1、 Design-Buildd Moruuga Aggro-Prrocesssing aand Liight IIndusttrial ParkConstruuctionn Quallity MManageement PlanConstruuctionn Quallity MManageement Plan for DDesignn-Builld Morruga AAgro-PProcesssing and LLight Indusstriall Parkk特多莫鲁加工业业园项目质量量管理计划项目质量管理的的目的和方针针、目标 :1.1质量管理理方针全员精品意识,创创建精品工程。全方位科学管理理
2、,提供优质质服务。全过程追求卓越越,超过同行行水平。1.2质量管理理目标a. 遵从项目目规范和图纸纸。b达到让客户户满意的水平平。c让客户对施施工过程和检检验满意。d. 超越所有有竞争对手。1. Thee purppose aand poolicy and taarget of thhe prooject qualiity managgementt1.10 Thhe pollicy oof thee projject qqualitty mannagemeent- Fostter thhe connsciouus of the bbest qqualitty to all sstaff, bu
3、illd excelllent qualiity enngineeering.- Scieentifiic mannagemeent inn all way, pprovidding hiigh quualityy servvices.- The pursuuit off exceellencce in wholee proggress, exceeed thhe levvel off counnterpaart.1.20 Thhe tarrget oof thee projject qqualitty mannagemeent- Compply wiith prrojectt stannda
4、rd and ddrawinngs.- Satiisfy ffor thhe reqquiremment oof cliient.- Makee the cliennt sattisfyiing inn insppectioon andd the consttructiion.- Exceeed alll couunterpparts.2、适用范围本质量计划仅适适用于特多莫莫鲁加工业园园项目工程。2. Sccope oof appplicattionThe quaality assurrance progrram iss onlyy for Desiggn-Buiild Mooruga Agr
5、o-Proceessingg and Lightt Induustriaal Parrk.3. 管理模式式3.1业主委委派监理公司司对项目进行行监督管理3.2监理公公司对工程的的质量计划、施施工方案、施施工材料、施施工质量等先先行进行审批批和控制。3.3监理公公司监管的主主要监管依据据是:中国规规范、审批通通过的设计图图纸、施工方方案、施工详详图和施工合同同。3.4监理公公司对与工程程有关的所有有质量行为进进行全面和全全程控制。3. Thee manaagemennt patttern3.1. Thhe connsultaant auuthoriized bby cliient take th
6、e rresponnsibillity ffor superrvisioon andd conttrolliing the pprojecct 3.2. Thhe connsultaant taake thhe ressponsiibilitty forr the approoval & conttrolliing off quallity pprograam, meethod for cconstrructioon, maateriaal forr consstructtion, qualiity foor connstrucction, etc.3.3 Thee basee for the
7、 cconsulltant to suuperviision and ccontrool as folloowing: the desiggn draawing approoved, and Chinaa stanndard, methhod sttatemeent foor connstrucction, shopp drawwing, laws & reggulatiions aand coontracct.3.4 Connsultaant taakes conttrolliing foor alll behaave off quallity tthrouggh thee entiire
8、coourse of prrojectt.4、质量控制体体系的建立4. Thhe esttablisshmentt of qqualitty conntrol systeem4.1按照公司司通过国际认认证的ISOO9001质质量体系标准准要求,建立立和健全项目目质量保证体体系即质量计计划4.10 Acccordiing too the requiiremennt of qualiity coontroll systtem whhich hhad paassed the IISO 90001 Innternaationaal Quaality Managgementt Systtem Ceert
9、ifiicate by BCCEG coompanyy, thiis quaality assurrance systeem hass beenn estaablishhed annd impprovedd callling qqualitty proogram.应严格按照公司司通过国际认认证的ISOO9001质质量体系标准准要求,建立立和健全项目目、班组质量量保证体系和和质量管理网网络,制订质质量管理责任任制,明确管管理人员在各各阶段质量管管理中的任务务和责任,对对工程施工每每一道工序质质量进行严格格管理和监控控,保证质量量体系正常有有序的运转。Accordiing too the requ
10、iiremennt of qualiity coontroll systtem whhich hhad paassed the IISO 90001 Innternaationaal Quaality Managgementt Systtem Ceertifiicate by BCCEG, the qualiity asssurannce syystem of prrojectt & woork-teeam annd quaality managgementt net shoulld be estabblisheed andd imprroved. Makiing thhe ressponsi
