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1、合肥市瑶海区2022年中考一模试卷英语注意事项:本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。全卷包括“试题卷”和“答题卷”两部分。请务必在“答题卷”上答题,在“试题卷”上答题无效。第一部分听力(共四大题,满分20分)I.短对话理解(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.每段对话读两遍。1. What did the woman borrow from her friend?2. Where did tliev decide to meet?A. Yellow.B.Red.mmC. Orang

2、e.1. What did the woman borrow from her friend?2. Where did tliev decide to meet?A. Yellow.B.Red.mmC. Orange.How will Mr. Snutli go to the party?C. On footC. Boiing.By bus.B. By underground.C. On footC. Boiing.What does the girl dunk about skatuig?Exciting.B. Dangerous.II.长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两

3、段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一 个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。Where is the new airport going to be built m the citvIn the south.B. In the north.C. In the west.When will tlie airport be finished?This suinniei.This Octobei.Next October.This suinniei.This Octobei.Next October.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。What

4、 is the weather like now?A. Cloudy.B. Rauiv.C. Sumiv.A. Cloudy.B. Rauiv.C. Sumiv.How did Lisa feel about die weather0A. Hopefill.B. AiigiyC. Excited.A. Hopefill.B. AiigiyC. Excited.lO.Whafs tlie relationship between the speaker0Father and daughter.Biother and sister.Father and daughter.Biother and s

5、ister.Teacher and student.m.短文理解(共5小题;每小题i分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。What does Kate want to do ill the passage?A To ask for help.To show tlianks.To make fiiends.What was life in die village like hi the past?There was almost no load to the outside world.There wa

6、s no enougli food for people to eat.There was no clean water for people to drink.What was Wang Yangs job before0A business man.B. A chemistiy teacher. C. A famous scientist.How did Whng Yang help people m the village to improve crop products0By clearing good natural environment.By inviting some scie

7、ntists to give lessons.By leadmg people to leain modem technology.How long lias Wang Yang been iii the village9A. For seven years.B. For six years.C. For five years.信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Choosing a friend : A good friend can help us 丄 6 Berns understandingHe

8、 alwavs tries ro understand each others 17. He is also a good 18.Being 19.He caii notice others good points.Being specialWe can share learning 20.and skills with each otlier.第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分)单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My mother took those newspa

9、pers off the table to make for tlie new computer.foodB. moneyC. roomD. positionThere are so many interesting places in Hefei, Rongchuang Park in Biiiliu.generallyB. especiallyC. finallyD. suddenlyPeter got die first place m the National Euglish Speaking Competition. He has piepaied for it since tlir

10、ee years一Thats great! Everything comes to linn who A. losesB. helpsC. waitsD. forgetsOui city has made great progress in the fight COVID-19 so far.A. oilB. forC. withD. against Steve is the only person tliar has the to complete rhe hard task. Yes. He is the bravest man I know.A. courageB. guideC. po

11、intD. excuseA. courageB. guideC. pointD. excuseIts not a good habit to oiir paients whenever we aie in trouble.A. pick upB. depend onC. come acrossIts not a good habit to oiir paients whenever we aie in trouble.A. pick upB. depend onC. come acrossOur hometown is becoming more and more beautifiil.I a

12、gree witli you. Iii fact, it a lot iii tlie past few yeais. A. cliangedB. will changeC. has changed一I dont know I can do it without your help. Take it easv. and I believe vou can do it.J漏D. look afterD. was changingA. whetherB. howC. whyD. whatA. whetherB. howC. whyD. what一Why is youi maths teacher

13、so popular m yoiu school? Because he is always full of problem-solving skills.C. stupidD. properprettyB. awfiilC. stupidD. proper r team failed m the fbotbaD match again. We support you,always have, always will!A Thars tnieB. Best wishesC. No wayD. Cheer up完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D

14、四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 ACliiiia has put iu place a new policy (政策)that young people are not allowed to play online video games more than three hours a week. The newask those who are under age 18 to play online games for no more thanone hour in the evening on Fridays, weekends and public holidays.Cliiiia is

15、the worlds 12_ video game maiket. The survey reported tliat about 63% of young people often play online games. And some of the are believed to play them for more than two houis a day on weekdays. Paients have 4_ for years about then childien becoming crazy about video games. In 2020, die government

16、also paid more attenrion to tlus because of die problems about the eyes among young people. The technology company Tencent Holdings begins to take action for young people now. Online game companies must _16一 they have necessaiy ways about tlie game time. Aiid those who break the rules will be _17一 .

