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1、2008学年第一学期浙江临海市期末质量评估试题初一英语亲爱的同学们,当我们对这一学期的英语学习进行最后的评价时,春天已经悄悄地向我们走来此时,每个人心中都充满了期盼:期盼着更多的成功、期盼着更多的挑战、也期盼着自己能拿出一份满意的答卷!请你们认真审题做答,快快乐乐地完成一学期的收获! _一、听力(本题题有15小题,第第一、二节每每小题1分,第三节节每小题2分,共20分)第一节:听小对对话,请从AA、B、C三个选项中中选择符合对对话内容的图图片。A. B. C.1. Wheere iss Heleens bbackpaack? A. B. C. 2. Whatt doess Alicce lik

2、ke?A. B. C. A. B. C. 3. Whaats oon thee deskk?A. B. C. 4. Whenn is DDickss birtthday?A. B. C.A. B. C. 5. Whatt can Tim ddo?A. B. CA. B. C.第二节:听小对对话,请从AA、B、C三个选项中中选择最佳的的选项。6. Whatts thhe girrls nname? A. RRose. B. RRuse. C. Rosaa.7. Whatt fruiit doees Fraank liike? A. AAppless. B. Banannas. CC. Oraan

3、ges.8. Whatt clubb doess the girl want to jooin? A. TThe swwimminng cluub. B. The musicc clubb. C. Thee chesss cluub. 9. Whos thaat mann? A. MMikess fathher. BB. Mikkes ggrandffatherr. C. Miikes unclee.10. Whaat doees thee man want to pllay? A. BBasebaall. BB. Socccer bball. C. VVolleyyball.第三节:听长对对

4、话,请根据提问问从A、B、C三个选项中中选择正确的的选项,完成成信息记录表表。What too buy: _111_For whoom(谁): _122_What coolor: _133_What siize(大小小): _14_How mucch: _15_11. A. a shiirt B. a swweaterr C. a hat12. A. her sson B. her ddaughtter C. heer sisster13. A. yelloow B. blue C. bllack14. A. big B. smalll CC. nott big and nnot smmall

5、15. A. 8 $. B. 9 $ CC. 10 $ 二、单项选择(本本题有15小题,每每小题1分,共15分)请从A、B、CC、D四个选项中中选出可以填填入空白处的的最佳选项。16. Whhats this in Ennglishh? Itss _ oorangee. A. aa B. ann C. the D. /17. Whhere aare myy keyss? Look, theyyre _ thee flooor. A. oon B. in CC. undder D. tto18. IIs thiis youur wattch? - _. Itss his watchh. AA.

6、Yess, it is B. NNo, itt isnt C. YYes, tthey aare D. Noo, theey areent 19. WWhatss her name?Lily BBrown. _ iss her familly namme. A. LLily BBrownB. LiilyC. Brrown D. Mrrs Broown 20. Whhat doo you like for ddinnerr? II likee somee _ foor dinnner. AA. eggg B. hambuurger CC. peaar DD. chiicken21. Thiis

7、is my neew teaacher. _ namee is BBob Smmith. AA. My B. Your CC. Hiss D. HHer 22. _doo you like comeddies? They aare fuunny. A. Why B. Whhat C. Whhen D. HHow23. I wan tto joiin thee musiic cluub. Oh, caan youu _?A. playy compputer gamess B. play socceer CC. plaay cheess DD. plaay thee pianno24. DDo y

8、ouu wantt to pplay bbasebaall?No, itts _. Leets wwatch TV.A. inteerestiing B. rrelaxiing C. boriing D. eexcitiing25. Maarie llikes thrilllers _ she ddoesnt commediess.A. thenn BB. andd CC. or D. but26. -Whats youur _? - Yoou cann calll me aat 2899-91766. AA. ID numbeer B. pphone numbeer CC. adddress

