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1、.2017 年 12月英语六级考试真题及答案第一套 I 。 a a ia4 a a 1 / .4 58 a a b2 / . a 1a9 a a 3 / . a a c a c 1a a aa a 4 / . a a d aa 5 / . Part III Reading ComprehensionA a a a a 2a a a a aa a a a a 6 / . a A B a a a i a A a I a ? 7 / . : a Ia I Aa a a a a 8 / . a a a a Ia ia I i i i a i a i I i a a 9 / . t B a a a i

2、a A a I a ? g : a / . Ia I Aa a a a a a a a a / . Ia ia I i i i a i a i I i a a / . t Part IVTranslation Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage fromchinese into English. you should write your answer on answer sheet 2.太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖,占地面积 2250 平方公里,是中国第三大淡水湖,仅次于鄱阳和

3、洞庭。太湖约有90 个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。太湖以其独特的太湖石而闻名, 70 年代后期以来,捕捞鱼蟹对沿湖的居民来说极为重要,并对周边地区的经济作出了重大贡献。太湖地区是中国陶瓷业基地之一,其中宜兴的陶瓷厂家生产举世闻名的宜兴紫砂壶2017 年 12月英语六级考试真题及答案第二套 I 。 a a ia4 / . a a 4 58 a / . a b a 1a9 / . a a a a c a c 1a / . a aa a a a d / . aa A a a a a 2a / . a a a a / . a a a a a a a aa a a / . aa aa i a

4、a a a a .a a a a a a / .- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a c / . 2 2a a a a i t s/ a a a a a a a a a a / . a a a / . aa a a a .a a a a a 乌 / . a a / . a Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage fromchinese into English. you should write your answer on answer sheet 2.洞庭

5、湖位于 XX省东北部,面积很大,湖的大校很大程度上取决于季节变化,XX和 XX 两省因其与湖的相对位置而得名,XX意为湖的北边,而 XX则为湖的南边,在中的遗体。龙舟赛与洞庭湖及周边的美景,每年都吸引着成千上万来自全国和世界各地的游客。参考答案:Part I Writing 范文Seek to understand others, and you will be understood The enlightenment ofthis saying is not lost in our era but unwilling to understand others seems prevalent.

6、The implication of this message is that people can understand each other as long asthey try to do this first ; there are, in fact, many who get understood by others becausethey manage to understand others first.There are several factors to be taken into account when we agree on seek tounderstand oth

7、ers, and will be understood: One reason is that trying to understandothers can show your kindness to others. Other people would be thankful, so it iseasier for them to accept your ideas. On the other hand, it will let you think what otherpeople think so that you can get to know them better. Therefor

8、e, your ideas wouldhave a greater chance to be understood.When we seek to understand others, we elevate the goodwill and team-workspirit. There is a stimulative effect that kicks in when people share this spirit. Byseeking to understand others, we boost opportunity for fulfilling understandingbetwee

9、n each other. A / .1 a 2 B1 2 C1 a / . 2 a a3 Part III Reading ComprehensionSection A26. ipermitThe new marine reserve, now the largest in the Pacific, will no fishing or mining.该空考察 will 之后的动词原形,因此,结合上下句语境,不难得出该空为 permit;27. oterritoryThe tiny island nation has set aside 500,000 square kilometers-8

10、0 percent-of itsmaritime .该空考察 maritime 后的搭配,考虑到形容词后的搭配,不难得出该空考察 maritime后的名词为 territory;28. fexclusiveThats the highest percentage of an economic zone devoted to marine conservation byany country in the world.该空考察不定冠词 an后的搭配,同时考虑空后的 economic,可以得出 exclusive ; / .29. ccommercialby individuals and sma

11、ll-scale fishing businesses with limited exports该空考察 individuals 及 small-scale后的搭配,根据上下文语境可以得出,该空答案为 commercial;30. dcommunitiesIsland have been among the hardest hit by the threats facing the ocean.此处考察从句的主语部分,考虑前后文,可以得出Island communities;31. eessentialThe people of Palau recognise as to our surviv