17、 Many young Chinese gainers aie not 18 with the new rules. Paients. however, 19 diem. A hotel manager Li Tong believes the uev policy will be a good thing for liis 14-veai-old daughter. “NIy daughter uses her phone after dinner every day for one to two hours and its difficult for me or her mother to

18、 her, Li said. “We are happy that ourcountry really doessomething for our children 11. A. pagesB. problemsC. mlesD. liabits12. A. laigestB. simplestC. smallestD. least13. A. readersB. passengersC. guestsD. gamers14. A. acceptedB. worriedC.escapedD. compared15. A. foilingB. missingC. lisingD. moving1

19、6. A. drawB. refuseC. considerD. show17. A. orderedB. praisedC. beatenD. punished18. A. smularB. pleasedC. patientD. careful19. A. chooseB. changeC. supportD. require20. A. stopB. leaveC. checkD. encourageWhat do you tlunk of die pizza piepaied by a robot? Will it have a diffeienr taste? Will robots

20、 cook in the futuie instead of people?These aie questions that people are asking as some _21 一 test food-piepaiation robots. A company m America called Zone is _22_ macliiiies that make pizza. The pizza comes out die same each time. Zone says the robots work _23_. It saves a lot of time. And more mo

21、ney can be spent on many kinds of foods thecompany does not need to pay the robots. And it _25_ that they aie successful.The part for tlie companys success is: How does the pizza taste0 Some customers liave bought the robot-made pizza. Most of tliem like its 27. “Its delicious. Its always hot and fr

22、esh when it comes. I think it sgreat tliat tliev are making it.”The company says the scientists aie _28一developing robots, so people can get better food faster. But whatabout the _29_ die robots are taking from humans9 Alex Garden, the boss of Zone,thinks there will be more =30=jobs for humans to do

23、 when the robots begin doing some of the boring work.21. A. cooksB. workersC. scientistsD. nianageis22. A. repairingB. testingC. breakingD. washing23. A. slowlyB. wiselyC. quicklyD. lielpfiilly24. A. becauseB. soC. whileD. although25. A. makes upB. turns outC. calls onD. puts off26. A. fiistB. lastC

24、.realD. key27. A. tasteB. shapeC. colorD. size28. A. sometimesB. haidlvC. stillD. seldom29. A. secretsB. jobsC. toolsD. prizes30. A. tiringB. lnterestmgC. surpnsingD. moving第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其屮有两个为多余选项。A: Hi,Lucy. Where were you at lunchtune? I was look

25、ing for you in the duiuig hall. B: Oh, sony. I missed you.A: I see. Because the exams are coming up.B: Yes. After class there is always a group of students around the teacher. A: No.B: Dont worry, Tom. 34 You liave enough tune to work them out.A: Luckily I dont need to spend much time on otliei. sub

26、jects. I can pay more attention to maths.does well in niarhs but lus English is poor. can work together!A: Good idea! Let s go and find him.Why not join a team9Aie you ready for the exams?I cant wait to read the book.D Can you borrow me the notebooks?I vas ui tlie teachers office asking questions.Th

27、eres still one month to go before the examNfv maths problems are really giving me a big headache.VIII.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The Little MermaidThe Little Mermaid is a symbol 征)of Copenhagen Denmark. It sits on a rock in tlie harboi (海湾).It is a character (人物)in the

28、story The Little Mermaid by Haiis Andersen. It was presented to public on 23 August,1913. And rhere are many tourists taking photos witli rhe Little Mermaid every year.The Taj MahalAs one of tlie Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal is a treasure of India. It is considered tlie finest example o

29、f Mughal building stylea mix of Indian. Persian and Islanuc styles.Niagara Falls State ParkThe oldest state park in America, open year-round,brings you closer than you ever thought possible to tlie power of the Falls. The best area to see the American Falls and Rapids is tlie Prospect Point. It is a

30、lso home to the Visitors Service Center. Niagara Adventure Thearei; the Observation Tower and the Maid of the Mist.What call you do when you visit tlie Little Mermaid?Take photos with it.B Swim in tlie liaibor.C. Eiyoy ancient buildings.D. Listen to a story.Which is the best place to see the Auieiic

