1、Free/Open Source Integrated Library Management Systems Comaprative analysis of Koha, PhpMylibrary and OpenBiblio Vimal kumarAsian School of Business TechnoparkTrivandrum16 November 20051Presentation will coverNeed for Free/Open Source software.What is Free/Open Source software?Features of free softw
2、areFeatures of open source softwareIntegrated Library Management System (ILMS)Free/Open Source ILMSKoha, PhpMylibrary and OpenBiblioFindingsSuggestions2Need for Free/Open Source softwareCost of commercial softwares is very highCommercial developers do not reveal the source code of their programs3Wha
3、t is Free/Open Source Software? Free/Open Source software is , software that users have the ability to run, distribute, study, and modify the program for any purpose. 4History of Free/Open Source Software1984 Richard Stallman formed Free Software Foundation (FSF). 1991 Linus Torvalds developed Linux
4、 1994 Red Hat (commercial Linux) company founded. 1998 “Open Source Initiative” was formed5Features of Free SoftwareGNU public license (GPL).Anybody can do anything with public domain works.73 % of free softwares registered underGPL Licencse.6Features of Open Source softwareHistorically evolved from
5、 free software.Open source grants 4 freedom (run, study, distribute and modify).Open Source Initiative License (OSI).Open Source has a copyright holder.7Integrated Library Management System(ILMS)“an automated library system that is capable of managing the operations of more than one basic library fu
6、nctions” -UNESCO8Modules of library processes in an ILMSAcquisitionCataloguingCirculation OPAC9Main objectiveEvaluation and examination of free/open source ILMS.To find a less costly and efficient library software.10Popular commercial ILMSName Appoximate PriceLibsuiteRs. 4,50,000LibSysRs. 4,50,000SO
7、UL Rs. 50,000Alice for WINDOWSRs. 3,50,00011Free/Open Source ILMSAvanthi Circulation SystemEmildaFireFlyKohaPhpMylibraryOpenBiblioWEBLISOpenILSPhpMyBibliGNUTECAPMBLearning Access ILSFireFly12KohaOpenBiblioPhpMyLibrary13License: The GNU General Public LicenseDeveloper: Horowhenua Library Trust, New Z
8、ealandOperating System: Linux, Windows. Programming Language: PerlFunctional Modules: AcquisitionCataloguing, Circulation, Serial ControlHome Page: 14Koha featuresweb-based OPAC, circulation and management interfaces, MARC21 and UNIMARC support, Z39.50 server, Online Reservations& Renewals, E-mail O
9、verdue Notifications. Virtual ShelvesBarcode Generator15Developer: Dave StevensLicense: GNU General Public License (GPL)Operating System: Linux, WindowsProgramming Language: PHPFunctional Modules: Acquisition, Cataloguing, CirculationHome Page: /16OpenBiblio featuresBarcode inputweb-based OPAC, circ
10、ulation and management interfaces, MARC support, Online Reservations& Renewals,Barcode GeneratorReport GeneratorInterface customization17Developer: Polerio BabaoLicense: GNU General Public License (GPL)Operating System: Linux, WindowsProgramming Language: PHP, PL/SQL, PythonFunctional Modules: Acqui
11、sition Cataloguing CirculationHome Page: 18PhpMyLibrary featuresweb-based OPAC, circulation and management interfaces, MARC support, CDS/ISIS conversionOnline Reservations& Renewals,Report GeneratorInterface customization19Methodology of the studySelection of free/open source ILMSInstallation and ru
12、nning the softwares entering sample dataData collection using a checklist Scoring of software performanceComputation of the performance of free/open source ILMS 20Data collection list 1. ACQUISITIONSelection of ItemsDuplicate checkingSelection of VendorsOrdering ClaimingReceiptingFund controlReports
13、 & statistics 2. CATALOGUINGRecording CreationDuplicate checkingRecord editingAuthority controlCataloguing copiesKey word/ thesaurus generationImport & export of data3.PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOGUENormal search Advanced searchSearch strategiesStatus enquiry Print provisionPrompts & Help massagesDispositio
14、n of retrieval dataInternet accessOther catalogue forms4.CIRCULATIONPatron & Items filesSetting parameters (Issue, return, renewal fees, fine etc)Issue and Return Fines & overdue noticeHolds & recallsReservationsRenewalShort term loansInterlibrary loansReports & statistics5 SERIAL CONTROLFund contro
15、lOrderingReceiptingClaimingBinding6.Management informationTools for the analysis of statistical information7.System maintenanceUser assistance (Manual/ literature)Security of records and filesUp- gradationCustomization21Scoring SchemeExcellent5Very good4Good3Average2Poor1Not available022Acquisition
16、Analysed dataSub-functionsScoreKohaPhpmyLibraryOpenBiblioSelection of Items400Duplicate checking300Selection of Vendors500Ordering400Claiming400Receipting400Fund Control400Reports & Statistics400Total 4032 (80%)0 (0%)0 (0%)23Cataloguing Analysed dataSub functionsScoreKohaPhpMyLibraryOpenBiblioRecord
17、 creation533Duplicate checking 300Record editing 433Authority control300Cataloguing copies424Keyword/ thesaurus generation433Export & Import Data343Total 3526 (74.29%)15(42.86%)16(45.72%)24Circulation- Analysed dataSub- functionsScoreKohaPhpmyLibraryOpenBiblioPatrons & Item files433Setting parameter
18、s (Issue return, renewal, fees, fine, etc.544Return544Fines & overdue notices434Holds & recalls334Reservations534Renewal434Short term loans300Interlibrary loans400Reports & statistics332Total 5040 (70%)26(52%)29(58%)25Serials Control: Analysed dataSub- functionsScoresKohaPhpMyLibraryOpenBiblioFund c
19、ontrol500Ordering500Receipting500Claiming 500Binding 500Total 2525(100%)0(0%)0(0%)26Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC): analysed data Sub- functionsScoresKohaPhpMyLibraryOpenBiblioNormal search 532Advanced search430Search strategies430Status enquiry555Print Provision340Prompt & help messages211Di
20、sposition of retrieval data240Internet access 555Other catalogue form430Total 4534 (75.56%)31(68.89%)13(28.89%)27Management of information-Analysis of dataSub- functionsScoreKohaPhpMyLibraryOpenBiblioTools for analysis of statistical information100Total 51(20%)0(0%)0(0%)28System maintenance faciliti
21、es- AnalysisSub- functionsScoresKohaPhpMyLibraryOpenBiblioUser assistance (manual/ literature)311Security of records & files433Up- gradation533Customization534Total 2017(85%)10(50%)11(55%)29Summary of FindingsFunctions/ sub- functionsScoresKohaPhpMyLibraryOpenBiblioAcquisition3200Cataloguing261516Pu
22、blic Access Catalogue (OPAC)343113Circulation382629Serial Control2500Information management100System Maintenance Total171011Total 173(78.63%)82(37.27%)69(31.36%)30FindingsKoha satisfies all the functional requirements of a library management system.Acquisition and serial control are not available in PhpMyLibrary and OpenBiblio.PhpMylibrary and OpenBiblio are suitable for libraries with small collection.Free/Open
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