11、ibilitty sysstem ffor qualiity maanagemment, clearr and definnite tthe roole annd ressponsiibilitty forr all managgementts in all sstage of quualityy manaagemennt, sttrict superrvisioon andd manaagemennt to each work proceedure for pprojecct connstrucction, its make the qqualitty sysstem iis perrfor
12、meed in normaally aand orrderlyy.4.2遵循规范范管理、制度度管理和条例例管理原则,以以法制为主体体的科学化管管理。4.20 Foollowiing thhe staandardd manaagemennt andd systtematiic mannagemeent annd reggulatiions mmanageement, the main part of sccientiific mmanageement folloows princciple of leegalitty应建立和维护一一个有效的质质量控制体系系(即质量计计划),符合合合同要求和和当地
13、规范标标准及当地法法律法规的要要求。An effeectivee quallity ccontrool sysstem (mean, quallity pprograam) shhall bbe esttablisshed aand immproveed, shalll be iin acccord wwith tthe reequireement of thhe conntactoor andd locaal staandardds andd locaal lawws & rregulaationss.4.3不断总结结、持续改进进。4.30 Allways summaarizinng, co
14、ontinuuous iimprovvementt管理体系并不是是一程不变的的,应不断改改进管理体系系的工作效率率。经过认真真执行和有计计划的内部审审查,并根据据业主的建议议和要求不断断进行改进。As it iis nott a riigid mmanageement systeem, wee shalll conntinuoous immprovee the work efficciencyy for the mmanageement systeem. Acccordiing too the interrior sscrutiinizinng by serioously impleement
15、aation and pplanniing, aand acccordiing too the suggeestionn and requiiremennt froom cliient tto conntinuoous improvvementt.(如出现施工环环节与管理体体系冲突的流流程,及时研研究决定,是是否修改管理理流程,按照照工作进展持持续更新,雇雇主可提出要要求)4.4质量体系系组织机构图图4.40 Quualityy systtem orrganizzationn charrt 4.5各岗位人人员职责:4.50 Thhe ressponsiibilitty forr eachh j
16、ob4.5.1项目目经理4.50.1 Projeect maanagerr. 工程质量的的第一责任人人,确保合同同规定的各项项条款的实现现;- As thhe firrst reesponssible persoon forr the consttructiion quualityy, to ensurre thaat alll the clausses off the contrract mmust bbe impplemennted. 遵守当地地国家的法律律、法规及企企业的各项规规章制度,贯贯彻执行施工工技术规范、规规程和标准;- To abbide bby thee locaal law
17、w, codde andd all regullationns forr comppany, to immplemeent thhorougghly tthe coonstruuctionn of ccodes, reguulatioons annd staandardds. 统管项目目质量体系。主主持制定项目目的质量计划划,明确项目目经理部各部部门及主要人人员的质量职职责;- To maanage the pprojecct quaality systeem. Inn charrge off formmulatiing thhe prooject qualiity prrogramm, to
18、 clearr assiign thhe quaality respoonsibiility for aall deepartmments and kkey peerson. 组织编制制施工组织设设计、项目质质量管理办法法等项目技术术质量管理文文件;- To orrganizze commpilinng of the ttechniical mmanageement documments, the documments inclludingg consstructtion mmethodd stattementt and projeect quualityy manaagemennt mett
19、hod eetc. 严格执行行各项工程质质量检验、验验收制度,督督促、检查工工长和质量师师做好施工质质量检查和评评定,强化自自检、交接检检和专职检查查工作,确保保完成合同质质量目标;- To sttrict perfoorm alll rulles foor insspectiion annd quaality speciificattion, to suuperviise annd insspect the fforemaan andd quallity aauditoor to compllete tthe quualityy insppectioon andd evalluatioon,
20、 sttrengttheninng thee workk in sself-iinspecction and hand over inspeectionn and profeessionn insppectioon, too ensuure thhe commpletiion off conttract qualiity taarget. 组织重大大质量分析会会;- To orrganizze thee meetting ffor annalyziing thhe couurse oof thee seriious qqualitty prooblem. 组织质量量事故处理方方案的具体实实施;
