1、2020版3年高考2年模拟(二轮)专有资源 / 15限时组合练(五)限时:60分钟 总分:100分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(2019山东聊城二模,A)ABeSt LOndOn Walk ing toursSan dema ns NeW LOndOn ToursGainan attractive inSight into LOndOn S history. ViSit the City of London, stopping at StPaul S CathedraI an
2、d the Tower of London; explore EaSt London COVering BriCk Lane, Cockney CUItUre and the Criminal Underworld; learn about JaCk the Ripper; or board on a five-venue PUb crawl.OPe ning Times: Daily at 11:00 and 14:00.City ViSitOr TrailThe City ViSitOr Trail takes you on a journey through the heart of L
3、ondon. Take in famous attractions SUCh as St Paul S Cathedral, GUiIdhall, the Bank of England andbfheDTdwor try the themed -trcikte ” , each one moving away from the main Path to give a more in-depth look at one Part of the city.OPening Times: AVaiIabIe 24 hours a day,7 days a week. CheCk With in di
4、vidual attracti ons for en try requireme nts.Brit Movie ToursJoin a UniqUe movie and TV SightSee ing walk ing tour experie nce in London and go onIoCation to See inCredibIe SetS and fascinating Iandmarks. Local guides PrOVide fascinating in SightS into the in dustry and there are multiple tours avai
5、lable, in clud ing Doctor Who, Gan gster London and Harry POtter Tour of London IOCati ons.OPening Times: Mon day to Friday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.Royal Tour of LondonViSit three royal PaIaCeS as you journey from Big Ben to BuCk in gham PaIaCe and TrafaIgarSquare. AlOng the Way you will discover plots t
6、o destroy ParIiament, Churchill S hiddenVery expensive clubs for the rich and famous, and more. And if that S not enoUgh excitelisten closely to inCredibIe tales of man-eating PeIiCans鹈鹕)and CraZy lost tourists. ThiS walking tour is run by StraWberry Tours.OPening Times: The tour StartS at 10 am eve
7、ry day.Which tour Can you join at any time?Sa ndema ns NeW London Tours.City ViSitOr Trail.Brit Movie Tours.Royal Tour of London.What Can you do on a movie SightSee ing tour?Learn some London S history.Participate in making films.Visit some film-making IoCations.Act as a local guide.What S thrilling
8、 on the Royal Tour of London?Visiting PIaCeS of interest.Meet ing famous people.Explori ng new spots.Liste ning to amaz ing Iege nds.答案语篇解读本文介绍了在伦敦徒步旅行的几个最好的路线。B细节理解题。由题干中的at any time可定位到各个旅行线路的开放时间部分。根据第二个旅行线路的运行时间 AVaiIabIe 24 hours a day,7 days a WeeI可知选B。C 细节理解题。由题干中的 movie SightSee ing tour可定位到
9、文章第三部分。根据其中的go on IOCation to See inCredibIe SetS及 including Doctor Who, Gangster London and Harry POtterTour of London Iocations可知,游客可以参观电影制作场地。故选COD 细节理解题。由题干中的the Royal Tour of LOn don可定位到文章最后一部分。根据其 中的 And if that S not enoUgh excitement, Iisten closely to inCredibde oflman-eating PeIiCans and C
10、raZy lost tourists可知,在Royal Tour of LOndon,除了游览景点之外,还能听到一些惊人的 故事。故选D。B(2019辽宁抚顺一模,B)On NOVember 7, LeWiS PUgh completed a on e-kilometer SWim in the freez ing WaterS of Ki ng EdWard Cove, off South GeOrgia in An tarctica. He WaS Weari ng on Iy his SWimmi ng glasses, CaP and SPeedos!PUgh is an advoca
11、te for our ocea ns and seas, work ing to PrOteCt these ecosystems With their large diversity of marine lives. When asked Why he doesn t Wear a Wetsuit, LeWiS says,World IeaderS to do everythi ng they Can to PrOteCt our ocea ns. SOmetimeS the StePS they n eed to take are difficult and UnPOPUlar. If I
12、 m asking them to be courageous, I must also be. SWimming in a WetSUit Would not send the right message.”It took PUgh about 18 minu tes to COmPlete the on e-kilometer SWim in An tarctica Where the Water averaged about minus 1.7 degrees Celsius. He SayS that his body Can only tolerate about 20 minu t
13、es in the freez ing WaterS before Jt StartS ShUtt ing doW n. AS he SWims, his body temperature SteadiIy drops, WhiCh in turn CaUSeS his muscle control to drop, sloWing him doWn. When he is done With his SWim, his SUPPOrt team rushes him to a hot ShOWer and it takes almost an hour for his body temper
