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1、Differences between Chinese and Western philosophies英语2班成员:吴秋红、闫赛祎、高洁依、郑典、谢蕊杰、崔曼Differences between Chinese anContentsThe definition of PhilosophyOrigin Development Chinese philosophyWestern philosophyConclusionComparisonContentsThe definition of PhilWhat is philosophy? From ancient Greek philosophi

2、a, consisting of philolos and Sophia, It means loving wisdom.Marx: Philosophy is the systematic world outlook and methodology.Feng Youlan: Philosophy is the thought of a systematic reflection of life.Mou Zongsan: All the activities of human nature, to reason and ideas to reflect on the philosophy is

3、.LuoSu: Philosophy teaches people not to be able to determine how to live and not to be hesitant. .What is philosophy? From ancThe origin of ancient Chinese philosophy中国古代哲学,最初是从原始宗教中逐渐分化出来的。早在原始社会(距今约170万年公元前2100年)就已经孕育着哲学的胚芽。原始人在自己的劳动中了解自然界,有了唯物论萌芽的基础。主要体现在阴阳五行的观念上。远在公元前1000余年,在农业和畜牧业发展的基础上,人们有了现在

4、、过去、未来的时间观念,称当今为“今”,过去的日子为“昔”,旬内之某日为“翌”,次旬之某日为“来”。同时为了区分土地,进行商业交通和军事征伐,人们也有了东、西、南、北、中五方的空间观念。在生产发展基础上,人们除了时空观念外,还产生了原始的阴阳五行观念。阴阳观念记载于周易。The origin of ancient Chinese 中国史学界比较一致断定:商(殷)代是中国历史上的奴隶制时代,尚书?商书?盘庚以后各篇和殷墟小屯发掘出来的甲骨文片,是中国最早的成文史料。,诗经?商颂说:“帝立子生商。”商代统治者自认为是上天的子孙,是代表上天来管理臣民的。周灭商时,周统治者宣称:“丕显文王,受天有(佑

5、)大命。”(大盂鼎)意即文王创立了灭商事业,是受天命保佑的,周天子是上天在天上的投影。庄子?天下篇也指出:这时期的哲学思想是“以天为宗,以德为本”。这道出了哲学同宗教、伦理的结合。但是这时的哲学思想,只是处在萌芽状态,尚未形成哲学学派,还没有建立真正的哲学体系,因而没有什么著名的哲学家。现在一般把中国传统哲学划分为七个阶段,即先秦子学、两汉经学、魏晋玄学、隋唐佛学、宋明理学、明清实学、乾嘉朴学。中国史学界比较一致断定:商(殷)代是中国历史上的奴隶制时代,The origin of ancient western philosophyEurope and even the whole weste

6、rn philosophy. The earliest ancient Greek philosophy genres school produces around 7 or before the 6th century BC, before this, the ancient Greek philosophy has a long gestation period. In a sense the ancient Greek philosophy is the premise of the ancient Greek myth, so to speak. The ancient Greek m

7、yth includes both the story of god and the legend of heroes. In the most ancient mythology, talked about the opening, the birth of the gods of heaven and earth, the origin of human beings, and so on.The origin of ancient western .In ancient Greece persons imagination, god and man is morphous gay, go

8、d has a persons image and feelings. In different places with god and man, is that they are never die, they are bigger and more powerful than man, and dominated the fortunes of the human destiny. Mount Olympus 12 main god is actually the embodiment of the forces of nature.In ancient Greece persons im

9、The development of Chinese philosophySpring and Autumn and the Warring Stases periods: A hundred schools of thought contend; Philosophical origin.Qin and Han dynasty: Strategy leading.The Wei, jin and Tang dynasties: Spiritual impact strategy.Song and Ming dynasty: Reconciliation and holy endeavour

10、to close.Qing dynasty: Invasions of foreign; practical learning.The development of Western philosophyPre-Socrates eraSocrates eraBelief ageThe discovery of man and natureUnited Kingdom modern philosophy; French enlightenment philosophy; German classical philosophyModern philosophyPost-modern philoso

11、phyThe development of Chinese phiChinese philosophy(天人合一)Harmony is one of the fundamental view of the Chinese ancient philosophy, heaven, nature, and man is appropriate. Emphasize three is the book of changes of heaven, earth and people making people the center, illustrates the importance of people

12、. Is the way of heaven everything in the beginning, to the way that all things, the way of people is that all things so the three earth have their way, but watching out for each other each other. The way of heaven and earth to generate, the way of people to obtain.“ Nature and humanity is the day an

13、d induction of relations between people. Chinese philosophy(天人合一)HarmonTaoist thought day is natural, the person is a part of nature. So this is the unity of nature and man because of so many rules and regulations of unfettered, makes people were separated from the nature of natural, get away from t

14、he nature. Therefore, to achieve harmony, must abandon those terms, will be released all their own human nature, fully integrated into the nature Reach the state with everything in the world. Taoist thought day is natural,Chinese philosophy in general lack of interest in cognition of things and reli

15、gious beliefs, and more than make public the human nature of things and intuitive wisdom. So, Chinese philosophy is more wisdom in life, rather than to the microscopic world to explore. Chinese philosophy has a profound cultural consciousness, and transcendence of reality.Chinese philosophy in gener

16、al Beyond the root cause is from the heart, is in the heart, not based on a specific things. So, Chinese philosophy in pursuit of inner beyond does not need external alms at the same time, also do not need to social reality. If people want to say, for example, the kingdom of heaven, that day countri

17、es in peoples minds, rather than in another world.Beyond the root cause is from Western philosophy(天人分离)Western philosophy initially put forward the proposition water is the source of all things.We dont have to get this proposition is correct or not, but at the same time puts forward another questio

18、n what constitutes everythin since then, the direction of the western philosophical exploration is the microcosmic world. Thus affected their cognitive habits, from microscopic to whole things. Western philosophy(天人分离)Wester At the time of service in Christian philosophy, thus make a lot of mistakes

19、 in science become entrenched, Bruno to human science is one of the very small example. But due to the pursuit of micro world, in the study of philosophy at the same time, make natural science such as physics has been long-term development. After the Renaissance, suspected of religion is more and mo

20、re frequent. Pay more attention to reality, oppose autocracy and centralization, required the liberation and freedom of thought. After this philosophy, more rational, logical and axiom. Through the dualism of fusion material view challenges atheism and other faiths. Face more problems from the begin

21、ning of the 19th century, philosophy, including social, political, economic, scientific, logical, and so on. Makes philosophy towards the diversification. At the time of service in ChrConclusion In a word, western philosophy from Greek philosophy began to pay attention to the world and human explora

22、tion, though midway controlled by Christian theology, but as a result of Christianity itself is also influenced by western philosophy, so that its philosophy is a democratic and scientific. While Chinese philosophy emphasizes mans repair for right from the start, the more people from internal began

23、to practice. So understanding of the world and Chinese philosophy from people, from peoples Angle for understanding of the world to explore.Conclusion In a word, western With the acceleration of globalization of todays society, the eastern and western philosophical thoughts touch intensifying, and i

24、ts performance is also every aspect. Two cultural differences between east and west, respectively, originated from two different types of philosophical views. To answer this question, is divided into two aspects. On the one hand is different, on the other hand is the same.With the acceleration of globaDifferences western philosophy from ancient Greece to emphasize dichotomy. Take individual as the core, rational and struggle as the main performance.The ancient Chinese philosophy emphasizes the unity of nature and its


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