1、 河北欣意电缆有限公司 Doc. No: XY-HB-M/Q-001 Hebei Joy Sense Cable Co., Ltd. Version: 1.0 Company Document (Internal Use Only)公司文件(仅限内部使用) Release Date:2014.09.01 质量手册Qualityy ManuualCoveragge: Gllobe DDirecttion; ISO90001; Documennt No.文件编号: XY-HBB-M/Q-001Versionn版本 : 1.0Change Histoory更改记录Versionn版本Date 日期M
2、odifieed by修订人Change of suummaryy修订内容1.02014.088.27崔静魁新版制定Review审核Positioon职位Name姓名Signatuure签名Date日期DCC刘娜丽Approvaal批准Positioon职位Name姓名Signatuure签名Date日期总经理李秉鸿Acknowlledgemment评审Positioon职位Name姓名Signatuure签名Date日期00说 明本手册是按照IISO90001:20008的要求编制制。范围包括括稀土高铁铝铝合金电力电电缆生产的体体系要求描述述。 Thiss manuual crreatioo
3、n basses on IISO90001:20008. thee scoppe inccludess: Rarre-Earrth High-Irron Aluminnum Alloyy Poweer Cable produuctionn目录TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc396919027 00说 明 PAGEREF _Toc396919027 h 44 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919028 02 发布令 PAGEREF _Toc396919028 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919029 03 企业概概况 PAGEREF _T
4、oc396919029 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919030 1.0 适适用范围Sccope PAGEREF _Toc396919030 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919031 1.1 总则GGeneraal PAGEREF _Toc396919031 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919032 1.2 应用用appliicatioon PAGEREF _Toc396919032 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919033 2.0 引用用标准Quooted sstandaard PAGEREF _Toc396919
5、033 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919034 2.1 引用用标准Quooted sstandaard PAGEREF _Toc396919034 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919035 3.0 术语语和定义teerm annd deffinitiion PAGEREF _Toc396919035 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919036 4.0 质量量管理体系QQualitty Mannagemeent Syystem PAGEREF _Toc396919036 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919037 4.
6、1 总要要求Geneeral rrequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc396919037 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919038 4.2 文件件要求Doccumentt reqquiremments PAGEREF _Toc396919038 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919039 5 .0 管管理职责Maanagemment rresponnsibillity PAGEREF _Toc396919039 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919040 5.1管理承诺诺Managgementt prommise PAGE
7、REF _Toc396919040 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919041 5.2 以顾顾客为关注焦焦点Custtomer focuss PAGEREF _Toc396919041 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919042 5.3质量方针针Qualiity poolicy PAGEREF _Toc396919042 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919043 5.4 策划划Plan PAGEREF _Toc396919043 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919044 5.5 职责责、权限和沟沟通Respponsib
8、bilityy ,autthoritty andd commmunicaation PAGEREF _Toc396919044 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919045 5.6 管理理评审Mannagemeent Reeview PAGEREF _Toc396919045 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919046 6.0 资源源管理ressourcee manaagemennt PAGEREF _Toc396919046 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919047 6.1资源提供供 The supplly of resouurce PA