14、ature to return to no rmal.Doctors and PUgh CaUti on that one must receive mon ths of trai ning to SWim in SUCh cold Waters. EVe n expert SWimmerS Who are UnU Sed to freez ing Water Can droW n Within mi nu tes because of the PhySiCaI shock experie need by the body. PUgh SayS he trained for SiX mon t
15、hs before this SWim.ThiS is not the first time that LeWiS has SWUm in dangerous conditions. In 2007, he SWam one kilometer in the North Pole to draW attention to the melting ArCtiC ice due to CIimate Change. In 2015, he SWam in the Bay of WhaIeS in Antarctica S Ross Sea as Part of his SUCCeSSfUI Cam
16、Pato help Set UP a marine reserve there.Why did LeWiS PUgh SWim WithOUt a Wetsuit?To SWim faster. B.To ShOW his bravery.C.To build UP his body. D.To Win PubliC atte nti on.What does the Underlined word“ it ” in ParagraPh 3 refer to?His body. B.The water.C.His body temperature. D.The Water temperatur
17、e.What S PUgh S advice about SWimming in freezing waters?One must be fully prepared.O ne should be expert at SWimmi ng.One should be ready to take on challe nges.One must be USed to Ion g-dista nce SWimmi ng.What may be the best title for the text?LeWiS Pugh: SWimming for a CaUSeHow to SUrViVe a SWi
18、m in cold waters?How to PrePare for extreme SWim ming?Lewis Pugh: achiev ing the impossible答案语篇解读刘易斯皮尤在南极冰冷的海水中游泳,以此鼓励领导人大胆采取措施保护海 洋。B 推理判断题。根据第二段的 SOmetimeS the StePS they need to take are difficult and Unpopular. If I m asking them to be courageous, I mustW知有时候采取保护海洋的措 施很艰难,也不受欢迎,如果建议他人大胆地去保护海洋,自己
19、也必须要勇敢些,因此在不穿潜 水衣的情况下游泳是为了表现自己的勇敢。A 词义猜测题。根据第三段的 He SayS that his body CanOnly tolerate about 20 minutes in the freezi ng WaterS before it StartS ShUtti ng dowrM以得知在冰冷的水域中他的身体只能承受大约20分钟,由此可知it指代his body。A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Doctors and PUgh CaUtiOn that o ne must receive mon thsof training to SWim in SUC
20、h cold WaterSM知,医生和皮尤提醒大家,在如此冰冷的水中游泳前,必须接受几个月的训练,也就是说要做好充分的准备,故A项正确。A 主旨大意题。由全文可知,文章主要叙述了皮尤在南极冰冷的海水中游泳的事件,他想以此鼓励各国领导人大胆采取措施保护海洋,故A项符合语境。C(2019河南示范高中高三年级期末考试 Q)HOuSeS have bee n gett ing PrOgreSSiVely“ Smarter ” for decades, but the n ext gen eratio n OfSmart homes may offer What two CaSe WeStern ReS
21、erVe Un iversity SCie ntists are call ing an“Internet of EarS ”.Today S Smart home features appliances, entertainment systems, SeCUrity CameraS and Iighting, heating and cooling SyStemS that are connected to each other and the Internet. They Can be accessed and con trolled remotely by COmPUterS or S
22、martPh one apps.BUt a group of electrical engin eeri ng and COmPUter SCie nce PrOfeSSOrS in the CaSe School of Engin eeri ng have bee n experime nting With a new SUite of Sen so传感器).ThiS SyStem would read not only the Vibrati ons 震动),SOUndSand eve n other moveme nts associated With people and animal
23、s in a building, but also any SIight Changes in the existing electrical field.While there still may be a decade or so away, the home of the future could be a building that adjusts to your activity With on Iy a few small, hidde n Sen sors in the walls and floor WithOUt the n eed for mon itori ng came
24、ras.“ We are trying to make a build ing that is able to liste n to the huma ns in side,”SaidMin g-Chu n Huang, an assista nt PrOfeSSOr in electrical engin eeri ng and COmPUter isxnce. “ We are USing Prin CiPIeS SimiIar to those of the huma n ears, Where Vibrati ons are PiCked UP and our algorithms (
25、计算程序)recognize them to determine your SPeCifiC movements. That S Why WIit the Internet of EarS . ”“ There is actually a con sta60 HZ electrical field all around us, and because people are SOmeWhat con ductive, they short out the field just a little,” HUa ng said. “ So, by medisturbance in that field
