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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、After a few hours practice, I felt a bit tired. _, I held on for success.AOtherwiseBAlsoCHoweverDTherefore2、They will lose the game _

2、 they try their best.AunlessBonceCsinceDafter3、Have you invited Joe and Linda to dinner?Yes, of course. But _ of them accepted.AnoneBneitherCbothDall4、Yu Min, who made great contributions to our countrys science, _ on January 16 this year, and it is a great loss of our country.Aran awayBtook awayCwe

3、nt awayDpassed away5、A _ /i:p/ is eating grass in the field.AshipBsheepCshopDshape6、Your T-shirt is so cool. Could you tell me _?Awhere you bought itBwhere did you buy itCwhere you buy it7、Ben is a hard-working writer. He wrote his _ novel when he was _ years old.Afifth; fiftyBfifth; fiftiethCfive;

4、fiftyDfive: fiftieth8、Dad, its a long way from our home to the park!You mean its _ to take a taxi?ApopularBpossibleCimportantDnecessary9、_ the girl is only ten years old, she can take care of her brother and cook meals every day.AIf BBecause CAlthough DAs10、-Do you think it will rain tomorrow?-_. Be

5、cause farmers need rain very much.AI think so BI hope soCIm afraid so DI agree. 完形填空11、Nine-year-old Louis Pasteur rushed into the little houseWith his face white. “Mother!” he cried, “A mad dog has 1 my friend Henry, and now they are burning him with red-hot irons(烙铁). Its terrible!”“Rabies(狂犬病), L

6、ouis. Burning the bites is the only 2 of stopping Henry from catching the disease.Henry did get rabies and died, in great 3 , some days later. Louis Pasteur never 4 . “One day,” he thought, “I must do something to help people like Henry.”Sixteen years later Pasteur became a Doctor of 5 And he began

7、his work in this special field. Pasteur achieved great success in his life. 6 the years of research he lost the use of his left arm and leg, yet he never lost heart. He worked on and on, as hard as ever, 7 he had a strong will to find a way for curing rabies. After many dangerous experiments on mad

8、dogs, he 8 found the answer. Just then a boy who had been badly bitten by a mad dog arrived at his lab. A few days later Pasteurs treatment, the boy got 9 . He did not catch rabies. The discovery gave new hope to people in many countries. People sent money to help 10 the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

9、Today it is one of the worlds most famous centers for the research.1Aknocked Bpulled Ckicked Dbitten2Aresult Bhope Ctruth Dvalue3Apain Btrouble Csadness Ddanger4Aforgot Brefused Ccontinued Dremembered5AFrench BLaw CHistory DScience6AFrom BBefore CDuring DUntil7Awhen Bthough Cif Das8Ahardly Bfinally

10、Ceven Dagain9Aeasier Bharder Cbetter Dworse10Abuild Bclose Cbuy Drepair. 语法填空12、A man was walking through a large city. On a street corner,he saw a boy 1 (sell) a number of small birds in a cage(笼子)He looked at the birds flying about in the cage and 2(try)to get out. He stood for some time looking a

11、t the birds .At last he said to 3(冠词)boy,“How much do you ask for your birds?” “Fifty cents a bird,sir,” said the boy. “I 4(not) mean how much a bird,” said the man,“ 5(连词)how much for all of them? I expect to buy 6(it) all.”The boy began to count,and found they came to five dollars. “There is your

12、money,” said the man. The boy took it 7(happy).Then the man opened the cage door as quickly as he could,and let all the birds 8(fly)away.The boy,in great surprise,cried,“What did you do that9(介词),sir?You have lost all your birds.”“I will tell you why I did it,” said the man.“ I has been shut up for

13、three years in a prison(监狱), and I10 decide) never to see anything in prison which I can make free.”. 阅读理解A13、 At sixteen Ron Mackie might have stayed at school, but the future called to him excitedly. Get out the classroom into a job. it said, and Ron obeyed. His father, supporting the decision, fo

14、und a place for him in a supermarket. You are lucky, Ron, he said. For every boy with a job these days, theres a dozen without. So Ron joined the working world at twenty pounds a week.For a year he spent his days filling shelves with tins of food. By the end of that time he was looking back on his s