12、al.Recognise as 后接该空出所问的这个大胆的一步所处的地位,essential一词为正确答案;32. gindependentPalau has only been an nation for twenty years and has a strong history ofenvironmental protection .此处考察搭配 an independent nationsponsorSenator Hokkons Baules, lead of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act, said.该提出现在句中的同位语处,因此,考

13、虑到这个人的身份,不难得出答案为sponsor;34.jsecureHelp build a future.该空考察搭配帮助建立.的未来因此,安全的未来符合语境,故选 secure;35. nstocksCall a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish an opportunity toreplenish. / .此处考察搭配 fish 后的搭配,因此给.一个补充的机会因此,该空答案为 fishstocks 鱼类;section B36 M Astronomer David Hogg doesnt th

14、ink scooping is as serious a problem asgenerally thought.37. Gsome researchers are hesitant to make their dada public for fear that othersmight publish something similar before them.38.D some psychology journals have offered incentives to encourage authors to haretheir data.39. A there is a growing

15、demand in the sience community that research data be openthe public.40. P sharing data offers early-career resarchers the chance to build a certain level ofreputation.41. CData sharing enables scientists to publish each step of their research work.thus leading to more citations.42. B scientists hold

16、 different opinions about the extent and timing of data sharing.43.OPotential problems related to data sharing should be made known to anddiscussed by all participants at the beginning of a joint research project.44.F sharing data and handling data-reated issues can be time-consuming45. Fjunior rese

17、arc hers may have no say when it comes to sharing data.Section c46.A47.D48.B49.A50.B51.D / .52.B53.B54.A55.APart IV TranslationDongting lake is a large , shallow lake in northeastern hunan province, china. it is aflood basin of the yangtze River. Hence the lakes size depends on the season . theprovi

18、nces of hubei and hunan are named after their location relative to the lake:Hubeimeansnorth of the lake and Hunan meanssouth of the lake . dongting lake enjoys agood reputation in chinese culture as the place of origin of dragon boat racing . dragonboat racing is said to have begun on the eastern sh

19、ores of Dongting lake as a searchfor the body of Qu Yuan, the Chu patriotic poet. Dragon Boat racing and the beauty ofDongting Lake and the surrounding area attract thousands of tourists at home andabroad each year.2017 年 12月英语六级考试真题及答案第三套 I 。 aa14 / . a a 58 a a / . b a 1a9 9. athey are thin, tall,

20、 and unlike real human beings.bthey have more than twenty different hair texturescthey have twenty-four different body shapes in totaldthey represent people from virtually all walks of life.10. athey do not reflect young girls aspirationsbthey are not sold together with the originalc their flat feet

21、 do not appeal to adolescentsd their body shapes have not changed much11. ain toy storesb in shopping malls.con the internetdat barbie shopsQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard12. a moveable metal type began to be used in printingb chinese printing technology was first int

22、roduce / .cthe earliest known book was publishedd metal type was imported from korea13. ait produced some 20 million volumes in totalbit helped the german people become literatc it was the biggest printer in the 16th century,dit had more than a hundred printing presses.14. ait boosted the circulatio

23、n of popular worksb it provided readers with more choicecit made writing a very profitable careerdit pushed handwritten books out of circulation15. ait accelerate the extinction of the latin language.bit promoted the growth of national languagescit turned translation into a welcome professin.dit sta

24、ndardized the publication of grammar booksc a c 1a 16. athey choose a job without thinking it throughb they become stuck in the same job for decadesc they spend an average of one year finding a jobdthey get bored after working for a period of time17. adecide which job is most attractive to you / .bs

25、ee if there will be chances for promotioncwatch a film about ways of job huntingdfind out what job choices are available18. athe pay you are going to getbthe qualifications you havecthe culture of your target companydthe work environment you will be in.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording y

26、ou have just heard.19. ait is a religious festival celebrated by afriean-amencars.bit is an ancient fesitival celebrated by afriean-amencars.cit is s cultural fesitival celebrated by afriean-amencars.dit is as important as christmas for african-americans20. ato call on african-americans to worship t