26、, We are able to determine their PreSence, or even their breathing, even Whe n there are no VibratiO ns associated With soun ds.”HUang Said they have USed as few as four small Sensors in the walls and floor of a room. AS for PriVaCy COnCerns, the SyStem would not be able to identify individuals, alt
27、hough it could recognize Pe(PIe S different WayS of walking.What UniqUen ess does the Smart home of the n ext gen erati on have?lt USeS the adva need Intemet tech no logy.lt is COn trolled remotely by a COmPUter.lt features applia nces and en terta inment systems.lt can read Vibrati ons, SOundSand m
28、oveme nts.What S the key Part of the SyStem in the Smart home?The Sen sors.B.The Vibrati ons.C.The electrical field.D.The mon itori ng cameras.Which is the fun Cti on of the Smart home of the next gen eratio n?Determining people S PreSence.Recog nizing differe nt people.Protecti ng in dividuals priv
29、acy.Measuring the electrical field.What may be the best title for the text?Various Smart homesBe nefits of Smart homesHow do Smart homes work?What are the n ext gen erati on of Smart homes like?答案语篇解读本文为说明文。文章介绍了下一代智能房屋的发展方向,科学家将会利用传感技术和网络技术研发出能够倾听”的房屋,这种房子能够感知人的存在及人在房屋里的活 动。D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句 ThiS S
30、yStem would read n ot o nly the VibratiO ns, sou nds and eve n other moveme nts associated With people and ani mals in a buildi ng, but also any SIight ChangeS in the existi ng electrical field可知,智能房屋可以读取房间里任何细小的动静 ,包括震 动、声音和人或动物的位置移动,故选D。A推理判断题。根据第三、四段可知,这种智能房屋装有一种传感器,这些传感器形成一 个系统,通过侦探房间里电场的细微变化来确定
31、人的活动,所以这些传感器是这个系统最关 键的部分,故选A。A 细节理解题。根据第六段中的 So, by measuri ng the disturba nce in that field, We are able to determ ine their PreSe nce, or eve n their breath ing, eve n Whe n there are no Vibrati OnS associated With sou nds.可知,这种智能房屋能够确定屋子里是否有人,故选A。D主旨大意题。本文主要描述了下一代的智能房屋的特点,包括它的原理、特点和功能等。D(2018安徽安
32、庆一中高三三模,C)JaPa n is aging faster tha n any Other n ati on. By the end of this decade, there will be three retirees for every child Under 15 and before long, One in SiX people will be over 80. ItS population will soon be falling by nearly a million people every year and some people PrediCt that, SOme
33、time in the next Century, the last JaPanese PerSon will die. Other countries are enCOUraging immigration to deal With their demographic woes. BUt not JaPan, WhiCh is USing different WayS to reduce PreSSUre PUt on health Care and social services.The Toto-made toilet, com mon in JaPa nese hotels, Can
34、PUSh UP to help the elderly. Now Toto is working With DaiWa House, JaPan S IargeSt house builder, to equip toilets for retirees. TheSetoilets have medical Sen sors that measure blood SUgar levels, the blood PreSSUre and body fat of the user. The data is emailed to the local GP through a built-in int
35、ernet device装置).So make SUre you eat your gree ns and Stay regular, or the doctor will be in touch.The over-75s acco Unt for more tha n a quarter of the deaths in Car accide nts on JaPa nese roads. Toyota is worki ng With PrOfeSSOr Kawashima, who developed brain trai ning games for Ninten do, to Cre
36、ate in tellige nt CarS that mon itor brain activity in the elderly. Other tech no IOgieS could also work to keep elderly drivers cautious.JaPan has twice as many PetS as it has ChiIdren. BUt real animals are difficult to look after because of their OWnerS age. Paro is a furry White baby seal robot W
37、hiCh resp onds to Pett ing by moving its tail and ope ning and clos ing its eyes. It shows emoti ons SUCh as surprise, happ in ess and an ger, and has sold well in nursing homes Where it is reported to StimUlat刺激)resp on SeS among those With deme ntia 痴呆).JaPan S InStitUte of PhySiCaI and ChemiCaI R
38、eSearCh has developRi nursing Care robot that Can lift the elderly out of bed.What does the Underlined PhraSe“ demographic woes ” refer to?A.Retireme nt age.B.Public finan ce.C.Population problems. D.Employment difficulties.What S the main function Of the toileftsr retirees?A.Givi ng them first aid.
