从绘绘图员处处获取焊焊

14、接底座座的图纸纸,并根据图图纸询价价下订单单;With thee Prroduuctiion Mannageer : too giive thee deelivveryy sccheddulee, sso tthatt thhe PProdducttionn Maanagger cann orrgannizee thhe pprodducttionn与生产经理理的工作作联系:告知生生产经理理采购物物料的交交货期,为为生产加加工做准准备;With thee QCC Maanagger : tto gget thee suuppllierr gooodss innspeectiion forrm与

15、QC经理理的工作作联系:从QCC经理处处获取送送验单反反馈;With thee Maaterriall & Cosst AAccoounttantt : to givve tthe supppliier invvoicces andd deelivveryy foormss与材料成本本会计的的工作联系系:将采采购发票票和收料料单交与与材料成成本会计计;With thee APP & AR Acccounntannt : too giive thee puurchhasee orrderrs与应收应付付会计的的工作联系系:将采采购订单单交与应应收应付付会计;With thee Fiinannce

16、 Mannageer :to makke aan aappllicaatioon tto ppay thee suuppllierr与财务经理理的工作作联系:将付款款申请单单交与财财务经理理;With thee Moouldd QCC : to givve tthe lisst oof tthe commpanny mmoullds, thhen thee Moouldd QCC wiill telll tthe staatuss off thhe mmoullds (whhichh moouldd caan bbe uusedd, wwhicch mmoulld hhas to be rep

17、pairred, )与模具质验验的工作作联系:将模具具确认单单交与模模具质检检,模具具质检反反馈现有有模具的的情况(哪哪些模具具可以直直接可用用,哪些些模具需需要修理理)。Goalss off thhe pposiitioon :职位目标:To ennsurre tthatt thhe mmateeriaals entter thee waarehhousse iin ttimee确保物料及及时到货货;To ennsurre tthatt thhe ppurcchasse oordeers is folllowwed up andd coontaainss noo miistaake确保采购订

18、订单准确确无误。Work proocesssess off thhe ccomppanyy inn whhichh thhis possitiion takkes plaace :参与公司的的各项流流程如下下:Purchhasee prroceess, stocck mmanaagemmentt prroceess采购流程和和出入货货流程:Taskss :任务Main Tassks : 885%主要任务:85To maake thee puurchhasee orrderrs下订单;To foolloow uup tthe purrchaase proocesss uuntiil tthe d

19、elliveery交货前的订订单跟踪踪;To maake thee deelivveryy foorm wheen aa suuppllierr deelivverss thhe ggoodds, andd maake thee QCC innspeectiion forrm准备到货通通知单和和送验单单;To chheckk thhe ssuppplieer iinvooicee核对采购发发票。Seconndarry TTaskks : Maake thee puurchhasee pllan : 110%次要任务:制定采采购计划划:100Occassionnal Tassks : 55%偶发

20、任务:5Commuuniccatee wiith thee suuppllierr abboutt thhe nnot-goood ppartts wwe rreceeiveed与供应商协协商不良良产品问问题;Make thee quuotaatioons forr prrofiiless paartss型材方面报报价。Knowlledgge rrequuireemennts:知识技能要要求:Degreee/EExpeerieencee : SSeniior Higgh SSchoool Deggreee orr Teechnnicaal SSecoondaary Schhooll Deegr

21、eee wwithh onne yyearr off exxperriennce or lesss学历/经验验:高中或或中专技技校学历历,少于于或等于于一年相相关经验验;Diplooma : NNo sspecciall diiplooma reqquirremeent, buut aan aaccoounttantt ceertiificcatee annd llogiistiic aassiistaant cerrtifficaate wouuld be bettterr执业证书:没有特特别要求求,但最最好有会会计上岗岗证、初初级物流流师证书书;Languuagees : Baasicc

22、wrrittten Engglissh语言:具备备基本的的英文写写作能力力;Generral knoowleedgee : To knoow tthe offficee sooftwwaree常规知识:熟练应应用Offficce软件件;Technnicaal oor ppraccticcal knoowleedgee :技术和操作作技能 ;To haave a bbasiic kknowwleddge in macchinneryy基础机械知知识;To haave a bbasiic kknowwleddge in mettal (diiffeerennt mmateeriaal, bassi

23、c commpossitiion)基础金属材材料知识识(对不不同材料料及基本本成分有一一定的认认识);To haave a bbasiic kknowwleddge in hyddrauulicc prresssuree annd ttrannsmiissiion基础的传动动液压知知识。Relattionnal conntennts :联系相关项项:Interrnall (& frrequuenccy) : 内部(联系系频率)With thee QCC Maanagger (twwicee a dayy)QC经理(11天2次次)With thee Suuppllierr Deevellopmm

24、entt Maanagger (twwicee a weeek)供应商开发发经理(11周2次次)With thee Suupplly CChaiin MManaagerr (44-5 timmes a dday)物流经理(11天4-5次)With thee Waarehhousse KKeepperss (aat lleasst 44 tiimess a dayy)仓库管理员员(1天天至少44次)With thee Prroduuctiion Mannageer (3-44 tiimess a weeek)生产经理(11周3-4次)With thee Teechnnicaal & Prrodu