9、GEREF _Toc396919047 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919048 6.2 人力力资源 HHR PAGEREF _Toc396919048 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919049 6.3 设施施 Faccilityy PAGEREF _Toc396919049 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919050 6.4 工作作环境 WWork eenviroonmentt PAGEREF _Toc396919050 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919051 7.0产品实现现 Prooductiion reea
10、lizaation PAGEREF _Toc396919051 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919052 7.1 实现过过程的策划 Planns forr reallizatiion prrocesss PAGEREF _Toc396919052 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919053 7.2 与顾顾客有关的过过程 Prrocessses reelatedd to ccustommers PAGEREF _Toc396919053 h 25 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919054 7.3 过程程设计和开发发Proceess Deesign
11、and DDeveloopmentt PAGEREF _Toc396919054 h 29 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919055 7.4 采购购Procuuremennt PAGEREF _Toc396919055 h 29 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919056 7.5 生产产和服务的提提供 PAGEREF _Toc396919056 h 31 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919057 7.6 监监视和测量设设备的控制CControol of monittoringg and measuuring equippment PAGEREF _Toc396919
12、057 h 38 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919058 8.0 测测量分析和改改进Meassuremeent annalysiis andd imprrovemeent PAGEREF _Toc396919058 h 39 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919059 8.1 总总则 Genneral PAGEREF _Toc396919059 h 40 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919060 8. 2 监监视和测量MMeasurrementt and monittoringg PAGEREF _Toc396919060 h 40 HYPERLINK l _To
13、c396919061 8.3 不合合格品控制CControol of noncoonformming pproducct PAGEREF _Toc396919061 h 46 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919062 8.4 数据据分析Datta annalysiis PAGEREF _Toc396919062 h 47 HYPERLINK l _Toc396919063 8.5 改进进Improovemennt PAGEREF _Toc396919063 h 4802 发布令为了满足市场的的需求和顾客客的要求,适适应市场的竞竞争,不断提提高公司的质质量管理水平平,依据ISSO900
14、11:20088标准,本公公司制定了质质量手册。经经审定本质质量手册符符合国家有关关政策、法律律法规和公司司的实际情况况,现更新版版正式批准发发布,从20014年7月1日开始实施施。本质量手册是是公司质量管管理体系运行行的依据,也也是全体员工工的行为规范范,体现了本本公司对顾客客的承诺。为此,自本手册册实施之日起起,要求全体体员工充分理理解、正确执执行公司的质质量方针,严严格按照质质量手册的的要求落实质质量责任,开开展质量管理理活动,满足足合同要求及及顾客期望,达达到顾客满意意。In ordeer to complly witth thee markker deemand and ccusto
15、mmers requiiremennts , accommmodatte thee comppetitiion annd impprove the qqualitty mannagemeent leevel oof ourr comppany, we esstabliish thhe quaality manuaal acccordinng to ISO90001:20008. AAfter revieewed tthe quualityy manuual coomply with the ccountrrys ppolicyy, laww and our ccompanny, annd th
16、ee new versiion exxecutees froom Jull 1st, 20014 The qualiity maanual is thhe basse of QMS ffor ouur commpany and aalso tthe beehavioor criiterioon forr the entirre empployeee. It refleects tthe prromisee to tthe cuustomeer. In oorder to acchievee custtomer satissfactiion, ssince the mmanuall is iim
17、plemmentedd, alll the stafff shouuld unndersttand aand exxecutee the qualiity poolicy and ddeveloop quaality activvity ccomplyy withh the requiiremennt andd expeectatiion off the custoomers in orrder tto achhieve custoomer ssatisffactorry.特此发布!Hereby releaased! 总经理GM: 发布日期 Date:03 企业概概况河北欣意电缆有有限公司位于
18、于石家庄高新新技术产业开发区内,是一一家大型民营营企业,为2012年年石家庄市政政府重点招商商引资项目,也是是安徽欣意电电缆有限公司司迄今为止投资最大的产业基地。公司2012年年3月宣告成成立,注册资资本金1亿元人民币。该项目占地22000亩,共分三期期建设。一期工程程总投资25亿元,占地7700亩,其中6000亩用于厂房建建设,100亩用于办公楼、院士士专家工作站及及附属设施建设。目前,一期工程程已部分投产产, 实现盈盈利。公司现现阶段生产的的产品主要有有中低压铝合合金电力电缆缆,未来还将生产特高压电缆、矿用电缆、核电缆以及汽车线束、漆包包线等。公司具有管理和和科研人员数十人,配配备了先进的