27、heir godsb to urge african-americans to do more for socitey.c to remind african-americans of their sufferingsdto help african-americans to realize their goals.21. afaith in self-determination.b the first fruits of the harvest,ccreative work and achievementd unity and cooperative economics22. athey t

28、ake a solemn oathbthey drink wine from the unity cupc they recite a principled they call out their ancestorsnames / .Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. a it consists mainly of various kinds of seafoodbit began to impact the world in recent yearscit contains large a

29、mounts of dairy productsdit is one of the worlds most healthy diets24. ait is regarded as one of the greatest researches of its kindbit has drawn the attention of medical doctors the world overcit was conducted in seven mid-eastern countries in the 1950sd it involved 13,000 researchers from asia, eu

30、rope and america25. athey eat foods with little fatbthey have lower mortality ratescthey use little oil in cookingdthey care much about their healthA a a a a 2a s / . a a a a a .B a a a 2 a a A / . a a -a a a a a a c / a a a / . i t a a a A a a a A a a a / .a sa a a a a a n a / . a a a a a a / . a a

31、 a XX湖位于海拔 3205 米、XX省省会 XX以西约 100 公里处。是中国最大的咸水湖,面积 4317 平方公里最深处 25.5 米,有 23 条河注入湖中,其中大部分是季节性XX湖位于跨越亚洲的几条候鸟迁徙路线的交叉处。许多鸟类把 XX湖作为迁徙过程中的暂息地,湖的西侧是著名的 / .鸟岛,游客们也来这里观看国际自行车比赛。参考答案 I s , a a a , . A1Section ALong Conversation 11、bthey facilitate the donation of unsold foods to the needy2、ait passed a law ai

32、ming to stop overproduction3、d it has banned supermarkets from dumping edible foods4、d it has banned supermarkets from dumping edible foodsLong Conversation 25、c it has just launched its annual anniversary sales / .6、bcoupons for customers with bulk purchases7、c credit it to her account8、dcompliment

33、ary tailoringSection BPassage 19、athey are thin, tall, and unlike real human beings.10、d their body shapes have not changed much11、con the internetPassage 212、a moveable metal type began to be used in printing13、c it was the biggest printer in the 16th century,14、ait boosted the circulation of popul

34、ar works15、bit promoted the growth of national languagesSection CRecording 116、athey choose a job without thinking it through17、athey choose a job without thinking it through18、bthe qualifications you haveRecording 219、cit is s cultural fesitival celebrated by afriean-amencars.20、dto help african-am

35、ericans to realize their goals.21、b the first fruits of the harvest,22、c they recite a principleRecording 3 / .23、dit is one of the worlds most healthy diets24、dit is one of the worlds most healthy diets25、bthey have lower mortality rates参考答案:26、 27. oterritoryThe tiny island nation has set aside 50

36、0,000 square kilometers-80 percent-of itsmaritime .该空考察 maritime 后的搭配,考虑到形容词后的搭配,不难得出该空考察 maritime后的名词为 territory;28. fexclusiveThats the highest percentagecoomc one devoted to marine conservation byany country in the world.该空考察不定冠词 an后的搭配,同时考虑空后的 economic,可以得出 exclusive ;29. ccommercialby individua

37、ls and small-scale fishing businesses with limited exports该空考察 individuals 及 small-scale后的搭配,根据上下文语境可以得出,该空答案为 commercial;30. dcommunitiesIsland have been among the hardest hit by the threats facing the ocean.此处考察从句的主语部分,考虑前后文,可以得出Island communities;31. eessential / .The people of Palau recognise as

38、 to our survival.Recognise as 后接该空出所问的这个大胆的一步所处的地位,essential一词为正确答案;32. gindependentPalau has only been an nation for twenty years and has a strong history ofenvironmental protection .此处考察搭配 an independent nationsponsorSenator Hokkons Baules, lead of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act, said.该提出现在句中的同位语处,因此,考虑到这个人的身份,不难得出答案为spo


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