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1、A Glimpse of Chinese Culture Chapter 4ArtsA Glimpse of Chinese Culture CCalligraphyCalligraphyPaintingPaintingBeijing OperaBeijing Opera本章教学的目的1. 了解中国艺术瑰宝;2. 有关艺术分类基本名词的掌握;3. 进一步理解传承和保护中国传统文化的意义。本章教学的目的本章教学的重难点1. 书法、绘画2. 京剧与脸谱知识3. 民间艺术4. 有关传统与现代剧种的讨论本章教学的重难点本章教学的时间安排教师课堂讲解(60 minutes) 1. Calligraphy

2、 and painting (20 minutes) 2. Traditional operas (20 minutes) 3. Folk performing arts (10 minutes) 4. Traditional musical instruments (10 minutes)师生讨论 (10 minutes)学生课件展示 (30 minutes)本章教学的时间安排教师课堂讲解(60 minutes)Calligraphy and Painting (20 minutes)Calligraphy (10 minutes)Painting (5 minutes)Four treas

3、ures of the study (3 minutes)How to practice Chinese calligraphy (2 minutes)Calligraphy and Painting (20How do you understand Chinese calligraphy?Chinese calligraphy is also called the art of lines. Calligraphys purpose is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate mans spiritual beauty. It stres

4、ses the overall layout and harmony between words and lines. The Chinese saying “The handwriting reveals the person” (字如其人), is directly related to calligraphy.How do you understand Chinese 中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsStrokes (笔画) of Chinese CharactersThere are 6 basic categories: diandot strokehenghorizont

5、al strokeshuvertical stroke piecurved strokezheangular (角形的) stroke gouhooked (钩形的) stroke Strokes (笔画) of Chinese Charac中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsChinese RadicalsStrokes form Chinese radicals (偏旁)A radical is the prefix of the word. Some basic character components are standalone characters (独立成字), like

6、“土” and “山”, but most are just parts of them.Chinese RadicalsStrokes form CThe most complicated Chinese character ? The number of strokes within a single Chinese character ranges from a few to more than 30 strokes.Biang, 二声(56 strokes )The most complicated Chinese cFive categories of Chinese scripts

7、 the seal form (zhuan 篆书)the official form (li 隶书)the cursive(草写的)form (cao 草书) the regular form (kai 楷书) the running form (xing 行书)Five categories of Chinese scrThe Seal Form (篆书) Soft lines of strokes and upright rectangular shape keep the seal form characters more close to pictography (象形文字). Eac

8、h of the characters has a balanced and symmetrical (对称的) pattern. The Seal Form (篆书) Soft linesThe Official Form (隶书) It was the turning point in the evolution of Chinese scripts and is the foundation of the later script forms. It turned the remaining curved and round strokes of the seal form into l

9、inear (直线的) and flat square (扁方形) shapes. The Official Form (隶书) It wasThe cursive Form (草书) This style of calligraphy is smooth and lively with strokes flowing and characters linking together. The characters are often joined, with the last stroke of one merging into the initial stroke of the next.

10、It is executed freely and rapidly so that parts of the characters appear exaggerated (夸张的). The cursive Form (草书) This sThe regular form (楷书) It is still todays standard writing. It is square in form, and non-cursive in strokes. Size:Larger Regular Form ( more than 5cm ) Smaller Regular Form (smalle

11、r than 2cm)Medium Regular Form (in-between)The regular form (楷书) It is sThe running Form (行书) The running form is somewhere between the regular and the cursive forms allowing simpler and faster writing. the running regular form 行楷 the running cursive form 行草 The running Form (行书) The runnFamous Chin

12、ese Calligraphers in HistoryWang Xizhi the sage of Chinese calligraphy The Preface to The Lanting Collection of Calligraphy (兰亭集序) Famous Chinese Calligraphers 中国文化概述-chapter-4-Arts中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsHow do you understand Chinese Painting ? Chinese Traditional Painting refers to ink - wash paintin

13、g (水墨画) Traditional Chinese paintings are not “purely” paintings. They combine fine art, poetry, calligraphy, and seal engraving to achieve an artistic unison (一致). Human figures, landscapes, flowers, birds, and pavilions are the most important themes of traditional Chinese painting. How do you unde

14、rstand Chinese Do you know any Chinese famous painters ?Xu Beihong Do you know any Chinese famousQi Baishi Qi Baishi Four treasures of the studyFour treasures of the study : brush , ink, paper and ink stone The best of each of these items is represented by: Hu brush (湖笔), Hui ink stick (徽墨), Xuan pa