21、-To orgganizee actuually impleementaation accorrding to thhe metthod ttreatmment ffor quualityy acciidencee.(8). 组织织工程交付,对对工程承包全全过程的成品品保护负全部部责任;-To orgganizee handding oover tthe prrojectt, fulll ressponsiibilitty to all producct prootectiion for ffinishhed prrojectt fromm begiinningg to eend.(9). 按
22、企企业规定的权权限,组织确确定物资分供供方,并对分分供合同的制制定负责。-Accordding tto thee authhorityy limiited bby commpany, to cchoosee the compaany foor suppply pproducct, annd to be reesponssible for fformullatingg the contrract oof suppply pproducct.4.5.2项目目总工:4.5.20 Chieff Engiineer(1)在项目目经理领导下下,全面负责责工程项目技技术、质量工工作,通过技技术质量管理理,确
23、保合同同规定的相关关条款的实现现;Under tthe leead off projject mmanageer, fuully rresponnsibillity ffor thhe tecchnicaal andd quallity wwork oof connstrucction projeect. BBy the ttechniical & quallity mmanageement, to eensuree the impleementaation for tthe reelatedd clauuse off the contrract.(2)贯彻技技术政策、法法规,贯彻技技术规范与
24、技技术标准,落落实上级主管管部门的管理理要求,建立立健全项目部部的技术质量量管理体系与与规章制度;To impllementt poliicy annd reggulatiion off techhnic, to immplemeent thhe tecchnicaal speecificcationns andd techhnicall stanndardss, To immplemeent thhe mannagemeent reequireement of thhe supperiorr direect deepartmment, estabblishiing annd maiintai
25、nning tthe teechniccal & qualiity maanagemment ssystemm and regullationn for projeect.(3)组织施施工组织设计计和专项施工工方案文本的的编写,组织织制定工法和和工艺标准;To orgaanize the ccompilling oof tecchnicaal mannagemeent doocumennt. (4)审批有有关施工技术术方案和技术术交底;To apprrove tthe reelatedd techhnicall methhod sttatemeent annd tecchnicaal diss
26、closuure.(5)检查各各种方案及质质量计划的执执行情况;To exammine tthe immplemeentatiion foor metthod sstatemment aand quualityy proggram.(6)主持施施工图纸会审审、交底,样样板鉴定;To holdd the discuussionn and discllosuree for consttructiion drrawingg, to checkkup thhe exaample work.(7)负责项项目技术培训训,组织学习习国家的技术术政策和上级级发布的技术术规定,学习习规范及施工工工艺;Respo
27、nssibiliity foor tecchnicaal trainiing, tto orgganizee to llearn counttry teechniccal reegulattions and ttechniical rrules releaased bby supperiorr depaartmennt.(8)指导并并监督检查技技术员、质量量员的日常工作作;To direect, ssupervvise aand exxaminee the work of teechniccian aand quualityy supeervisoor.(9)组织项项目的科研开开发与新技术术推
28、广应用;To orgaanize the nnew teechnicc exteensionn and reseaarch aand deeveloppment for pprojecct enggineerring.(10)负责责办理重大的的图纸洽商和和设计变更;Responssibiliity foor makking sseriouus draawing negottiatioons annd dessign aalternnationns.(11)负责责项目的质量量改进工作,组组织质量例会会和质量分析析会;Responssibiliity foor thee imprrovemeent
29、 off quallity wwork, to orrganizze thee quallity rregulaar meeeting and qqualitty anaalysiss meetting.(12)组织织工程隐检、预预检;To orgaanize the cconceaaled wwork iinspecction and ppre-exxaminaation.(13)组织织对有关技术术、质量问题题进行处理;To orgaanize the ttreatmment ffor prroblemm of ttechniical aand quualityy.(14)参加加分供合同的的
30、审定,并负负责明确相关关技术、质量量要求。Take paart inn exammine aand appprovee the contrract ffor suupplieer, annd be respoonsiblle forr defiining the rrequirrementt for technnical and qqualitty.4.5.3项目目技术、质量量管理部门负责项目部技术术、质量管理理的具体工作作,按照项目目质量计划落落实相关各项项工作。依据据本部门的职职责,确保合合同规定的相相关条款的实实现。技术职责: (1)负责项项目技术准备备工作,完成成质量计划的编编制,监督