9、 DD. e-mmail aaddresss27. Caan youu _ tthis nnoteboook too yourr mothher?-OK, Miss Greenn. A. taake BB. briing CC. buyy D. wwant 28. _-Yes, pleaase. II wantt somee banaanas. A. WWhat ddo youu wantt? B. CCan I help you? C. DDo youu havee banaanas? D. WWhat ddo youu buy?29. -_ Is tthis yyour bbackpaac

10、k? -No, iit isnnt.A. Sorrry. B. Niice too meett you.C. Exxcuse me. D. Hoow aree you?30. Leets pplay ssoccerr. _. A. YYou arre wellcome B. Thhank yyou C. Herre youu are D. Thatt sounnds goood三、完形填空(本本题有10小题,每每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌掌握大意,然然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中中选出最佳选选项。Hello, everyyone. My naame iss Lucyy. I 31 a

11、 studdent iin a sschooll. I llike pplayinng 32 , but II cant plaay it well, so II dont wannt to 333 tthe spports club. I caan plaay thee guittar, 34 I caan plaay it very well. I 35 siing, ttoo. II wantt to bbe in the 36 cluub. I like to siing 37 myy frieend. II wantt to bbe a 38 . What do yoou likke

12、? 39 cann you do? CCan yoou plaay thee guittar, tthe piiano oor thee drumms? 40 annd joiin thee musiic cluub. Leets pplay ttogethher(一起起).31. A. have B. ammC. liikeD. knnow32. A. socceer B. thhe piaanoC. thhe guiitarD. thhe vioolin33. A. join B. helpC. taake D. seee34. A. but B. orr C. thhenD. annd3

13、5. A. may B. doontC. caanD. caant36. A. socceer B. mmusicC. swwimminngD. chhess37. A. with B. onn C. frromD. too38. A. studeent B. teeacherrC. cllerkD. muusiciaan39. A. When B. Hoow C. Whhat D. Whhere40. A. Come B. Shhow C. Leearn D. Thhink 四、阅读理解(本本题有10小题,每每小题2分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中中 选出最佳选选项。

14、A Ice Cream2 for 1 .You can have two if(如果)Ice Cream2 for 1 .You can have two if(如果)you buy one. Please come with your friends.9 new flavors(口味) .Only $ 2 each. Time: 8:00 am5:p.m.Address: No. 205 King Street Soccer ball GameKing School VS Barton School Time: 6:45p.m.8:15p.m.Saturday, July 12th Tick

15、et: Adults(成人): $5 Age 1016: $ 2 Under 10 : Free Address: West Road Soccer ball Field.Sale!ThThe English Party!Do you like English? Do you want to speak English? You can come to our English party at Lilys house at 6:00 pm on Sunday, July 13. Please call Lily at 82319405 if you want to come.Come and

16、join us! 41. Wheen is the ssoccerr balll gamee? A. On JJuly 113. BB. On Sundaay. C. On Saturrday eeveninng. D. Onn Sundday evveningg42.Wherre is the EEnglissh parrty? A. AAt Lilly hoouse. B. AAt Wesst Roaad. C. Att No. 205 KKing SStreett. D. At BBartonn Schoool.43. Wheen cann you buy tthe icce creea

17、m?A. At 66:00 ppm. B. Att 6:455 pm. C. At 8:15 pmm. D. At 99:00 aam.44. Thee wordd “freee” meeans(意意思是)_. A. 半价 B. 免费费 CC. 价格面面谈 DD. 谢绝入入内43. If you wwant tto havve twoo new flavoors off ice creamm, youu needd to ppay (支支付)_.A. 18 ddollarrs B. 9 dollaars C. 4 dolllars D. 2 dolllars BDave iss an EEng

18、lissh boyy. He likess Chinna. Hee wantts to learnn Chinnese. Chineese iss diffficultt to llearn, but he thhinks he caan leaarn itt welll. Tomm is DDavess brotther. He liikes CChina too. He liikes CChinesse acttion mmoviess. He thinkks theey aree exciiting. “I ccant speakk Chinnese wwell. But II like