19、生产设备。在总裁的带领下,公司司正在稳步发展,未来的的欣意公司必必将在电缆行业掀起一场空前风暴。公司名称: 河河北欣意电缆缆有限公司公司地址: 河河北省石家庄庄市太行大街街759号邮编:0500000公司电话:866-311-680533166 6680531199公司传真: 886-3111-680115120 03 Comppany IInstruuctionnsThe Hebbei Jooy Sennse Caable CCo., Ltd, locatted inn Shijjiazhuuang HHigh-TTech DDeveloopmentt Zonee, is thhe larr
20、gest indusstriall basee inveested by thhe Anhhui Jooy Sennse Caable CCo., Ltd. Its also an emmphasiis atttractiing innvestmment pprojecct to the SShijiaazhuanng Munnicipaal Govvernmeent inn 20122.The Hebeii Joy Sensee Co., Ltd wwas esstabliished in Maarch oof 20112,witth a rregisttered funnd of 100
21、mmillioon Chiinese Yuan. The eentiree facttory ccover an arrea off 20000 mu(3229 acrres),iis dessignedd to be coonstruucted into threee phasses. AAn amoount oof 2.55 billlion YYuan wwas innvesteed intto thee firsst phaase, with an arrea off 700 mu(1115 acrres),iincludding 6600 mu(999 acrees) foor fa
22、cctory builddings and 1100mu (16 aacres) for officce buiildinggs, woorkstaationss for acadeemiciaans annd expperts and aancilllary ffaciliities.Currenttly, TThe fiirst pphase of thhe prooject has bbeen pput innto opperatiion, SStage the ccompannys pproduccts arre maiinly in thhe low-vvoltagge alumii
23、num powerr cablles, The ffuturee willl produuce speciial high-voltaage caables, miniing caables, nucllear aand auutomottive cablee harneesses, wiree, etcc.The commpany has dozenns of peoplle managgementt and reseaarch sstaff . HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Under tthe leeadersship oof CEOO, Thee compp
24、any iis steeadilyy deveelopinng , The Jooy Sennse in tthe caable iindusttry wiill seet offf an uunpreccedentted sttorm.Companyy: HEBBEI JOOY SENNSE CAABLE CCO.,LTTD.Addresss: No.759, Taihaang Sttreet, Highh-Techh Induustriaal Devvelopmment ZZone, ShijiiaZhuaang Ciity,Heebei PProvinnce ,CChinaPostal
25、Code: 0500000Tel: 866-311-680533166 680533199Fax: 866-311-6801551201.0 适适用范围Sccope1.1 总则GGeneraal1.1.1 本质量手手册(简称称手册)依依据ISO99001:22008质质量管理体系系要求标标准,结合本本公司实际情情况编写。This Maanual is crreatedd basee on IISO90001:20008, Coombinee withh the condiition of Jooy Sennse.1.1.2 本手册是向顾顾客及有关方方面证实本公公司有能力稳稳定地提供满满足顾客和
26、适适用的法规要要求的产品。This maanual is too conffirm tthat oour coompanyy is eequippped too provvide tthe prroductts whiich coomply with the ccustommer reequireement and tthe laaw.1.1.3 通过质量体系系的有效运作作,包括对体体系的持续改改进和保证顾顾客与适用的的法规要求而而达到顾客满满意。Throughh the exerttion oof thee quallity ssystemm, inccludinng thee contti
27、nuall imprrovemeent annd enssures to coomply with the rrequirrementt of ccustommer annd laww to aachievve cusstomerr satiisfacttory.1.2 应用用appliicatioon本手册适用于河河北欣意电缆缆有限公司稀稀土高铁铝合合金电力电缆缆的生产和销销售过程管理理,也适用于于第二方对本本公司质量保保证能力和第第三方质量体体系审核。因本公司的产品品按国家和企企业标准及客客户要求生产产,不存在新新产品的开发发设计,故决决定对7.33中有关产品品设计和开发发的条款进行行删减
28、。This maanual is appplicaable ffor thhe prooductiion annd salle of Rare-EEarth High-Irron Aluminnum Alloyy Poweer Cable in Hebbei Jooy Sennse Caable CCo., LLtd. and aalso aappliccable for ccustommers aand thhe thiird paarty aaudit.Becausee the produucts aaccordding tto nattionall and corpoorate stan