32、查和监督督工作,对重重点部位及工工序实施全过过程跟踪检查查;(2)负责工工程质量报验验工作;(3)负责检检验批分项工程程质量评定,并并对评定等级级或结果负责责,参加质量量验收;(4)参加隐隐检和预检,严严把质量关;(5)参加样样板工程和新新技术鉴定;(6)参加质质量例会或质质量分析会,研研究质量状况况及存在问题题,并提出有有效的预防措措施;(7)对各专专业组进行质质量意识教育育和过程监控控。4.5.3 PProjecct tecchnoloogy, qqualitty mannagemeent deepartmmentReesponssible for tthe sppecifiic worr
33、k of projeect teechniccal, qqualitty mannagemeent, sspeciffic woork, aaccordding tto thee projject qqualitty plaan to impleement relatted woork. BBased on thhe deppartmeents respoonsibiility to ennsure impleementaation of thhe conntractt, releevant proviisionssTechnnical Respoonsibiilitiees: (11). R
34、eesponssible for pprojecct tecchnicaal preeparattions , commpletee the prepaaratioon of qualiity pllan, ssupervvise tthe immplemeentatiion off the qualiity pllan. RResponnsiblee for the ppreparrationn of tthe meethod stateement of consttructiion annd oveersee impleementaation; (2). Respponsibble foo
35、r thee manaagemennt of consttructiion testss; (3). Ressponsiible ffor thhe mannagemeent off the devellopmennt , ppromottion aand appplicaation of neew tecchnoloogy (44). Reesponssible for iinspecction, meassuringg and contrrol off testt equiipmentt, andd manaagemennt of measuuremennt worrk.(5). Part
36、iicipatte in drawiing reeview, respponsibble foor mannagemeent off drawwings and ddesignn alteeratioon documments; (6). Respponsibble foor thee acquuisitiion , distrributiion annd mannagemeent off techhnicall stanndardss; (7). Ressponsiible ffor maanagemment oof tecchnicaal infformattion aand teechn
37、iccal fiile off consstructtion, and rresponnsiblee for managgementt , suuperviision and iinspecction of thhe othher sppeciall workk grouup andd techhnicall dataa; (8). Parrticippate iin thee evalluatioon of projeect maateriaals, pprojecct quaalifieed suppplierr, ressponsiible ffor assking qualiified
38、 sub-ssuppliier too submmit wrrittenn techhnicall requuiremeents, and ssupervvise ttheir impleementaation; joinn the validdationn of mmateriials eenteriing .QQualitty Ressponsiibilitties: (1). Respoonsiblle forr comppletinng thee projject qqualitty plaanningg, quaality inspeectionn and superrvisioon
39、 ; For thhe keyy partts andd proccess wwith ffolloww-up iinspecction; (2). Respponsibble foor prooject qualiity innspecttion ddeclarrationn; (3). Ressponsiible ffor quualityy asseessmennt of inspeectionn lot, sub consttructiion, aand allso reesponssible for tthe reesultss and ratinng , pparticcipate
40、e in qqualitty insspectiion; (4). PParticcipatee in cconceaaled wwork iinspecction and ppre-exxaminaation , strrict wwith qqualitty conntrol; (5). Partticipaate inn idenntificcationn of mmodel projeects aand neew tecchnoloogies; (6). Partticipaate inn reguular qqualitty or qualiity annalysiis meeeti