19、e Chinnese KKung FFu,” hhe tellls hiis Chiinese friennds. SSally is Daaves sisteer. Shhe is a spoorts sstar iin thee schoool. SShe caan plaay pinng-ponng verry welll. Heer favvoritee sporrt staar is Wang Nan.Cara iss Salllys ffriendd. Shee likees Chiinese chesss. Shee ofteen plaays Chhinesee chesss

20、on her ccomputter. SShe allso liikes CChinesse mussic. MMaria, Caraas siister, likees Beiijing operaa. Shee thinnks itt is iintereestingg. Shee thinnks itt helpps herr to llearn aboutt Chinnese hhistorry. Shhe oftten gooes too see Beijiing Oppera wwith hhis paarentss.46. Davve wannts too learrn Chii

21、nese, becaause(因因为) _.Chinesee is nnot diifficuulthe likees Chinaahe wantts to learnn Chinnese KKung FFuhe wantts to have Chineese frriendss 47. Whaat doees Tomm likee?A. Chinnese.B. Chhinesee musiic. C. Chhinesee chesss. D. Chinnese aactionn moviies.48. Whoo playys pinng-pinng verry welll?A. Davee.

22、B. Maaria.C. Saally.D. Caara.49. Marria thhinks Beijiing oppera iis _. A. ffun B. bboringg C. diffficultt DD. exccitingg50. Froom thee passsage (段落) wee knoww Davee has _. A. aa brotther aand a sisteer BB. a bbrotheer andd two sisteers C. aa coussin annd a ssisterr DD. a ccousinn and two ssisterrs五、

23、单词拼写(本本题有12小题,只只要答对100题就得满分分10分)根据所给中文提提示,写出空空缺处各单词词的正确形式式。每个空格格限填一词。 51. MMy _(光光盘) iss on tthe boookcasse. 52. WWhere is myy Engllish_(书)? 53. II havee an _(婶婶) inn Amerrica. 54. TTom _(有) a ggreat art ccollecction. 55. HHow muuch arre theese _ (西红柿)? 56. MMay iss the _(第五) moonth oof thee yearr.

24、57. TThe maan is _ (矮的),but hhe plaays spports well. 58.The speecch conntest is onn _(三月) 122th. 59. JJackiee Chann is mmy favvoritee _(演员员). 60. TThankss _(为了) thhe phooto off yourr famiily. 61. DDo youu ofteen_(跳跳舞)? 62. II wantt to bbuy thhe _(白色的的)sockks.六、选词填空(本本题有10小题,每每小题1分,共10分)仔细阅读下面文文章。从方框

25、框中选择正确确的单词填空空(注意大小写写变化)。ItIts the time of year again. 63 to Jennys Clothes Store. Have a 64 at our new clothes. We 65 them at a very good price. We have new T-shirts for 66 $15 each. Skirts are 67 sale for only$15. Do you 68 to have one? We 69 have great pants. How 70 are they? Only $ 20. Anybody ca

26、n afford 71 prices. Come and 72 for yourself at Jennys Store!see want only welcome sell our much look also on七、任务型阅读读(本题有5小题,每小小题1分,共5分)下面是校刊准备备刊登的五篇篇材料,请根根据这五篇材材料(73-76)中的的内容,为它它们找到校刊刊中相应的栏栏目,并把栏栏目编号(AA,B,C,)填入相应应的题号中。My father likes comedies. My mother likes documentaries. But I like thrillers. Th

27、ey are exciting. Found: notebookIs this your notebook?Please call Mary. Phone # 235-0285 73. I think hamburgers, French fries are not healthy. We cant eat them often. My father likes comedies. My mother likes documentaries. But I like thrillers. They are exciting. Found: notebookIs this your noteboo