31、aii Falls and Rapids?The Maid of the Mist.The Prospect Point.C The Niagara Adventure Theater.The Observation Tower.What can we learn from die text9Tourists can see the Taj Malial fiom the outside. B The Tcy Mahal is die finesr example of Islamic styles.Niagaia Falls State Park is the oldest paik in

32、the world.The character of the little Mermaid was created by Hans Aiideisen.BLast year ill April, a group of elephants started to walk noith from tlieir home in the wild in Yumian. They quickly became stars and got a lot of attention from around the world.A teaiu of eight people were following the e

33、lepliants. They worked 24 hours a day,both on the ground and with drones (无人机).The team sliaied online some interesting moments of the elephants trip. The moments made people smile. For example, two baby elephants once fell down, and an adult (成年的)elephant had to use its long nose to help babies sta

34、nd. It was so cute* At another point, a sleeping baby elepliant was on its mother s back. It moved its body and legs in the a if. It seemed tlie baby elephant was dreaming about sometliing fiiiuiy.These elephants were so cute. Some reporters fiom other countries even came to Yuiuiaii. They got to kn

35、ow more about the elephants as well as the fiiendlv people there.No one knew why the elephants left home. Maybe they were looking foi better food. Maybe they were lost. Maybe they were just liaving a good time.What diiection did the elephants go for9East.B. South.C. Wfest.D. North.How did people get

36、 uifbnnation about the elephants trip according to the passage?Bv read mg rhe latest newspapers.By following the elephants all die tune.By watcliing tlie moments sliared online.By using diones to take photos of the elephants.What can we leani about tlie elephants?The adult elepliants took care of ba

37、by ones.There were more baby elephants in the group.The elephants left home for a better place to live.These elephants kept walking witliout sleeping.Vhats the best title of the passage?A. A Wonderful TripB. Elephants in the WildC. Travellmg ElephantsD. Reasons for TravellmgcIn China, there are 24 s

38、olar tenns (节7 () m a year. And there are six of them in winter. They are Begnuung of Winter,Light Snow. Heavy Snow, Wintei Solstice (冬至),Lesser Cold (小寒)and Greater Cold.Begimung ofWmter usually falls on November 7rh or 8th. After Beginning of Winter, most parts of the country* can start to expect

39、cold weatliei. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to liave a rest and spend tuiie with family. The noithem China celebrates Beginning of Winter as the “Small Spring Festival . People usually have dumplings oil that day.Liglit Snow usually falls oil November 22nd or 23rd and hea

40、vy snow usually falls on Decembei 7tli oi 8tli. When Wmter Solstice comes,it brings rhe shonesr days of rhe year and rhe longest mghts. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather yet. People often start counting “lime cold periods starting from winter solstice. Every cold period h

41、as nine days. People believe that after 81 cold days, spring will come. Gieatei Cold comes after Lesser Cold. And all Cliuiese aie ready to welcome the Spring Festival after it. Of course, a new round of solar tenns will start.How manv solai tenns are there in winter?A. 6.B. 12C. 18.D. 24.44.5Vhat d

42、o people do on tlie Begimung of Winter in the nonhern China*1They get up eailv aud go to work eaily.They usually have dumplmgs on tliar day.They welcome a new roiuid of solai teiius.They spend most of tlieir time with friends.What liappens when Wuiter Solstice comes?Many places can expect the warm w

43、eather.It brings tlie shonest days and die longest nighrs.All Chinese are ready to celebrate Spring Festival.There is usually heavy snow in most parts of China.What does the underlined word “it” mean in the last paragraph (段 落)?Light Snow.Heavy Snow.Lesser Cold.Gieatei Cold.Light Snow.Heavy Snow.Les

44、ser Cold.Gieatei Cold.Ou a Sunday mornuig, some paients aud their special-needs cluldien eii|oyed a tune of dancing. Altliough tliey didnt dance well, everyone wore a big smile. These families are part of Family of Luck. Ifs a support group for families with special-needs children.Family ofLuck star

45、ted ui 2000 in Taiwan. Cliiiia. It has given help to more than 150 families. When parents look after their special-needs children, theyll meet a lot of difficulties aiid they may feel sad sometimes. The group helps them a lot.Family ofLuck doesnt just help parents. It has classes to teach children l

46、iving skills. Family ofLuck wants families with special-needs cluldien to connect with common life. To make that possible, it holds different kinds ofactivities, like walking at the park and music festivals. It tries to call on more people to love special-needs children. Life is not easy both fbi sp