15、per (宣纸) , and Duan ink stone (端砚). Four treasures of the studyFouHu brushHu brushes are produced in the city of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Made from the hair of a goat or wolf, they are round, neat, strong, and pointed. The goat hair is soft, suitable for the writing of big characters, while the wo

16、lf hair is hard, suitable for the writing of small ones. Hu brushHu brushes are produceHui ink sticksHui ink sticks are produced in Hui City, Anhui Province. They are made from the ash of burnt green pine from Mount Huangshan and then mixed with glue. Hui ink sticksHui ink sticks aXuan paperXuan pap

17、er is a special type of high quality paper produced in Xuancheng and Jing County of Anhui Province. Made in an 18-step process from the bark of the wingceltis (青檀) tree and rice straw, the paper is snow-white, soft, durable, absorbent (吸收性的) and moth-proof. Xuan paperXuan paper is a specDuan ink sto

18、nesDuan ink stones were first introduced in Duanzhou, now are produced in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province.They have a fine, solid texture and a glossy sheen (光泽). Ink prepared in them does not dry quickly. Duan ink stonesDuan ink stoneHow to practice Chinese Calligraphy?Choosing a good copybook (字

19、帖) is a good beginning. Different strokes are the first you should pay attention to. The regular form is usually taken as the standard form for beginners to practice because it is the basic form for other inscriptions. Furthermore, in order to develop this skill you must practice regularly and train

20、 hard. How to practice Chinese Callig“Eight Ways of Writing Chinese Characters”(永字八法)There is an old method passed down from generation to generation, practicing the character “永” repeatedly because it contains the eight basic dots and strokes. “Eight Ways of Writing ChineseTraditional Operas (20 mi

21、nutes)Beijing Opera (10 minutes)Other Major Traditional Chinese Opera(10 minutes)Traditional Operas (20 minuteBeijing OperaOriginally Beijing Opera was a form of local theatre. It then spread across the country and became the national opera of China. Singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighti

22、ng (唱、念、做、打) are the four artistic means and the four basic skills of Beijing Opera. Each action by the performer is highly symbolic. Feelings and ideas are often expressed through these symbolic motions.Beijing OperaOriginally Beijin中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsSheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou The characters of

23、Beijing Opera are classified according to sex, age, disposition, profession, and social status. There are four major roles in Beijing Opera today: sheng (male), dan (female), jing (painted face, male) and chou (clown).Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou TheShengThe sheng roles are generally positive and can

24、be divided into laosheng (老生: elderly men), wusheng (武生: military men), xiaosheng (小生: young men), and wawasheng (娃娃生: children). ShengThe sheng roles are generDanDan refers to various female roles, including laodan (老旦), qingyi (青衣), huadan (花旦),wuadan (武旦) and caidan (彩旦). DanDan refers to various

25、 femalJingThe Jing is a romantic, exaggerated Beijing Opera role. The characters are mostly cheerful, honest, gallant (豪侠的), and intrepid (刚毅的) men or treacherous (奸诈的) and cruel men. JingThe Jing is a romantic, exChouThe chou characters are sharp-witted, clever, humorous, honest, and kind men. Ther

26、e are wenchou (文丑: comic civilian roles) who speak, act, and sing and wuchou (武丑: arcobatic fighting comic roles) whose performance involves both speaking and acrobatic fighting. ChouThe chou characters are shFacial Makeup and CostumesThere are two ways to distinguish a characters personality or rol

27、e type. The first is to understand the color code of the painted face. The second is to distinguish the lines and patterns drawn on the face. Facial Makeup and CostumesTherThe colour code of the painted faceRed defines loyal and upright persons Purple for loyal, brave, just, and noble characters Bla

28、ck face makeup for faithful, brave, and straightforward charactersGreen indicates stubborn, irritable (急躁), and not easily controlled characters The colour code of the paintedYellow for fierce, brutal, and calculating characters White for imperious (专横的) and treacherous (奸诈的) people A distorted face

29、, drawn with asymmetrical (不对称的) lines, generally represents a villain (反派角色) or accomplice (同犯) or someone whose face has been wounded. Gold-silvered faces for ghosts and godsYellow for fierce, brutal, andOther Major Traditional Chinese Opera (10 minutes)Kunqu OperaShaanxi OperaChuan OperaYue Opera

