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1、九年级话题复习Environmental Protection1九年级话题复习Environmental 11/6 of the country was covered with somg. 21/6 of the country was coveredSmog In China 3Smog In China 3ProblemsAir Pollution4ProblemsAir Pollution4lotsplentyunhealthybadlyreasonsmake5lotsplentyunhealthybadlyreason精读能力语法知识词汇知识构词法知识题型解读精读能力语法知识词汇知识

2、构词法知识题型解读1. 先看表格;后读文章3. 文题匹配;考虑用词2. 根据表格; 定位内容答题建议1. 先看表格;3. 文题匹配;2. 根据表格; 答题建议lotsplentyunhealthybadlyreasonsmake8lotsplentyunhealthybadlyreasonAir pollution In big cities, factories as well as cars, trucks and buses produce smog into the sky, which is the main cause of air pollution. Many people i

3、ncities now have serious health problems. For example, Mexico City used to be a beautiful sunny capital, but todayit is always covered by thick brown clouds.unhealthy9Air pollutionunhealthy9lotsplentyunhealthybadlyreasonsmake10lotsplentyunhealthybadlyreasonNoise pollution Construction(建设施工) and vehi

4、cle noise as well as advertising in stores can be counted for the reasons of this kind of pollution. It can hurt peoples hearing and it is also a major cause of sleeping illness and heart attack. make11Noise pollution make11 The earth is about 4,600 million years old. Modern man has lived on the ear

5、th for only 35,000 years, butduring that time, we have changed our planet in many ways. Many of the things that we have done are good, butmore are not good for the earth. Water pollution A lot of people, birds and fish die each day because of water pollution. Factories throw away too much waste into

6、 the land andthe water. As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead. Air pollution In big cities, factories as well as cars, trucks and buses produce smog into the sky, which is the main cause of air pollution. Many people incities now have serious health problems. For example, Mexico City used

7、to be a beautiful sunny capital, but todayit is always covered by thick brown clouds. Soil pollution In order to have a good harvest, most of the farmers use chemicals(化学制品) too much in their fields. Their behaviors pollute the soil badly, which is difficult to stop. Noise pollution Construction(建设施

8、工) and vehicle noise as well as advertising in stores can be counted for the reasons of this kind of pollution. It can hurt peoples hearing and it is also a major cause of sleeping illness and heart attack. 12 The earth is about 4,600 mUseful Expressions1. throw away 扔掉;丢掉2. produce smog into the sk

9、y 向天空排放雾霾3. the main/ major cause of 主要起因4. used to be 过去是5. in order to 为了6. Many of the things that we have done are good, but more are not good for the earth. 我们已经做的事情中,很多是好的,但是更多 的是对地球不好的/有害的。13Useful Expressions1. throw awaProblemsAir PollutionWater PollutionSoil PollutionNoise Pollution14Probl

10、emsAir PollutionWater Pol1515ProblemsAir PollutionWater PollutionSoil PollutionNoise PollutionEndangered Animals16ProblemsAir PollutionWater Polaroundroomkillalso污染在杀害动物方面发挥了重要的作用。17aroundroomkillalso污染在杀害动物方面发挥了Useful Expressions1. cut down 砍倒;2. die off 死去3. kill.for. 为了.杀害.4. force to do 强迫做某事5.

11、pour . into. 把.倒入.6. play an important role in doing 在做某事方面发挥重要作用7. This destorys homes of many wild animals. 这种做法毁坏了许多野生动物的家。8. With more and more people on earth, there is less room for other animals. 随着地球上越来越多的人,对于其他动物而言,空间更小了。18Useful Expressions1. cut down enoughactivitiesaway有若干我们可以做的事情来节约用水。c

12、losing19enoughactivitiesaway有若干我们可以做的事Useful Expressions1. stop doing 停止做某事;2. make laws to 制定法律来.;3. stop . from doing/ keep . away from doing 阻止.做某事;4. How much water do we need every day? 我们每天需要多少水? (begin with a question)5. It is not a difficult question to answer. 它不是一个难回答的问题。 6. In this way, w

13、e can . 通过这种方式,我们可以.7. There are several things we can do to. 为了.,有若干我们可以做的事情。20Useful Expressions1. stop doin 近几年来,中国城市重污染天气明显增多。下面是山西省部分城市2018年出现重污染天气(heavy pollution days)天数的数据统计图。 请你认真读图,用三段话写一篇短文。第一段简要说明图表内容,第二段写出两个导致重污染天气的理由,第三段就如何减少重污染天气提出两条建议。21 近几年来,中国城市重污染天气明显增多。下面是山西 From the chart, we ca

14、n see that Linfen and Yuncheng have the most heavy pollution days in 2018. They have 27 and 16. The number in Taiyuan is 11 and Jinzhong is 3. Datong has the best air of all the five. Because there are no heavy pollution days there. 运用了较为丰富的表达不重复原则22 From the chart, we can see Why do we have more an

15、d more heavy pollution days in Shanxi? Its not a difficult question to answer. First, factories are producing more and more smog into the sky. Secondly, the increase of personal cars also plays an important role. 23 Why do we have more and mo There are several things we can do to make sky bluer. We can make law


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