41、ng, reseearch qualiity coonditiions aand prroblemms exiist , and pproposse efffectivvely pprevenntive measuures; (7). Enhannce eaach sppeciallty grroup qqualitty awaarenesss eduucatioon andd moniitor tthe prrocesss.4.5.4设计计部门质量职职责:4.50.4 Qualiity reesponssibiliity foor dessign ggroup(1)、全面掌掌握前方工作作动态
42、,接受受公司领导指指示开展工作作。 -To fulll holld thee infoormatiion off the site jobs, starrting work in acccordiing wiith thhe inddicatiion byy comppany lleaderr. (2)、组织设设计评审,合合理计划项目目开展工作,及及时完成施工工图绘制。-To orgganizee the evaluuationn by desiggn, too imprrove jjobs wwith aa reassonablle plaan, too compplete the ddra
43、winng in time.(3)、组织设设计师进行现现场督导,确确保工程质量量符合设计标标准、要求。-Arrangging ddesignner too supeervisee in ssite, to ennsure the pprojecct quaality compllying with the sstandaard annd reqquiremment oof dessign (4)、负责设设计变更审批批,对每一项项设计变更均均记录签字,并并组织设计师师及时进行修修改、出图并并存档。-Responnsiblee for approoval oof dessign aalteraat
44、ion, to reecord and ssign ffor evvery ddesignn alteeratioon, annd to ask ddesignner too reviise annd draawing and kkeep ddocumeents iin timme.(5)、参加建建设工程地勘勘验槽。-To atttend tthe foundattion ppit innspecttion aand geeologiic surrvey.(6)、对工程程的关键部位位、关键构件件、关键点进进行现场检查查和指导,确确保工程施工工符合设计的的要求。-To exaamine and
45、ddirectt the work for tthe keey parrt andd key elemeent prroductt and key ppoint for eengineeeringg in ssite, to ennsure the pprojecct quaality compllying with requiiremennt of desiggn.(7)、参与建建设工程质量量问题、质量量事故的分析析和处理,并并提出相应的的技术处理方方案。-To parrticippate iin anaalyze and ttreatmment for thhe quaality acci
46、ddent aand quualityy probblem oof buiildingg projject, and tto offfer thhe tecchnicaal metthod ttreatmment ffor soolvingg thesse prooblem.(8)、在工程程竣工验收前前提供工程质质量检查报告告。-To suppply tthe innspecttion rreportt for projeect quualityy befoore thhe prooject accepptatioon.(9)、协调监监理工程师与与施工现场的的技术矛盾。-To cooordin
47、aate thhe tecchnicaal prooblem betweeen siite coonstruuctionn and consuultantt engiineer.4.5.5.商商务组4.50.5 Commeerciall grouup商务部门质量职职责:Qualityy respponsibbilityy for commeerciall grouup配合技术部门对对供货商提供供的产品和服服务质量进行行评审。- To evvaluatte thee quallity oof serrvice and pproducct suppply bby suppplierr togeet
48、her with technnical groupp.对所签订的分供供方合同相关关的技术质量量内容提前报报给技术质量量部门进行审审核。-To subbmit tthe teechniccal quualityy conttent ffrom ccontraact siigned by suupplieer priorr to evvaluatte by technnical groupp.优先选用质量、信信义良好的合合格分供方。杜绝使用不合格的产品。-To chooose tthe quualifiied suppllier wwhich supplly goood quaality prod
49、uuct annd hass goodd creddit sttandinng, refusiing too use the uunquallifiedd prodduct.严格按设计要求求和质量标准准采购原材料料、物资和设设备,并及时时封样,经监监理工程师确确认后方可启启运,需做复复试的原材料料必须复试合合格后方可启启运。-To purrchasee origginal materrial aand gooods aand faacilitty strrictlyy in aaccordding wwith tthe reequireement of deesign, and to seea
50、l saample in tiime, sshipmeent affter aapprovved byy conssultannt enggineerr, shiipmentt afteer thee quallifiedd re-ttest ffor thhe oriiginall mateerial if itt needd re-ttest.向技术部门提供供工程使用原原材料和机械械设备的质量量证明和产品品说明书。-Offeriing thhe quaality certiificatte andd prodduct ddescriiptionn for all ooriginnal ma