28、k?Please call Mary. Phone # 235-0285 I think hamburgers, French fries are not healthy. We cant eat them often. Can you sing? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? Please join our club.76. Can you sing? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? Please join

29、our club.On weekdays, On weekdays, I play soccer, basket and ping-pong. On weekends, I swim and play chess. 校刊栏目: AA. Foood andd Heallth B. Faavoritte Movvies C. Lostt and Foundd DD. Lovve Spoorts E. Muusiciaan Wannted 73. _ 774. _775. _ 76. _77. _ 八、书面表达(本本题只有1小题,共100分)78. 林涛是是七年级的学学生,他想参参加学校的篮篮球俱乐

30、部。请请你根据下面面的图片和参参考词汇(可适当发挥挥),帮助林涛涛写一封自荐荐信给俱乐部部的负责人格格林先生。词词数:40-60(不包包含开头和结结尾所提供的的单词)。 have, two watch, games; have, two watch, games; exciting favorite, Yao Ming play, well;favorite, Yao Ming play, well; play with, every afternoon, Dear Mrr Greeen,Im a sstudennt of Gradee 7. _ Yoours, Lin Tao 在交卷卷以前请

31、你认认真检查一遍遍,好吗? 2008学年第第一学期临海海市期末质量量评估试题初一英语答题卷卷题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、听力(本题题有15小题,第第一、二节每每小题1分,第三节节每小题2分,共20分)123456789101112131415二、单项选择(本本题有15小题,每每小题1分,共15分) 161718192021222324252627282930三、完形填空(本本题有10小题,每每小题1分,共10分) 31323334353637383940四、阅读理解(本本题有10小题,每每小题2分,共20分) 41424344454647484950五、单词拼写(本题有12小题,每每小题1分

32、,只要做做10题即得满满分10分) 51._ 522. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _ 56_ 577._ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _ 61._ 622._六、选词填空(本本题有10小题,每每小题1分,共10分) 63._64. _ 65. _ 66. _ 67. _ 68_ 699._ 70. _ 71. _ 72. _七、任务型阅读读(本题有5小题,每小小题1分,共5分)73_ 74. _ 755. _ 76._ 777. _ 八、书面表达(本题只有1小题,共10分)73._听力材料第一节:听下面面5段小对话。每每段对话后有有一个小题,请请从题中所给给的A、B、C三个选项中

33、中选择符合对对话内容的图图片,并标在在试卷的相应应位置。每段段对话仅放一一遍。W: Wheeres my baackpacck?M: Its on the ssofa, Helenn. 2. M: Do yyou liike haamburggers, Alicee?W: No, I doont. But II likee Frennch frries.3 M: Whats thaat on the ddesk? W: Its a rruler.4 W: When is yoour biirthdaay, Diick? M: Myy birtthday is Appril 22nd.W: Ca

34、n you pplay tthe guuitar, Tim?M: No, but II can play the ppiano well.第二节:听下面面5段小对话,每每段对话后有有一个小题,请请从题中所给给的A、B、C三个选项中中选出最佳选选项,并标在在试卷的相应应位置。每段段对话仅放一一遍。6. W: HHow doo you spelll yourr namee?M: R-O-S-E, Rose.7. W: Does Frankk likee banaanas? M: Noo, he doesnnt. HHe likkes orrangess.8. M: WWhat cclub ddo

35、youu wantt to jjoin? W: Thhe mussic cllub. II likee singging.9. W: IIs thaat youur fatther ? M: Noo, hes my unclee, my fatheers bbrotheer.10. W: Letss playy vollleyballl. M: II dont likke vollleybaall. LLets play basebball.第三节:听下面面一段长对话话。请从题中中所给的A、B、C三个选项中中选择正确的的选项,完成成下面的信息息表。读白放放两遍。M: Can I hellp youu?W: Yes, I waant a sweatter foor my daughhter.M: Whatt coloor do you


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