39、B.Mo ni tori ng their health.C.Helping them Send emails. D.Sending them off the toilet.What do We know about the seal robot?It is hard to look after.It sells well in nu rseries.lt only makes a POSitiVe resp on se.It is well received in nursing homes.How does JaPan improve the health Care for the eld
40、erly?By advocati ng compa nies work ing together.By SWitChing to life-long training classes.By develop ing hi-tech PrOdUCtS and services.By COrreCting medical PerSonnel S SerViCe attitudes.答案语篇解读本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了日本为应对人口老龄化而研发的一些为老年人 提高服务的新科技。C 词义猜测题。根据文章第一段前两句JaPan is agi ng faster than any other natio
41、 n. By theend of this decade, there will be three retirees for every child Un der 15 and before long, one in SiX people will be over 80.可推断出日本面临的是人口老龄化问题 ,由此推断demographic woes指 人口问题,故选C项。B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段第三、四句 TheSe toilets have medical Sensors that measure blood SUgar levels, the blood PreSSUre and b
42、ody fat of the user. The data is emailed to the local GP through a built-in in ternet device装置).可知这种马桶有医疗传感器,可以测血糖、血压以及使用者的脂肪含量,这些数据还可以通过内置设备输出,因此有助于监测使用者的健康情况,故 选B项。D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第四句It shows emotio ns SuCh as surprise, happi ness andan ger, and has sold WeIl in nursing homes Where it is reported t
43、o StimUIate刺激)resp on SeS among those With deme ntia 痴呆).可知答案。C主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知日本应对人口老龄化问题主要是通过研发高科技的 产品和服务,故选C项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。(2019湖南湘赣十四校高三联考)Take Care Of your SPin e 脊柱)The SPine Stands at the Center of your health, PrOViding your body With StrUCtUre
44、 and support.It also COntainS your SPinal cord, a massive collecti on of n erves COnVeying electric Sig nals from the rest of your body to your brain. 16 .Maintaining good POStUre(姿势)is one of the most importa nt things you Can do to keep your SPine healthy. PrOPer POStUre means Sta nding or Sitt in
45、g while keep ing your SPine straight, except for its natural curves. POStUre comes into play even When you are asleep. SIeePing on your Side PUtS less StreSS on your SPine than most other POSitions.17 . ESPeCially if you work at a desk most of the day, it S important to get UP and StretCh regularly.
46、18. StretCh Can help the muscles around your SPine relax and allow bones to Shift intobetter arrangements. Strength exercises like PUSh-Up(S(卧撑)Can also help by Strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don t overdo the exercise, as repeated motiOnSCan Strainthe muscles around your spine
47、.Fin ally, your diet affects the health of your SPine because many Vitami ns are n ecessary for bones and nerves. In particular, Vitamin B and D are essential to keeping bones healthy, so you may Want to conSider taking a SUPPIement. 19, so it is also helpful to do some of the backexercise outside.M
48、any of the acti ons n ecessary to keep your SPine healthy are ide ntical to those USed to PreSerVe your health in other ways. 20.However, the Iatter is also absorbed from SUn lightStay ing still for too IOngCan be hard on your backSo PrOteCt your back, and the rest Of the body WiIl ben efitProtectin
49、g your SPine With yoga is also a necessary StePTry the following exercises to keep your SPine more flexibleExercise is also an important factor in the health of your SPineSo you should take the follow ing factors into acco Unt to have a healthy SPine 17. 18. 19. 20.答案语篇解读本文为说明文。脊柱是你健康的中心,为你的身体提供结构和支