51、ateriaal andd mechhanicaal equuipmennt useed in projeect too techhnicall grouup.(6) (加入入合同管理)在合同定制过程中,要与技术部门积极配合,将对产品的质量要求以及具体参数写入合同文本之中。4.5.6工程程部职责Construuctionn grouup ressponsiibilitty (1). 负责责施工组织及及管理,依据据本部门的职职责,确保合合同规定的相相关条款的实实现,确保施施工质量符合合合同规定,满满足设计及施施工规范的要要求;-Responnsiblee for impleementaation
52、 and mmanageement of coonstruuctionn, acccordinng to the sself-ggroup respoonsibiility, to ennsure impleementaation of reelatedd clauuse foor conntractt, enssuringg consstructtion qqualitty commply wwith tthe reequireement of coontracct, inn accoordingg withh the requiiremennt of desiggn andd consst
53、ructtion sspecifficatiion.(2). 负责责分项工程技技术交底;-Responnsiblee for technnical instrructioon of subunnit enngineeering (3). 负责责成品保护措措施的制定和和实施;-Responnsiblee for workiing ouut,impplemenntatioon of measuure foor prootectiing off finiished produuct.(4). 负责责工程交付的的组织;-Responnsiblee for the oorganiizatioon of
54、enginneerinng accceptannce.(5). 参加加工程隐检、预预检验收;-Particcipatee in iinspecction and aaccepttance of cooncealled woork, pprevieew insspectiion woork.(6). 负责责工程的交付付及回访保修修服务。-Responnsiblee for the hhandinng oveer andd backk visiiting & guaaranteee serrvice for eengineeeringg.(7) (加入入过程控制)在施工各个环节,加强过程管理,过程
55、控制质量资料要保留整理收集,并留档4.5.7各专专业技术员职职责:4.50.7 The rresponnsibillity oof speecial technnicianns (1).负责责编制各分项项施工方案和季季节性方案。-Responnsiblee for compiiling methood stateement for ssubuniit enggineerring, methood staatemennt forr seassonal work.(2).负责技技术管理工作作,施工图纸纸管理,办理理施工图纸技技术洽商,保保证工程严格格按照图纸和和有关技术规规范实施。-Responn
56、siblee for technnical managgementt, draawing managgementt, makking ttechniical aalteraation for cconstrructioon draawing, to eensuree the stricctly iimplemmentattion ccomplyy withh drawwing aand reelatedd techhnicall speccificaation.(3).负责施施工技术资料料的收集、整整理和工程竣竣工档案的编编制工作。-Responnsiblee for colleectionn
57、 and fixinng of documments for ttechniical cconstrructioon, annd commpilinng thee docuument for pprojecct commpletiion.(4).参加隐隐检、预检验验收工作,负负责对质量缺缺陷进行评估估,提出整改改意见。-Particcipatee in iinspecction and aaccepttance of cooncealled woork annd preeview inspeectionn workk, ressponsiible ffor thhe evaaluatiion
58、foor thee quallity ddefectt, andd giviing suuggesttions for rrepairring.(5).参加解解决施工过程程中的技术难难点,负责测测量放线、施施工试验工作作。-particcipatee in aand soolve tthe teechniccal diifficuultiess duriing coonstruuctionn, ressponsiible ffor suurveyiing & settiing ouut andd testting ffor coonstruuctionn (6).组织技技术协调会,参加加业主方
59、和监监理方组织的的有关会议。-To orgganizee the meetiing foor tecchnicaal cooordinaation, partticipaate inn the relatted meeetingg orgaanizedd by cclientt and consuultantt.4.5.8 各各专业设计人人员质量职责责The quaality respoonsibiility of thee proffessioonal ddesignners(1)、参加图图纸会审,同同时向施工单单位和监理单单位进行技术术交底。Particiipate in jooint c
60、checkuup on desiggn draawing, and makinng a ttechniical ddiscloosure to thhe contrractorr and coonsulttant .(2)、对施工工现场进行图图纸解释、检检查。协助技技术人员工作作,确保施工工达到设计标标准要求。TTo expplain and ccheck the ddesignn drawwings at thhe connstrucction site. Assissting technniciann to eensuree thatt consstructtion mmeet tthe
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