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1、 VII Commmunissm 7.1 EExpecttationn of ccommunnism 7.2 CCommunnism ssocietty希腊神话欣赏课程编码:C00002555.总 学 时:220学 分:1先修课程:无授课教师:陈喜喜辉教 材:讲义课程简介:古希腊神话是古古希腊文学艺艺术的源泉和和宝藏,古希希腊和罗马神神话对西方世世界文明的发发展产生过极极其重要的影影响。本课程程通过深入浅浅出的讲解,拓拓宽学生知识识视野、提高高鉴赏能力,也也希望能帮助助学生通过学学习希腊神话话,加强对西西方文化基础础的了解。评分标准:论文文20% 期末末考试80%Appreciiationn

2、of GGreek Mythss Course Code: C00002550 Hours: 20Creditss: 1.00 Prerequuisitee Courrse: NNo Instrucctor: Xihuii ChennTextboook: Cllass nnoteCourse Descrriptioon This coourse is abbout rreadinngs inn authhors oor speecial topiccs choosen bby thee insttructoor froom thee entiire exxtant literraturee i

3、n GGreek mythss. It is thhe souurce oof cullture and ttradittion. Greekk and Romann mythhic sttoriess, in partiicularr, serrve ass a riich foountaiin of artisstic iinspirrationn and bare boness for literrary wworks. Thiss courrse wiill, hhopefuully, open a gatte to an innexhauustiblle treeasuree hou

4、sse, whhich wwill ssupplyy us wwith mmany iinvaluuable gems of Weesternn cultture. With thesee gemss, stuudentss can possiibly uundersstand in deepth aallusiions aand arrchetyypes ffrequeently used in Weesternn liteeraturre. Inn thiss courrse, sstudennts wiill bee intrroduceed to classsic annd imppr

5、essiive sttoriess and charaacterss. Gradingg: Papper20% Finall examm800%知识产权课程编码:C000047220总 学 时:224学 分:1先修课程:无授课教师:路长长青教 材:讲义课程简介:本课程是以著作作权、专利权权、商标权及及其他知识产产权为研究对对象的法学课课程。主要内内容包括:知识产权的基本本原理,包括括知识产权的的概念、知识识产权的保护护范围、知识识产权的性质质和特征;知知识产权的法法律制度体系系与相关法律律的关系等知识产权的基本本制度,包括括著作权法、专专利权法、商商标权法、反反不正当竞争争法等有关知知识产权的

6、专专门法律制度度知识产权的国际际保护,包括括有关知识产产权的国际组组织和国际公公约评分标准:论文文30% 期末末考试70%Intelleectuall Propperty Course Code: C00004720 Hours: 24Creditss: 1.00 Prerequuisitee Courrse: NNo Instrucctor: Changgqing LuTextboook: Cllass nnoteCourse Descrriptioon:Curricuulum oof Inttellecctual Propeerty RRight is thhe stuudy off la

7、w whichh refeers too the copyrright, pateent, ttrademmark aand otther iintelllectuaal proopertyy righhts. TThe maain coontentt of tthe coourse: 1, the generral prrincipples oof inttellecctual propeerty rrightss, inccludinng thee conccept oof inttellecctual propeerty, intelllectuual prropertty proote

8、ctiion, tthe naature and ffeaturres off the intelllectuual prropertty; leegal ssystemm and relatted leegal rrelatiions oof inttellecctual propeerty. 2, the basicc systtem off inteellecttual pproperrty riights, inclludingg copyyrightt law, pateent laaw, trrademaark laaw, laaw agaainst unfaiir commpetittion aand otther iintelllectuaal proopertyy righhts reelatinng to the sspeciaal leggal syystem. 3, The interrnatioonal pprotecction of inntelleectuall propperty rightts, inncludiing thhe intternattionall orgaaniz


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