30、Huangmei OperaYue OperaOther Major Traditional ChineKunqu Opera Kunqu Opera is known for its gentle and clear vocals, beautiful and refined tunes, and dance-like stage performance. In 2001, it was listed in the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and C

31、ultural Organization (UNESCO联合国科教文组织).Kunqu Opera中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsShaanxi OperaShaanxi Opera (秦腔), the oldest of all the Chinese operas that are still in existence today, is the typical opera of Shaanxi province. The Shaanxi Opera is of great fun and the elderly residents of Xian take particular

32、 delight in it even today. Shaanxi OperaChuan OperaIn the mid-18th century, in Sichuan Province and some parts of Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces, Kunqu Opera and High-pitched Opera (高腔) were commonly performed together with the local operas; Influenced by each other, they blended into a new opera cate

33、gory designated as Chuan Opera.Chuan OperaIn the mid-18th cenFace changesThe technique of “face changes” is most often used in Chuan Opera. In some cases multiple layers of masks are torn away for each change in facial expression.Face changesThe technique of “Yue OperaIt is popular throughout Zhejia

34、ng Province and Shanghai as well as in many large and medium-sized cities throughout the country. The soft and gentle music of this opera evokes sentimental emotions, and the acting style is likewise graceful and refined. Yue OperaIt is popular through中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsHuangmei OperaHuangmei Oper

35、a has been performed for over 200 years. It is a local opera in Anhui Province and evolved from the “Caicha Tune” (tea-picking tune) of Huangmei County, Hubei Province. Huangmei Opera is easy to understand and learn because it employs simple words and literary traditions. Huangmei OperaHuangmei Oper

36、a h中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsYue OperaYue Opera is one type of traditional local operas, popular in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and in Chinese communities in South Asia and America. Yue OperaYue Opera is one typeFolk Performing Arts (10 minutes)AcrobaticsQuyi Puppet ShowShadow Play Ghost-Exorcising O

37、pera (傩舞) Folk Performing Arts (10 minutAcrobaticsChinese acrobats have been successful in many international competitions over the years. As a result, foreign audiences have eulogized the art form as mythical and engrossing and China is playing a dominating part in acrobatics. AcrobaticsChinese acr

38、obats havQuyiCross-talk (相声) Clapper talk (快板)Storytelling (评书) Xiaopin (小品)Shuanghuang (双簧)QuyiCross-talk (相声) Cross-talk (相声)Cross-talk is one of the most popular and influential types of quyi. Its performance is characterized by talking, imitation, fun-making, and singing(说、学、逗、唱). Satire is its

39、main purpose. Cross-talk (相声)Cross-talk is oXiaopinXiaopin are short, light comedies in the Huaju (spoken drama) style. About 15 minutes in length. The short, brisk, humorous, and often poignant comic skits have been regular popular items on Chinese televisions New Year Gala Show.XiaopinXiaopin are

40、short, lighChinese puppet show combines elements of song, dance, painting, and sculpture. In puppet shows, actors or specially-trained operators manipulate the puppets in performances. Puppet showChinese puppet show combines eShadow PlayThe performers manipulate colorful leather or cardboard figures

41、 whose silhouettes(侧面影像)are reflected on a screen by lantern light. A light is shone on to a screen, behind which performers operate the silhouettes while singing to the accompaniment of music. Shadow PlayThe performers maniGhost-Exorcising Opera (傩舞)The Ghost-Exorcising Opera originated from a sacr

42、ificial ceremony for driving away evil spirits and pestilence (瘟疫) in ancient times. Ghost-Exorcising Opera (傩舞)Th中国文化概述-chapter-4-ArtsTraditional Musical Instruments (10 minutes)Plucked Instruments (弦乐器)Percussion Instrument (打击乐器)Wind Instrument (管乐器)Traditional Musical InstrumenPlucked Instrument

43、s (弦乐器)Pipa (琵琶) is an ancient plucked (拨动的), four-stringed instrument made of wood, with the fingerboard shaped like a melon-seed, and a long beautiful neck bent backward. Plucked Instruments (弦乐器)PipaZither (古筝) is also a plucked string instrument, and it is one of the main ensemble and solo instr

44、uments of traditional Chinese music. The present-day zither usually has 21-25 strings.Zither (古筝) is also a pluckedErhu (二胡), sometimes known in the West as the Chinese violin, is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument and is used as a solo instrument as well as for small ensembles and large orchestras. Erhu (二胡), sometimes known in Percussion instrument (打击乐器)Drum (鼓) is a percussion instrument consi


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