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1、经典物理的困惑第1页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二1)Heat Radiation ( 热辐射) Experiment shows:火炉600度1000度400度 Radiation relates to temperature.第2页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二2)black body (黑体) black-body radiation (黑体辐射)抛光的铜镜表面吸收率:一般金属表面吸收率:煤烟吸收率: Let us construct cavity in a metal block, through the wall of which a

2、small hole is drilled. This small hole is called a black body. (a总=1) 如远处不点灯的窗若室内点灯(是自身辐射)第3页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二a)spectral radiancy (单色辐出度)The quantity M(T) is the rate at which energy isradiated per unit time, per unit wavelength andper unit area of surface for wavelengths lying inthe inter

3、val to +d at the temperature T.黑体a总=1 显然,它是波长和温度的函数 b) radiancy (辐出度)The appropriate quantity M(T) is the rate at which energy is radiated per unit time and per unit area of surface at the temperature T.第4页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二黑体a总=1显然,它是温度的函数.b) radiancy (辐出度)单位时间内从物体单位面积上所辐射的各种波长的总的辐射能,用M(T)

4、表示。第5页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二3) Studing black-body radiation experimentally equipment 实验装置AL1BPL2C黑体平行光管三棱镜测量系统第6页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二 The law about black-body radiation黑体辐射规律1. Boltzmarn law:J.StefanLudwig Boltzmarn constant

5、M0(T) depend only on the temperature and are quite independent of the material and of the shape and size of the cavity.第7页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二The law about black-body radiationb)Wien displacement law (维恩位移定律):: wavelength for peak valueT:absolute temperature火炉1000度2000度800度炉火纯青注意:以上两规律只适用于黑体,

6、对非黑体只 近似成立。第8页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二Exp. The sun is a black-body. Its wavelength fom peak valuem=5100A on the earth. Find the surface temperature and radiancy.例:太阳可以看成黑体,地球上测出其峰值波长 为 m=5100,则其表面温度和辐出度为多少?From Solve:第9页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星

7、期二4) Plancks Quantum Supposition普朗克量子假说 Plancks Radiation Formula 普朗克辐射公式 a number of capable physicists advanced theories based on classical physics, which, however, had only limited success.Example :1896, Wiens formula (维恩公式) Where C1 and C2 are constants that must be determined by the experimenta

8、l data.Wiens formula isnt fit to the experimental points at long wavelength.第10页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二1. formula瑞利-金斯公式1900年瑞利-金斯利用经典电动力学和统计力学(将固体当作谐振子且能量按自由度均分原则及电磁辐射理论)得到一个公式:C为光速K=1.38065810-23J/K波尔兹曼常数Rayleigh

9、-jeans Formula isnt fit the experimental points at short wavelength.这通常称为“紫外灾难”. 热辐射实 验第11页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二 Plancks formula 普朗克公式In 1900 Max Planck pointed out that if Wiens formulawere modified in a simple way it would prove to fit the dataprecisely. It is:constantk: Boltzmannsh=6.6310-3

10、4(js) is called Plancks constant.Plancks formula fit the data precisely.(n m)第12页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二普朗克注意到在过去的理论中,把黑体中的原子和分子都看成可以吸收 或辐射电磁波的谐振子,且电磁波与谐振子交换能量时可以以任一大小的分额进行,(从0到大)。普朗克当时大胆地放弃了这一概念,提出了能量的吸收与辐射只能按不连续的一份一份能量进行。1) The atoms that make up black-body walls beh

11、avelike tiny electromagnetic oscillators. An oscillatorscant have any energy but only energies given by is the oscillator frequency and h is a constant. Plancks Quantum Supposition:where n is a quantum number, 第13页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二 but only in “jumps”, or quanta. These quanta of energy are

12、 emitted when an oscillator changes from one to another of its quantized energy states. Thus, if changes by one unit, an amount of energy given by2) The oscillators dont radiate energy continuously, E = nhv = hv is radiated. 普朗克这一思想是完全背离经典物理的,并受到当时许多人的怀疑和反对,包括当时的物理学泰斗-洛仑兹。乃至当时普朗克自已也想以某种方式来消除 这一关系式。它

13、写道:第14页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二 In his words, “My futile attempts to fit the elementary quant of action (that is, the quantity h)somehow into the classical theory continued for a number of years, and they cost me a great deal of effort.” On the basis of his two assumptions, Planck was able to der

14、ive his radiation law entirely from theory, receiving a Nobel prize for this accom-plishment in 1918. 普朗克用他自己的两个假设,就能够完全根据理论来导出他的辐射定律。他由于这个成就,在1918年荣获了诺贝耳奖金。 普朗克是量子论的奠基人。量子论和相对论构成了近代物理学的研究基础。第15页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二Discuss:a)when hkT(high frequency 高频段)Wiens formula 维恩公式Let:第16页,共19页,2022年,5月

15、20日,18点3分,星期二Discuss:a)when hkT(high frequency 高频段)Wiens formula 维恩公式Let:第17页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二Exp. A mass- spring system has a frequency =0.5HZ and a spring constant k=3.0N/m and is osci-llating with an amplitude of 10cm.energy:a quantas energy:If n changes by unity, the fractional change in energy:The quantum number is : EX宏观看是连续的第18页,共19页,2022年,5月20日,18点3分,星期二E宏观看是连续的 Thus for large-scale oscillators the quantum numbers are enor-mous and the quantize


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