15、chooldays as a time of treat variety(多样化) and satisfaction. He searched for an interest in his work, with little success.One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south. With nine pounds in his pocket, a full heart and a great longing for the sea, he set out to make a bet

16、ter way for himself. That evening, in Bournemouth, he had sandwich and a drink in a cafe run by an eldly man and his wife. Before he had finished the sandwich, the woman had taken him on for the rest of the summer, at twenty pounds a week, a room upstairs and three meals a day. The ease and speed of

17、 it rather took Rons breath away. At quiet times Ron had to check the old mans arithmetic in the records of the business.At the end of the season, he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of seventeen to make a living. He worked in shops mostly, but once he

18、 took a job in hotel for three weeks. Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge there; he was the only one who could keep the books.1By sayingFor every boy with a job these days, there is a dozen without, Rons father meant: _AAt that time bo

19、ys had jobs but girls didnt.BEvery boy could only have one job because there werent enough.CThere must have been at least twelve boys who had lost their jobs.DRon was lucky to have a job while many others didnt have one.2It took about a year for Ron to realize that _.Ahe worked well because he was i

20、nterested in the jobBhis work at the supermarket was dullCbeing at work was much better than going to schoolDthe store manager wanted to get rid of him3Ron left his first job because _.Ahe wanted to at the seasideBhe knew he would work in BournemouthChe got a free lift on a lorryDhe didnt feel well4

21、What does the word itunderlined in paragraph 3 refer to?AThe money.BThe cafe.CThe job.DThree meals.5Ron soon found himself having some say in the shoe shop because _.Ahe was young and strongBhe got on well with manager thereChe knew how to keep the accounts of the businessDhe had lots of experience

22、with shopsB14、阅读理解。We know good manners are important. Today I am going to tell you something about manners in different countries. I think you already know that people in different countries usually have different ways of doing things.Something that is rude in one country may be quite polite in ano

23、ther. For example, in Britain you mustnt lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having liquid food(流质食物). That is considered bad manners in Britain. But in Japan you neednt worry about making a noise when you drink something. It shows that you are enjoying it. In Britain we try not to put our han

24、ds on the table at all during a meal. In Mexico, however, guests are expected to keep their hands on the table throughout a meal. In Arabic countries we must be careful with our hands. You see, in Arabic countries you mustnt eat with your left hand. This is considered to be very impolite. So, what s

25、hould you do if you visit a foreign country?Well, you neednt worry. You can ask the natives(本地人) there to help you and you can just watch carefully and try to do what they do.1(小题1)It is polite to make a noise when you drink something in .ABritain BJapanCMexico DArabia2(小题2)In Britain we try not to

26、put our hands during a meal.Aon the table Baround the bowlCon the desk Din the pocket3(小题3)In Arabic countries you must be careful with your .Anoise BmouthCfood Dhands4(小题4)If you visit a foreign country, you should .Ado as you like Btry to do what the natives doCdo as the British do Deat with your

27、right handC15、This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Years Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne友谊地久天长. It is the traditional music played during the New Years celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.The words “auld lang syne”

28、mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version(版本) by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published(出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.The song is played in the United States mainly on New Years Eve. The version y

29、ou are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne. I would like to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.1This passage is from _.Aa newspaper Ba magazineCa TV program Da radio program2Who is introducing Auld Lang S

30、yne to us?ARobert Bums.BThe Washington Saxophone Quartet.CBuddy Thomas.DThe passage doesnt tell us.3The words and music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appeared_.Ain 1790 Bin 1793Cin 1796 Din 1799D16、 Today lets meet Chinas excellent diplomats(外交官).Liu Xiaoming is Chinas ambassador to the UK.

