1、CarData ,Derivedfromsimplehierarchical(层的) , this database may useful for testing constructiveMarko MarkoBohanec(marko.bohanec Blaz Zupan (blaz.zupan DataSetCarEvaluation Database was derived from a 的) moriginallydevelopedCarData ,Derivedfromsimplehierarchical(层的) , this database may useful for test
2、ing constructiveMarko MarkoBohanec(marko.bohanec Blaz Zupan (blaz.zupan DataSetCarEvaluation Database was derived from a 的) moriginallydevelopedthedemonstrationDEX,M.Bohanec,V.Rajkovic:Expertsystem Sistemica 1(1), pp. 145-157, 1990.). The mforevaluates according to the following concept Data Set Num
3、berof 8Numberof :606-tedofWeb 6DataCAR car . PRICE overall . . buying buying . . price of the . TECH technical . . number of . . . . . . stos capacity lug_boot the of . . safety estimated safety of tributes are predin concept (CAR), the mlowercaseBesidesincludes three Everyconceptisheoriginal by a s
4、et ofconcepts: PRICE, TECH, relatedtoCAR car . PRICE overall . . buying buying . . price of the . TECH technical . . number of . . . . . . stos capacity lug_boot the of . . safety estimated safety of tributes are predin concept (CAR), the mlowercaseBesidesincludes three Everyconceptisheoriginal by a
5、 set ofconcepts: PRICE, TECH, relatedtoitslowerleveldescendants(les (for these les sets see Web CarEvaluationDatabasecontainslesthe six inputinformation removed, i.e., relates CAR attributes: buying, , s, lug_boot, Because of known underlying structure, this database particularlyusefulfortesting str
6、ucture discovery methods.AttributeClass unacc, acc, good, buying:vhigh,high,med,: vhigh, high, med, doors: 2, 3, 4, s: 2, 4, more. lug_boot:small,med,big. safety: low, med, high.RelevantM. Bohanec and V. Rajkovic: Knowledge acquisition and formulti-attributemaking.InlWorkshoponSystemsandtheirApplica
7、tions,Avignon,France.pages59-78,1988. Web LinkB. Zupan, M. Bohanec, I. Bratko, J. Demsar: Machine learning WebLink汽车评估数据集itionICML-97,:,RelevantM. Bohanec and V. Rajkovic: Knowledge acquisition and formulti-attributemaking.InlWorkshoponSystemsandtheirApplications,Avignon,France.pages59-78,1988. Web
8、LinkB. Zupan, M. Bohanec, I. Bratko, J. Demsar: Machine learning WebLink汽车评估数据集itionICML-97,:,来源Marko 1MarkoBohanec(marko.bohanec“ijs.si 2。 Blazblaz.zupan “” ijs.si )数据集信息1728面积N属性特征6日期捐赠1997-相关的任务缺失的值514056数据集 数据文件汽车评估数据库最初源于一个简单的层次决策模型为示范敏捷开发,mBohanecSistemica1(1),145157,145)。子集看到例子 (网页 ) )。,汽车评估数
9、据库最初源于一个简单的层次决策模型为示范敏捷开发,mBohanecSistemica1(1),145157,145)。子集看到例子 (网页 ) )。,属性信息:ovgood unacc :2、4。相:m.Bohanec诉Rajkovic:多属性决策的知识获取和解释。在8(网 5978,78b . Zupan(m . Bohanec Bratko,j . Demsar:机器学习功能分解。 icml - 相:m.Bohanec诉Rajkovic:多属性决策的知识获取和解释。在8(网 5978,78b . Zupan(m . Bohanec Bratko,j . Demsar:机器学习功能分解。 icml - (网 价格,
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