47、ecial-needs cluldren and theu paients, but they get help and suppon fiom Fanuly ofLuck. That makes them keep walking liappily.How did the families feel after dancmg9D. Bored.B. It looks after new babies for paients.D. It is a family that is always fiill of luck.Tired.B. Happy.D. Bored.B. It looks af

48、ter new babies for paients.D. It is a family that is always fiill of luck.What is Family ofLuck?A. It tnes to teach paients livmg skills.C. It helps children widi special needs.Why does Family of Luck hold different kinds of activities fbi special-needs children?A. To eucouiage them to love tliemsel

49、ves.To siippoi! them to go A. To eucouiage them to love tliemselves.To siippoi! them to go for conunon life.To help them learn from each other.D. To avoid meeting a lot of difficulties.To help them learn from each other.D. To avoid meeting a lot of difficulties.On June 17th. 2021. three Chmese astro

50、nauts (宇航员)went into space. They got into Tianhe,the main part of the space station, and began tlieir 3-month stay ui space.But what did they eat duimg tliis time? There were inoie than 120 kinds of foods on Tianhe,from Cliiiiese dishes, such as gougbao chicken, nee. noodles aud so on. Food expens (

51、专家)chose those foods carefiilly. Tlie foods were healthy,delicious aud could be kept for a long time.Experts also made weekly breakfast, lunch and supper menus for rhe astronauts. Before the astronauts set out, they did a survey and found out what the astronauts like to eat. The experts asked tlie a

52、stionauts to taste hundieds offoods and dnnks and chose tlieir favontes Tlien they made the astronauts everyday menus m space According to the survey, the Clunese astionauts like Sichuan food very much. And apples beat oranges to bethen favorite space fhiit. In the dimug area of Tianbe, tlieie is a

53、fridge! Isnt it cool?How long did tliree Clunese astioiiauts stay in space?For one month.B. For two montlis.C. For tluee montlis.D. For four months.What is the fluid paragraph mainly about0A How astronauts everyday menus in space come out.How many kuids of foods tlie astronauts liave ro tasre.Why ex

54、perts did a survey on dunks for astronauts.Wliat astronauts can eat for breakfast, lunch and supper.What is the puipose of the text?To get advice for astronauts on foods.To call for action of being astronauts.To collect diffeient kinds of space foods.To mrroduce tlie menus for astioiiauts.F阅读卜而短文,并用

55、英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。When I was a student m die uiuversity, I was doing a pan-time job at my umveisity Museum ofNatural Histoiy One day wlule worknig at the cash register (收银台)m tlie gift shop, I saw an old couple come in witli a little girl in a wheelchau.When I looked closer at tliis girl, I saw th

56、at she had no arms oi legs. She was almost set on lier cliaii. As the couple wheeled her up to me. I was looking down at the cash register. I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a smile. When I took the money fioin liei giandpaients. I looked at the girl again, who was giving me the cutest,

57、laigest snule I have ever seen.Suddenly, a strong feeluig hit me, because her smile gave me a new sense of wliat life is all about. She cook me from a poor uiiliappy college student and brouglit me mto her world, a world of smiles and love. That was ten veais ago, aud now I am a successfill busmess

58、man. Whenever I get down and tliuik about the troubles of the world. I always tliiiik about the lesson about life that the gill taught me.What did the writer see when he looked closer at the gill?(不超过 10 个词)Why did the writer tliuik a strong feeling lur him9 (不超过 15 个词)What does tlie writer always t

59、lunk about whenever lie gets down9 (不超过 15 个 i司) 第四部分写(共两大题,满分25分)IX.单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。Is tlie ride s (安全)enough foi a 5-veai-old child9Tom is enjoying lus food witli a knife and f (叉子).The cliildren 1 (笑)happily when they were watching caitoons.This job is not as

60、easy as it may a (显得).Wang Yapuig set many fust r (icl录)as a Chinese woman astronaut in space.X.书面表达(共1小题;满分20分)为了交流学习经验.学校英文报举行了一次以“Learn well and wisely”为题的征文比赛。假定你足 李平,请你用英语写一篇短文向校英文报投稿。内容包括:1)学习方法;U)个人感悟。注意:(1)同数 80-100;2)可适当增加细节,以使行文迮贯:13)文屮不能出现真实姓名及学校名称:4)短文开尖己为你写好,不计入总词数。Leani well and wisely


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