31、An ambassador is a countrys highest representative (代表) sent to another country. Liu speaks fluent English and knows British culture well. He has done so excellent work that he is respected by the British people. Hua Chunying is a Foreign Ministry Spokesperson (新闻发言人). Spokespersons hold press confe

32、rences (记者会) from Monday to Friday, where they answer questions from both Chinese and foreign media(媒体). Hua is good at answering harsh questions. China now has three spokespersons and Hua is the only woman.Wang Yi is the Minister of Foreign Affairs(外交部长). He often visits foreign countries and repre

33、sents China at international meetings. He also writes articles on newspapers explaining Chinas foreign policies (政策). Wang learned Japanese in college and was once the ambassador to Japan.1The underlined word “ambassador” means _.A交换生B大使C观察员D记者2How many spokespersons does China have according to the

34、 passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.3Which of the following is TRUE?AHua Chunying represents China at international meetings.BWang Yi used to be the ambassador to Japan.CSpokespersons hold press conferences (记者会) at the weekends.DLiu Xiaoming is learning to answer harsh questions with Hua Chunying.E17、T

35、his August, well welcome guests from all over the world. Some of them follow their own special cultural traditions. Its important for us to know about them.In many countries, such as Thailand, India and Malaysia, people believe that the left hand is unclean. So, its not proper to use ones left hand

36、to hold food, touch others or pass objects, Doing so may_certain guests.Some Westerners may be offended if you touch them or their personal things-even by accident. If this happens, say sorry politely.Some elderly Westerners may be offended if you try to help them without their agreement.People thin

37、k numbers can be lucky or unlucky. Some Westerners avoid the number 13 because they believe it is unlucky.Muslims(穆斯林)do not eat pork, and words like pigs are not considered proper.People from Brazil, Italy and Pakistan do not give handkerchiefs(手帕)as gifts. They believe a handkerchief is closely co

38、nnected with unhappy feelings.Wine is not sent as a gift in many parts of western and middle Asia, where most Muslims live.1(小题1)Indians dont hold food with the left hand because they consider it .Aunclean BuselessCvalueless Dunimportant2(小题2)The word “offend” in the second paragraph(段落)might mean “

39、 ”.Ahonor Bhelp Chate Dhurt3(小题3)Muslims do not .Asend gifts Beat porkCdrink milk Duse handkerchiefs4(小题4)Which of the following is true according to the passage?APeople from Pakistan like to send handkerchiefs as gifts.BAll the elderly people in the west like being helped by others.CThe number 13 i

40、s thought to be unlucky by some Westerners.DWesterners do not mind their personal things being touched.5(小题5)What does the passage mainly talk about?ALucky numbers.BTraditional food.CCulture differences.DHands and handkerchiefs.F18、Rob Frenette had problems with bullies(欺辱) at school for eleven year

41、s. He was often lonely and scared. When he was fifteen, however, he decided to do something about his problems. He walked into a newspaper office and told them about the bullying. His story went into the newspaper and soon all the TV stations in Canada wanted to talk to him about his experiences. Th

42、ey also wanted to hear his ideas to stop bullying.After that, Rob continued his studies at school, but in his free time he helped other people with bullying problems. With a friend Katie Neu, he made a website called www. bullyingcanada. ca. Visitors to the website can find advice, stories and poems

43、 about bullying, in both English and French. When people are upset, they can talk on the phone or online to Rob and his team. Every weekend Rob has to answer e-mails to the website. He also speaks to children, teachers and members of government around the country about bullying.Robs most important m

44、essage is: “When bullies are unkind to you, it isnt your fault (过错、责任). Theres nothing wrong with you, so you should try to keep trusting yourself. And remember that people care about your problems. You just have to find those people.”One of Robs ideas is “Blue Day”, a special day for stopping bully

45、ing in schools. Students have to wear blue clothes and in class they learn how to stop bullying. More than 150 Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day, but Rob wont stop until theres a Blue Day in every school in Canada.1How did Rob often feel at school before he was fifteen?ARelaxed. BUnhappy. CTir

46、ed.2We can learn from this passage that Rob suffered from bullying since he was _.Afour. Bseven Celeven3www. bullyingcanada. ca is a website where people can _.Alearn how to write poemsBget advice about bullying problemsCget blue clothes for free4The underlined part “those people” in Paragraph 3 means _.Apeople w


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