25、uctiion Dirrecttor (3-4 ttimees aa weeek)生产技术总总监(11周3-4次)With thee Drrawiing Tecchniiciaan (3-44 tiimess a weeek)绘图员(11周3-4次)With thee Maaterriall & Cosst AAccoounttantt (ttwicce aa weeek)材料成本会会计(11周2次次)With thee APP & AR Acccounntannt (twiice a wweekk)应收应付会会计(11周2次次)With thee Fiinannce Mannageer (o

26、ncce eeverry 22 weeekss)财务经理(22周1次次)With thee Moouldd QCC (ttwicce aa weeek)模具质检(11周2次次)Exterrnall (& frrequuenccy) : Witth tthe supppliierss, tto ccommmuniicatte aabouut tthe delliveery timme, to rejjectt thhe nnot-goood ppartts, to deaal wwithh thhe ssuppplieer aaskiing forr paaymeent by phoone (7

27、-8 ttimees aa daay)外部(联系系频率):与供应应商联系系交货进进度,不不良品的的料废报报废问题题,解决决供应商商的催款问问题(每每天7-8次)Workiing Conndittionns : Woork in offficee, wwithh coompuuterr工作环境:办公室室办公,使使用台式式电脑Indeppenddencce aand Freeedoom :独立性自由由度:Indeppenddencce : Noo, eeachh puurchhasee prroceess or conntraact shoouldd bee coonfiirmeed bby tt

28、he Suppplyy Chhainn Maanagger.独立性:没没有独立立性,每每一个采采购行为为都需由由物流经经理确认认;Freeddom of orgganiizattionn : Yess, tthe possitiion hollderr caan aarraangee alll tthe worrk.工作安排自自由度:任职人人对于指指派的工工作可自自由安排排工作的的先后顺顺序。Contrrol of empployyeess (ffor mannageers in chaargee off suuborrdinnatees oonlyy) :对下属的督督察(仅仅针对有有下属员员

29、工的经经理)Methoods : 方法Frequuenccy :频率:Key ppoinnts :关键控制点点:Contrrol of youur wworkk : 受控工作:Perceentaage of worrk cconttrollledd : 40%受控比例:40Frequuenccy : onnce a dday频率:1天天1次Impacct oof tthe deccisiionss :工作产生的的影响:Impacct oon tthe prooducctioon sscheedulle iif tthe possitiion hollderr caannoot ccommmun

30、iicatte wwithh thhe ssuppplieer aabouut tthe delliveery.若与供应商商沟通不及及时,采采购物料料延期交交货会影影响生产产进度;Impacct oon tthe delliveery schheduule to thee cuustoomerr iff thhe ppurcchasse aand supppliier delliveery aree noot mmadee inn tiime.如果采购物物料或供应商商交货不不及时,会会影响交交付客户户产品的的进度。Inforrmattionn exxchaangees:信息处理:Naturre

31、 oof iinfoormaatioon : 信息种类:Invoiice发票;Orderr采购订单;Drawiing图纸;Delivveryy foorm到货通知单单;Mouldd coonfiirmaatioon fformm 模具确认认单;Receiivedd maaterriall foorm收料单Out-ggoinng mmateeriaal fformm领料单Purchhasee prroceedurre采购进度表表;Not-ggoodd paartss foorm料废单;Stockk taablee库存表。Mediaas : e-maiil, faxx, tteleephoone,

32、 exxpreess delliveery, haand-to-hannd媒介:e-maiil、传传真、电电话、快快递、面面交Imporrtannce andd urrgenncy :重要性和紧紧急度:70% oof tthe infformmatiion aree immporrtannt aand urggentt (ddrawwingg, ppurcchasse oordeer, )70的信信息为重重要且紧紧急(图图纸、采采购订单单等);30% aare impporttantt buut nnot urggentt (QQC iinsppecttionn foorm, )30的信信息为

33、重重要但不不紧急(QQC送验验单)。Suborrdinnatiionss :从属关系:Vertiicall : Supperiior : SSuppply Chaain Mannageer直属:直接接上级:物流经经理;Horizzonttal : Ouut-ssourrcedd Coompoonennts Purrchaase Ageent, Waarehhousse KKeepperss, SSuppplieer DDeveeloppmennt MManaagerr平级:外构构件采购购专员、仓仓库管理理员、物物流开发发经理。Main cappaciitiees/aabillitiies forr thhis possitiion :该职位胜任任要求:Careffulnnesss仔细认真;Commuuniccatiion skiill沟通能力;Initiiatiive主动性;Tenaccityy韧性;Creattiviity创造力。Compllemeentaary infformmatiion:补充信息:The pposiitioon hholdder cann asssurre tthe worrk oof tthe Outt-soourcced Commponnentts PPurcchasse A


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