29、ddards and custoomer rrequirrementts , we ddont have the ddesignn for new pproduccts, sso thaat we delette thee itemms of desiggn andd deveelopmeent foor prooductss in 77.3. 2.0 引用用标准Quooted sstandaard2.1 引用用标准Quooted sstandaard2.1.1 IISO90000:20005质量管管理体系 基础和术语语ISO90000:20055 Quallity MManageement
30、SysteemFFundammentalls andd vocaabularry2.1.3 ISO90004:20000质量管管理体系业绩改进指指南。ISO90044:20000 Quualityy Manaagemennt SysstemGuiddelinees forr perfformannce3.0 术语语和定义teerm annd deffinitiion本质量手册采用用ISO90000:20005标准中的术术语和定义。This quualityy manuual addopts the tterm aand deefinittion oon ISOO9000:2005 standd
31、ard4.0 质量量管理体系QQualitty Mannagemeent Syystem4.1 总要要求Geneeral rrequirrementts本公司依据ISSO90011:20088标准建立质质量管理体系系,形成文件件,加以实施施和保持,并并持续改进其其有效性。本本公司确保按按照下列要求求策划和管理理质量管理体体系过程:Our commpany estabblishees doccumentts, immplemeents aand maaintaiins annd impprovess the qualiity maanagemment ssystemm, in accorrdan
32、cee to tthe ISSO90011: 20008 .Our ccompanny plaan andd manaage quualityy systtem ass folllows:确保可以获得得必要的资源源和信息,以以支持这些过过程的运作和和对这些过程程的监视、测测量;见6.0“资源的的提供”。Confirmm to aacquirre thee neceessaryy resoource and iinformmationn to ssupporrt thee operrationn and monittor meeasuree and analyyze thhese pproces
33、sses监视、测量和和分析这些过过程;Monitorr meassure aand annalyzee thesse proocessees. 实施必要的措措施,以实现现对这些过程程所策划的结结果和对这些些过程的持续续改进。Implemeent neecessaary acction to acchievee plannned rresultts andd conttinuall imprrovemeents.确保对外包过过程的控制并并不免除本公公司满足顾客客和法律法规规要求的责任任。本公司对对外包过程控控制的类型和和程度将会考考虑下列因素素影响:Ensure the ccontrool of
34、 proceess ouutsourrcing and nnot exxempt from the ccompannys rresponnsibillity tto meeet cusstomerrs annd lawws reegulattory rrequirrementts. Ass to tthe tyype off outssourciing prrocesss conttrol aand exxtent, the compaany wiill coonsideer thee folllowingg facttors:外包过程对本本公司提供满满足要求的产产品的能力的的潜在影响;Out
35、sourrcing proceess haas pottentiaal imppacts on thhe abiility of prrovidiing prroductts thaat meeet thee requuiremeents;对外包过程控控制的分担程程度;Share rresponnsibillity aand deegree for tthe ouutsourrcing proceess coontroll通过应用7.4条款实现现所需控制的的能力。We willl conttrol iit acccordinng to the 77.4 Teerms.4.2 文件件要求Docc
36、umentt reqquiremments职责respoonsibiility管理者代表领领导文件和质质量记录的管管理工作;MR leadds thee manaagemennt of documment aand reecord.经管处文控中中心归口管理理文件和质量量记录的档案案管理;归口口图样和技术术文件的档案案管理。DCC is chargge forr the managgementt of ddocumeent, qqualitty reccord, drawiing annd tecchnoloogy doocumennt.4.2.1 总则Geneeral本公司质量管理理体系文件是
37、是质量管理体体系运行的依依据,共包括括四个层次的的文件:The quaality managgementt docuument is thhe rulle forr execcutionn of qqualitty mannagemeent syystem and iincluddes 4 levell docuumentss.1 第一层层次文件质质量手册LLevel11Qualiity Maanual本手册系统描述述了本公司质质量管理体系系的基本情况况,其中包括括:This maanual descrribes the bbasis of ouur quaality systeem, inn
38、cludiing:公司的质量方方针、质量目目标;公司的的组织结构;Qualityy poliicy, qqualitty goaals annd commpany organnizatiions;与质量有关的的管理人员及及部门的职责责、权限;The ressponsiibilitty, auuthoriity off relaated ddeparttment;质量管理体系系总体要求和和范围,包括括任何删减的的细节与合理理性;Qualityy manaagemennt sysstem rrequirrementt and scopee, inccludess the reducce detta
39、ils and cconforrmity;为质量管理体体系编制的形形成文件的程程序或对其引引用;The proocedurre forr the systeem 质量管理体系系过程之间的的相互作用的的表述,体系系及产品实现现过程的持续续改进。Represeentatiion off inteeractiion beetweenn quallity mmanageement systeem proocess and ccontinnue reevisinng of systeem andd prodducts reallizatiion prrocesss.2 第二层层次文件程序文件:是规定过程