50、撑。本文就如 何保持脊柱的健康提出了几点建议。G本句位于段尾,起承上启下的作用。上文强调脊柱的重要性,后文为介绍保护脊柱的建议,故可推出本句为提出拥有健康脊柱需要考虑到的因素,故选GOB 根据下文 ESPeCially if you work at a desk most of the day, it S important to get UP aStretCh regularly.(尤其是如果你一天的大部分时间都在办公桌前工作,那么有规律地站起来伸展身体是很重要的。)可知本空是强调太长时间保持不动不利于健康,故选BoF 根据后文 StretCh Can help the muscles ar
51、ound your SPine relax and allow bones to Shiftinto better arran geme nts.伸展可以帮助脊柱周围的肌肉放松,让骨骼进入更好的排列。)可知 本段主要强调锻炼也是一个保持脊柱健康的重要因素,故选FoA 根据后文 so it is also helpful to do some of the back exercise OUtSid所以在户外做一些背部运动也是有帮助的)可推测本空是指维生素D也能从阳光中吸收,故选AoC本空总结,保护你的背部,也有益于其他身体部位,故选Co第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题
52、;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。(2018四川乐山高三二调)From a young age, I WaS taught to be ki nd to people around. My ParentS21 expla ined tome the importance of giving generously to the less 22. So out of habit, Whenever there isSOmeth ing I Can 23, I give it to some one on the
53、streets.LaSt week, as I Ieft the house for work, I Carried some 24, a handbag and SOme food Withme to hand over to someOne 25 .AS the Car StOPPed at a red light, I SaW a girl of five or SiX asking for 26. I 27 her tocome to me and quickly 28 all the StUff I had into the handbag. AS I Started handing
54、 it over, She Seemed 29. She looked UP at me With a SWeet smile on her face and asked What WaS in the30_. I told her there Were some clothes and food for her.OnCe again She 31 me, “ Can you give me some water? ” It WaS the32haher dry lips. It Seemed that She had not had a 33 of Water all day. I took
55、 out the Water bottle that I alWays Carry With me and 34 her to drink from it. She finiShed it quickly and gave me a heart-Warming smile of 35 .I WaS tha nkful that I could 36 What She really WiShed and realized once aga in that day that you don t n ecessarily have to make37g to help some one. And t
56、his in Cide nt, as Well as a lot that folloWed, 38 my belief in the SimPIe acts of kindness and hoW they Can make some one S day.The n ext time you Want to do SOmethi ng 39 for some one, don t hold back, SeiZ ing theright 40, or it Would be late. Go ahead and do it!21. A.cheerfullyB.particularlyC.co
57、n fide ntlyD.repeatedly22.A.fortu nateB.richC.comfortableD.difficult23.A.findB.spareC.exchangeD.aba ndon24.A.WatchesB.rulersC.clothesD.books25.A.clumsyB.luckyC.lo nelyD.n eedy26. A.ca ndyB.troubleC.clothesD.money27.A.Wa ntedB.orderedC.sig naledD.touched28.A.threWB.collectedC.draggedD.dropped29.A.sur
58、prisedB.satisfiedC.pa ni CkedD.amused30. A.pocketB.carC.bagD.ha nd31.A.Waved atB.no dded atC.shook hands WithD.lo oked UP at32.A.realizedB.no ticedC.discoveredD.heard33.A.dropB.bottleC.lotD.cup34.A.requiredB.advisedC.helpedD.directed35.A.satisfactio nB.com muni Cati onC.expectati onD.appreciatio n36
59、.A.offerB.affordC.un dersta ndD.remember37.A.differe ncesB.do nati onsC.se nsesD.kindn ess38. A.cha ngedB.shookC.stre ngthe nedD.destroyed39.A. niceB.braveC.bigD.great40.A.ideaB.poWerC.positi onD.opportu nity答案语篇解读本文为记叙文,本文作者通过自己的一次亲身经历,说明了这样一个道理:你不 一定非得做出巨大的捐赠来帮助别人,简单、善意的行为同样可以使他人快乐。B 根据上文I WaS tau
60、ght to be kind to people arounc可知此处强调我的父母特别给我解 释慷慨地给予不幸的人的重要性,故选B项。A:高高兴兴地;B:特别地;C:自信地;D:反复地。A 根据常识可知我们应该慷慨地给予不幸的人。A:幸运的;B:有钱的;C:舒适的;D:困难的。B出于习惯,每当我有多余的东西,我都会给流落街头的人。A:找到;B:匀出;C:交换;D:放 弃。C根据下文可知,我带着一些衣服、一个手提包和一些食物去交给贫困的人。D 根据常识可判断我要把东西给贫困的人。A:笨拙的;B:幸运的;C:孤独的;D:贫困的。D根据下文我给那个小女孩东西可推断当时我看到一个五六岁的小女孩儿在要钱
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