



1、2019-2020年八年级英语上学期Unit 6测试题B班级:姓名:得分:开展性评语:I .听力(25分)(略)II .基础知识(35分)A.根据句意用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(10分)l.She said she(be) late for school.答案:was2.My little brother has been(watch) TV for three hours.答案:watching3.1 wish that there would be no(pollute) in the world.答案:pollution4.0ur teacher told us(stop) talki

2、ng in class.答案:to stop5.Mary told me she(play) the piano this evening.答案:would playB.按要求改写句子(10分).My father has been working in the factory since 1990.(对划线局部提问)答案: How long has your father been working in the factory?.Li Lei told me yesterday. Zhang Yining wins the Olympic gold medal for ping pong.(

3、合 成句子)答案:Li Lei said Zhang Yining won the Olympic gold medal for ping-pong.Her favourite sport is swimming.(用 like 改成同义句)答案:She likes swimming best.4.1 started to practice the guitar three hours ago.(改成含介词 for 的同义句)答案:I have been practicing the guitar for three hours.5.How long did you play soccer t

4、oday?(选出正确答案)A.Since I was tired. B.For four hours. C.In the morning.答案:BC.单项选择(15分).This kind of T-shirt looks and sells in the market.A. nice; good B. well; wellC. nice; wellD. good; nice答案:C.My father often tells me my classmates.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helps答案:B.The boy is very thirsty. Wo

5、uld you him some, please?A. get; eggs B. help; cakes C. bring; drink D. take; bread答案:C.My skirt is,so Id better to buy a new one.A. broke B. dirtyC. out of style D. nice答案:C.It9 s Mid-autumn Festival.moon is very bright.A.A B. An C./D. The答案:D 6.Tom, s parents are teachers.of them teach English. A.

6、 Either B .BothC. All D. Everyone答案:B.一 take off your coat, Liza. Its cold today.OK!A. Dont B. Cant C. Youd better D. Please 答案:A.Young man! If you late again, you9 11 lose your job.A. will be B. were C. are D. have been 答案:C.1 have been English since I was seven.A. learnedB. learnC. learning答案:C lO

7、.Excuse me. Read the dialogue louder, please.I hear you.A. wouldn91 B. neednt C. may not D. cant 答案:D.一 have you been running, Wu Bing?一For ten minutes.A.How soonB.How longC.How often答案:B 12.Would you please tell me next,Mr Wang?A.what should we doB.we should do whatC.what we should doD.should we do

8、 what答案:C 13.There are tomatoes and pork on the table.A.much;manyB.many;muchC.many;manyD.much;much答案:B 14.This story is much interesting than that one.A.manyB.someC.the most答案:D 15.My father has been teaching me French I was a child.A.whenB.sinceC.while答案:B in.完形填空(io分)D. learnsD.How fastD.moreD.for

9、Whitebridge was a small village, and old people often came and lived there. 1 of them had a lot of old things, and they often didn t want some of them because they were in a 2house now. So every Saturday morning they put it 3 ,and other people came and looked at it. Sometimes they took it 4 for they

10、 wanted it.D. learnsD.How fastD.moreD.forEvery Saturday Mr and Mrs Morton put a very old dogs head out at the 5 of their gate, 6 nobody wanted it. Then last Saturday, they wrote T m very lonely here. Please take me. ”7 a piece of paper and put it 8 the dogs head.They went to town, and came home in t

11、he evening. There was one more dog s head infront of their house, and there was 9 piece of paper on it. It said, “I was lonely, 10l.A.One 答案:C 2.A.smallest 答案:l.A.One 答案:C 2.A.smallest 答案:B 3.A.out 答案:A 4.A.out 答案:D.A.top 答案:C.A.or 答案:B.A.on 答案:A.A.in 答案:D 9.A.other 答案:B.EveryC.SomeD.AnyB.smallerC.b

12、iggestD.biggerB.offC.forD.asideB.careC.onD.awayB.doorC.sideD.lineB.butC.forD.whenB.ofC.inD.overB.ofC.offD.nearB.anotherC.elseD.othersB.tooC.alsoD.neitherW.阅读理解(20分)One evening, Mr and Mrs Brown with Mr and Mrs White were on their way home. It was very hot and they felt thirsty. They went to a restau

13、rant. A waiter came to their table and asked what they wanted to have. One lady said that she only wanted black tea. One of the gentlemen asked the other whether he wanted some sugar in his milk. Mrs Brown said that her husband and she didn t like beer. One of the Whites said she wanted coffee.Then

14、the waiter brought them a cup of black tea, a glass of milk, a mug(大杯)of beer and a cup of coffee.What did each of them want to have?阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分).They went to a restaurant because.A.they are hungryB.it was very hotC.they are thirstyD.both B and C答案:DMrs Brown wanted to have.A.a cup of black teaB

15、.a glass of milkC.a mug of beerD.a cup of coffee答案:AMr Brown wanted to haveA.a cup of black teaB.a glass of milkC.a mug of beerD.a cup of coffee答案:BMrs White wanted to have.A.a cup of black teaB.a glass of milkC.a mug of beerD.a cup of coffee答案:DMr White wanted to have.A.a cup of black teaB.a glass

16、of milkC.a mug of beerD.a cup of coffee答案:CBMr and Mrs Brown lived in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes Mr Brown came back home from work very late, when his wife and the child were asleep, and he opened the front door of his house with his key and came in very quietly.But one ni

17、ght when he was coming home very late, he lost his key, so when he got to his house, he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again. Again nothing happened. Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didn, t wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a f

18、ew seconds. Then he began to speak like a small child. u Mother! ” he said/41 want to go to the lavatory(厕所)! ” He spoke very quietly but at once Mrs Brown woke up. Then he spoke to her and she opened the door for him.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) (10分) l.The Browns lived far from London. 答案:FMr Brown rang the be

19、ll and knocked at the window one night because he came home late. 答案:FMr Brown said “Mother” like a child to wake up his wife.答案:TMrs Brown didn51 want his husband to come into their bedroom.答案:FMrs Brown woke up at once because she heard her husband say “Mother“ like her child. 答案:TV.写作训练(10分)帮助他人是一件快乐的事,请写一件你经历过的帮助别人的乐事,并谈谈你的快乐,80个 词左右。I am


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