40、程的质量控制制活动出现的的公司法规性性文件。为确保本公司质质量管理体系系和产品实现现过程的持续续改进、,针针对三大过程程的各个具体体过程,本公公司编制了程程序文件并进行控制。一一个文件可包包括一个或多多个程序的要要求。一个形形成文件的程程序的要求可可以被包含在在多个文件中中。Level 22PPrograam fille: itt is tthe doocumennt useed to contrrol quualityy actiivity.In ordeer to ensurre thee conttinuall imprrovemeents oof ourr quallity mmana
41、geement systeem andd prodducts reallizatiion prrocesss, aimmed att 3 maajor pprocessses, we haave esstabliished proccedurees andd conttrol. One ddocumeent caan incclude one oor morre proocedurre reqquiremments. One requiiremennt cann be wwritteen in severral doocumennts.3 第三层层次文件作作为程序文件件的补充,是是针对具体质质
42、量活动和操操作进行描述述和规定的详详细作业文件件。包括有作作业指导书、机机器操作规程程、检验规范范、相关标准准和适当的外外来文件等。Level 33 docuumentss tthe suupplemment oof thee procceduree, is the wwork iinstruuctionn to sspeciffic quualityy actiivity. Incllude ooperattion iinstruuctionn, worrk floow, innspecttion iinstruuctionn, rellated standdards and aapprop
43、priatee foreeign ddocumeents.4 第四层层次文件质量记录:是所有过程程的记录。Level 44 docuumentquaality recorrd: alll proocess recorrds.4.2.2 质量手册Quaality manuaal1 总则GGeneraal质量手册是是本公司质量量管理体系纲纲领性的文件件,旨在实现现本公司的质质量方针和质质量目标。质质量手册的内内容参见1Qualityy manuual iss the generral doocumennt of qualiity maanagemment ssystemm, andd
44、 aimss at aachievving tthe quualityy poliicy annd quaality objecctive. Refeer to 2 质量管管理手册的管管理The managgementt of qqualitty mannual经管处文控中心心是质量手手册的归口口管理部门,负负责编制、审审核、批准、发发放、使用和和修订等环节节的管理和控控制。DCC is the mmanageement deparrtmentt for qualiity maanual and iis chaarged of thhe esttablisshing, apprroved, d
45、eliivery, and use, modiffied oof thee quallity mmanuall. 4.2.3 文件控制DDocumeent coontroll1 为保证证本公司质量量体系的有效效运行,对与与质量管理体体系要求有关关的文件必须须进行控制,以以确保文件的的适宜性以及及所有工作场场所都能使用用有效版本。 In ordeer to confiirm thhe exeecutioon of our qqualitty sysstem eeffecttivelyy, we shoulld conntrol the rrelateed doccumentts aboout t
46、hhe quaality managgementt systtem ,sso thaat enssure tthe suuitabiility of doocumennts annd alll the work areass can have approopriatte doccumentts in placee. a) 文件的批批准The approoved ffor thhe doccumentt 所有文件发发布前,须由由授权人审批批,以确保其其适宜性;All thee docuumentss shouuld bee apprroved beforre beiing puublishhed
47、. 质量手册由由总经理批准,程程序文件由管管理者代表批批准;Qualityy manuual iss apprroved by GM, Proocedurre is approoved bby MR. 第三层次文文件可根据性性质不同由部部门负责人审审批;必要时时由公司主管管领导审批。Level 33 docuument can bbe appprovedd by rrelateed deppartmeent acccordiing too its charaacterss; if necesssary approoved bby commpany leadeer.b) 文件的的评审Thee r
48、eviiew off docuument公司质量管理体体系一、二层层次文件发布布运行后,在在适当时期内内,应收集文文件执行情况况的信息,对对其可操作性性和有效性进进行评审,必必要时根据本本节d)条进进行更改并再再次得到批准准。After tthe leevel 11and llevel 2 doccumentts werre pubblisheed, inn the appreeciatee timee, thee comppany sshouldd colllect tthe exxecutiion innformaation and rrevieww the operaabilitty a
49、ndd effeectiveeness, if nnecesssary wwe cann modiify thhe doccumentt accoordingg to iitem dd) andd get the aapprovval.通过文控中心填填写的受控控文件清单等等,识别文件件的现行有效效和修订状态态。We indeentifyy the versiion thhroughh conttrol ddocumeent liist byy DCC.c) 文件的管管理 Thee manaagemennt of documment受控文件(包含含外来文件、技技术文件)由由文控中心负负责管理,文
50、文件发布前应应经授权人员员批准,发放放时进行标识识,以确保:Controllled ddocumeents (incluuding foreiign doocumennts, ttechnoology documments) are contrrolledd by DDCC. TThe doocumennt shoould bbe appprovedd by rrelateed peoople bbeforee beinng pubblisheed. AAnd wee shouuld laabel tthe doocumennt in orderr to:公司各使用场所所都能得到有有效版本;A
51、ll plaaces sshouldd get the ccorrecct verrsion documment.文件保持清晰、易易于识别和检检索;The doccumentt shouuld bee keptt cleaarly aand eaasy too recoognizee and reseaarch.质量管理体系所所需的外来文文件得到识别别和分发得到到控制; The forreign documment sshouldd be iidentiified and ccontroolled.及时从发放和使使用场所撤回回失效或作废废的文件,防防止错用、误误用;Call baack thh
52、e oldd verssion ddocumeent inn timee.若为标准要求、法法律要求或积积累知识需要要保留已作废废的文件,在在保留的文件件上标识“XX”并隔离存存放。文控中中心应至少保保存一份作废废的受控文件件,并按规定定确定其保存存期限。Becausee of tthe deemand of thhe staandardd, laww or tthe acccumullationn of kknowleedge, we shhould stampp the “X” on the ddocumeent annd stoorage in otther pplace. DCC sho
53、ulld keeep onee lastt verssion aat leaast annd keeep it as thhe rulle.d) 文件的更更改The modifficatiion off docuumentss 本公司文件的更更改应处于受受控状态:the moddify oof ourr docuument shoulld be contrrolledd.1)文件的更改改由编写部门门填写更改申申请,并经批批准后实施;The moddificaation of doocumennts shhould be apppliedd by tthe reelatedd depaartme
54、nnt andd execcute aafter beingg apprroved.2)文件的更改改由该文件的的原审批部门门或授权人进进行审批,若若情况变化,当当授权其他部部门或人员进进行更改、审审批时,该部部门或人员应应获得原审批批依据的有关关背景资料。The moddificaation of doocumennts shhould be reevieweed by the ooriginnal deepartmment oor thee authhorizeer. Iff the situaation is chhangedd, anyy otheer deppartmeents mmo
55、difyy the documment; the rrelateed peoople sshouldd get the bbackgrround inforrmatioon of this documment ffrom tthe orriginaal deppartmeent.3)手册附件内内容的变更,不不做改版变更更,但要在修修改记录中明明确备注。If the appenndix oof thee manuual iss channged, we doont cchangee the versiion, bbut wee shouuld reemark it onn the changge
56、 reccord.4.2.4 质量记录的控制Thee conttrol oof quaality recorrd1本公司实施施质量记录控控制的目的在在于管好质量量记录,以确确保为完成的的活动和达到到的结果提供供客观证据。质质量记录的标标识、贮存、检检索、保护、保保存期和处置置按记录控控制程序执执行。The purrpose of reecord contrrol iss to mmanagee the recorrd welll, soo thatt we ccan prrovidee objeectivee eviddence to thhe rellated activvity aand
57、reesult. The identtificaation, storrage, searcch, prrotecttion, retenntion periood andd disppositiion shhould be exxecuteed acccordinng to recorrd conntrol proceedure.质量记录的保存存期限应至少少满足顾客和和法律法规的的要求,具体体参考记录录控制程序中中记录保存期期限的规定。 The rettentioon perriod oof thee quallity rrecordd shouuld att leasst commply
58、wwith tthe cuustomeer andd laws reqquiremment. Referr to “recorrd conntrol proceedure”.2 支持性性文件Suppport documments文件控制程序序Docuument contrrol prroceduure 记录控制程序序 Reccord ccontrool proocedurre 5 .0 管管理职责Maanagemment rresponnsibillity 5.1管理承诺诺Managgementt prommise总经理通过以下下活动对其建建立、实施和和持续改进质质量管理体系系的承诺提供供证据
59、:GM provvides the eevidennce abbout tthe prromisee of ssettinng up, execcutingg, conntinuaal impprovinng of qualiity maanagemment ssystemm throough tthe beelow aactiviity.5.1.1 向向组织传达满满足顾客和法法律、法规要要求的重要性性。Convey the iimporttance of saatisfyying ccustommers, law aand reegulattion.5.1.2总经经理负责制定定和批准公司司的
60、质量方针针和质量目标标。GM is iin chaarge oof esttablisshing and aapprovving tthe quualityy poliicy annd quaality objecctive.5.1.3总经经理按计划的的时间间隔主主持管理评审审,执行管管理评审控制制程序。GM orgaanizess the managgementt reviiew acccordiing too the requiire tiime, aand exxecutee manaagemennt revview ccontrool proocedurre. 5.1.4 总总经理管确
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